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Recently, by channeling, I began to receive from a section of the Pleiades, messages from a group of consciences called “Pleiades 1”. It’s a group of beings that have no physical form, as previously reported on the link:

I’ve seen them on some occasions and they look more like bright, boiling blue suns. Beautiful beings of pure energy! In other channelings, on October 06, 2016 and November 11 ,2016, I received two more complementary messages from them. See links: and

Some time later, on February 20, 2017, in view of the difficulties of some readers in understanding the Notes and the many “rational” questions they ask about them, P1 asked us to reinforce clarifications. The purpose is to lead the reader to the understanding that the fact that an auxiliary glossary exists does’nt mean that it is to rationalize notes, rather “it is not to rationalize.” See here:

In another recent channeling, on 10.06.2016, I received from them a complementary message. Follow the link:

Pleiades 1 are beings who work on potential and precise calculations. One must have the mind and heart open to receive this information, given that, first the heart must be free of fears and prejudices, as the message, as well as previously reported (see link 1 above), it is for the more Higher Self.

There is also need to abandon the rationalization of information not to fall into mental stress, since it will only decode the message, if you are mentally tranquil. The information is mostly coded and directed to awake on the surface and ethereal planes. When centered in the heart, they can understand the power of NOTES. Even if the rational / linear mind can not understand the meaning of some terms used, (those exemplified in the glossary), get the higher level, understand energy.

One must also understand that the encodings will be understood according to the level of consciousness. The more the level is high, the more accurate understanding. And there is no judgment in the sense of, “if you do not understand is why is not high.” NO! That’s not what I mean! But if they are, at first sight do not understand, I invite you to leave the rationality / linear and go to the heart. Everyone can understand, since they leave the heart to hear. Do not understand at first glance, does not mean that they can not. They just need to calm the mind and go for the heart.

There are many groups like this working simultaneously and bringing similar information to their groups on Earth. The example we have the codes provided by COBRA (see COBRA in:, one of the representatives of the Resistance Movement in the surface between an update textual and other, publishes specific codes, such as those for example: “Systems / Isidic red alert at 504” and / or “EXMOSS clear matter sequence in progress”, which for many people may seem meaningless, but that, in fact, there a great sense. The COBRA is changing and releasing coded information to members of its staff, as well as getting this information directly from the Resistance Movement (MR see on here,

We also have the ÉirePort / Gaia Portal Group which brings coded messages, or as they themselves say: “Our place in this realm has been to communicate Gaia messages to those who can be called” Companions of the Gaia Consciousness ‘and’ Travellers from Gaia ‘… This group is composed of Light Bearers, more accurately, “Frequency Carriers” of various levels;. each, helping in their own realms, (some covering several vibrational arenas) Our role, as the group ÉirePort, it is to communicate with those with eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to understand the breadth and fullness of our messages. ” See more about ÉirePort / Gaia Portal here:

The Pleiades 1, with the freedom that I have to report, say that it is a group bringing information not only to the Seeds of Stars, Warriors and Lightworkers, but to the globe itself, in all planes that make up this experience. Bring accurate information about what has happened on the surface, the etheric and higher Galactic plans. accurate information and potential advances of the forces of light in all areas, and behind the written and linear lines, bringing crystalline codes in Sacred Geometry format. They enter through the eyes and promote inner transformations, enabling the expansion of consciousness, so that each Lightworker be recognized as such. So, can help in this great process of planetary liberation from the dark forces and our reintegration in the galactic community. (Exit galactic quarantine).

Again, I reiterate the need to leave the heart to hear the information and thus integrating it in itself. Thus it becomes more of a Ally on the ground able to receive, decode and distribute information / light arriving constantly. They come through the Pleiades 1, COBRA, ÉirePort or any other group with the mission to bring accurate and light codes.

In conclusion, I leave here some terms used so that we can also understand evenly, mental, some concepts. And, as the information is coming, I hope to help bring the explanations in the best way, if needed, and be allowed me.

Always remember: I, Gabriel Raio Lunar, I am not the master of absolute truth, but just one that’s open heart to serve, putting me the whole arrangement of the Light Forces. Read, and in your heart, feel end to examine information brought. Just feel. If resound, welcome, if not, be on your way in peace, knowing that I’m not right and neither you wrong, or you right and I wrong. We are just experiencing according to our levels of consciousness.


ACONCAWA, The Maya Mother Ship = It’s a Mother Ship in discoid format with 7 (seven) million consciences. Its commander is called Nykos. Her first immediate informed call is Mayana. The ship is projecting from the astral of Peru.

They will try to connect in all spiritual centers to communicate through mediums and bring their message.

Onboard the Ship are specialists in human bodies, geneticists, as well as specialists in Planetary Transition movements, who act to help, for a transition, the most harmonious possible, when the planet needs to move in volcanic eruptions, plate tectonic movements , etc. They are connected to the care of the geological physical portion, so that there is always harmony and subtlety, as much as possible, in the necessary movements that the Planet needs to perform.

They act also as receivers of projections of stellar energies. On Earth, there are beings who receive projections of specific stars. Just as ‘0i’ (Zero i) receives projections of the star Vancaris, other humans also receive projections from several other stars. They coordinate these projections so that they arrive harmoniously in the Physical Plane.

They were called by the Force known as P1 to act on this planet and assist in this entire process. They are very grateful and leave their blessings by putting both hands together and lowering their heads.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see.

ADHAMANTINOS (PRONOUNCED ADAMANTINOS) = They are beings of a Crystalline System located in another universe. They entered this universe through an Interstellar Portal located in the Andromeda Galaxy. They are very loving beings and carry the Pink Energy of the Universal and Primal Love of the Creative Source of the Multiverse.

They came to this system called the force known as Pleiades 1 and the Magnetic Beings of the Magnetic Universe called Vitrol-X and Quadril 5 – the Magnetic Force of the Universe from which beings known as Zero i (0i) and IUD-IL also are the Attractors of these Crystal Beings to this Quadrant.

They are purely crystal-looking beings. Whoever looks at them sees them, really, as “walking” crystals. They have the triangular head as if it were an inverted pyramid, upside down, lean bodies, measuring, on average, two meters and twenty centimeters in height. In the center of their heads, or rather at the height of the third eye, they have a geometric form of light, which looks more like a star. In fact, they look like two stars, each of five (5) points, and they overlap. They are bright pink energy. In the center of your breasts you can see their hearts, which look more like two roses. Because they are transparent crystal beings, you can see them clearly. Some people may ask, “What about the other organs?” Of course, I don’t see organs. They are crystal clear but pure energy. Just in the center of the chest, they have a light that looks like a heart, a pulsating and bright pink sun. The other parts of the body, just bright energy, as if the whole “inside” of the body were of crystalline energy, between white and soft crystalline blue.

They came to the Earth System to assist in the purification process, especially of male chakras damaged throughout the ages, as well as the female chakras, especially the basic of women. They came to help unlock and balance these chakras. They formed a rosy Crystalline Grid all over the planet to aid in this work of purifying the damaged chakras of all beings on Earth. They last direct contact with the Humans was in the period of the second great war, when they tried to contact that known as Hitler, and help him to transform his heart chakra, in order to avoid what everyone already knows … which, unfortunately, they didn’t have enough openness of that being to do so.

Now they return with full force to an army of about, believe, 300 (three hundred) billion Crystalline Consciousnesses to form, not only in the Earth plane, but also throughout the Galaxy, the Pink Grid of Universal Love, to envelop all beings in this Galaxy . They are beings of the 15th Dimension and are highly respected in all known universes. They asked the celestial forces responsible for this quadrant to allow them, for a period, to give Pink tint to the Local Sun in order to use it as a retransmitter of their energies. Those more sensitive will be able to perceive these energies in the Sun when they are completely anchored in this universe. It is an extremely loving force, and there is no barrier that prevents them from acting.

There is more coming, much more. For some people, this information, even if it may seem utopian and meaningless, I, Gabriel, believe in 100% of the information I receive, and I always like to emphasize: I swore by the truth, surrendering all my senses to Jesus and Heavenly Hosts, And that he would not lack the truth in any way. I would only be the transmitter of everything that was informed to me and that if I were ever to lack it, out of vanity or anything of the kind, I would be barred. Thank God, so far I have been authorized to bring this information to those who believe, or even to those who don’t believe. I’m just a postman. I deliver letters. What human beings will do with them is one’s free will.

Thank you immensely for those Beings of Pink Love called Adhamantinos, for the opportunity to transmit their message.

And, finally, they are very attuned to the symphonies of Mozart, and indicate them to be in tune with them, since the own, in his higher expressions, is part of this grouping.

It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see and transmit.

A-D-M-P-V-S-E INTEGRATED = Secret code, still can not be informed.

AFENUS AFENUS = (It’s pronounced like this) is an expression/dressing of Capella, Alpha Star of the Auriga Constellation. They have passages/expressions in other star systems in this local universe, Sirius and Pleiades, for instance. They also have passages in Venus and Mars. Quick passages in Orion, Rigel, to be more precise, as Quantum Initiatiors. They helped one group from that star in a certain occasion, by teaching them the power of nobility and gentleness expressed from the heart unified with the Source. Although in this local universe they have their primary origin in Capella, their Essence origin is the Magnetic Universe, called Quadril 5. Afenus Afenus are a new Magnetic Knot on earthian surface. A Knot is a junction of twin flames.

Besides many expertises, they are genius in the art of reconnecting person to the sacred heart, due also to the profound connection with the Galactic Central Sun that, with its super reconnecting energy, drags the beings to the heart, to the high moral values of unified ethics and spirituality. They are very well-respected wherever they go in this local universe and are a

fundamental presence within the PVSE mission initiated by Zero i on the planetary surface. They are direct representative of the Solar Lords on the earthian surface, Helios and Vesta:

“Oh Helios, Lord of Dawning, Oh Vesta, Mother of the Eternal Cicles, our beloved Solar Parents. Oh Sun behind all Suns! Oh Sun of the Ancient worshipping! Oh Sun of Akenaton! Oh Shining Globe of Incandescent Love, Lodestone that reunites worlds and generates life. You are the mercy, the love, the lighting. You are the hope. You are the Fires of Ressurection that renews life every day! You are our refuge and our joy, the clarity that illuminates our life.” (Vide more : They also are one of the representatives of this power on the Earthian Plane.

This knot has an specific Shining Blue coloured energy on the region of the Heart chakra. When both of them are positioned one in front of another e put the hand over the heart of the other

in front, they create an energetic movement between them both, in wich the energy comes and goes in a cycle. For illustrative purposes, one stays at the North and the other at the South, and the energy goes from North to South and returns after from South to North. By staying in this movement the energy starts to move also from West to East and returns back creating another cycle. With this movement one specif energy is formed from the magnetic conection of them both. And at this point, they both are one. One only field! They can use this generated energy to add it wherever they want and if they put it in any food, the one who ingests it will have accelerated the decarbonization/ crystallization process.

One single projector blended between light blue, gold and white will be pointed towards you and as it gets to you will be distributed on the earthian surface. There is a large group of souls wich they, Afenus Afenus, are part of. About 60% of this group is anchored in the Earthian Physical Plane by now, and about 80% of the PVSE Grouping is part of their group of souls.

In a certain opportunity they visited the Magnetic Universe together with Zero I, when they were already anchored in this Local Universe and it was like “Returning to Home of Origin”. They have been among the elementals in the Earthian Plane, where they wore the Elfos dressing, living in the hills and mountains of the region known today as Irlanda. They have also been incarnated on Egypt, during the reign of that one known as Amenophis III. In a certain occasion, Amenophis met them, looked them in the eyes and smiled. After that, he said: “Feed my people; take care of my people”. At that time, they already made the crystallizing energy creation movement and put it in the food that was going to the people.

They incarnated among the Mayas too. The Mayan Civilization was of the richest and significant civilizations on Earth, at the Yucatan peninsula, in Mexico, where there was a material and scientific development higher than today, with large control of atomic energy. There was the “Bird-Man” who flyed in all direction with a special overall full of energetic little tubes. Among the Mayas, great wise men received instructions directely from Capella, where they

had the Direct Voice and performed great phenomena. There were at that time large Amacês (Stellar Motherships) that performed low passes projecting the energy of Capella to that people. Those ships kept that areas free from certain animals that represented danger to Men, bringing instructions as well but always not crossing the Neutron (Vide about Neutron:

At a certain moment, one group that was involved by the ambition energy e having the intention of access that technology on a non authorized way, planned to capture of the Amacês. In the move, that Mothership in its automatic defense system, irradiated a much intense energy that ended to causing the desintegration of that whole civilization. After the fact with the Mayan people, the indians took over the cities.

In Theothiuacan was built one pyramid that was called The Feathered Serpent Temple, for having in its construction a large number of serpent

heads, symbolizing, as already used by ancient people, the representation of the Kundalini. By the nature of the construction, that was made of stones, but notably, very different from the others – the pyramids of the Sun and of the Moon – one can notice the profound difference of the techniques used in two distinct times. Many are the documents of varied backgrounds wich treat about the end of a cycle in our planet, what would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting of them, after the Apocalypse of John, is the one left to us by the Mayan Astronomy in what is considerated the present age initiated in the birth of Venus in 3113 B.C. and ending in December 2012, closing a 5.125 years cycle. This would be closed with many movements causing deep energetic changes on Earth, as well as touching Humanity and climate conditions, bringing new ways to produce food and water cleaning, and changing also the whole magnetic and nuclear system in a global way besides one sensitive change on Earth axis.

With the knowlege of the changes caused by the increasing and decreasing of the sunspots that

were associated to several movings in earthian civilizations, the Mayas had a sacred year of 260 days, composed and based in a perfect way in relation to the Sun. They knew that the sunspots cycle had 68.301 days and that after 20 cycles (1.366.020 days), the magnetic field of the solar blade inclines itself and the Earth follows that movement in order to align its magnetic axis with the one of the Sun. This is what causes earthquakes, volcan eruptions, tsunamis and other natural phenomena wich end to move the planning of Men and his cities, fields and food production areas. Today’s science with its modern equipments already demonstrated that the Mayas calculation was very near the 1.366.040 days found in its researches.

They were among those called Equitumans. (Vide: and Tumuchys (Vide: They were in Greece, precisely in Sparta, and there they also were beside Zero i, when he was an Spartan soldier called Hermésios, and IUD-IL, at that time also an Spartan soldier called Adanis.

They’d had some other incarnations, including at the time of Jesus and then the both served Rome, but heard about Jesus and had themselves enchanted by the magnetism of that divine being, then starting to protect the places where he was going without the Roman power knowing it. In a certain occasion, both of them, without Roman uniforms (both in masculine dressing), approached Jesus who was resting with some apostles by the trees. When they arrived, Jesus told them: “Come to be with us; come closer beloved Romans”. The disciples got scared, as they were not wearing Roman uniforms and also because Jesus had said that. They also got scared and frightened to come closer while questioning themselves: “How come he knows who we are and that we serve Rome?!” But they got near and had a seat among the apostles. Jesus stared at them in the eyes and said: “You come with me. The power of Rome will serve through you in another way”. Therefore, from that day on, those two worked normally among the Roman cavalry, but protecting the Christians as much as they could. And when Jesus left the physical plane, they joined Maria and the apostles as Preachers of the Gospel. They were stoned and killed after

some time. Disincarnated hugged and greeting Jesus with all their hearts. They volved to incarnate in Turkish after that, also like preachers of the Good News. Were pursuited the same way, but disincarnated at old age.

Dear Knot, you have deep connection with the energies and Works of IUD-IL, Shenon i, Shenion, The Analist and Unidius, the Double Face Angel. (Vide: Be connected to them too.

