Twin Souls - Sementes das Estrelas

Twin Souls

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Transcription of the video lecture: „Twin Souls: Just man and woman?…“

Greetings, dear ones!

Gratitude once again for this opportunity for me to be here and for you to be listening to me. I am very grateful, always, to the mentors, to the Federation, to the Asthar Command, to the Ascended Masters, to my Higher Self and to all our Angels, Guides and Mentors who assist us and give me, always, this opportunity to be able to bring here a little more information, energy, so that I can enlighten you as to some questions.

I am going to speak to you today about Twin Flames/Twin Souls. It’s a very popular subject, isn’t it? There is some information, I don’t know if I can say distorted, but it confuses people a little and I will try to clarify it for you. I’ll try to bring a little of what I know and what I’ve been told about this subject, okay?

So, let’s go!

The first thing is that there are many texts out there that divide, that make a separation between Twin Soul and Twin Flame. So, from what I know, from the information I have, I am not saying that these texts are wrong. I am passing on information according to what I know and according to what I have learned from the higher spheres, okay? Twin Soul and Twin Flame, for me, are the same thing, okay? It’s the same thing, but with different names: Twin Soul and Twin Flame. The staff is preparing the material that I asked for, a very deep explanation of how this process works, of when a Being is created and divides itself into two beings, which are the Twin Souls/Twin Flames, and so on. I asked Melk, Melk Sales, and he is working on this material and as soon as possible I will bring it to you, okay? There is also an image that is being created to illustrate the explanation of how this process works, when the energy – the ball of energy – leaves the Source, splits in two and follows an elliptical trajectory up to the denser planes where the Twin Flames meet, unify and return to the top unified. Melk is doing a very nice explanation and as soon as it is ready, I will bring it to you, okay?

Now… More directly here, what I want to talk to you about are five questions. They are five questions like this… Most common, that usually come up, both in the Sementes das Estrelas Facebook group and in other groups as well.

1. What is the effect of Twin Souls/Flames meeting on the physical plane? – That is the first question.

The effect of Twin Flames meeting on the surface – which is a rare event to happen, by the way – is enormous! Energetically speaking, it is enormous! It is drastic for the non-positive forces because this encounter called by the Pleiades 1 ( by P1) a Node ends up triggering a cascade effect of dismantling the actions of darkness. It disintegrates negative grids in the region where the encounter takes place. And even more… If both are conscious of this, then it becomes even more intense and gives even more work for negative side. When these beings are in a deep connection. It’s radiantly beautiful! It’s really beautiful! It is as if a powerful Vortex released rays of Light cleansing the negativity of the environment where they are (if there is negativity in that environment).

This Vortex generated by the unification of these two aspects begins to involve everyone around you, right? And it accelerates the process of cleansing and balancing the karmic issues of all those who are within this Vortex. This is very powerful! The more conscious these beings are of who they are and what they represent on the surface, the more energies are moved and the stronger the thing gets. It’s more Light being moved, okay? When they are in full harmony, they bring the energies of Unity to the surface, showing the other beings that we all ARE ONE, even though we have an individuality.

Another thing is that this Node becomes a great gateway to other Node couples. Because this first node will act as a supporting base so that the other nodes can more easily connect to each other.

When a Twin Node meets and is there in perfect synchrony It’s like a magnet that pulls others in and speeds up the process in that specific region, attracting other Nodes to meet in that region more quickly. It is a force that pulls other Nodes to manifest faster, to meet in that region of the surface.

