Archangel Michael – “Angle of View” – August 30, 2013 – (English)

Archangel Michael – “Angle of View” – August 30, 2013 – (English)

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Good night, noble souls.

Today we will talk about the point of view, about your angle of view of
, of how they change according
to your angle of view and viewpoint.

During this your trip,
when you left the safe haven of your Creator and wished
to follow in search of new lands
in the beginning you were endowed with complete
, however, at a certain
of your path you encounter a
huge iceberg and you remained your trip around it, for this long period, continued
in circles around this big iceberg. Now, dear ones, it has fallen before your
eyes, you’ve seen it as just a tiny tip in the middle of a giant amount of
that compound the great ocean.
It’s not the iceberg that decreased
in size, dear angels, is rather the way you
now looking at it. Yes, now you see it
from above, from a privileged position,
before you were looking
from down. Try taking
an ice cube, that’s right, these ones
you put in your freezers, now maintain
a certain distance of this ice cube, maintain a certain
Now look at it a bit upwards
Did you see? Giant,
isn’t it? Distance yourselves from it. So tiny and
doesn’t even look more the monster you saw for seconds.
Ah, yes, I know that
there may be
those who ask:
Ah! But the rest of the iceberg, hidden under the  water?
Oh yes, under
the water” then it’s under your control, the immensity of drops has embraced
it and had it under control. (Smile).
Dear ones,
are giants, indeed, you can now
follow your trip, you came out of cyclical movement around this iceberg called
illusion, you can
make your way, certainly after this
long and
tiring journey, the only
place you will want to be is being again in the safe
of your Father, the Creator God, and have
you the certainty that He is waiting for each of you with open arms.
See you soon, we’ll talk more then.


Gabriel: Thank you, my Archangel brother.

Translation: Carolina Barisch
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