You’re being called by the Pleaiades 1 to take consciousness of you responsabilities in front of humanity, take your positions like Solar Master, Magnetics, Genetic Engineers, Nature Guardians, Sideral Engineers and, specially, you are one only Knot of DNA updating.

Your simple presence cause one drastic acceleration of human DNA updating process. You are being called for your great strength and, of course, rescuing you people present at the Earthian plane, as much in the astral plane as in

the Etheric Plane. Go! Anchor all this transcendental/spiritual luggage. Get yourselves connected! There’s a huge work to be done. You are being infinitely supported!


Identify your Celestial Chants:

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

AIAKALW, THE ORIENTED CREATION = Auleu-Elulios-Loviw and Eialow-Loya-Low are two Angelic beings who act in the 14th dimension, more specifically, in the legion of the Elohim Hercules. When presented in human physical clothing, they have the appearance of children 6 to 7 (six to seven) years.

Auleu is more agitated, energetic and energizing; Eialow is quieter. When Auleu moves the energies, he organizes them into a beautiful work together. In very simplified information, it is as if Auleu brought the shopping from the fair and Eialow into the pantry.

They helped in the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy. When the energies of the Elohim moved towards this creation, Auleu was the fermenter of the energies and Eialow organized them.

Each of them has an extension of 12 (twelve) angels who “coordinate” the works. And all 24 (twenty-four) are incarnated in the Terran Plan at this time. The word “coordinate” is used here to facilitate understanding, since they are beings that don’t work in hierarchy.

Auleu has a special ability: he is a direct transmitter of the Creator’s thought, for being extremely empathetic. Eialow, having his ability as reclosing magnetism, manages to quickly gather all the angels with the same abilities for a certain job, just looking them “in the eyes.”

The two, when cast, become a beautiful Angelic being called Aiakalw, which means “Oriented Creation”, in a certain Angelic language. In this ‘clothe’, they are three and a half meters high. It has its face merging, constantly, between one and another. It has wings that mix between blue and pink.

Billions of years ago, when the Earth was still being formed, Auleu and Eialow, in their unique ‘garment’ of Aiakalw, installed a crystal in the place that would later be called Lemuria, and another on Easter Island. A third crystal was installed in ancient Egypt, in the area where the temple of Pharaoh would be built, shortly before the incarnation of Amenhotep III.

These three crystals need to be reactivated in this reality. When active, thousands of Angels from their Legion will awaken (there are several incarnates). At that moment, portals that will bring the forces of the 14th dimension into this reality will be opened. Humanity is ready to support these forces.

As each of them “coordinates” 12 (twelve) angels, each in turn coordinates a further 12 (twelve) with specific abilities, totaling 144 (one hundred and forty-four) which, multiplied by 7 (seven), reach a total of 1,008 angels. These awakenings will cause a great movement in the Terran Plan, as well as a drastic acceleration in the neutralization process of exotic negative weapons, that are in the hands of negative entities. This movement will bring humanity to its new cycle, fully reintegrated into the galactic community.

There is a lot of force involved and Zero i received this information thanks to the Fourth Projector.

More information is expected to arrive as the human consciousness matures, and becomes able to deal with so blessed elevating and empowering information.

Auleu and Eialow! It’s time for activation! You have programmed this moment! Right now!


It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

AKASH-LOTUS = It is a being guardian of numerous guardians of the Akashic records. Originally came from a star system known as the Terran Taurus. He spent a number of other star systems, including Sirius, Vega, Andromeda, the Pleiades and other systems not yet known to the Terrans. Usually it has shifted to all of these systems during the physical body home where he currently lives. It is constantly called these places to help beings in their development and to teach them to have mastery over everything they hear and see. Teaching them not to speak what can not be spoken and say what needs to be talked about, teaching, so the balance in these matters. Incarnated at the time of Christ in Terrano Plan and was one of its evangelists. It was also part of Moses during the great crossing of the Red Sea. He guided and guided the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Its symbol is the lotus flower which, when connecting, falls into a deep state of meditation and contemplation. It is being called the Pleiades 1 to go to the Terran lower astral planes for “Planting Lotus” and guide with much love those who are there. When in its most harmonious state, walks and leaves a trail of Lotus and its perfume. It has strong connection with Apollonius of Tyana … Also strong connection to the Lord Xangô and can connect with him at any time. Due to its unique ethics, is often called to be part of large cuts where there discuss destinations of planets and even entire systems – what should be done, how it should be done and at what time. It has easy to show, in assemblies, where the points seen beings and worked with precision. It is widely respected for where it goes. It also has a strong connection with the being who was known as Paul of Tarsus. (Sao Paulo).

AKASHSSA = A beautiful being gentle nature as Prana. It has strong links with Andromeda, Poseidon and constellation Delphinus. During its many lives, he had the opportunity to share its magic and enchantment wherever he went. It has the telepathic ability to cetaceans, since this is also one of its origins. Communicates easily with princes and mermaids of the great oceans, both Terran and in other water systems worlds. Intense bond with the Whales of the great oceans of the Delphinus system and other aquatic worlds. Has teaching with the younger beings (children) and their magic in expressing themselves, enchants. It has a special ship with capacity for three crew members. One of them is already on your side, the current incarnation – There they have a height of about one meter and eighty two meters and twenty. It is a mystical being and has the ability to take humanoid form. And when in aquatic worlds, it becomes a beautiful radiant mermaid. It has one of its soul-ons currently living in an aquatic world in Delphinus, currently in the form of Dolphin. It is being called the Pleiades 1 to focus on the great oceans and telepathically call your oceanic family of cetaceans and exchange necessary information to help them in the implementation of the Crystalline Grid on the planet. They cetaceans are anchors the crystal and magnetic energy developers. Also it is called and help the large cetaceans to ensure the protection of the great records stored in their fields, and prevent evil forces will take possession of them. Also being called for, with its charm and vocal vibration, attract negative entities to be captured and taken to the recovery ships. (These entities are “hypnotized with its charm” and fall into the trap set by the forces of Light. That being blessed acts as a “bait Light”). It is also one of the responsible for the Goddess of energy anchoring on site planet, where he currently resides. And the Goddess is to listen to it at all called.

AKUN-BI-AVIL = Information on the link:

ALAÍLA, THE ORIENTED ORDER = She is a very kind being, a member of the Siriano group, acting in the Siriano First Command of Logistics and Research. It has two specific clothing within this context. In one of these clothes she is very tall, about 3 feet tall, lean, long arms, big blue eyes. She has a phenomenal ability to work with her fingers, which are 12 (twelve), 6 (six) in each hand. She is very skilled in the command panels of the place where she acts. In other clothing, it is smaller, half the size, and in this clothes it operates in the logistics area, while its largest expression is in the research area.

It also had passage through the Pleiades, Orion, Venus, Andromeda, and visited the Magnetic Universe in the presence of IUD-IL and Zero i.

Acting in the logistics area, she is responsible for a grouping of ships that come from various plans to work on the Terrano Plan. Not only is it responsible directly for this specific fleet of aid, but also coordinates the arrival of other fleets to operate in specific areas on the planet. Its specific fleet is very powerful and no non-positive race manages to breach the security barriers that the Alaíla fleet makes.

As an expression that also works with researches, it works directly with IUD-IL, Unidius, The Double Face Angel and Shenion, The Analyst helping them in certain developments. He also works directly with Auleu-Elulios-Loviw and Eialow-Loya-Low (

In Sirius B has a dress like Triton, called Abux, and in another occasion also was a mermaid of this same system called AmU-LiAh. She incarnated next to the master El Morya, when this one was in its dress of King Arthur, being one of its next knights. This knight was called Northe. At some point, where they were near, King Arthur gave him some instructions. He asked the knight to find Merlin, who would help him on some personal matters. Merlin would show him a specific line of the future, where the knight would meet a group of specific beings. Not by chance, the PVSE grouping, present in this reality.

Alaíla has a very special ability: with three fingers together, gauge, medium and annular, when you join the three, it creates a powerful force field and healing. If someone is feeling sick for any reason, it is enough that she puts the three fingers together on the person’s forehead (third eye) and this will help balance and alleviate any feelings of discomfort. Of course, if it is an urgent case of going to the doctor, the patient should be taken, but if Alaíla can come together with this gesture, it will be very helpful.

She found Zero for thousands of years in a system not known to the Terrans, and when he saw her, he said … “we will meet more often in a place that does not yet exist, but will come into being. I need your help arranging some things. I need your guidance … “To which she asked,” Do you need me? “And she smiled. He answered “Yes.” He smiled, too. And she said, “What do you want me to direct?” And he said, smiling, “Start telling me which Portal I use to get out of this System?” – And they both laughed …

It is being called by the Pleiades 1 to help the Terrans to orient themselves in order to find their ways. Call to directly integrate the PVSE Event Organization team. Called to inspire the Terran hearts to look for magic in them, showing them that there is always a better way. When he descended to the Terrano Plan thousands of years ago for “Mission Earth,” he promised that it would help in the rescue of many of his group that had been lost in Terran density. Now she’s getting the signal that she’s ready, more than ready for it. Its grouping is about 600 (six hundred) thousand beings scattered between the Terrano Plan physical, etheric and aboard the ships. Those trapped in the lower etheric have just received the signal that Alaíla is awake and awaiting her contact.

Alaíla, go, reunite your people! You are being directly supported by Lord Sirius and Lady Sirius.


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

ALFEUS = An angelic being, radius of Mikhael and Gabriel (Archangel). It is the perfect interaction between the two energies. It is a mixed-be warrior with announcer. It has beautiful white wings with heavenly blue tones. Tall, beautiful eyes that look like two galaxies with its trillions of stars. Sometimes, on some occasions, it becomes like a bird hawk. It is a being announcer, belonging to the legion of Mikhael and Gabriel and works in both legions simultaneously. In his galactic guise, is a member of the Ashtar Command staff, also with the role to announce the new guidelines. Receives instructions lovingly and passes. It is a reliever be in nature and, thus, when necessary acts as a psychologist in recovery mother ships, which are those mental disorder removed from the negative zone. His loving presence calms. He has his heart like a huge erupting volcano, ejecting flames in blue, white and pink. These flames directed by him reach the other being full, causing them to reflect on the real meaning of life, about the need to keep the Faith, Love and always be willing to serve with gestures of kindness. It is by nature an energetic conductor, serving as a “wire” to take Mikhael Gabriel and energies where it goes. It is also guardian of interdimensional portals, and, with its beautiful wings, close the entries for malicious beings. He also, by nature, has such a piercing gaze that no negative entity can look him in the eyes, feeling uncomfortable with so much light. On many occasions, negative forces tried to circumvent the security of certain astral regions when Alfeus arrived quickly in this place, and the brothers of darkness left in disarray, afraid, alone, his gaze. When he goes on hellish areas, as it descends, will closed eyes and flapping its wings gently, and when it arrives, open them completely and opens the beautiful big eyes, extends his palms, and each of them leaves a distance of light Blue and White. When you open your eyes, it’s as if a light storm fell there. He always says: “I AM Alfeus, AND HONOR WHO I SERVE.” And, immediately, is heard by Mikhael and Gabriel. Is being called the Pleiades 1 to fully anchor your energy on the physical and astral plane Terrano in order, like a trumpet, announce the come time and say that time is running out for those who still insist on resisting the Light. Announces that divina justice does not fail and is on the way. Flapping its wings on fire etheric to cause it to ignite and reach the largest possible number of souls, transmuting all the negative forces of all the astral and physical areas Terranas. Every time you get to a physical place where there there is any negative energy, mentally or verbally say “I AM ALFEUS, AND HONOR WHO I SERVE” immediately incorporate yours highest Self.

ALFIN, THE WIZARD OF CERTAINTIES = Alfin is an Angelic being of the Higher Spheres of Sirius A, but he was also in Sirius B. His two major points of performance. He also had passages in the Pleiades, Orion and some experiments in the Andromeda Galaxy, a private property, where he delivered a feather … Alfin earned this affectionate nickname “The Angel of Certainties” from his friends Angels from a well-known angelic group in the cosmos. Alfin is a very optimistic being and is always sure that something good will happen. With his many moves in the cosmos, he was always sure that everything was going to be all right. In all his missions, even when he was still experiencing greater density, before he even went down to the Terrano Plan, he was already a very sure being and always knew everything. So much so that if anyone had any doubts about something, they would say “Speak to Alfin, he’ll give you the certainty”.

Alfin, as an Angel beloved of the Legion of Mikael, also acting in the army of Angels of Gabrielus (Archangel Gabriel), measures around 3 (three) meters of height and is very imposing. Bearer of energy of balance and harmony, is also a very cheerful being and easily makes smile even the most serious beings. It has two large swords in each hand, one white and one blue. His wings are extremely large, almost disproportionate to his “angelic body.” His eyes are large and range from bright blue to pure white.

It began its process of incarnation in the Terran Plan (Earth) for thousands of years at the request, especially of Gabrielus. Alfin was one of the Angels who assisted in the cleansing of the Terran Plan for the coming of Jesus, the one who would bring loving truth. Alfin, among many other works by the cosmos, in his many garments was also a bearer of the ability to control time, in an Andromeda system. On occasion, he gave a special Pity to a certain Storytelling Fairy … Alfin is an Angel, a Wizard, a Time Master, a Cacique, a Love. It’s a being that carries the energy of Faith accurately. He’s the Angel of Certainties and he is the Wizard of Certainties! And why Wizard? You will know next.

Alfin incarnated several times in the Terran Physical Plan. In the Army of Alexander the Great, he was one of the most trusted Alexander. He was also incarnate beside Moses in the crossing of the Red Sea. Incarnated as Rúben, one of the sons of Jacob (Bible). He decided to incarnate on the physical plane once more, and this time he was close to Merlin, The Wizard. He became one of his disciples at the age of twelve. When Merlin saw him for the first time, he said, “What are you doing here, Star Boy ?!” Young Alfin, at the time called Harthemi, said, “I want to be a Wizard!” Merlin replied, “Go away, young man; You’re already a Magician! ” Harthemi spoke: “How do you know !?” – Merlin: “I AM SURE!” And smiled … Harthemi also smiled and said … “Yes! … I am SURE too …” Obviously Alfin did not leave and became a disciple of Merlin, Staying with him until he was 17, when he was called by the Court of Angels to return to the higher spheres. He disembodied softly, asleep, and awoke on the other side with his Angels Friends “Ohohoh! The Magician has returned! “And the laughter of love spread. Hence the “The Wizard” was born. His friendly Angels, including Alfeus, knew that he admired the energy of that being called Merlin and said that at first opportunity he wanted to experience physicality beside him. When he saw that he had incarnated and could also do so, he tried to descend into physicality and, on the way down, his Angels friends joked about saying … “There goes The Wizard of Certainties …” and they all laughed lovingly.

Most recently, he was with Zero i when he was a Russian general in World War II, trying to stop Hitler.

On the Terran surface, one could say “First Immediate” of Alfeus within the PVSE Clusters. He’s allowed by the Pleiades 1 to assume, in case of quitting some Avatar of the specific mission of “First of Phalange”, until two Phalanges, if he feels he should. You don’t have to say much to him, because he always IS CERTAINTY OF WHAT HE DOES.

Alfin is also a Guardian of Cinti’s Cluster, The Storytelling Fairy. Your protection energy and CERTAINTY that everything is and will always be well is very powerful, and all those who are in your presence, from this activation, will feel even stronger this energy.