As I said, this is a rare encounter to really happen on the stage of experiences on earth, because in duality, the expansion of Being is through constant experiences and contrasts. Sometimes you are a victim, sometimes you are a villain. It makes no sense to be a villain or a victim of yourself, since these two souls are aspects of the same Being. Another factor that did not make it possible for this encounter to be something common. What is not common in the meeting of Twin Souls on the surface is the amount of Light that is generated in this meeting, because it is as if you brought to Earth a little bit of Unity, a little bit of the unification of consciousnesses, which is natural on the Higher Planes, but which is not natural on Earth, let’s say that, in denser environments, like on Earth – which is a place where consciousnesses come to experience the maximum of individuality and separation. So it ends up being a cosmic event… Like this… A meeting of a Node. A meeting of Twin Flames on the surface is something… Thãnnn… Too much! It’s as if this meeting breaks that status, that programming of the planet, that programming here, of density here, and begins to bring a remembrance of Home to the consciousnesses that entered that system of duality thousands of years ago and ended up getting stuck sustaining and supporting that negative status here. So when a Twin Node recognizes itself, it incarnates into that environment there. The more the better because it ends up disintegrating that matrix. It starts to give faults, to make it possible for there to be faults in the matrix because it is a very beautiful event. It is a quantum event of great energy and really transformational. I hope I was clear in this first answer, right?

2. The second question is that: Can Twin Souls/Flames only be formed by a man and a woman?

This is another question, too, that baffles many people, that makes people twist their noses, or not… But, after all, it is a question that is very particular to many people. The answer is no! It is not necessarily only a man and a woman who can form a twin couple, right? This meeting can be woman with woman, man with man, father and son, son and mother, siblings, grandmother with grandchild, friends? And necessarily, of course, this encounter does not mean that there has to be a sexual interaction. But when both, as in many cases, meet and are in contexts that make this possible, this sexual interaction, like man-woman couples, or woman-woman, man-man, not having biological family ties that restrict this movement, this normally happens. Sexual interaction is the most profound of any other relationship in my point of view, ok? Éhhh… The energy is so intense in the act of sexual exchange between Twin Flames, that it triggers not only a dismantling of the negative grids but also, if there is any negative vibration nearby, according to the intensity of the connection of both, you know, of this node, the beings of low vibration are elevated to the higher spheres like this: “vrum”! If they are close there, “pfumm… “They’re lifted up quickly because of that connection that’s happening there. And coming to orgasm there, from that Node, Holy cow! It’s an energy bomb and there’s nothing negative left around, there, rsrsrsrsrsr. Really, it is a very beautiful process. These people, these spirits of a low vibration that are close by, they are literally thrown upwards, like this… Because of the intensity of that vibration generated there. And the dark forces, they know this well. They know the power of that connection. That power… And they always do what they can to stop us from coming together. They know the risks that they have, allowing these Nodes to meet, to come together, to have interactions. In short, they do everything they can to prevent this from happening. (Ahamm… I’m just having some air here, people, because it’s a lot of information to pass to you, ok? Rsrsrsrsrsr…) Like I said, they know, OK? They know that node forming is disastrous, OK? Twin Soul meeting on the surface is disastrous for the negative forces, OK?

The idea that Twin Souls are only formed by man-woman is a very limited romantic concept, you know? Twin Souls are multidimensional beings. Not just biological bodies, that’s to be quite obvious, ok? Love is not limited by the biology of a sexual reproductive organ. It’s high time that people with more closed minds, programmed with the old energy, opened up a little to this consciousness. To limit a genuine love relationship by a sexual organ, male or female, and say that it can only occur between these two bodies that are nothing more than biological clothing so that the being can experience this dimension? Eh… Wow! It’s really… It is very limited, you know? But, come on! The boxes will have to open one day. Rsrsrsrsr… Beings with both energies in balance and still very, very, very limited in a tight box built eons ago, you know?…. Oh my! We carry this, you know? We have carried this balance within us for millennia and the programming of this planet has made us get stuck inside a box, you know? With infinite limitations, with very closed ideas that end up hindering, of course… Our expansion, our growth.

This concept of Twin Flames… that they are… are just man and woman and that’s it, is slowly being broken down. The boxes that people have stayed locked in for a long time, kind of stuck to these closed ideas are going to dissolve as more Twin Nodes meet and show themselves, not only as a man and a woman, but also a man and a man, a woman and a woman, a grandchild and a grandmother, a mother and a child, as I said before, it doesn’t necessarily have to have sexual interaction. It can also be in a context that makes this not possible. And we are moving towards this liberation from very closed ideas.

