Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
Please, dearones, read in the tune of this song:
Beloved Children,
That the blessings of Love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.
Beloved, the time really is of silence, internalize and value what most precious ye have in the heart.
Time to unite the heart with the mind, teaching to the thoughts the magic of the love and fulfillment. Time to perceive that the true treasures ye accumulate on Earth are your pure actions and that, in it, you will leave your footprints of Light for future generations.
Oh, beloved, how many lives ye had to realize how simple is the walk to Light. How long ye have left of absorb the Light to listen disturbing thoughts of the mind; always wanting more, in a wave of unbridled greed for material goods and disinterest by moral gifts that lead to Light.
My children, Oh my children… It is time, truly, to let emerge the gifts of your heart, time to create the broader space so that you might let in and expand your innate gifts that come down from your Higher SELF in order of a perfect docking of them in this reality. A reality which is chiseling and you, the children of the stars, are entering in your state of fullness, which will lead to a more thorough cleaning.
The great toils Time in this reality ends; toils that brought ye pain, suffering and fatigue; toils of material sense, where you always crushed in the constant idea of need for survival. Now it’s time to improve your spiritual gifts to the work to light, which has the ability to give you full feelings and profound achievements. Work without suffering and without fatigue, something full that fills you and makes you free. The works of the material life never needed to be the way they are today, by which many lose their lives, still being alive. Jobs that leaves many in robotic state by the current system. Ye can change that, beloved; you are all that you need.
As Mother, I do not say that you must stop working in your material life, but you should abandon what brings ye pain and suffering. Vibrate for something that gives you fullness, and do not let yourself be a slave of a system that does not care about your human feelings. Oh, beloved, give value to your feelings, listen to what your heart dictates and you shall be rewarded for full peace and dignified and uplifting work.
It is time to realize that nothing, absolutely nothing will take peace when you decide with your heart to serve to the Light, abandoning old beliefs and renouncing jobs that prevent you from show your true potential. Time to let your heart speak and hear what it says to you. Your heart always tries to show the best way, however, often you do not accept, asking, “Is that really what I must to do?”. When you do this, you fall in the trap of ego that throws you into the system, trapping you so that you cannot live fully.
Beloved, the call of Light is there, always was and at this time of expansion, you are seeing how big is the call in you, within you. It expands of a way that you cannot give another answer, but to accept to go with the flow of Light. Yes, beloved, refusing the call is getting increasingly difficult as the Light expands every day and the ego has been losing ground.
Renounce… renounce, beloved, everything and anything that take your peace. Trust that God will always be by your side, sustaining and giving support. Know that if you deposit on him your confidence, you will be full and happy.
Beloved, I leave you now pouring over you all my blessings and involving everyone in my mantle of protection, because I am Mary, your Mother.
Gabriel: Thank you, dear Mother, thank you!
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga
See more messages from Mother Mary Here
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