It’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to radiate in the hearts of all this certainty of DIVINE PERFECTION. Expand within the PVSE and reverberate in all directions the importance of higher purposes, making sure that the path to expansion is being pursued and that nothing is outside of a higher truth. THE CERTAINTY that everything has a reason and the CERTAINTY that these whys are always to develop expansion. Also called to go to the areas of the lower astral, upper and physical plane and reunite his group Certainties Magicians and, with his innate strength, together with the strength of his soul brother, Alfeus, make sure that this is the Moment, the RIGHT moment for the JUMP.

Alfin, go! Gather your Angels and do what you were doing on the Terran physical and astral planes: to disintegrate negative currents only with a “YES, I’M CERTAIN!” – when forces opposed to Love say “How do you know your work will work !? ! “” Alfin, the Wizard of Certainties, your motto is: “I AM CERTAIN THAT ALL IS PART OF A HIGHER PLAN.”

ALKINA, THE FLOWER OF THE TIME = Alkina, The Flower of the Time is a beautiful being of devic energy, coming from a kingdom in the Andromeda Galaxy. She has recently incorporated the Pleiadian, Sirian and Arcturian energies into her being, so she can wear garments within these groupings, as and when she wants. By the way, she has a very special healing dress inside the Sirian fleet. She works by channeling the energies of Nature and transforming them into potions of healing. It also has a strong connection to the energies of Vanula, The Potions Fountain and Cinti (Shimmering), the Storytelling Fairy.

Alkina, The Flower of theTime, is a multidimensional energy and in all dimensions where it manifests, it has the appearance of a beautiful flower with seven petals, each of which is connected to seven specific points: Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Potions, Shimmering, Devic Kingdom and all the magic of Ancient Egypt. It is a beautiful flower of white crystal light, (with two more tones …), with the seven petals, radiating energies of all these points.

In her many incarnations on the Earth physical plane, she worked, for the most part, with the energies of nature. She was in Ancient Egypt when she was a Nefertiti Feminine Energetic Integrator. In Greater Atlantis, she was a priestess of great connection with the Cetaceans of the time. He was also in old Lemuria, where she was very close to that one known like Numu and, later, like Juno. In many of her other incarnations she was protective of mystical secrets, moving them away from evil black wizards, which, unfortunately, led her to death several times through persecution by these magicians.

Being of a pure and benevolent heart, every time she disembodied in the hands of violent black magicians, she looked them in the eyes, deeply, with so much love that, after that moment, these black magicians were converted to the Light. To have done it badly in some life, was able to continue in this way when it had contact with Alkina, The Flower of the Time. Alkina is a name coming from the Galaxy of Andromeda, of its kingdom of essence. It means “The seven petals that travel through time”. This, because, it can also keep traveling between dimensions and remain conscious and simultaneously in at least seven of these dimensions. More specifically, in its highest state, it can be conscious in seven planes at the same time, in all of them, already mentioned above: Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Potions Source (in the Master dimension of Potions Source), Shimmering In the Master Shimmering Dimension), Devil’s Kingdom and all of Ancient Egypt’s magic.

Alkina also incarnated in the time of that known as Jesus, being also one of very close to that known like Mary Magdalene. It was one of those who continued preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom after the disincarnation of Jesus. It brings in your heart the remembrance of the personal encounter with Jesus, the Master of Love. When predicting the future, he told her … “On a day that will seem like night, on a night that will seem like day (symbolizing it traveling through the dimensions of non-time), you will receive a call, a call from a being from another time He will give you part of what you are, the other part you will discover for yourself, this being you will recognize, you will recognize it by the numeral and by the vowel. “

It is a being of intense radiation, being able to see in him three shades of energy, simultaneously: crystal white, light pink and golden ruby. There is a master who has deep Love for her, because she was also close to him, when he took on the guise of a king. This Master is called El Morya, when he was in the dress of King Arthur. He is a master who is always at his disposal and will attend to any call, so it could be said that he is also a representative of the blue ray of divine strength and will, for it receives powerful projections from Master El Morya, as well as from the Archangel Mikael.

She has a special ability that is the “yeast movement”. When she approaches some being, she quickly grows in him the Love that was hidden. Thus, their approximation of the phalanges of the PVSE Cluster will exponentially move the strength of these clusters. Simply, by its presence in these groupings, it will potentiate the action and the Light manifested there. Therefore, it is called to be present in all PVSE groupings!

Its flower connection with the devic realm is the bellis sylvestris, just as it is the flower that she likes to play when she is traveling between the dimensions, leaving her loving and perfumed trace.

She’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to bring all her inheritance to the Earth surface, summoning all those of her grouping to the specific work which is the anchoring of the Christ energy on the planetary surface. She, along with her grouping, are responsible for bringing the golden ruby colored grid to the planet. She is also called and send her projections to the T Zone and turn that region back into a paradise of Christic Energies. Being called to travel through the seven dimensions, when in its deepest meditative states and, when on the surface, go to the denser spaces, illuminate and perfume these regions. There are many beings in these denser realms that are part of their grouping, beings of Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda who are trapped in time and space, for when they came to Earth on their specific missions, they ended up being lost in certain situations. It has the authority to go to these spaces and bring these beings back to the Unified Consciousness, the Source. It is also called to look deeply into the eyes of those hard-hearted beings, both in the astral and in the physical Terran, and who have the habit of practicing evil and in this look, transform them forever! Most of these beings transformed by it becomes part of its grouping. Also call to Unite Forces, especially Potions Source, Shimmering and all those of the Devic Kingdom within the PVSE Grouping for joint work and, of course, with all those who feel the call. And of course, not just those who feel called, but their strength must be manifested in all PVSE groupings.

Alkina, the seven dimensions are yours so that you are consciously connected to them, and can bring to the planetary surface all your enlightened transcendental inheritance. Your people are waiting for you. Jesus announced his arrival at this time. It’s your time. Be aware of the seven dimensions, you will bring them back and forth and take them there simultaneously. What? Find out, you’re ready, Jesus said you would. He never misses.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to transmit.

ALLIED X = They are beings from Planet X which help the movement of resistance. These beings are among those who maintain permanent communication with the COBRA, who is one of the terrestrial representatives of the Resistance, contacted Pleiadian, in the service of this Movement. Planet X is one of the “things” that are hidden among the large areas of constellations that appear masked in Google Sky. (See More information about Planet X, see here: and here

ALLIES LOCAL AND / OR ALLIES SYSTEMIC = “Local” indicates a cluster local (a specific region) beings confidence of light forces , able to receive permission to enter in high-level meetings where usually is discussed the situation of the Earth and Galaxy. Beings extremely ethical and facing light, inviolable, determined to serve the light, cost what cost, incorruptible. “Allies systemic” would be the same thing, and, they would be inspired by the allies locations. Let’s say the allies local be the first to receive the projection and credentials to come into certain spaces meetings and / or authority before some situations, inspiring the systemic, as if they were spreading a “virus” light to all, as if to receive an opportunity divine to serve the forces of light through incorruptibility. When the P1 says something like “attention allies locations, reverb in allies systemic” would be something like “attention you who are already accredited, inspire through behaviors crísticos all around you, so that they also receive your credentials light and can get in certain spaces to collaborate also with the course of the activities in order to take the Earth and the whole system to high levels of light.

Of course, the allies local as well as allies systemic, to be accredited will be representatives of the surface planetary in high advice / meetings in plans Astral and, according to the need and time, even in the physical plane. Be a representative of the light forces on the surface and the Astral is very seriously and honorable. Imagine you that, where you are the forces of darkness respect you . It’s as if you had a sacred seal about you signed up” untouchable “and, as much as they don’t like you, may not play it. It is also part of agreements made in several of these advice, where some forces of darkness (representatives of the forces of darkness) are part. Can deepen more in this subject advice, discussions, etc., in articles and videos of Corey Goode, (see tab” informants “in the upper left corner of the blog), where he reports several times meetings that participated, being them brothers benevolent and malevolent other planets where discussing a few things. One of them was on the disclosure total, and that the forces of light do not accept in any way, the disclosure partial. (suggestion forces of darkness, these claiming that humanity wouldn’t be prepared to disclosure total. They are trying to the disclosure partial to give time escape out of the solar system before the humanity land learn everything that they did.

The forces of light will not allow it in any way.) May seem strange for some people a meeting civilized, where are present aliens negative, but there are, and they in most cases, respect the environment where is having the meeting. The forces of light are always in larger number and unlike that some people might think, no, – the forces of light not would advance on them getting them by the neck and accusing them crimes. Representatives of the light forces are educated and peaceful, which does not mean that are fools and manipulable. Show at all times that the darkness do not have to where run, that the cycle is closing and their performances in this system reached the end. I, Gabriel, I was a few times in some of these meetings in the Astral plane, and I can say that there is much order. Despite some beings negative be really scary to reality of the Earth, they remain politely. There is always sometimes some peaks exaltation on the part of the dark, which are always reprimanded by elders that preside meetings.

Finally, of course, the majority of meetings in which the allies of light participate are only with beings benevolent in order to discuss solutions to help the planet and the system. These, there are several representatives of various races positive that interact loving and peacefully, exchanging ideas and light.

ALUN-BI-AVIL = Information on the link:

AMA-AHA, THE MYSTIC = In the days of ancient Egypt, there were many mystics, capable of doing incredible things. In the days of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, there was one called Ama-Aha. Tall, blond hair, long and drained, tanned skin, strong and penetrating look. Wearing the usual makeup at the time, he was serious, and hardly ever smiled. But his heart burned like a bright torch, full of Love and wisdom.

He was always called by Pharaoh to unravel puzzles and dreams. He was also a healer, endowed with high healing abilities. He was often seen moving the wind in the direction he wanted, as well as bringing a cloud into the scorching sun only by moving his hands to the sky, as if he were moving a cloud from position “A” to position “B”, and this , in turn, covered the sun.

He also had a special ability: he could change his face from man to a female face. He really was a wonderful being. Few, at the time, had the skills he had. Once, in a situation where children were playing inside the palace, most of them being sons of Pharaoh’s officials, two of them disagreed and began to quarrel. Ama-Aha saw from a distance, and approached. When he arrived, one of the children said, “Mom, it was he who started it,” pointing at another child. The “mother” said … “Son, it doesn’t matter who started it, don’t do it any more, hug each other now, I don’t want to see you fighting anymore!” The two children hugged each other lovingly and the “mother” came out of the room and left them playing again … Did you notice? She was not the mother of one of the children; it was Ama-Aha who had taken the form of one of the mothers of the children and went to them to calm the moods.

On another occasion the Pharaoh lay in bed, with an intense fever and delusions, while in his bed was his nearest counselor, hearing some whisperings from his Pharaoh. When Pharaoh entered these states, he prophesied and brought messages from the high spheres to his people. Ama-Aha entered the room and when Pharaoh finished his prophecy, he laid his hands on him, and he slept soundly, waking up the next day, as if nothing had happened.

Ama-Aha incarnated several times after this time. He was in the time of Jesus, as one of his close disciples (not of the 12 better known, but of others besides these). On one occasion, Jesus, at the end of a conversation with Ama-Aha, said … “You’ll need to come back many times.Many of these people need you.Don’t forget that I’ll be with you with every call of yours.I’ll be with you.Look (Jesus pointed to Judas Iscariotes, one of his disciples.) Soon, at another time, he will need you … Help him, I love him very much. ” Ama-Aha, at that time called John, from Thebes, (possibly will not find information about him in the Bible), nodded positively, stating that he would do as the Master had requested.

Ama-Aha also incarnated around the year 1400 A.D. At the time he was among the “Burgundy”, but he quickly abandoned them and took sides with Joan of Arc, having been touched by the strength and sweetness of that determined peasant. He helped her in what she can; just could not stop her being burned at the stake. When he saw her for the first time, he heard a voice that came from the depths of his being “… he will need you … help him.” It was not a simple voice. had asked him centuries ago … Yes! Joan of Arc is the same Judas Iscariotes completing his soul mission.

Ama-Aha was also incarnate alongside Kuan Yin, as one of his close disciples, named Astoht-Shi. There, it was also a powerful mystical anchor, responsible for anchoring the energy of the Mother Goddess on the surface. Kuan Yin, to the present moment, is at his side constantly supporting him in all his movements on the physical plane.

Around the fifth century, in Old Europe, she was a White Witch pursued for her mystical abilities. At the time, it was called Malenah. She was a healer and she knew the energies of herbs. She dealt with revolted spirits and when they acted on people, tormenting them, she simply, with a laying on of hands, pushed them away and freed people. In such an incarnation, she was constantly aided by Merlin, the Magician (incarnation of Saint Germain), who left the body and appeared to her giving certain instructions. To this day, Malenah (Ama-Aha) is much respected and loved by Saint Germain (Merlin), being able to call him at any moment, which will be immediately attended. Ama-Aha (Malenah) also has the gift of clairvoyance, being able to see the past, the present and the future unfolding right in front of him, by simply lifting his head up, looking a little to the right.

Ama-Aha is being called by the Pleiades 1 to completely bring to the Terran surface his mystical energy of the old times. Called to anchor, also, the force of Malenah and, next to its grouping, that long awaited these movements, transmute the black magic in white magic. Ama-Aha has a people – a mystical army – awaiting their movement on the surface. Ama-Aha is supported by three pillars: Kuan Yin, Saint Germain and Master Portia. Called to form a powerful Light Group in these three pillars and to move all its mystical inheritance so that all those who approach him, in this present incarnation, are healed, released and renewed forever! His people are about twenty-five thousand souls who are among the astral and physical planes of the Terran plane. Most of them are in the physical awaiting the call to this transcendental union.

Ama-Aha, your motto is “I’M THE HEALING AND THE FREEDOM AND I’M ANCHORED IN THE THREE SACRED PILLARS”. Go, gather your people and bring all your mystical strength to the Terran surface. You have incarnated in this time so that, with your people, you transform the darkness into Light. Incarnated to empower the disempowered, to heal the sick, to clear the obsessed, to make sad people smile, to show the truth to those who have been deceived and to give life to those who think she is lost. You are and always will be supported by the high spheres! Go! Gather your people and bring mystical strength into the Christic Light!

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

AMABU = Jesuit of the Inquisition called Cornelo. Extremely rebellious and merciless. He had a strong sexual urge for all the people he interacted with, both men and women, animals, trees, or anything. He had a sexual imbalance. He could not get an erection and express what he wanted, so he was very frustrated with himself. He did not like to see married couples, much less couples of the same sex. He had an immense pleasure in picking up couples, both of the same genre and not, to torture them and force them to do things that could further move this sexual imbalance in him. He disembodied. He has assembled a group of beings with vibrations similar to his and works, so far, to torment amorous connections, still relying on his frustration. The Light Forces are giving him an opportunity to rediscover hisbalance and return to Home. He’s a being from Saturn, much loved by his family, who awaits him with much Love. The P1 has asked all the Avatars and allies of the PVSE to design their lights on this beloved brother so he can return home.

AMAPU-INK = Vide aqui:

AMIL22 = It’s a scalar system that is located in Paris, France, specifically at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It’s function is simply to try to lower the vibration of the people of that place by means of scalar attacks, as well as to induce people to extreme aggression and / or laziness. It also acts often as that memory-canceling device, (neutralizer), shown in the movie MIB, Men in Black. When there are events where the Galactic Federation makes mass appearances, then this device is applied so that soon people begin to ridicule or simply say “oh … that’s my imagination” and return to “normal” life ignoring it. There are several Federation exhibits in that region. This place is an important Point of Light on the planet and there are several Light vortexes activated and to be activated. The Light Forces are in intensive to completely disable this particular device. A call is being made to all PVSE Phalanges and related for Light-intensive realization. Organize meditations, invoke your strengths, connect with Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic and all Light Beings of this universe and beyond, together, we act and cancel out the negative effects of this Ashoris3technology.