Every man has his feminine side. Every woman has her masculine side. And the meeting of Twin Flames doesn’t necessarily have to be, as I said, between a man who has a male organ and a woman who has a female organ. Because they meet, not because of that, okay? The Twin Node doesn’t meet. Not for that. Not for reproduction, necessarily. They meet through the connection between their souls, through the love between their souls that are actually one. It is the deepest love I have ever seen, OK, people? It transcends the physical.

The Twin Soul love is so deep that if you are in a context where you can, as I was saying, have sexual intercourse, and if one partner is unable to continue with this practice, it is profoundly different. It’s because a Nodes love is so intense that it transcends any physicality. The sexual act is just a detail there, OK? The love they have for each other is above anything, any human limitation, any pettiness, drama, human karma. It is way above!

So, if it transcends any human thing, why would it be limited to a male body or a female body? I mean, why can it only be male/female? A male body and a female body? – It is more than that. It is love of the soul, and the soul has no sexual organ. And one more thing: it is for, in case some guy turns his nose up at this information, some guy who has his information locked up in a box, or even some girl who doesn’t agree with this, and I’ll say it again: that guy, that guy who insists on saying so, OK? – Sorry, guys who do this and who are listening, but if you make a point of telling your friends that you have picked up so many women the night before? The girl who says she picked up so many guys… “I killed that night, I got so many” and so on. I’m going to talk more about the male side here because of the macho, but the idea is general, OK? Unfortunately, we know that there’s still a very active macho behaviour on the planet, right? That’s why I also want to touch on this subject.

Those guys who talk about picking up ten women, having sex with all of them, etc., etc., etc., who stay with one and another and don’t give themselves up to any of them, my friend, I’ll tell you something: you’re just looking outside for what your soul clamours to be inside. You are looking for your feminine on the outside, and this search will be continuous and extremely exhausting because you will not be able to internalise a feminine that is outside of you. The more you deny your feminine aspect, the more you feel like searching for it outside of yourself, the more it will become painful, you know? The more you search for it. The more you search, the further away you will get from your inner divine feminine. Your soul shows you what it wants on an inner level, okay? Because everything that comes from within – your mind programmed in the old way – interprets that request in a distorted way, right? So, like, the more women you seek outside without connection on a heart level, it means that you’re desperately trying to find your divine feminine. Then you don’t know what’s going on and you think that picking up a bunch of women is going to fill that, this unconscious search for your feminine side is what’s going on. In the same way, girls search for their masculine side.

A hint, boys and girls that fit in here in this context of what I spoke about: harmonise yourselves, meditate. You who are a boy, meditate and call upon Mother Goddess so that she can help you anchor the divine feminine in you. And this will not make you less of a man. On the contrary, it will make you more of a man, more divine, more harmonious, more gentle. And then the girl of your dreams appears, the being of your dreams. Because it may be a girl or it may be a boy. However much you may turn your nose up at it, but it could be a boy, and you don’t know it. Maybe you don’t even know that you have this… I don’t know if I should say “ability” but this energy that enables you to have a relationship with another boy.

The more you do these meditations and anchor this energy of the Mother Goddess within you, it will enable you to find the Self. Not the man or woman. Let’s say a being. The being of your life. The love of your life. Your Twin Flame, who – again – could be a boy, could be a girl, for you to date and be there with him or her for the rest of your life. And the same goes for girls. Let them anchor the masculine side, let them connect with the masculine side, balance things out, become aware of it and there they will find their ideal partners. The energy that will make them, OK? Even fuller!!! It’s just a question of connection. Stop this unbridled, desperate search for a partner. That agony: I need to find someone, I need to find someone, I need to find someone! And then you go out looking. At night, he gets a lot of women, a lot of boys. And he comes home empty. All this is a deep need that you are not managing to interpret? If you meet with your feminine side and your masculine side, and when they meet, bring this balance, you will be opening the doors so that true love can come to you.

