Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o Inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
Please, dear ones, read in tune with the song below. I particularly recommend to put the music in a pleasantvolume and then read the message aloud. You may feel wonderful vibrations of light in your bodies.

Greetings, Comrades! We have some information and joy here!
We came, after a brief pause, with one more of our reports on the movements on your planet! There are some really interesting movements to see! And we’re enjoying it! A group of beings who were on their planet thousands of years ago decided to step back and deliver “their keys” and allow us to move forward. They gave our allies, on the surface, the points where they designed their plans. This group was well hidden from human eyes, precisely in Mongolia.
They decided to “deliver the points” due to the great external pressure of terrestrial humanity, by considerably increasing their vibration. And they, as good connoisseurs, knew that no one can with the collective power. They recognized that the “turning point” is now and are truly willing to collaborate with the plans of the Light! Hallelujah Hallelujah! The Light is Merciful! We were caught off guard when our allies informed us of such an event. Even though we are constantly instructed by our Elderly Masters, we are still surprised by manifestation free will! Immediately, we closed a negative vortex sustained by them in that region where, there, they did rituals to attract entities not very loving. Hosanna! Hosanna! What a wonderful surprise!
What we can say to our Comrades on Earth is that everything we have been reporting in the latest messages is unfolding in a wonderful way, ensuring that your infinite prosperity and joy can manifest at every ticking of the clock! The protocols are being followed strictly, and no further external intervention is allowed. Although some delays for certain moves happen due to their seriousness and the importance of going ahead, always with absolute security of what we are doing. Nothing will stop the definitive illumination of this reality, which has been imprisoned for ages, by dark forces originating from the Andromeda’s Galaxy and beyond. Although you all know that everything follows a higher plane, and that all the experiences that you experience, are always for your growth, it’s time to put a stop to the darkness actions and return to their natural states and origins! The end of this phenomenal experience is happening and no one is more worthy of as many applauses as you! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We must, before beginning our closing, leave another message to our dear Henry Kissinger: “It’s time for you to definitely give up. Understand that every move you make, we’ll stop. It has already been informed of our movement on the island of the dragon boy, and that we will not allow absurd movements that will hinder the progress that, as you may know, is unstoppable. You are also aware that your heart has a serious problem in one of the arteries. Give yourself time to let the Light invade you and you, my dear friend, may receive the blessings of heaven! You also know that if you don’t cooperate, if you try to escape after leaving the body, we will be waiting for you (laughs). Come, friend! Seize the opportunity and join the humanity! Many who work with you need to disconnect from the oppressive energy that is imposed upon them. Give them a chance! Give yourself a chance! This is our last message and our Old Masters. “
That’s enough for now! There is more information coming. Be ready! We’ll inform you more and more, as our old masters authorize! We continue with our important reports about certain moves! This time, we talk about the expansion of consciousness of before, bumbling saplings, active in Mongolia! We have left our loving message to our dear Henry, and we ask all our Earth allies to send all the good energies to this boy! Oh, naughty! Remember, Comrade allies, we cherish for kindness, gentleness, and NO judgment. Understand that our role is to help accelerate the process that will lead you to transcend this old reality and enter into the new, long prepared for you! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Celebrate!
Each day, a new domino falls and pushes another to the next move! We say this, always based on the assurance of Heaven! We see the broad picture and that inspires us to speak with such certainty! The times of transformation are right before you and we are the spectators and the actors, very happy of the great wonder that we witness! Know that creation is benevolent and that there is nothing to fear! Neither what comes from space nor what comes from under the beloved Earth! There is a harmonious natural law that coordinates everything, Comrades! We have always inspired this boy (Gabriel RL) with these statements! By the way, today he woke up and we gave him a sign that we would come, but he eventually forgot! Oh! … (Laughs!) Did you think we’d give up? (Laughs!) He sat down just in front of the computer (3 pm) and we said, “Hi, we’re here!” (Loving laughs!) Likewise, dear Comrades, it is with you! Many times you think you are forgotten and that certain things that are important to you don’t unfold! Know that everything is a matter of time, of an appropriate moment, of a perfect and harmonious movement for manifestation! Know this! Never give up on your positive goals! Know that, surely, if it is for a higher good, it will manifest itself and have all the support of the heavens for it!
Right now, we are flying over Ulan Bator and giving our visual testimony that the Light Forces operate in this region and will ensure positive nutrition! It’s party time, Comrades, and we are pleased to be able, again, to give our “Hello” to anyone who is present to observe us during this week. We’ll be intensively in this region concluding our work, after being informed of the expansion movements! Our Old Masters always tell us: “Be positive and you will live and you will see everything positive” Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The borders are being cut! Unification is coming! Love will prevail! The heavens have decreed, and so it shall be! This is not a simple will of ours. This is a DECREE! “Know that, Comrades!
Oh, dear ones! Know that the countless Fountains and the endless Prosperity of the Heavens, indeed, are yours!
We will return when appropriate! It’s good to talk to you again! Always is! See you around!
Gabriel: Grateful, beloved comrades of Light!

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English translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Leony
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