AMMUNA-HA/RA-MI-RA = Long time ago, in Ancient Egypt, in the reign of Pharaoh Djoser (, was Imhotep, Chancellor of the King of Egypt, First in the lineage of the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary Noble, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor and Chief Feeder of Vases ( Imhotep). With Imhotep there was a group of beings, the priests of Imhotep, who worked with him at various points. One of them was the work on the Resurrection.

Among those who were with Imhotep were Ammuna-Ha (male expression) and Ra-Mi-Ra (female expression). At the time, work was done to try to bring back to life the bodies already dead of Egyptians, both members of the Palace, and not. In this, the mummification work always took place with special rituals to anchor the energies in order to bring back the breath of life to that same body. They believed that the spirit could come back, yes, after the “death journey” and tried to make it go as fast as possible using various techniques and rituals to accelerate this process. Unfortunately, in many of these rituals, spirits could not detach themselves from their bodies, being biologically trapped in the dead body, their soul imprisoned. Many mummies are up to this day with souls trapped there and can not detach themselves to other plans.

During many of these trials, some priests of Imhotep, including Ammuna-Ha and Ra-Mi-Ra, tried to achieve this in a more abrupt and ambitious way, determined to get what they wanted: to raise the dead and preserve their bodies intact until the return of “Death journey”. But it was necessary that there should be a natural death so that they could take the body and initiate the rituals of resurrection and / or mummification. Then they accelerated this process by creating movements so that the bodies could reach their hands more quickly. In this they relied on the help of Nefarini, the Priestess and head of mummification and resurrection rituals who coordinated these movements and ensured that the bodies reached both Ammuna-Ha and Ra-Mi-Ra.

Older priests had created a curse called Hom-Dai as a punishment reserved for the worst blasphemers who committed sexual crime with Pharaoh’s daughter and sons and also the worst acts against Pharaoh’s law. However, this punishment was used very rarely. The Egyptians feared much Hom-Dai. It was so serious, I will avoid giving more details here because of the energy, but the person was mummified, still alive, with much torture, similar to what is presented in the movie “The Mummy” (, although the film did not bring precisely what actually happened, especially with regard to Imhotep, since the “malignant” and vindictive figure presented in the film in relation to the person of Imhotep is not correct. Already the part about Hom-Dai is almost 100% accurate. Although many of these new priests did not have the proper permission to apply Hom-Dai, they often did so in an attempt to somehow speed up the resurrection process and others.

There are many beings imprisoned in the Pyramid of Quéops, and a line-lighting work needs to be done for the complete purification of these movements. The beings Ammuna-Ha and Ra-Mi-Ra are at the forefront of this movement, as those who know this timeline and who witnessed many of these movements. Together with Nefarini, they are now embodied in the Terran Physical Plane, and the Pleiades 1 is calling them to this work of enlightenment. The presence of Haronn, The Magnetic Heritage of Akhenaten, Avatar of the PVSE, is also called for the three initial powers that will sustain and give impetus to this work. Haronn is, one might say, the immediate force of Ammuna-Ha and Ra-Mi-Ra, if they do not sustain the Force and carry on with the work, thus assuming the responsibility to continue. If they do, Haronn is the one who will give direct energy support and help by anchoring the primary forces. Other PVSE Avatars who have a connection to Egypt are also being called upon to immediately take part in this movement, bringing their forces in summation so that the illumination will occur as soon as possible.

Haronn was also incarnate at the time, was one of the Priests of Imhotep, but worked anchoring the energies of the Ascension and was not connected directly to the movements mentioned above.

Nefarini will be part of this movement as one that will aid in anchoring these movements of enlightenment by anchoring the energies of Ascension, Purity, Hope, Resurrection, Fullness, expanding sympathy, generosity, quickness of intellect and perception, affectivity, balance, harmony, unity, intuition, correct judgment, wisdom, creativity and beauty. In the rituals and meditations of this movement, if possible, leave flowers (white lily, which is a symbol of Ascension) in a glass vase in the environment. Nefarini, you are being called to bring in the forces of the Temple of the Ascension of Serapis Bey, which has its location on the Terran Etheric Plane above Luxor in Upper Egypt. And, of course, you are also one of the “voices in the sky” that can provide guidance on the movement.

This work is also being opened to both the PVSE Avatars and the Avatars outside the PVSE (since we are all Avatars) that have a connection with Egypt and wish to assist in the process. Those outside the PVSE who come in contact to participate, and Ammuna-Ha and Ra-Mi-Ra if they feel they are not ready, should immediately undergo a special initiation and preparation – an energetic movement coordinated by the two, Ammuna-Ha and Ra -Mi-Ra, under the gaze and radiation of Haronn’s loving support, so that they can be authorized.

Contacts have been created, such as email, group, and Facebook page for this move:


A sacred symbol of this movement has also been channeled and must also be used as a point of Force. It is the symbol that illustrates this text.

Dear beings who are being called to this movement, you are being supported by other beings also determined to the illumination of this line: Anubis, Osiris (Ashtar), Isis, Áton, Akhenaton, Nefertiti, Amenhotep III (Zero), Horus, Tutankhamen ( the same spirit of St. Francis of Assisi), the ascended master Serapis Bey and, of course, Imhotep.

Dear ones, there is a great responsibility in your hands. It’s a people that belongs to your grouping. There are souls that need to be rescued from their prisons, both internal and those of magnetic fields. You have all the support of the Universe, all Magic, all Light and Love. Remember the simplicity in your hearts to conduct this work, remembering that the more humble, more Light and Trust of the Higher Plans to give you missions like this one that, if it has arrived at this moment in your hands, is because they are ready . There are no better or worse here. There are no more powerful and less powerful here. Here is a subdivided Soul that was called to this work, and this soul is called AMUN-DEI-A, AMUN-DA, DA-MI-RÁ! (I AM LIGHTING, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND PURIFICATION).

You will be under projection of 3 (three) projectors of P1, being two of golden color and one of bright white color.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL
ANCHOR = Receipt / Anchoring

ANDINOS = In the Middle Ages, a few centuries ago, there was a group of young people called Andinos and they use to walk from village to village leading word of comfort, light, wisdom and love. They were very young girls and boys, who had lost their parents to the war, famine, disease or simply, were abandoned. They lived in the streets and were meeting with one another by energy affinity, since the spiritual plans were programmed for this, and they knew everything what they would pass when they incarnated. As they went deeper and deeper into the streets, staying alone and living in the streets, the Guides of Light inspired the ways for them to meet, and it was happening. So a large group was being formed. It was the Andinos, name given after a man of Light who appeared to the first young men who had gathered. He appeared among them and said, “This group will grow. It is good that you remain very united. Go! Inspire the people. Heal the sick. Give joy to the sad ones, the hope to the afflicted and Light for those in the shadows. Give all of you, and ALL OF ALL YOU WILL HAVE. You will be called Andinos. Some will bless you, others will curse you, yet nothing will shake you or make you vain”. And disappeared. (Note from Gabriel RL: Through my clairvoyance I can not distinguish who was this being precisely, but I believe it was Jesus).

They use to walk in the villages, in the fields of wars after the end of the battles, in the places where the street dwellers lived and use to carry there their divine songs, joy, peace and wonders that they had in their hearts. In battlefields, especially when they finished the battles, they helpes wounded warriors gaving them shelter, healing their wounds and inspiring them with a life of Peace and Love. Many of those warriors cried with their hearts deeply touched for those young people full of love, that they did not know where they came from and why they took care of them. Many of these warriors, already without family, relatives or friends, when touched in their hearts, left that life and joined the Andinos becoming their guardians, preventing any type of physical violence coming to them.

The Andinos ate and drank what they gave them. They slept having the sky starry as a ceiling, the stones as pillows, the leaves of the trees as blankets, and there were very happy. From their hearts radiated much sweetness and purity. When they were in their particular environment, they gather in caves to sing and anchor the forces for the next day. Or if they were in the middle of the forest, always some Being of Light was manifested through the mediumship of some of them giving words of confort and inspiring them to keep their beautiful work, thereby ensuring that they were being continually helped by Heaven. And indeed they were…

Many Andinos were driven out of the villages, because they were very simple. Some village leaders though they were too dangerous for their family, because many of these young people were powerful magicians and with great spiritual energy, producing mediumistic phenomena that scared people. Often in healing rituals, when they arrived in some town and was going to help someone with very serious illness, they sang divine songs unknown for those people. As they sang it was possible to see lights appearing lights from “nothing” around them e around the sick person as well as wind blowing unexpectedly, above them and noises as if it were spaceships (extraterrestrial spaceships) flying over them. It startled many people and as rumors of this group of young people was spreading, some people wanted to met them and others wanted them far away. This young group had direct contact with the Pleiadians, who inspired them and helped in their healing and transforming phenomena. Wherever they went, Pleiadian ships followed them invisible to the eyes of most people, and even to this group of young people, who were endowed with much mediumship, in all their expressions.

News was spreading about this group of young men in various villages and kingdoms and some young princes and princesses of neighboring kingdoms were delighted with the stories they heard about the Andinos. Some of these princes and princesses fled from their kingdoms and joined them. To have a life together with the Andinos, they stripped themselves of a kingdom of material wealth and comfort, for a simpler life alongside those young people. Not by chance, these princes and princesses also were part of this group of spirits who would come to the “Andinos” mission, and it would not be a wealth and confort kingdom (not that having wealth and confort is a problem) that would makethem to go back in their missions, as their hearts knew very well what they had to do.

We have a great example of Francis of Assisi, who abandoned everything he had and followed his heart. They, these princesses and princesses, did the same.

Among these many princes and princesses, there was a Celtic princess named Arkhéra, the princess of a tribe of Batavos ( She was a princess considered rebellious, because she did not admit the conduct of her parents, whom she thought extremely inhumane towards some prisoners of battles. They use to arrest and mistreat the prisoners and she would go there and let them go, give them food and send them away. She always acted against anything her parents – or whoever was it – would determine, if case she considered not being in a loving energy and conduct. Rebel, as she was called by her father Agerus, faced with a head up anyone she considered inhuman, disloyal, coward and stupid, to the point of often be hurted fot it. She was a beautiful 16-year-old girl, but with the head of the old veteran spirits of this Planet Earth. Even being hurt, she would not bow her head and, standing firm while being hurt, said: “What my heart says is what I should follow, and no man or woman, no matter how close they are to me – being this even you, my father (which was beating her at the moment) – will make me deviate from what I feel in my being”.

The stories of the Andinos reached the ears of Arkhära, and she was delighted, already planning to meet them. Her parents knew and were furious saying that she would never leave. Oh … to say that to her was the same as nothing, because when she wanted something, no one ever stopped her. No matter what it cost, she would meet them. At the first opportunity, she left the kingdom and went to them, and being very well received, she became one of the Andinos. She was a medium of physical effect and transmitter of messages from the heavens (medium of incorporation), receiving in her mediumship apparatus many Beings of Light who wanted to leave their messages, just as she received in her appliance brothers plunged into darkness to be lovingly instructed and elevated to the Realms of Light. Arkhéra spent all his life with them. Her parents even tried to get her back, but when they got close to the place, they were taken by an energy that made them dizzy and aimless. They were completely lost. They were disoriented not knowing what they were doing and why they were there. They went back home all the time, confused, until they try to go after her again, when the same thing always happened.

Arkhára became one of the leaders of the Andinos. She was always much loved by all of them, promising that she would be with them for endless ages, and so she has done, since then. The Andinos are beings that came from various points of the Galaxy and beyond. By energy affinity, they constantly seek each other and, wherever they are, they find themselves by vibration and very similar ideas. Arkhéra, seeing in many princes and princesses that same affinity, always wore her princess clothes that she took with her to the Andinos and used them to enter the palaces. As a very respected person, her entrance was allowed. She went to the princes and princesses and use to invite them to join her and her group, which they did not even think twice about: they ran away with her. Arkhära was also much persecuted for her strong personality, but was always protected by the superior forces and the warriors who had joined her group.

The great “ANDINOS” movement is being created and anchored on the Terrana and Arkhéra Surface, the Celtic Princess who is incarnated at the moment and working with me inside the ‘Sementes das Estrelas’ team at the moment, and acting within the PVSE, is being called to, as the first of this Phalange / Grouping, bring together all those Andinos who, for many centuries, were lost due to the intense negativity of the Terrano Plan.

A Falange will be created by ARKHÉRA, THE CELTIC PRINCESS, and when it happens, the contact links will be available in the link below:


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

Translation: Jéssica Braga

ANTI-LOVE = Which somehow does not serve the Light. This term is associated with purely negative entities working more in the astral. They could be called draconian, reptilian, Archons…

AQUARIUS = It is a Being who came from a remote system, not necessarily that universe. He passed through the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda. It is, by nature, Geneticist Galactic and integrated in the Pleiades new gifts. It is a Wayshower. He has the magnetic power of speech. It is known here that is a being with the power to radiate with voice, leading to meekness, love and passivity those still in darkness, grace to the singing ability of cetaceans. It is an expression of the Lord of the World, in alignment with the Universal Love. His voice, as it softens with meekness, shudders darkness by transmuting power. It’s a Keeper of the Flame of numerous guardians of Zadkiel army. It has immense ease in communicating telepathically with cetaceans, as it is also one of its origins. It is called to definitely incorporate this ability with cetaceans to help in the harmonization of Earth’s oceans, deconstructing negative bases and preventing the violation of ocean energy.

AR (Archons – In Greek: Rulers) = They are beings who came from the Andromeda Galaxy and wanted to experience the darkness. They refused to reconnect with the Source. Through millennia, they created the draconian and reptilian race through genetic engineering to use them as slave warriors to expand his dark empire. (For more information, see:

ARCARO = He is an Andromedan Master who is currently under the power of the group called by the Pleiades 1 of Ashoris 3 (Chimera). He and his people were enslaved about 12,000 years ago and have since been under the power of Ashoris 3. They belong to an Andromedan System known as ONE1. This is a system of Virtual Reality Programmers’ Universities.

ARCARO and 17 other masters are at this moment in a ship. They are in contact with the PVSE. They were following direct commands from Ashoris 3 to attack Zero i and the supporters of the Magnetic Crystal and the Magnetic Island. However, they were involved in the energy of the Home which, lovingly, with each encounter, we delivered to them through looks and energetic blocks of reprogramming. At the last meeting, ARCARO and his group said they would no longer follow the attack orders they were ordered to execute. They have asked us for help getting rid of Ashoris 3 and, promptly, for all those who reach out for help, help is given! Send loving, inviting and grateful energies to these great Andromedan Masters, members of our endless Universal Galactic Family!

Note: Approximately 3 hours after the last conversation with Arcaro, he returned with his crew, adding 18 members, thanking and bringing some important information about his ex-Chiefs. We were warned that immediately his former Chiefs of Ashoris 3 (Chimera), would come after us. All were brought home in joy! Minutes later, a group of 3 beings arrived. They were the ancient chiefs of the Andromedans. They are in an intensive way to weaken the mental of Zero i to the point of collapse. An energetic reinforcement is requested of all those Lightworkers determined to enlighten this Planet. As you can see, things are very accelerated and for now, a lot of work is being done behind the scenes. Sum up your energies here, Masters! Together we are more stronger!

ARKHADI-MI = Solar Master, unifier of nations. Specialist in projection of Abundance and Vegetation.