3. The third question here, can it happen that we don’t find our Twin Soul/Flame on the physical plane?

Yes, it can happen that we may not meet our Twin Flame on the physical plane. To begin with, you can only find your Twin Flame when you have already transcended or at least are close to transcending your karmic tracks. When you are close to getting rid of your karmic hang-ups. This meeting is so sublime that if the Twin Flame meets the other without having resolved his pending issues, they will hardly stay together because the karmic movements of both will naturally prevent this from happening. As it is the natural law. So, when they meet, they are already in the final phase of these karmic movements, you know, and they support each other for a complete karmic discharge, or else they are already totally free of these ties, and then it is only love. Ah! and don’t be fooled, ok? I’m going to say something here that’s a little heavy, but it’s true. Twin Souls who meet and still have a lot of emotional debris, karma, etc., one is capable of killing the other for the simple fact of not recognizing each other due to the shadow of karmic movements upon them. I’ll say it again, okay? One is capable of killing the other for the simple fact that they don’t recognise each other due to the shadow of karmic movements upon it. When there are no more dense shadows, everything becomes clearer and if the Node – the Twin Flames – recognise each other, instantly, (ok?) without any blockage, emotional debris, drama, nothing. I’ve known cases of Twin Flames that one killed the other because there was still a lot of stuff going on there, and… Anyway, they weren’t supposed to meet yet because they weren’t completely free of certain movements. But when they meet and they are free, they are just finishing, as I said before, it is wonderful.

Well connected Twin Flames, they are free from everything, you know? They are Twin Souls free of these karmic movements and they become the happiest beings in the cosmos. They exude light, full happiness! It is an overflowing love. I have seen it. It is incredible. Very beautiful.

4. The fourth question is also one of the most raised is: how to identify our Twin Soul/Flame?

Tcham-rammm! People, to identify your Twin Flame is simple. If you have already overcome your karmic belt or are on the verge of overcoming it, it is quite simple. And here I’ll leave a parenthesis. You may be past your karmic belt, and your Twin Flame may not be. That can happen. You may be over your karmic belt, and your Twin Soul may not be. This can happen. And if it does, they naturally… One ends up helping the other, okay? If the one who has already passed over is higher up, they end up irradiating, sending Light to help the one who has not yet passed over, ok? In short, they always help each other. Regardless of what plane they are on, they will always help one another. One will always seek the other, in some way. There will always be this connection, no matter how “distant” they may be. It can also happen – as I was saying – that one recognises and the other does not recognise. But the cases of Twin Souls meeting are rare, without them having already overcome the karmic belt that prevents them from mutually recognizing each other. Such cases are very rare, where they don’t meet and don’t recognize each other, like: “Oh, I know that you are my twin soul, but you don’t know.” The person is kind of out of breath there. But cases like that are really very rare.

In fact, as I said before, it’s rare to find a Node on the surface, right? It will be more common now. I think there is even a message from Ashtar where he talks about this. It will be more common now because the energy of the planet is more favourable for this, okay? The energy of the Earth is more receptive to this node-energy. In the past it was much more complicated, but now there will be a… There are already mass incarnations of Nodes, of Twin Flames.

I will also open another parenthesis here, by the way, within the PVSE, within my team, only within my team, I have already named there… Let me see… There are about four, I think, four or five Nodes within my team. That is, they are Twin Flames and they know they are, and I said they were, and they already knew, and I didn’t know they knew. So! And it’s amazing… Their energy, you know? Like this… It’s incredible! Only by really being in the presence, only by feeling to really see how beautiful a Node, a twin pair, is, right there, in front of you. I am privileged, really.

