Individual Appointments (Akashic Reading and Spiritual Mentoring) - Sementes das Estrelas

Individual Appointments (Akashic Reading and Spiritual Mentoring)

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Greetings, Seeds

Over the ages, mankind has worked exhaustively in your expansive experiments, dual games of ego enhancement and the apex of this process has already arrived. At this point in time, we are at a turning point, a marker where this great old circus of experiences came to an end. With our vibrations and hearts aimed at inner healing and that of the Planet, We collectively sustain an environment where it would be possible to deliver opportunities, tools, blessing from Heaven to assist humanity in its return to enlightened consciousness, to New Age consciousness.

Our dear Neva (Gabriel RL), in one of her Galactic raiment is a Guardian of the Akashic Records of this local Universe, and thanks to his inviolability of years dedicated to the crystalline services of the Force of Light he received in his field, an authorization from the High Spheres to help terrene humanity  more directly. Some humans, by soul programming, by guidance from their mentors or by their heart’s own impetus, will feel guided to meet this direct help from the Forces of Light through this tool accessed by Neva.

This authorization granted to Neva refers to the expansion of access to the Universal Akashic Records, remembering that these records are in the past, present and future, transcending the Linearity of terrene time. In this way, the being can, through objective questions about different issues, critical or not, that he wants to solve in his life or have a light on some subject, obtain direct and objective answers delivered to Neva, together with the Forces of Light, through access to the Akashic Records so that you have a north, a possible solution to your questions and take the actions you need to take so that the changes you desire can occur.

The consultation brings out very deep answers, resulting in great healing opportunities for your being. During the consultation, even if you don’t remember to ask certain questions, an energy will reverberate in your field (for 14 consecutive days) after the reading is delivered and this field will bring you answers to your possible questions not previously asked. With this information in hand, know that it will not be just linear answers to your linear questions that Neva will give you. It will also be a bridge to a certain flow of energy that will be vibrating in your field and will bring insights and various “Eureka” moments into your life. To you, we only ask that you be in tune to notice synchronicities in your day.

It’s quite valid to remember that Neva (Gabriel RL) will not solve the particular questions of your reincarnation, she will only, along with her mentors, be showing which door can be opened for a certain thing to happen and the work of going to it, opening it and to walk through it’s yours, for the experience of creating it’s yours. Only a lighted sign will be shown to you indicating the way!

For more information about consultations with Neva (Gabriel RL) contact us by email: (Neva always answers to emails, check your inbox spam/junk mail – Neva usually answers within a maximum of 72h). Or get in touch to book via Whatsapp +55 41 99822-7832 (talk to Tania).

There are two service modalities with live sessions : 30 minutes or 60 minutes session (in some cases, if necessary, Neva will recommend a longer 90 minutes session).Sessions are via Zoom Platform, Skype or even Whatsapp online ).

If you prefer another way, contact Neva or Tania for adjustment.

We remind you that by direct instruction from  Sementes das Estrelas (Star Seeds) mentors, Neva will leave her webcam disabled during the service. This was a special request made by her, so that the focus of her work is the message and the vibration of her voice, thus avoiding some energetic conflicts. Any question about the calls, just get in touch.

Vacancies for appointments are very limited due to Neva’s schedule, however, if you miss a schedule opening (usually at the beginning of each month), you can join the waiting list through the contacts above.

Note: Questions that are not related to you will not be answered. Example: Questions about other people’s lives, unless a mentor advises that something be said. Questions about future results of lottery games and the like will not be answered either.

Gratitude always for you Light and Affection!

Gratitude for your always positive intentions!

I will go as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit!

For the Truth, nothing but the Truth!

In Love and Blessings!

Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL)

Note: Book your International Service via Zoom with Neva (Portuguese/English Simultaneous Translation) Whatsapp:   +55 41 99822-7832



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