ARKHÉRA, THE CELTIC PRINCESS = It is an expression/incarnation of a being from Pleaides Star System, especially from Electra star. It is a very beautiful being, from a female expression. She has long curly dark hair, and wears golden clothes mixed with green and light blue colors, seeming a beautiful light tunic. She has big eyes with a dark green shade. Her energy and aura irradiate a blue and intense gold light, beautiful! She is about 2.30m tall. Being of strong personality, determined and brave. She is a very powerful Star warrior. In her right hand she carries a light spear she uses to destroy webs of dark energy when she goes down to the inferior astral zones. In this expression, she shows herself many times riding a beautiful unicorn. The look of Arkhéra is very strong and there it is possible to see the wisdom and power of the great warrior spirits. In one of her most important incarnation on Earth physical plan, such powerful Pleiadian was a Celtic Princess, leader of the Andino Movement.

In the Middle Ages, centuries ago, there was a group of young people called Andinos and they used to walk from village to village taking words of comfort, light, wisdom and love. There were very young ladies and boys, who had lost their parents on wars, from hunger, diseases or, simply, were abandoned. They lived in the streets and used to gather with each other through energetic affinity, since they had planned that in the spiritual plan and they knew all that they would live when incarnated. As they were getting alone and started living in the streets, the Light Guides inspired their paths to meet each other, and so it was happening. Therefore, a big group has been formed. They were the Andinos, name given by a Light Being who appeared for the first young people gathered. He showed up in the middle of the group and said: “This group will grow. It is good for you to be very united. Go! Inspire the people. Heal the sick ones. Give joy to the unhappy, hope to the afflicted and light for the ones stood in the shadow. Give all of you, and EVERYTHING FROM THE WHOLE YOU WILL GET. You will be called the Andinos. Some will bless you, some will curse you, however, nothing will shake you or will flatter you.” And disappeared. (Gabriel RL’s Note: Through my vision I am not able to distinguish who was this being, precisely, but I believe it was Jesus). They have walked through villages, in battle fields after the end of the battles, in places there were homeless people and they took there their divine chants, joy, peace and the marvelous they had in their hearts. In battle fields, especially when the battles were finished, they helped the wounded warriors giving them support, healing their wounds and inspiring them to a life with Peace and Love. Many of those warriors cried with their hearts deeply touched by those young people so plenty of love, that they did not know where they came from and why they were taking care of them. Many of these warriors no longer had family, relatives or friends, when touched in their hearts, quitted that life and gathered the Andinos becoming their guardians, preventing any kind of physical violence approach them.

The Andinos drank and ate what was given to them. They slept having the starry sky as roof, the rocks as pillows, leaves from trees as blanket, and they were very happy. From their hearts irradiate much sweetness and pureness. When they were on their particular environment, they gathered in caverns to sing and anchor the force for the next day. Or, when in the middle of the forests, always some Light Being manifested himself through the mediumship from some of them, sharing words of comfort and inspiring them to continue their beautiful job, assuring that they would be assisted, continuously, by Heaven. And indeed they were…

Many of the Andinos were kicked out from villages because they were very simple. Some village leaders thought they were dangerous for their families, since many of them were powerful wizards and managed with great spiritual energies, creating mediumistic phenomena which scared people. Many times, in healing rituals, when they were in a village and went to help some very ill person, they enchanted divine chants unknown for that people. As they chanted, it could be seen lights showing up “from nothing” around them and the ill person, as well as winds blowing, unexpectedly, over them and noises as if it were objects (extraterrestrial ships) flying over them. It scared a lot of people and at the extent rumors from these groups of young people were spreading out, some wanted to know them and some wanted them far away. This group of young people had contact with the Pleiadians, which inspired and helped them in their healings and transformer phenomena. Where they would go, Pleiadians ships accompanied them, invisible to the majority of the people, even from that group, which were gifted from much mediumship in all of its expressions.

News have spread out from that group to many villages and realms and some young princess and princesses from near realms were delighted with the stories they heard about the Andinos. Some of these princess and princesses ran away from their realms to join them. They started to have a life along with the Andinos, striping themselves from all perks of a realm of material wealth and comfort, to a simpler life along with those young people. Not by chance, these princess and princesses were all part of these group of spirits that would come for the “Andinos” mission, and would not be a realm of wealth and comfort (not that having wealth and comfort is a problem) that would made them back from their missions, since their hearts already knew very well what they had to do.

We had a great example of Francisco de Assis, who abandoned all he got and followed his heart. They, these princess and princesses, did the same.

Among these many princess and princesses, there was a Celtic princesses called Arkhéra, the princesses of a Batavian tribe ( She was considered a rebel princesses, because she did not admit her parents conduct, which she judged extremely inhumane, with some battle prisoners. They arrested, mistreated the prisoners and she went there and released them, fed them and let them go. Always acting against anything her parents – or anyone – determined, in cases she considered it was not in a lovely energy and conduct. Rebel, as she was called by her father Agérus, she used to face with head up anyone she considered inhumane, disloyal, coward and stupid, in such sense that many times “she got beaten hard” for that. She was a beautiful 16 years old lady, but with a mind from old veteran spirits of this Planet Earth. Event got beaten, she did not low her head, keeping steady when beaten, said: “what my heart says is what I should follow and no man or woman, as closer as may be from me – even this one is you my father (who was beaten her in that moment) – will make me deviate from what I feel inside”.

The Andino stories reached Arkhera’s ears and she got enchanted, already planning to meet them. Her parents knew about it and got furious saying she would never leave there. Ow… saying so to her it was the same as nothing, since when she wanted something no one ever prevented her. At any cost, whatever it would take, she would meet them. In the first opportunity she abandoned the realm and went to meet them and, being very well received, she became one of the Andinos. She was a medium of physical effects and transmitter of messages from Heaven (incorporation medium), receiving in her mediumistic device many Light Beings that wished to send their messages, as well as, received in her device brethren immersed in the darkness to be lovely instructed and elevated to Heaven. Arkhéra lived all her life with them. Her parents tried to get her back, but when they got closer to the location, they were taken by an energy which let them dizzy and aimless. They got completely lost. They got disoriented without knowing what they were doing and why they where there. They came back home every time confused, until they tried go after her again, when the same happened again.

Arkhéra became one of the Andinos’ leaders. She was always loved by all, promising that she would be with them forever and so she has been doing, since then. The Andinos are beings from many points of the Galaxy and beyond. By energetic affinity, they look for each other often and, wherever they were, they found each other by the vibration and by the very similar ideas they have. Arkhéra, looking at many princess and princesses the same affinity, always wore her princesses’ clothes she brought together with her and used them to enter in the palaces. As a much respected person, her entry was allowed. She used to see the princess and princesses and invited them to join her and her group, what they didn’t have second thoughts: they ran with her. Arkhéra was strongly chased because of her strong personality, but she was always protected by the superior forces and by the warriors that joined her group.

Arkhéra has passagens/expressions on other estelar systems. Besides Pleiades and Sirius, she was at Andromeda, Alfa Centuri, Tau Ceti, Orion, Arcturus, Vega, Pisces, local Sun, Mars and many other Estelar Systems known and unknown by the Terrans.

Also she has an Alfeus expression, acting along the Alfeus group, PVSE Avatar (contacts of Alfeus here: in the maintenance of Arkarent 1. Arkarent 1 is a “little magnetic universe”. The mainly mission of Quadrant 5, the Magnetic Universe where Kryon came from, is emitting magnetism to other Universes and regulate the Magnetic Belt all galaxies have. Quadrant 5 is the oldest Universe. In this sense, Arkarent 1 is a little copy (compared to the size of Universe Quadrant 5) inside this Local Universe (called Nebadon) from Quadrant 5. Is a retransmission point of the energies from Quadrant 5 to this Universe. Arkarent 1 is closer to Lyra’s Constellation and it is a powerful environment. There the matter does not condense. (see message of Kryon:

She has also been in many other known and unknown systems for Terrans, and she is one of the sustainer pillars of the Andinos group in Earth Surface. She has participated in galactic wars, on both sides and in Recovering Movements of entire systems. Due to these wars, she helped in the recovery of many traumatized beings in battles, using her sweetness, kindness and lovingness to recover these beings, as well as lending her innate abilities to guarantee the security of systems in recovering from war post traumas, being there, an anchor of Electra’s energies.

She participated as well in Caiel and Coiel’s Movement as one of the warriors there, defending this Force from anyone that would come against it.(See more from Caiel and Coiel:

Arkhéra has many passages in Earth Plan since the beginning of the civilization, being at Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria, Greece antique, Rome antique and many other west points as Israel, when Jesus was there. She has also incarnated in Mexico some times, France, India, China, many points in Central and South America, Portugal and several other points in Medieval Europe. She has been in France, Germany, Egipt antique – in Pharaoh Amenophis III Kingdom. She has also been with those known as Equitumans (See: and Tumuchys: (See: She has also lived among the Mayans.

The Mayan Civilization was one of the richest and significant civilizations of the Earth, where there was a material and cientific development, superior than nowadays, with large control of atomic energy. There was the “bird-man”, who flew to all directions with a special overalls, full of energetic mini tubes. Among the Mayans, great wizards received directly instructions from Capella, because they had the “Direct Voice” and performed great phenomena. There was, in such occasion, great Amacês (Stellar Mother ships) which used to fly low over projecting the energy of Capella to that people. These ships kept that areas free from determined animals that represented danger to mankind, as well used to bring instructions. However, they always did it without trespassing the Neutron (see P1 Glossary).

In a certain time a group involved in the energy of ambition and, in the intent of getting access to that technology by an non-authorized way, planned to capture one of the Amaces. During the movement, this Mothership, in its automatic self defense way, irradiated a very intense energy, which occasioned the disintegration of the entire civilization. The Indians, after this occurrence with the Mayans, took the cities.

At Theotihuacan a pyramid was built and called The Temple of Feathery Snake, that by having several snake heads symbolized, as already used by the ancient people, the representation of Kundalini. By the nature of such construction, which was in rocks but visibly much different from the others – the so called Sun and Moon Pyramids – it is possible to notice the profound difference of techniques used on distinct Eras. Many are the documents from several origins that speaks about the end of a cycle on our planet, which would be the beginning of a New Era. One of the most important document, after John’s Apocalypse, is the one Mayan Astronomy has left for us. The Mayan Astronomy considers the current era beginning in Venus birth, in 3113 b.C., and ending in 2012, closing, in this sense, a cycle of 5.125 years, that would be terminated with many movements causing profound energetic changes in Earth. Such movements would have been profoundly touching the humanity and the climate conditions of the Planet, bringing, in this way, new manners of food production and water cleansing, as well as changing all magnetic and nuclear system in a global manner, and also making a sensitive alteration of the Earth’s axis.

With the knowledge of the changes made by the increase and decrease of the sunspots that were connected to many movements on Terrans civilizations, the Mayans has its sacred year of 260 days, which was compound and based on the perfect manner of the Sun. They knew the sunspots cycle was 68.301 days and, then, after 20 cycles (1.366.020 days) the magnetic field of the Solar Blade inclines and the Earth follows that movement trying to adapt its magnetic axis with the Sun. That provokes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other natural phenomena that end up moving mankind’s planning and their cities, fields and food productions areas. The current science, with its modern equipment, has demonstrated that the Mayans calculation is very close of the 1.36.020 days they found in the researches.

Arkhéra, in many of her lives, was priest, minister, tax collector, gypsy, healer, slave master, slave, explorer, mercenary warrior, constructor, atomic scientist, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, warrior, horsewoman, inventor, white witch, counselor, abolitionist, politician, war hero and many other personalities in this Planet, always living the necessary experiences for her counsciousness expansion.

She is being called by the Light Forces to receive this information with much love and simplicity, in a manner to not allow herself to fall in vanity, as this would difficult the anchoring process of such expression in the physical Earth Plan. She is called to connect herself in much love with the Superior Spheres, asking that all this information reverberates in a positive manner in her heart. That such information may become source of divine inspiration and irradiates in her being, opening channels for more connections, unblocking fields and conducting her to an elevate being status over the Earth Surface. She is called to daily tune with her Chant and send it out in a determined time, when possible and, in case it was an unfavorable environment, do it mentally. This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and will help her to uncover the veil.

The great “ANDINOS” movement is being created and anchored over the Earth Surface and Arkhéra, the Celtic Princess that is incarnated, at that moment, and acting inside the PVSE, is being called to, as the first of this Group, reunite all those Andinos that, for many centuries, lost themselves due to an intense negativity on Earth Plane. Called for, through meditations, project her consciousness to astral zones on Earth Plane, both superior and inferior, and say “THE MOVEMENT HAS BEGUN”, and doing so, all the Andinos that might feel touched to resume their position of guardians and anchors of these Celestial Forces might do it RIGHT NOW. She is called to sustain this energy of lovingness, loyalty, faith, generosity, benevolence, bravery, honor, honesty and all good that reverberates from Andinos’ hearts. She is called to connect herself with the Light of her Electra star, from Pleaides System and be also a representative of this Force on Earth Surface. Remember dear Arkhéra, you have the support from all the Pleiadians, especially from those of your Star, Electra. Always remember of the immense responsibility you bear. Remember of your ancestrally, magic and power of being a transmitter of Heaven, as you are a Heaven advocate, being able to, simply, close your eyes, tune yourself and retransmit the voice of Celestial Realms. Remember to embrace your people, the Andinos, that was waiting a long time for you to awake and take on your position of first of the Group. The moment has come! Grace! Hallelujah! Go, reunite them and take your inheritance!


Currently this Avatar/Being is incarnated and working along with me inside the Star Seeds. Whomever resonates with this Avatar, be in contact directly to her through the contacts created by her on the same link below. A group will be created by ARKHÉRA, THE CELTIC PRINCESS, and when it does, the links and contact will be available here:

This is to what extent Jesus allow me to see and transmit.

Identify your Celestial Chant:

Gabriel RL

Translation: Renata Soares

ARPETROMUS, THE STAR GUARDIAN = A very energetic and loving being. It’s a veritable walking energy vortex. Where it goes, it moves very intense forces, only with its presence. It has a powerful magnetism capable of enveloping even the most brutish being of darkness and bringing it back to the Light. It’s of Sirian nature, with passages in the Pleiades, Auriga, Antares, Orion, and, more recently, a few passages on Venus. Besides being also, by nature, a stellar traveler, he’s a guardian. Guardian of portals and treasures of the Light. In its highest expressions it is a guardian of the sacred portals that lead to the inner earth, Agharta. He’s a beloved being by Adama, of Telos.

This being, about two meters and twenty, has no definite physical form, but only a white and blue energy, which merge in a charming glow! When it assumes some humanoid form, it appears to be two and twenty feet long, wearing a pearly white overalls, with the image of a huge blue sword on the front of the outfit. The two arms of the sword image extend through their open human arms and the tip ends at the height of the basic energy (chakra). In the center of the forehead is a bright blue star and on top of its head, seven (7) surrounding white stars, with (7) seven smaller blue sub stars coming out of those seven (7) white ones. It is a humanoid that has reasonably large blue eyes, larger than those traditionally humans. The hair is blond / gold, falling at the nape of the neck and reaching there, in length. The yarns are pulled back, well combed, (as if they were fixed with a kind of gel).

In one of his many incarnations he was next to the one known as Amenophis III, where, on occasion, he met the so-called IUD-IL, one of the advisers of Amenophis. And he also met Drano-Aporis, also one of the advisers of Amenophis III. Incarnated also alongside Osiris, as one of his guardians.