As I was saying, there are not many conscious Nodes on the Terran plane. There are very few, but the ones that do are very powerful and conscious. Thank God I have some of them within my team. Even if some of them do not understand this context of Twin Flames – like – even if that twin couple over there have that deep connection and love each other very much and are Twin Flames, but they don’t even know that they are Twin Flames, they know that there is a deep higher connection between them. Even if they don’t understand the context about Twin Flames, even if they have never read about it. But they feel and know that there is something different between them. And don’t worry, okay? You’ll identify your Twin Flame by the radiation. Just like those who sometimes don’t know anything about this context and identify it. Just like that. You won’t have the slightest doubt that it’s him/her. It’s something really beyond human; you just have to experience it to know.

Emphasizing again: many people are confused. They are so needy of themselves, in fact, it is not even needy of a love. “Ah, I wanted a love for my life. But you are lacking in yourself. They don’t love themselves enough and are so desperate for external affection that the first thing that comes along… – I’m not being pejorative, okay? It’s just a figure of speech. The first one that comes along, they go: “Oh, he/she is my twin flame”. Then they fall at the feet of the other, there! They give themselves completely to the other person in such a way that they don’t honour themselves and give that love to themself. They are so empty of themselves that they project on the other the responsibility of making them happy, of completing them, etc., etc. Twin Souls – I repeat – only meet when they are complete in themselves. The Twin Nodes only meet and stay together in full happiness when they are already complete in themselves. When they are no longer emotionally dependent on anyone. When they no longer depend on the other to be happy. They no longer depend on the other to make them happy. They have already transcended. But really, billions of light-years away! That is nowhere near them, the Nodes, the Twin Flames.

So, that is why they are so happy when they meet, because they have transcended all of this, so that one does not suck the other in. One does not charge the other, right? It’s that mutual exchange of energy. When the twin Node practices sex or the sexual act as it reaches orgasm, that wonderful thing, etc, etc, there is not that tiredness, that feeling of having been sucked, of having been drained. Why? It is not a… You are not taking the other’s energy, so… An energetic theft – let’s put it this way… There is a mutual exchange going on, so the more you have sexual intercourse, the more you date – let’s put it that way – the more you are together, the more you want to be together. The more they want to be close because it is a supply – I don’t even know if that word exists, I think it exists – it is a supply… One supplies the other, so, in a very harmonious way, very beautiful, very energetic. It is positive. When they end their relationship – let’s say – or when they are very close, they are full, they are not exhausted as we see happens in many cases. “Ah, I have found my twin flame! And then you go, flirt with the person and leave exhausted. Why is that? You were energetically sucked in. There wasn’t an exchange, there wasn’t a one hundred percent energetic involvement, there, of one hundred per cent exchange. One ended up stealing from the other there, and Twin Flames do not have that. This is a point for you to pay close attention to. For you to evaluate yourselves. Careful, careful, careful with this story of anyone… With all due respect, too. I repeat: I’m not being pejorative. Beware! “Ah, I’ve found my Twin Soul.” Calm down. Analyze and see if this isn’t a lack of yours, okay? Make sure it’s not an emotional dependence of some kind, OK? This is very, very important.

5. And question 5 is whether… Is it possible for a being not to have a Twin Soul/Flame?

No! Rsrsrs! It is not possible for a being not to have Twin Flame. It has to. It does. What can happen is that the other aspect of it’s soul, the Twin Flame, does not… It could happen that it’s not on the same planet as you, okay? In the same Star System or in the same galaxy as you. This can happen, as I was speaking of earlier. One can be in one system and the other in another; one can have transcended in many things and the other not yet; one can be much more evolved and the other not yet. But it is impossible for a being not to have a Twin Flame, for the simple fact that when the Source gave birth to its first individualized aspect from itself, this was its Twin Flame. The individualisation and infinite other aspects from itself was a way that Source found to have a wider range of experiences with different qualities and points of view. Éh! Not having a Twin Flame would be the same as God creating everything just for Himself. It would be as if Source was a single indivisible block. And it isn’t. Having a Twin Flame is also a way for you to experience your own innate love through an external view. To repeat: having a Twin Flame is also a way for you to experience your own innate love through a higher vision.

