Gabriel – Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original do Montague Keen, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
on behalf of Jesus Christ, I am here in your company. My words will be few,
but no least important than those who I give to my beloved Veronica. I
recognize your work. It was presented to me short time ago and I thank for
being able to work and count on you this time. Do not stop doing all you can do
to prevent that dark forces take control. You are so powerful, my friends. If
you knew how …
on behalf of Jesus Christ, I am here in your company. My words will be few,
but no least important than those who I give to my beloved Veronica. I
recognize your work. It was presented to me short time ago and I thank for
being able to work and count on you this time. Do not stop doing all you can do
to prevent that dark forces take control. You are so powerful, my friends. If
you knew how …
here I leave my embrace of gratitude for all you do. There is nothing that can
stop this progress, Gabriel. Spiritual forces and higher beings who watch the
Earth decreed that. When I came here, at spiritual realms, were shown to me all
possibilities of disasters that could occur on Earth… But of course, they
also showed me endless times higher the chances of being avoided.
here I leave my embrace of gratitude for all you do. There is nothing that can
stop this progress, Gabriel. Spiritual forces and higher beings who watch the
Earth decreed that. When I came here, at spiritual realms, were shown to me all
possibilities of disasters that could occur on Earth… But of course, they
also showed me endless times higher the chances of being avoided.
I started the work, or rather, I continued because, throughout my life, my
heart pulsed for something: THE TRUTH.
I started the work, or rather, I continued because, throughout my life, my
heart pulsed for something: THE TRUTH.
won’t take more of your time, because this moment you should be preparing for
meditation [Note: April, 29 Meditation in the meditation room of the Sementes
das Estrelas Group] that you generously put in motion.
won’t take more of your time, because this moment you should be preparing for
meditation [Note: April, 29 Meditation in the meditation room of the Sementes
das Estrelas Group] that you generously put in motion.
love from your friend, who admires your work,
love from your friend, who admires your work,
Gabriel – Very touched. Thank you very much.
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas
/ Carolina Barisch.
/ Carolina Barisch.
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