At the time of Jesus, he was a Roman soldier named Julius. On many occasions he went as far as Jesus preached the gospel of love and, “hidden,” Julius watched the preaching. On many occasions, in the midst of thousands of people, he deceived himself into believing that Jesus did not see him, and was surprised by the look of him gazing into his eyes. Oh! … How much Love to radiate from the look of that Sirian being so loving, … Jesus, for this one knew him since Sirius. Many situations like this have happened. Julius was present in the house of Zaccheus, when Jesus healed a paralytic. There, he also met the one known today as Eliar Flours. Jesus, at one of these opportunities, called him and lovingly said, “My beloved, Julius! The time has come for you to abandon the old Roman power and join me. My beloved Mary will need you. I will have to leave this world soon (leave the physical world), and you will need to accompany it on your mission. “Julius was extremely moved, as if he knew that every word of it had already been spoken by Jesus. What Julius had already been an old acquaintance of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and they had already discussed plans of incarnation before Jesus’ evangelizing mission while still in the Light Kingdoms of the star Sirius.

When the day of Jesus’ disincarnation arrived, Julius, completely enlightened by the Light of his inner Sun, had already accepted the request of the Master of Love and was close to the Magdalene and was already taking care of her and protecting her. She helped in her mission, also as an evangelizer and in the crossing of a great sea, when she carried a child on her lap. Some Romans still persecuted Mary, knowing that she was the beloved of Jesus and carried a treasure of that Love. Julius, as a mighty guardian, summoned Sirius’ forces at all times, and they could see silver ships crossing the skies and projecting on them, on that voyage at sea, or even on shore voyages. Arriving in Egypt, he immediately sought shelter for Mary and the child. Julius, in no time, abandoned Mary. Once, on one of his trips to fetch bread and wine, he found a beggar in the middle of the road, dirty with body wounds, and this beggar looked him in the eye and said, “Help me, I know you’re good! …” . To which Julius replied, “Good! … Good is our Creator! …” The beggar said: “Touch me and heal me …”. Julius replied: “I don’t know if I can … I am a sinner, an old Roman soldier. If the One who inspired me in this new life to extend his hand to me at that instant, I will certainly be able to heal him … “And the beggar said,” So be it! “Julius, not quite understanding the beggar’s statement, He and, immediately, the wounds were gone. Julius, in tears, raised his eyes and, in shock, saw Jesus, – that sweet and loving look …. “Go! I’m with you! … From now on, let there be no doubt that you are a healer … Lay your hands on the sick, light up disturbed spirits in Light, turn stone into bread, guard the sacred places of this earth. I assure you that I will be with you! … “In this, Julius closed his eyes and, in tears, said:” May the Will of our Creator be done … “And when he opened his eyes, Jesus was no longer there. As he returned home, touched, he heard in his mind … “Guard my Star …”

Arpetromus, in his multidimensional name, is the guardian of all the avatars of the PVSE Cluster. He guards every Star of Light descending to Earth. He’s the guardian of all Star Seeds, Light Missionaries, Pathways, Healers, Light Warriors … He’s a shield of Light and an unshakable being. Recognized in all Light Spheres, highly respected in its highest expression, it was called in the presence of that being known as Satan. (This being is no longer on Earth, it has already been elevated to the spheres of Light – Central Sun – since 1993). Arriving in the presence of this one, when still on Earth, as a sign of Love and honor, he bowed in tremendous humility, requesting that he should not touch any of his Falange of Light, the Guardians of the Stars. To which this being, for the first time, sighed before so much Light, and for the first time, there was a Light in the form of tears falling from those hardened eyes … The old fallen angel felt the first glimpses of Love. Not by chance, this being called Satan was a Sirian Angel fallen from the high spheres, and thanks to the work of the Light Forces, in a powerful action, was rescued and raised, in the middle of 1993.

Old Julius, Arpetromus, The Guardian of the Star, this wonderful being, has been active in the Solar System since its inception, billions of years ago. When such a system was being created, it found Zero i, who formed his work team for performance in the system and especially in the Terran plane. He found it and said … “It is an immense pleasure to be in your presence” … When Zero i simply bowed and bowed his head, he kissed his hands and said, “Protect my grouping …” Arpetromus cried and said: “Always!…”.

He’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to regroup his guardians and form a powerful protective vortex in every Terran plane and Solar System to finalize, definitively, the action of the forces of darkness in that system. There are about 70 (seventy) thousand guardians of his phalanx scattered on the etheric and physical plane of the Planet. He is being called upon to anchor Sirius energy, invoking all the powers entrusted to him (Julius). Called to connect completely to the energy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, who have been watching him forever. Jesus, personally, will be giving him this cosmobiography in one of his exits of the body, and every member who reaches this phalanx will receive this consecration from Jesus. He was called to definitely assume his garb of Arpetromus to magnetize and completely disintegrate the darkness of the face of the Terran plane.

Arpetromus, go! Gather your guardians, keep what is sacred being sacred and renew hope in the hearts of the grieving. You are not alone. His army awaits him, both in the physical and in the astral zones. It’s your time!

It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see and transmit.

ÁRPIA , THE CREATOR OF MOMENTS = It’s a beautiful being of crystalline energy, which does not belong to this Local Universe. It came to him thousands of years ago to help develop the souls of this reality. It’s an Angelic being belonging directly to the angelic phalange of the Archangel Samuel. In this universe, insofar as they came down the dimensions, as originated in the 14th dimension, passed through the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and within other systems not much known to Terran. Especially in Sirius, he had a very significant passage when he participated several times in great meetings, where he was the one who in the Terrain Plan would call Jesus’ future. This being, Árpia, was one of those who helped to create the MOMENT for the arrival of Jesus in the Physical Terran Plane.

This being does not have a defined physical form and presents, almost always, just like a ball of light blue light or bright pink, very intense. Rare are the times in which it appears in its highest expressions, with a humanoid form and, when it does, it seems made of porcelain of such perfection. Her eyes are like two pink suns and have the whole body gleaming in a beautiful pink with light blue reflections.

She has been in the Terran physical plane for a long time, since Lemuria, where he has incarnated several times as Priest of the Pink Light. In one of these incarnations, in Lemuria, he was also part of “THE SISTERHOOD OF THE PINK CRYSTAL” where were present those called by Pleiades 1 of Silvestra, The Lunar Priestess and Multidimensional Warrior and Norú, The Tower Guardian. She also incarnated several times in Atlantis and was nearby, more precisely in the Court of Light of that acquaintance of the Great Fraternity as Serapis Bey and helped him to lead the Ascension Flame to Luxor in Egypt. Not by chance, in her highest expressions, she is guardian of the Temple of the Ascension of Serapis Bey – Luxor, Egypt.

The Creator of Moments is a being who, as the name says, creates the appropriate moments for souls to experience what they need to experience. She is a creator of Synchronicity. It’s a creator of perfect movements for necessary situations. Let’s say: two people need to meet in a life to deal with certain unfinished business. Árpia and her court of Pink Angels come into action to make this MOMENT happen. If two Twin Souls must meet in one life and unite their bonds forever, after a long elliptical journey, Árpia and her court of Angels create the perfect mathematical movements for this encounter to occur. Moreover, they also create the proper movements so that there is no interference in the way of either, or even create so that there is, and those souls take the necessary lessons. When you ask the Árpia and the court of Pink Angels to help you in some situation, saying “Dear Árpia and legion of Pink Angels, help me to be more tolerant,” don’t be alarmed. If necessary, Árpia will be able to create MOMENTS for you to exercise your tolerance and not necessarily give you “hand-in-hand” that virtue, it is not given, it is conquered through soul experiences. To have the energy needed to be more tolerant, MOVEMENTS will be created, which will make you have more strength to face situations in a more empowered and firm way that will naturally trigger internal tolerance.

She’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to gather all of his newly formed Pink Angels on the surface and immediately begin to create MOMENTS blessed for humanity. Being called to go to the astral zones of the Terran Plane and prepare some of her Angels, who are in the lower areas, “fallen” long ago, and warn them that timely MOMENTS will be created so that they incarnate again and do what They came to do on the Terran plane: CREATING POSITIVE SYNCHRONICITIES There are about 20 (twenty) thousand Angels of this legion on the planet, between the upper and lower astral zones and the physical plane. To recognize themselves and each other and, together, to create a SINGLE MOMENT in humanity: THE MOMENT OF ASCENSION.


ATLANTEAN MAGES = Caval: He is an Atlantean Black Magician. He is the leader of a group of 5 Atlantean black magicians. He is an expert in draining the energy of the People’s Basic Chakra. In possession of this energy he manipulates it and uses it as he wishes. Basic energy, when balanced, makes you relax and give yourself fully lovingly to sexual energy, providing a nutritious and expansive experience. When this energy is drained and unbalanced, the being becomes in a state of non-relaxation closing to any possibility of loving interaction. In such cases, when beings are still interacting, the being that has been drained and in imbalance has a very uncomfortable experience and tries to prevent possible new interactions from occurring. Caval and his grouping are currently in direct contact with the PVSE. New updates will be sent to arriving measurements.

Akanis: He is an Atlantean Black Magician of the caval grouping. He is an expert on low self-esteem. He causes the being to discredit oneself. It makes you feel extreme dependence on other beings to be able to exist. The being under its radiance disbelieves of itself in all that it does, leaving many times to serve the Light for believing that what it did was nothing but a great illusion. Many give up their higher dreams by being under their radiance. He enters the field of being when it gives some opening.

Magician 3 *: He is an Atlantean black magician of the caval grouping. He is an expert in empowering emotional pain. Beings in painful emotional processes have their pain increased greatly to the point of bursting and trying to end this process through suicide.

Today, November 22, 2017, the Atlante Magi was raised thanks to the internal movement created by Zero i. This movement is extremely exhausting and involves too much energy from those who perform it. On many occasions side effects such as memory lapses, temporary paralysis of motor or other functions can also occur in these movements.

As a result of these elevations, two luminous points ascended on the Terran surface. Two entrances to the Inner Earth were opened. One of them is located in Ilha do Mel, in the state of Paraná. This entrance is submerged. It is necessary to dive into the sea to have access to this entrance. The other entrance is on Estrada da Graciosa, in a great waterfall. This is also located in the state of Paraná. Great movements are occurring behind the scenes and consequently their effects are reverberated in all mankind. This was yet another major step the Light Forces took on the surface. Celebrate and use your energies harder and harder to support the advancement of the Light in any way you can.

Mage 3 *: Generic name. This being did not identify or could not register his name.

AVALON = Big Mother Ship under the Valiant Thor command (See:

AVENOT SYSTEM = Is a MiD data transfer system. A type of security system for communication between them by VoIP and Satellite. The Forces of Light infiltrating secret agencies have hacked all these systems to make sure we’re always aware of MiD plans. The more these systems are hacked, the more information about MiD negative frames is launched on the Internet, in principle, in alternative media.

AVRYLHON = He’s a knight from the magnetic universe acting in this system, more precisely in the constellation of Libra. It is the immediate energy of the current Magnetic Junction and would incarnate immediately in case it doesn’t sustain the force. Measures around 3 (three) meters. His skin, hair and wings are golden. He has blue eyes and carries a crystal in the center of his forehead that connects directly to his twin flame known within the PVSE as Alfeus.

AZINU-AVALUR = Is the Mother ship who is the medical Center search – renovation cell where Nasha is. see link:

BALL SCALE = negative energy ball that has the function to shoot Lightworkers and Warriors of Light in order to disturb, confuse and minimize the positive effects perpetrated by allies of light on the surface. In some cases, they cause physical pain. Keeping always in loving state prevents scale attack. Dark forces see when a worker or Warrior of Light is radiating a lot of light and try to delete it by sending scalar projections, trying to induce pessimistic thoughts and the like. They expect a gap given by the Lightworker that, once again, invest in an attack. So “pray and watch” forever. They can not enter the field of Lightworker, unless it allows, lowering your vibration.

BASE 23T (9 SECTORS – REFERRED TO AS 1/9, 2/9, …) = Lunar base of Zeta reticuli type a (negative). This base has nine sectors / departments. The forces of light are moving and taking the basis that is on the side hidden moon terrane . In note 108 of the Pleiades 1, they said:” sector 3/9 of the base 23t void. Zetas invited to remove. The light celebrates! next >>>> 4/9 “- The first two had already been uninhabited for some time and already in power of forces of light, so cautious and harmonic, have advanced and taken all the basis. They wore / use this basis to develop experiments genetic. Led on several occasions animals and humans to the moon, until this base and made merges of DNAs … many of the abduction of cows and other animals were made by them. At the base there is a specific sector of technology, where they try to develop weapons war and apparatus able to do transfer of souls of a body to another. (I believe that the same process that is used in cloning). Some races already have this technology, and this group specific location has no total domain yet. When I see now in my mental screen , there are about 1500/1700 of these beings on this basis. Some of them well violent, and others with hyper hypnotic capacity . The basis is located specifically in a large hole in the dark side of the moon. NASA already identified based on their photos and of course, hid the public.

BASE MISUK = Negative force base installed in Japan, with extensions in South Korea and North, and with representatives in China and Taiwan. The negative forces – the main responsible for this base – are the etheric archons and some other entities called “sexus”. This basis had the function of accommodating sexual depraved where rituals were done with children, where they were sexually abused, in front of others. The people involved in this physical and etheric base had the intention of satisfying their imbalances in these rituals. It also opens up portals for the entry of extremely negative and sexually addictive entities into the physical plane, and also occupy human bodies and use it as an opportunity to feed on the energies generated by rape. Many rapes carried out and known publicly have been inspired by these entities, for when they can’t directly occupy the body, “completely expelling” the spirit inhabitant, they magnetize the mind of the occupant, obstructing it and making him sex addicted. Obviously, not everyone who has this problem of sexual addiction is properly influenced by these entities, but there is a need to, as quickly as possible, those who are in these conditions, to seek help, not to serve as a portal for these entities of the fourth dimension Lower, who wish to enter 3D physics. This base is being dismantled by the Light Forces. All PVSE Phalanges are being immediately called for immediate dismantling of this base, as well as its extensions. In particular, at the request of P1, 7 (seven) phalanges are being called the front line: The Flame of Contemplation, IUD-IL, Shenion – The Analyst, Alfeus, Etnya Solaris, Cranu Idini, and Akash-Lotus. The other phalanges, with all their Christic powers, are being called to give support to the front line. It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see.


BELT KUIPER = Recently they heard Kanuuu from the Kani Army (, as well as Notes from the Pleiades 1 (, who also mentioned about the Kuiper Belt. Here are some explanations.

The Kuiper Belt (also known as the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt) is a region of the Solar System in addition to the eight largest planets, extending from the orbit of Neptune (at 30 AU) to about 50 AU away from the Sun. Is an astronomical unit equivalent to approximately 150 million kilometers, which represents the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.

Kuiper is similar to the asteroid belt, in that it contains many small bodies remaining from the formation of the Solar System, but is much larger (20 times wider and 20 to 200 times more massive).

Vast and unexplored, the Kuiper Belt is also the source of many comets. Scientists believe that everyone with an orbit that lasts 200 years or less comes from there. The most famous originator of Kuiper is the Halley Comet, active over the last 16,000 to 200,000 years.

More in Portuguese:

BINARY = There is no precise information about “binary”, yet, but I believe it is a reference to two new stars or two large ships mothers to be seen with the naked eye.

BIRDS (in high box) = Refers to Blue avians (poultry Blues) mentioned by Corey Goode. more information see:

Birds (Low box ) = Aircraft helicopters, drones, some aircraft …

BOBO-DINK AND AGORA-AGORA = Bobo-Dink and Agora-Agora are two goblins who take care of a tree that is positioned diagonally to the tree of Pupulo-Dink and Marmina. There are two Knots (Twin Flames). Like all Goblins, they also care for Nature by preserving it. They work so that the natural cycles occur in a harmonic and uninterrupted way, guaranteeing the perfect functioning of all that living and pulsating environment. In addition to the abilities inherent in these little beings, Bobo-Dink and Agora-Agora are experts at disintegrating negativity.