So, don’t worry, you have your Twin Flame. You, who are listening to me, tune in and, if necessary, listen to everything I have said here, okay? And harmonize so that your Twin Flame can come closer to you, so that you don’t keep attracting relationships that you think are your Twin Flame and end up hurting you. When you get too much… When you feed a lot of this non love for yourself, emotional debris, a lot of collecting, a lot of… You know? A lot of dependence on others. You end up attracting people, attracting relationships that will also demand the same from you, you know? They will be dependent on you, they will be demanding of you. So, work within yourselves. Work on this self-love, this self-love, this self-care, OK? Without thinking that this is selfishness, taking care of yourself. Loving yourself! Being in love with yourself! And then you will be moving an energy that will attract the perfect being for you.

Your Twin Flame, or sometimes it’s not even necessarily your Twin Flame, because maybe it’s not even the right time, but attracting a being that is on the same wavelength as you. Who has a loving attunement, really, who won’t charge you… who won’t have… that emotional debris involved. Because here, I’m talking to you about Twin Flames, but I’m not disqualifying relationships that are not,… necessarily, that are not Nodes, that are not Twin Flames. There are many relationships that are not Twin Flames but are wonderful. Here there is a beautiful exchange of energy, of love, of companionship, you know? And that, necessarily, does not need to be a Twin Node. Then you can live this love, this… You know? That passion, that good feeling and be very happy and live with this person until the end of your life, and they don’t necessarily have to be your Twin Node, okay? You need to be very happy, and all of this depends on your state of mind to attract this relationship, this good energy into your life and make you happy. As for love, I believe that most people want to be happy in love, to have the ideal partner, regardless of sexual organ.

And finally, people, I would like to leave here for you a message from Yeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe (I believe it is Kribbe) where she offers one of the most brilliant explanations of Twin Flame that I have ever seen. These are audios that have already been published on Seeds and Melk narrated this little snippet only. It is a fairly large message, but Melk narrated only the part where Yeshua talks about the Twin Flames and I will leave this audio here for you to continue. Let’s say that the lecture is not over yet, so, listen to this audio, ok? And if you want to read Yeshua’s complete message later on, I will leave the link in the description of the complete message. And after Yeshua’s audio there is another audio that I would like to present to you as well, but first tune in to this little bit of Yeshua’s message talking about New Age relationships, about the Twin Flames.


At this point, I would like to say something about the concept of Twin Souls that is probably familiar to you. The idea of Twin Souls has a profound attraction for you. However, it is potentially very dangerous because it can be interpreted in a way that reinforces the pain of cosmic birth and emotional dependency in each of you instead of resolving it. This happens when you conceive the concept of Twin Flames so that there is another person who fits you perfectly and makes you “complete”. This idea conceives of the Twin Flame as your “other half”. So you assume that the unity and security you so desperately desire will be found in another person who perfectly suits you.

According to this “immature” notion of Twin Souls, souls are considered to be two halves that together form a unity. Generally, the two halves are male and female respectively. So this idea suggests, not only that you are incomplete in yourselves, but that you are also essentially “male” or “female. You can probably see that this notion of Twin Flames is neither healthy nor healing from a spiritual standpoint. It makes you dependent upon something outside of yourself. It denies your divine origin, which presupposes that you are ALL, male and female, and that you are whole and complete in yourself. It creates all sorts of illusions that take you far away from Home. And by “Home”, I mean your own Being, the divinity of your Self. No soul is half of anyone else.

Twin Flames do exist, and they are literally what that word suggests: they are twins. They are souls with the same “sense-tone” or vibration or – you could say – the same moment of birth, as is the case with biological twins. The particular moment of birth. This unique moment in time and space contributes to a unique charge of feeling tonality within the souls that are born. They are not dependent on each other in any way. They are neither masculine nor feminine. But they are certainly attuned to each other, as kindred spirits.

