SaLuSa (Shalashian) - "September 2024 and beyond" June15, 2024 - Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL). - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa (Shalashian) – “September 2024 and beyond” June15, 2024 – Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL).

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The way you experience time seems to be confusing for some, as Mother Earth enters her most challenging periods in her space journey towards the Sirius Star System. Yes, dear ones, the way you have been experiencing time has been strange because you have been crossing cosmic planes where there is a greater or lesser intensity of the time dimension.

Recently, the great attractor Gaia BH1 (a black hole close to the Earth) has, in some cases, been doing its work with greater intensity, attracting density and distorting dimensions or the way they perceive where they are, as well as time, when some periods seem to be longer and others shorter, which in this case doesn’t have to do with the equinoxes, but with the intensity that Gaia BH1 has been acting:

1- More intensely >>> time seems to pass more quickly.

2 – Less intensely >>> time seems to pass more slowly.

All of this is in preparation for the final integration into the Oneness to which they are quickly heading on this long journey.

All these intense movements inherent in this great journey also cause great emotional instability, as you cross zones of greater or lesser density along the way, further provoking the “up and down” movement of emotions and how you deal with them. Bear in mind that this is part of all the great learning that you have made yourselves available to experience, helping in a whole cosmic experience of the Source itself, which has chosen to live its own creation.

It is to be expected that the next few months of the year will be lighter in this sense, starting from September 2024 of your Gregorian Calendar, when you will be entering a specific zone of the galaxy where the energies are more subtle and less agitated than those you are experiencing now.

Dear Ones, look without fear at the challenges you need to face when your souls aim for great cosmic leverage. It is natural that in the environment you are in, you feel lost at times, when you seem to be losing control of your own path, but don’t forget that you are much more assisted today than before thanks to your own efforts along this journey. Things will settle down and you will realize that you have never lost control of your own destinies, so well planned by your souls in their dynamism.

Sirius and its force draw you closer, because that has always been the destiny of your solar system. You have never been stationary, static in cosmic space, because every creation of the Supreme Creator is dynamic and always in motion. On the way to Sirius, your solar system will experience changes it has never experienced before and, at the right moment, you will realize the root of all your problems is being exposed and pulled out as you never imagined. Understand this journey as a journey to a sacred oasis where the great oracles will bring you the precise answers and everything will make sense. You just have to trust in the One who guides you towards liberation.

Remember to take care of your bodies, because the journey tends to demand too much of your biology, since you are continually crossing areas of small, medium and large photonic intensities and this has a tremendous influence on your energy systems, so you need to take greater care with food, hydration, rest and physical exercise. It’s not surprising that we’re repeating this now when Neva (our transmitter) speaks so emphatically and openly about it. We are constantly in meetings on board our ships and this is always one of the main topics.

These precautions will also guarantee a greater perception of what is happening around you, because, as is always said, your intuitive capacities increase considerably and you can often find yourselves anticipating events without being taken by surprise and becoming stressed.

Soon some of your most resistant scientists will be “forced” by the impulse of the “change of eras” to report on what is happening in the depths of your oceans, when some creatures sleeping in the depths, especially in the region called the “Mariana Trench” in the Philippines, will begin to awaken. In addition, some portals will begin to be activated in the depths of the aquatic world and it cannot be denied that everything that has been happening will shake up every known oceanographic structure. Don’t be afraid, because just as we talk about this, we also talk about our submerged bases in various places in these marine zones, where we monitor all the effects of these evolutionary impulses for the expansion of this reality.

There are many more things to be revealed and, as you progress on this journey, it will become impossible not to be ecstatic at the many revelations that will emerge. At this time, allow yourselves to be the enthusiastic passengers as you look out the windows and marvel at the landscapes that appear. We of the Galactic Federation will accompany you very closely, much more than you realize, and believe us when we say: everything is fine, everything is under control, because that is how it is.

I am SaLuSa of Sirius and, as the Spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, I continue to reinforce our intentions for the people of Earth, our relatives, who are moving towards the stars, ascending your bodies and returning to unity with us.

Today, in particular, I ask Neva, through her team, to translate and also transmit my blessings to my dear Mike(1) (Quinsey), reactivating in his memory the importance of his immense work with the Galactic Federation, and especially with me over all these years. My dear Mike, we of the Galactic Federation bless you.

Dear family members of Earth, we of the Galactic Federation, who make up a multitude of souls from all over the Universe and beyond, meet now in positive vibrations for Earth and leave our Love and Blessings to all.

Selatherin A-al Arjaten! (In Sirian: Because Yes. We Are All One!)

Be in Peace,

Be in the Light!

Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL): Gratitude, SaLuSa!d.

Translate to English: Candido P Jorge and Flavia Grimald.


(1) Mike Quinsey is one of the world’s leading SaLuSa channelers. I, Neva, had the opportunity to exchange a few emails with him a few years ago. A beautiful and dedicated soul. He recently sent a note announcing his “retirement” because (according to him) he was getting old.

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