They show themselves as tiny beings about 10 cm in height, “harmless”, which causes beings who are immersed in a perverse energy, an image of insignificance and unconcern about them. Taking advantage of the inattention of being negativized, they will involve them with their love, playfulness, sweetness, songs and when you least realize it, the being is already completely enveloped in their energy. These tiny beings have songs, spells, specific protocols for these situations and use them wisely, and in a masterly way, they capture these beings, however perverse they may be.

They begin to circulate around the being and this movement is getting faster and faster. From there, an energy is generated and begins to rise by turning clockwise and counterclockwise, similar to a washing machine. The being that is inside this vortex enters a state of torpor and can not get out of it, meanwhile, the generated energy will disintegrate all the negativity that is impregnated in the being, making it again aware of its Light, of who is and which it actually represents. It is a great and beautiful work that these good beings play.

They, too, sometimes allow themselves to be captured by these low-vibrating beings so that they can be carried to their power points, and there they disintegrate the negative currents of their environment. They allow themselves to be captured and act as a “gift from Greek.” (laughs). It is not because they are little ones that they are not smart, quite the contrary, they are too smart.

Bobo-Dink and Agora-Agora, together with Pupulo-Dink and Marmina, together with their group of brothers, will soon be performing a maneuver to involve a being who has been acting in disconnection with her essence for a long time and this it is the precise time of your return to Home. This being is in direct contact with the PVSE and had already been quoted by P1 in the quick notes. It’s the ** Menly, The Misunderstood Maga.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL


BUFFERS = They are like “Energy and Data Bags” that store data and specific energies to be delivered to Terrans when they are ready to receive them. The storage and subsequent delivery, once the being is ready, can occur both collectively and individually. As its name suggests, this technology dampens the receiving of an energetic charge that the being needs to assimilate, until it is in alignment with this new energy and so receives it in the most complete and harmonious way possible.

There are endless timelines occurring simultaneously and the Self, before incarnating, makes certain schedules of specific experiences, yet the completeness of this programming that the Higher Self wishes to experience is fragmented into several different timelines. It is similar to several packages that need to be opened one by one so that you can move on to the next stage. Ex .: A being is on a timeline and at some point he needs to jump to another line because his next energetic package is there in that new line waiting to be opened and then releasing the energy that the being needs to move on. This packet, a Buffer, stores this energy until the being goes to it and opens it. If the being does not skip the line, at the time programmed by the higher Self, it will not find in the line in which it remained, the energy necessary to give continuity to the experience that its highest expression had drawn.

The Buffers are giving discharges, showing synchronicities, creating movements necessary for the “Release the Baggage” and take on their new experiences and jump to the line where there is the new energy that your I want to find. (See Kryon message: When P1 quotes for example: “Buffers are released as Terrans are ready for new quantum receptions.” It means that the most resilient human beings are beginning to assimilate and open themselves to new experiences, to the things they need to experience, so that they are no longer resisting and following a more harmonious flow, always more ready for ever- greater.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

BURN OUT GASES = Purification of the Terran atmosphere. Cleaning poisons in the air, chemtrails and other impurities.

CADHI, SOLAR PRINCE = In its highest expression, he is a creator of worlds, in deep connection with the Elohim, in particular, the Elohim Tranquillitas. It is in connection, also deep connection with Solar Helios and Vesta. Helios – Lord of the Dawn; Vesta – Mother of the Eternal Cycles.

It is a direct ray of these consciousnesses. Has a strong connection to the Pleiadian system where, when experience in this cluster, saw some galactic wars, being one of those who tried to help the system peacemaking. In one of these wars, he met two beings already mentioned by Pleiades 1, Midunus and 0i (i Zero) in its galactic clothing, forming a barrier to prevent the entry of a negative group in a particular sector of the Pleiades star cluster. It has its currently calls the system the Pleiades to radiate while his loved one is in Terrana surface. There’s another aspect of himself in Terrana surface, which already had the grace of reunion.

Once, at a meeting in a huge sun, it was called to visit a cluster of planets, on the edge of a galaxy and, with some regret silent, not wanting to leave his kingdom of light, knowing that the system which visit was loaded with low power. It was called directly by the Lords Helios and Vesta – who lovingly asked him to take up such a system, the Light of the Solar Heart. They also come to the same system and said … “We will be looking at you, just to lift your eyes and see us …”. He opened a beautiful smile and stood ready.

It is a being very beautiful in its two meters high (seen in a Terran garb), all gold, with eyes on a light yellow tone.

Incorporated next to a beautiful be called Krishna many gifts that were stored inside. One of these gifts is the enchantment with the vocal cords. Krishna taught to use the vibration of the voice to the enchantment. While training, sitting amid beautiful green forests, attracted around how many animals of all kinds could fit where he was. Even the elementals in their ethereal forms, materialized to hear him sing and delight. He can easily incorporate the devic energies due to already have also incorporated one Elfo way. (At the time, with vibrational name “Ithi” or “Ith). Because of this ease of contact with the kingdoms of nature, whenever they requested help, this comes right away.

It was one of the direct disciples of Krishna. And it was one of those who was in the village when Magic, the Pied Piper, charmed and enlightened … After seeing the beautiful Magic, decided to join her and her Master, becoming one of his disciples. also incorporated the gift of “Cupid” may, through its vibration, uniting couples only with your vibration. When certain couples are in a fight, only intending, he can restore the peace and love between them, dispelling the disagreements and enhancing the admirable strengths of couples. He, with the look, can intuit one to look at all the good that the other is and does, and vice versa, putting them back in a state of love and loving exchange. It is also a plumber sounds, and may bring to the surface, or even the densest planes of the lower astral, celestial sounds.

In one of its many stocks in more water plans, he experienced the ocean floor when he was at the court of the princes of Lord Poseidon. It was also found with Magic, the Pied Piper, when the occasion she wore a beautiful mermaid garb of the oceans, still enchanted with her singing through the flute Magic …

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to bring the energy from passivity to Terrana surface and the lower astral planes through enchantment produced by his vocal cords. Dons further enhanced when experienced the depths of the oceans, learning as mermaids one intone vibrate and powerful energies through the vocal cords. He is called the energy of Lords Helios and Vesta to the hearts of Terran, making the Terrans remember your Divine nature. He is called the brokenhearted, to unite couples who once passionate, plunged in low vibration. Called to raise awareness of the surface of the importance of keeping nature intact, he is that keeps the energy needed for the Terran bodies work to its fullest. It has the power to bless the water with the touch of the hands, and, just touch it, aquatic beings acknowledge their energetic signature and greet. So is called to ask him for help to continue radiating all love and light to surface dwellers, to become aware of the value of unity with all of creation.

CADI-IL = Old Master in the group “IL”, beings that coming from the Blue Galaxy – to this moment , galaxy unknwon of the Terran. It’s a beautiful Blue Galaxy which has not spiral shape and has a beautiful sun blue at its center. The Family “IL” specializes in DNA. It is approaching the Terrano plan to assist in DNA restore, bringing it to its original form. They have some members of the family “IL” embodied in the Terran surface, including our dear IUD-IL, with function to dismantle etheric sectors of the lower astral who make negative genetic experiments, such as cloning, violation of the original DNA ,blends of experience and like.

CADI-IL is the Master Councilor of the grouping. It is the mentor of the group, with their sum of years lived countless for the linear mind. He is one of the Masters who helped shape the galaxy living. It is also one of those responsible for the creation of Humanoid from the Pleiades system.

CAIEL / COIEL = Billions of years ago, in the Pleiades, there was a context of much war for power and domination of territories. There lived two brothers, Caiel / Coiel, who were identical twins. They were like generals: they coordinated a great army of warriors. They tried to dominate moons of some planets in the Pleiades, as well as dominate whole planets in this System. There was no hatred or anger on their part toward the beings of the places to be dominated. There were only feelings of ambition and domination.

At some point in history, the Pleiades began to be invaded by other races, especially by Draconians and by another unknown race that at that time had a very perverse energy. When Caiel / Coiel saw this invasion occurring and when these quoted races began to want to take the planets and moons of the entire Pleiadian System, they realized that what they were doing made no sense. That was not the way to go. They then began to do a reverse work. Instead of struggling to dominate the whole system, they began to fight to defend the Pleiadian System from the onslaughts of these domineering races. They organized and coordinated, then, a gigantic army of beings to defend this Star System. Later they were called by a great stellar commander – named Ashtar – not only to help defend the Pleiades, but also to bring their strength, their wisdom, their battle techniques to other systems, but rather use those skills for good.

In this Pleiadian System, their bodies remained functional for 5 (five) to 10 (ten) thousand years. Yet they incarnated several times after these conflicts, to begin lovingly redoing what they had created in an energy of conflict and domination. And not only in this place, but also in others that Ashtar / Michael called them so that they could take some of this energy, a little of this wisdom and strength. They have incarnated on Earth for thousands of years, and here they have also brought forth this galactic karmic energy that they have created. On Earth today there are many Pleiadians who have been with them fighting at their side, just as there are also those who have lost their homes through the movements of domination made by them.

Caiel / Coiel are on Earth at this time, also to restore this energy, which is currently densified between 20 to 30%, and needs to be finalized. This is little, but the creation is just, and everything needs to be completely purified. Many of these people are within the PVSE, both as consecrated Avatars and / or as readers closer or further away from this vortex. We remember that all humans are Avatars on Earth and the consecration is an energetic package delivered by their own Christic Self when the time is right for it, and they are to receive this help, this support so that, as they support it, which are helping, this galactic karmic remnant is being illuminated.

Many beings who have already come in spirit (by incorporation into the Gabriel RL) on some occasions, or in PVSE meetings, have been part of this movement for billions of years. Or they came as soldiers fighting alongside them, or they were people who lost their homes at their house. And since everything is fair and perfect, this is another opportunity for expansion.

One who is attuned to the energy of Caiel / Coiel has a job to do: meditate visualizing all that time line, all that history, all that galactic past being completely restored and purified; visualize that feeling of ambition being transformed into a feeling of Love, Unity and Cooperation; visualize all working together; view the system not being invaded; to visualize the Pleiadian System of the time completely enveloped in much Light, and radiating on any attempt of inverse against Love, by any people.

There are about 70 (seventy) thousand beings of that time being benefited by Caiel / Coiel, directly or indirectly, incarnated and disincarnated. And this work must continue, indirectly or directly, so that all this energy is fully enlightened.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see.

CÂNIO / MAMAI = Cânio / Mamai Time Line Illumination. Some centuries ago, there was a tribe (possibly in Australia) in the middle of the forest where Mamai and Cânio, her husband, lived. In its surroundings, there were other tribes. In particular, eight other tribes. Mamai was a psychic seer, a priestess, and was able to connect to future timelines and bring crucial information from there. She carried a spear and a “T” painted in black on the forehead that went to the nose. Cânio was a warrior of the tribe, he was one of the leaders of his people, he carried a hatchet and a “T” and a “ball” just below the right arm of the T painted white. The tribes lived in peace and in mutual respect. However, all were constantly monitored. There was a tribe that was knowledgeable and studied the poisons of animals for self defense as well as to make medicines for the harmful effects of the bites of these venomous animals. One of the leaders of this tribe, knowing that Mamai was a Psychic seer, wished to approach her in search of information that might be of use to him and his people. He managed to approach Mamai a few times, but when Cânio saw this approach, he was jealous and ordered the visitor not to look for Mamai again. Mamai in the distance, seeing that scene, accessed the future lines and saw what could happen. She knew her husband and also knew the impetus of the leader of the neighboring tribe. She knew what all that would result. While being warned, the neighboring leader returned the tribe of Cânio in search of Mamai. Cânio saw him and walked up to him saying, “This is the last time you stepped here” and expelled that visitor from his tribe. Mamai was pregnant with four months of gestation. Time passed and Mamai realized that Cânio ordered more weapons to be made. In that tribe they dominated the art of cast iron. Many weapons were being made and Mamai suspected that Cânio was up to something without her knowing. One night, at the edge of a fire, Mamai, sitting with her belly already seemingly protruding, was talking to Cânio, who was beside her. He was angry, he had a hatchet in his hand, and then he hit her on the floor like a clock tick. Mamai told him what she saw. She revealed that if he did what he was planning, invading the neighboring tribe and killing them all, an even more painful move would fall upon them. She asked him not to do that and made him promise not to! He could not accept that, but surrendered to his wife and son! After a while, Cânio could not resist his impetus and invaded that tribe and decimated it with his warriors! Mamai saw what happened and felt so much pain that she lost her baby. The other tribes gathered to attack the tribe of Cânio, but when they arrived, they were gone! An energy of much pain was generated and many spirits were tainted and charged with hatred for Cânio! Many have come to him! The leader Cânio had warned him had hatred for him and came after him on many occasions! This has already been raised to the higher spheres to return its soul path. However, there are many spirits who need help getting rid of that energy of pain and hate that is still trapped. A call is made to all those who wish to use this Sacred Geometry (below) to aid in the dissolution of these dense energies and the full illumination of this timeline. This is another point on the Planetary Grid that needs to be enlightened! Let’s go Masters, together we always are.

CAPÁLIA, THE MOON GRACEFUL = It is a beautiful being of Moon energy, member of a group of Moon Priestesses. They came to Earth thousands of years ago to anchor the energy of the Mother Goddess on the Earth Surface. It has passes through several systems of this galaxy, (Milky Way), Pleiades, Sirius, Aldebaran and also passed by the system of Rigel. She was also present in the aquatic kingdom, when she experienced a few times, the mermaid dress. She also visited other galaxies along with her grouping. It is very loving, very peaceful and is currently 100% connected with the Moon energy – force which it represents on the surface.

In her expression Capalia, as a member of a powerful group of Moon priestesses, she is about six feet tall, white, with large blue eyes, very delicate hands and feet, blond hair and bright. It is very similar to Galadriel, from The Lord of the Rings movie. There is something interesting about her: she always keeps her left hand glued to the chest, the palm of her hand in the heart, always staying this way while doing everything with her right hand. Because? You will know in the following paragraphs …

She has a very special ability that she uses whenever necessary, when she goes out “alone”, sometimes in rescue and enlightenment missions. Each phase of the Moon gives you a specific power. Are they:

New Moon: Can easily renew any environment quickly, bringing you to a new cycle, new experiences, new opportunities, new relationships. In the Village, (paragraphs below), it was always sought by many people who had their particular questions locked and without movement. She summoned the forces and was able to clear all the negative barriers that prevented the person from being able to move to new movements.

Crescent Moon: Whenever it was or is in this projection, it was (when on the Earth surface), called to large fields to help farmers with their plantations. Just passing through the plantations, she could accelerate the process, incredible as it may seem, and help make the production 100% profitable. On one occasion, a child was brought to her to help her, as she had a bone problem that prevented her from growing. She raised her right hand to the Moon, holding her left hand as always, and invoked her forces. And from that moment on, the child was healed. It had great power at this time and many gathered around it so that it could instruct all in Love, quickly promoting the awakening of consciousness of those people, making them grow as human beings. Great villages developed rapidly when, at this time, it was present with its songs and evocations.