What is the reason for the creation of Twin Flames? Why do they exist? Ah… you usually think that the reason for something to exist is the learning process and its effects. But this is not the case with Twin Souls. The reason for the existence of Twin Souls is not to learn something. The purpose is simply joy and creativity. Twin Souls have no function in duality. You will find your Twin Souls when you are transcending duality, when you identify again with the God within you, who is whole and indivisible and who is capable of taking on any form or appearance. The Twin Flames meet again on their journey home.

Let’s go back a little to the beginning of the journey. The moment you leave the state of Oneness and become individuals, you step into duality. Suddenly there is dark and light, big and small, sick and healthy, etc… Reality disconnects. You no longer have a reference point for what you really are. In the beginning, you identified yourselves as “a part of the whole”. Now, you are an isolated part of the Whole. But without your conscious awareness, you are accompanied by someone who is just like you, who looks like you as exactly as nothing else could look. You occupied the “same place” as part of Oneness, so close to each other that you didn’t know you were two until you were born. What connects you is something beyond duality, something that predates the history of duality. This is difficult to express properly in words because it challenges your coherent definition of identity whereby you are either one or two and you cannot be both at the same time.

So, you both have undertaken a journey, a long journey, through many experiences. You have both experienced the extremes of duality, to gradually discover that your essence does not lie in duality but outside of it, in something that underlies it. As soon as you become deeply conscious of this implicit unity, your journey back begins. Little by little, you become less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige. More and more, you understand that the key is not what you experience but how you experience it. You create your own happiness or unhappiness through your state of consciousness. You discover the power of your own consciousness.

After going through all the ups and downs of duality, there comes a time when you find your Twin Flame. In the energy and appearance of your Twin Flame you recognise a very deep part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and through this very recognition you begin to understand yourself better and become aware of who you really are. Your twin is a reference point for you, one that leads you out of the limiting beliefs that you have been fed and that you have taken on in this lifetime and in other past lifetimes. You free yourself by seeing that reflection of yourself in your twin. This is like a reminder and has nothing to do with emotional dependency. The meeting between the two of you helps each of you to become a stronger, more self-aware individual expressing your creativity and love on earth. This encounter accelerates your journey back, as it helps you rise to a higher level of oneness, while retaining and fully expressing your unique self, your unique individuality.

Ultimately, we all ARE ONE. We are sustained by an energy that is Universal and is in all of us. But at the same time, there is individuality in all of us. The Twin Flames is the link between individuality and oneness. It’s like a stepping stone to Oneness. If you connect with your Twin Flame, consciously and materially, you trigger the creation of something new: a third energy is generated from the combination of your actions. This energy always helps to amplify the consciousness of Oneness on a grander scale than if it were only the two of you. As Twin Souls are on their way back home, they feel inspired to anchor the energies of Love and Oneness on Earth, and they do so in a way that is keeping their unique talents and abilities. In this way, Twin Souls love to build steps between “being One” and “being One”.

There is a deep connection between Twin Souls, but this does not alter the fact that they are complete units in themselves. Their union generates love and joy and their meeting increases creativity and self-realisation. They support each other, without falling into the trap of emotional dependence or habit. The love between Twin Flames is not for one to complete the other, but to create something new: instead of the two becoming one, the two must become three.


Gabriel: Ehhhhh!!! Rsrsrsrsrsrs!!! As I said this is one of the most brilliant explanations of Twin Flames I have ever seen. I love Yeshua’s messages through Pamela. Wow, I love his messages, independently coming through…. whatever channel, for a long time, you know? Since I started channeling, I am very connected to Yeshua’s messages. I like very much his messages also , that come through Judith. I also publish them on Sementes das Estrelas. And that’s it, people! I am very happy, very grateful to be able to bring you this energetic package. This information to you. I am deeply grateful to all of you for taking the time to listen to me. I really appreciate everything you do for me, all the affection, all the energy you send me, and that’s it! Is it good? We are together, always, as the saying goes. A talk made with great affection, from all my heart. I am also very grateful to Kaliel for giving this talk to you on the radio. I am also always at Kaliel’s disposal and whenever possible I will record a lecture, explain a certain content to you and to all Sementes das Estrelas. And to all of you, all of you, all the listeners of Ascension Portal Radio, I am very grateful with all my heart, really! And finally, my hug and kiss, once again my gratitude to all of you. And I want to leave you here with the Twin Flames Prayer. This prayer was channelled by Lívia Maris Jepsen from the site Angel Therapy. I’ll leave the site in the description here as well. I narrated this message of the Twin Flame Prayer, this decree. It’s a beautiful decree, it’s a pull of energy so that you too can have… So that you can connect with your Twin Flame too, okay? I’ll leave it here for you to hear, okay? And as I’m saying goodbye, ah… And not to forget, I channeled a symbol… A quantum symbol of the Twin Flames. A while ago I channeled a symbol that will bring this energy of your Twin Flame faster, okay? I’ll also leave the link in the description, okay? So that you can read a little more about this symbol I channeled, and that it may help you, okay? To find your partner, your ideal partner, to find the love of your life, but first of all, and before you find the love of your life, find yourself. Meet with that first love of your life, which has to be you. Remember this, always, and from here onwards you will be able to find someone who resonates with you? Who is on the same frequency as you. Be well! Be at peace! Stay in the light! Stay in the love, in the radiance of dear Lady Rowena who is also present here and dear Lady Nada, the Twinflame of our dear Master Yeshua. They are… They are Twin Flames. Dear Francis of Assisi and Clare of Assisi, another Node, another case of Twin Node. May the irradiation of these couples, of this beautiful energy, be upon us all. Stay with the Prayer of the Twin Flame. Much gratitude… and… See you next time!


In the name of the Christ, I invoke the blessed I AM Presence of our Twin Flames, to seal our hearts into one, for the victory of our mission on behalf of humanity. I call upon the Elohim Orion and Angelica, Masters Rowena and Paulo Veneziano, Archangels Samuel and Shea, Magnus and Polaris and all the Angels and Beings of Light of the Rose Flame of Love, that my Twin Flame and I may instantly recognize each other by look, touch and hands, in the certainty that we have reunited our Divine complement – the other half of our being. And from this moment forward, may we both fully and immediately assume our Love and Union, across all lines of time, space and matter, and in all dimensions. I ask that the harmonious merging of our bodies, souls and spirits be immediate and full. May we from this moment forward be able to fully express for each other our eternal and ever-growing love, our eternal and ever-growing admiration, our eternal and ever-growing faithfulness, our eternal and ever-growing respect, and our eternal and ever-growing loyalty, for each other and for our common purpose. I invoke the Light of the Holy Spirit to transmute all karma, all ego, all resentment and all physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual diseases, known or unknown, in all lines of time and space, past, present and future, also as their causes and consequences. Dissolve all unbalanced energies of ours and others that may limit the full manifestation of our Divine identity, our unity and the realization of our Divine Purpose. I ask you to transmute in the Violet Fire all karma that separates us, in all lines of time, space and matter, its causes, consequences and memories in the past, present and future. I invoke the Presence of my beloved Archangel Michael and all his Legions of Blue Angels to cut all evil and all causes of discord and suffering, and to act for our personal protection, protection of our love, our union and purpose. We ask them to raise us to the highest vibration of Love, to act in the exponential increase of our coefficient of Light and lead us to our ascension in union still on Earth. May our vibration soothe, heal and enlighten those in our Love irradiation range. I know we are worthy of this magical moment, Beloved Father! My Twin Flame and I thank you for your infinite goodness and ask your blessing on our union and service. So be it. I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I AM ALL THE PURITY GOD DESIRES. I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I AM ALL THE PURITY GOD DESIRES.


Transcription by the Sementes das Estrelas Team: Odívia Barros, Solange Yabushita and Tania Campos.

Translation & Revision: Sio Smorgon & C. Smork Non

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