Full Moon: At this point she has a very special ability: she simply changes her form from a beautiful priestess to a very old lady at times when she enters spiritual caves where black wizards interact and architect against the inhabitants of Earth. There in that expression of “poor old lady,” she always hears … “What is this old woman doing here? … Answer, old woman, what are you doing here !?” … To which she usually answers … “I have come that your life may be full …” – With this, immediately they lose their etheric bodies movements, remaining only the present consciousness. It is as if they have entered a cataleptic state. – Then she completes: “… of Light!”. With the total paralysis of all present there, the other priestesses in ransom of those entities plunged in the hatred present themselves. They do a beautiful work of doctrine and elevation of those heavy vibrations. Of course, after this work, some of them do not accept going to higher spheres and remain as before. However, the vast majority accept and follow their evolutionary paths seeking to repair their failures, serving with Love and Light and always very grateful to Capália …

Waning Moon: The Moon Graceful, in its movements, enters the darkest valleys with such a beautiful and enchanting aspect that not even the grossest being can ignore its beauty and sweetness, being totally paralyzed in the face of so much beauty and Light. To these dense realms in this beautiful and enchanting dress she sings among those dense and violent entities. They, as if by charm, are approaching her listening to her as if they were hypnotized. When they approach a distance of about a meter they are surprised with the other priestesses who, as if by charm, leave behind her and capture them with magnetic energies. It’s a beautiful rescue job. Although it may seem a violation of free will, this work is authorized by the Higher Self of those entities present there. Again, some accept to go to the Light after feeling in themselves the relief of their pains and sufferings; Others choose to remain in their pains.

Once, on a Earth kingdom, a beautiful girl named Lia, the daughter of a noble king, was incarnated. She was 18 years old, very rich, but desirous of knowing the Earth and all its wonders. He decided to leave the castle and follow his dream, of course, without anyone in his family knowing. She left in the dead of night alone, riding a mare, whom she loved. He went out with no destination to … God knows! … She arrived at dawn, very tired, in a village, … far from his kingdom. Her arrival was viewed with suspicion by all who were there. A lady came out of one of the tents and said … “Come on, my girl, do not fear, nobody’s going to hurt you, you’re too young to look so dejected, come on in, was waiting for you “. And she said, “Wait for me?” Because? The lady just smiled …

After a while, Lia began to receive spiritual instructions from the lady named Makani (or Ma-Ka-Ni), who was the spiritual leader of that village and other surrounding villages. Already very old, you knew your destiny, but you needed someone to continue the anchoring and sustenance of the energy of the Du-Ka-Ni … “She instructed for a long time, about four years, the girl named Lia … He gave her directions and showed him things he had never imagined … Makani, when in his bed of disincarnation, when already all of the neighboring villages and villages were present to see his passage to the kingdom of “Du-Ka -Ni “, (name that meant = The force that comes from the Moon, or The Goddess of the Moon), called to near you, Lia, the beautiful girl … already in his 22 years old. Lia approached and said, “Say, my dear Ma-Ka.” (As she affectionately called her.) … Makani took the girl’s hands, kissed them, and then took Lia’s left hand and Put it in the heart of the house saying … “Girl … whenever you hear your heart beat, you’ll know you’re still a supporter of Du-Ka-Ni … Never forget that. Every beat of her heart says that Du-Ka-Ni is Alive on Earth … and through you. “- To which Lia replied with tears in her eyes,” Yes, Ma-Ka … yes! … ” . And then, Lia never again took her left hand from her chest (heart chakra) to never forget …

The Old Lady wore a white cloak encased in brilliance that had been delivered to her personally by Du-Ka-Ni when she materialized in front of her when she was 22 years old and said … “It will pass from generation to generation. I will give you the last physical breath, without first consecrating it to my other daughter. “

Ma-Ka-Ni asked Lia to remove the cloak immediately (as soon as she realized she was leaving the body) and Lia did so carefully. Ma-Ka-Ni said, “Behold, I will consecrate you the strength of Du-Ka-Ni and give you all that I have received from you. Wear the cape! ” Immediately all Ma-Ka-Ni’s strength, all baggage and spiritual strength passed to Lia. Lia stayed with the Cloak for some time, about 7 (seven) Moons. During this period, some children from the Village were playing … “Cape, Lia, Cape!” They wanted to see the cape close, to which Lia always lovingly showed carefully, pointing out every detail of the cape. And, as they realized … “Cape …”, “Lia …” >>>> CAPÁLIA. And it was known in all the other villages like Capália, The Moon Graceful.

And today, this young woman is being called by the Pleiades 1 to incorporate the Capália force on the surface and bring all her transcendental baggage to the Surface. Being called to invoke the Moon Force and its companions Priestesses for the movement of Moon energies on the Surface. Call to go in the astral and even physical zones of the Earth Plan and move the forces of the four (4) Moons. The moment you receive this information, you will have all the strengths of your entire inheritance in the process of downloading. A cover will be placed on it, the cover that made it CAPALIA. It may have some “collateral” effect, as if a feeling of warmth in the back, especially at the nape of the neck. (Gabriel: It’s something that can happen, not necessarily going to happen, but if it happens stay calm). You will have the look of Du-Ka-Ni on you and you can move powerful forces on the surface. She is mentored by the old Ma-Ka-Ni, who was always present in her incarnations, where the most recent one was when they incarnated together again in Salem, where they were tried in the year 1692. Ma-Ka-Ni has a name in the Catholic Church, which will not be mentioned here. He is being called also to open up more to his channel of clairvoyance, where he will help many souls on the planetary surface and in the astral. She has a deep connection with the so-called Archangel Mikael and with the so-called Nefertiti, and she can call them whenever she wishes and she will be answered promptly. Being also called to form its grouping on the surface, where through meditations following the forces of the 4 moons will bring powerful currents of Light to Earth. There are some Priestesses just waiting for the call to work …

It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see …

CIGARS = Ships extraterrestrials in cylindrical format / usually silver colored.

CINTAMANIS = The Cintamani is a sacred stone from the Sirius star system. There are millions of years ago, during a super-wave Galactic, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Fragments traveled in all directions, with some of them coming to Earth after a long journey through interstellar space. (For more, see:

CLONES = The name already says, clone. Most of the notes when they refer, they do indicate the clones created in the laboratory, with negative intentions.

CONSECRATION (OR CONSECRATIONS) = It’s a process of sending special energies by the Light Forces that will give the consecrated “entrances” in zones previously not allowed. It’s an extra trust deposited in one who is receiving the Consecration. It’s a Force, an Extra Power that is being delivered so that, in the face of a high responsibility, the person can enjoy and direct for the benefit of mankind. Consecrated Persons can access certain information and develop special protocols for their own development and / or humanity. In other words, a consecrated person receives a little more energy and special responsibilities. More authority. There will, of course, be many consecrations throughout this process and to each of them more specific energy is sent to the consecrated and consequently, a greater expansion will occur in it. The more consecrations, the less blockages. The more one remains in the pillars of, Moral and Spiritual Ethics – Love, Humility and Tolerance – more Consecrations will receive.

CRANU-INDINI = It is a being from the Andromeda galaxy. He has been in several other systems taking their energy and joy your healers gifts. It has the innate ability to dismantle “webs” negative, only to move his hands. Easily dominates the magnetism and can if he want, create a “web” (spider web type) of light to protect certain environments. In many of his galactic missions, he was called by the Light Guerreias forces and their skills, create webs of light to capture negative entities and carry them to the Recovery Naves. When in Andromeda, measures about one meter and twenty one meter and a half – but others in their civilization, come to measure two meters by two and a half meters. It has a special ship with capacity for three crew members. One of them is already at his side in the current incarnation. Incarnated several times on Earth and had an incarnation, in particular that is very dear to him when he was among the disciples of the Magus Merlin. Improved, with it, its magnetic gift. His presence in misaligned environments is requested by Father / Mother God to bring physical, emotional and mental balance to all present. Is being called and issue its strength in the lower astral regions of the planet where it is embodied, to create webs captures negative entities and assist in cleaning the planet, which precedes the quantum leap. Will be getting strong updates in their DNA and begin to have percentages of their Akashic released as it opens inwardly, freeing up the Terran negative webs. (That he can do very well). The Being who was known as Merlin is in this guise the beaming and showing some things …

CRYPTOGAMOS = Specialists in coding / encryption. They work in the Confederation and teach classes on security of physical and quantum data. They are beings that act from the 7th to 9th dimension. They were called by P1 to act more precisely in the Solar System, potentially, at this time. They measure about 3 meters in height, lean, big and penetrating eyes, varying between the blue and the deep black. It has no hair (at least I don’t see them with). Most of this specialized grouping belongs to the Essassani race (the same as the Bashar belongs to. And, unlike Bashar, which is low, they are very tall.). The entire Essassani civilization is based on unconditional Love, ecstasy and joy that accompany its enthusiasm, being totally nonjudgmental, validating and considering equal, every individual in society. They are extremely enthusiastic. It also has an incredibly fast mind, a fun intelligence, a loving heart and, of course, a deep understanding of reality.

In his third eye you can see a white light, active and always pulsating. They are very active-minded beings.

When you pass on some thought to another being it is like a gigantic block of information, and not all beings are able to grasp and understand everything quickly.

They are also responsible for creating “optical illusions,” so that certain entities with negative intentions will not disrupt the plans of the Light. On one occasion, this group defended (as many planets and entire systems maintain today) a planet of be attacked by a negative fleet. They created an optical illusion, “putting” in the place of the planet, just a black hole. Of course, it was just an optical illusion! The beings who came to invade the planet wondered in surprise: “Well, the planet was here, it was not a black hole!” This is just to get an idea of what they can do. There are some of them in terran bodies nowadays embodied and, not by chance, they are specialists in information security. One of them is close to me, right now. It is called “Atoni-Cryal”, a name that represents its vibration on the Terran surface. He says: “Terrans, it’s an honor to be able to serve. We could convey a very extensive message to you, but we will summarize in a few words: LOVE IS ALWAYS THE GREATEST SAFETY YOU WILL HAVE IN ANY SITUATION.”

When one of them approaches any other being, be it Terran or not, one immediately feels the active radiation of these beings. It’s as if you’re mentally more agile, as if everything around you were happening at a rapid pace, as if you were accelerating a movie, but with a full understanding of what is going on there. Imagine if you watch a movie of three hours long, accelerated enough to see it in 10 seconds! That’s more or less.


CRYSTAL, THE MAGNETIC FAIRY OF THE THOUSAND AND ONE FACES = Crystal, The Magnetic Fairy of the Thousand and One Faces is a beautiful being of a magnetic kingdom of fairies and it can be said that she is a fairy different from the usual ones. It could also be said that she is a warrior fairy. It is very attached to those known as Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Mikael. Her Kingdom is not known by the humans, but has passed in so many others that they are! He was in the Pleiades assuming the dress of a Pleiadian at the height of 5 feet 11 inches tall (1.80 m) and in Sirius as part of a crew of crystalline magnetization. He also experimented with clothing around the star Rigel. Also, in a significant opportunity, he was in the star Rigel and tried to help in a certain complicated situation, that was unfolding there.

It’s a very loving being and, as the name says, it’s a fairy and is a bit more “high” than normal among the fairies. He measures, in his dress, about six feet, and has the eyes that look like two white diamonds that radiate to the eye. She is always joined by her group of six more fairies, adding a small grouping of seven. They, from this total grouping of magnetic fairies, always walk in groups of seven. Some of them even have bright swords “polished” by Mikael himself. Crystal is one of those carriers. They are also part of the grouping of Angels of the Mikael Legions.

Your main function is to print loving magnetism on the hardest hearts. They descend to the dark caves, where densified beings remain wrapped in the densest chains. The interesting thing about these fairies is that they don’t have wands. Their Crystal Gaze does the corresponding work. They also wear a crystalline veil over their heads, and these veils protect them when they descend to the densest areas of any region. These veils also give them the ability to change size quickly. When they completely drop the veil on themselves, they disappear and reappear wherever they mentalize. Always in seven, when they reach the dense caves, those from there who already know them often say: “Here come the seven crystals!” – They say that in an ironic tone.

The magnetism is so intense that no being that vibrates in dense waves can stay close to them without quickly being involved in the Love and Compassion that radiates from their eyes. They can quickly print all this radiation of Love and crystallization in the hearts of those beings. There was no time for them to descend into these dense areas, which didn’t carry with them, crystallized, all those who approached them, within a distance of two meters. So much so that many of these densified entities fear their approach because they know they will be magnetized quickly. But those who allow themselves to approach have the relief of their pains at once, and may feel as if there is a fresh breeze flooding their hearts and considerably relieving those dense burdens.

As mentioned, they are very powerful fairies and assume the dress they desire, in the face of each situation. They can both take on the fairest costume of the Fairies, as they become Warriors with Swords of Light. In some guise, Crystal works as a Guardian of Portals. Even when in the dress of Magnetic Fairy measuring one meter and fifty, when empowered, those beings enveloped in darkness see it more than two meters high, only in their sights.

She often incarnated on the physical plane, especially in times of slavery in Europe, America, and South America. She was incarnate both as a black slave and a slave or lord of slaves, and in all these incarnations she maintained a fraternal attitude. He bought slaves to free them. You have done this many times. When he was in America, he was part of the slavery abolition movement with Abraham Lincoln.

She is much loved in the upper spheres for her strength and courage. He is a truly noble soul and a strong and courageous heart, so much that he was among those known as the Amazons. It’s of those beings who takes the mantle to spread over the mud for another person to pass, but also of those who, with a shout, makes the darkness tremble. This is what enchants this beautiful, sweet-looking creature of Fairy, but with the look of the Amazonian Warrior, subtle as a feather, strong as a rock, delicate as the morning breeze, but impetuous against the density of darkness, becoming a Hurricane Of Light and clearing all the darkness, only with its passage. Not by chance, it’s also connected to the energy of the Midunus cluster.

Of all his faces of Light, it also has the dress of a grandmother healer in the spiritual planes, holder of the healing wisdom of the old elders of the nature. Know the magic of nature’s herbs and every movement of Mother Earth. When in this dress, it is always called to go to astral spaces to give lectures on the magic of nature. Not by chance, it also has a strong connection with the Devic Kingdom. This beautiful Fairy could also be called “The Fairy of the Thousand and One Faces”, since there are several other garments that she assumes in the spiritual realms, that would not fit in this Cosmic biography.

Pleiades 1 requested that his Phalange name be “Crystal, the Magnetic Fairy,” by the specific moment, where several other Magnetic Fairy souls must awaken to the call. In the astral zones, before being informed by Zero i of Mikael’s called, Crystal was in a Warrior’s outfit (which she most often uses on astral planes) wielding her Sword of Light Blue Crystal Light, when the Forces of Light They said … “On the Earth physical plane, they need a representative in the PVSE Grouping of the Magnetic Fairy energy, where beings from this grouping, both in the terrestrial and physical astral, need to awaken through a calling. Energy for everyone in the group to see. “She looked with her penetrating magnetic look and said …” I CAN RAISE ANY FLAG “She said it with the sweetness of a Fairy and a Warrior look. It was announced on the Terran physical plane that it would represent that force on the surface, and would be the Magnetic Attractor of all of this phalange.

It is seen that in this cosmic biography there is a mixture of spiritual garments that may seem confusing to the reader, but the idea is precisely to show the multi-faces of this incredible being that adapts to any situation, and energizes only with an ‘I CAN’.

Crystal can take any position she wants, and some say, “Oh, but how are you going to assume something you don’t know?” It simply studies what needs to be studied, incorporates the force into it and integrates within itself what it needs to integrate. It’s, for example, an English teacher who failed to give the class, but to replace it, only has the Portuguese … She goes, studies everything, connects, brings the energy of that English teacher incorporating it, and it will teach! … – She can do it brilliantly. It can connect to any function on this planet, and outside it. You can assume anything. In an interesting analogy, Crystal closely resembles the character Rey, from the movie Star Wars – The Awakening of the Force.

It’s being called by the Pleiades 1 precisely because of its magnetic potential, and everything it represents. This soul can be “substitute” for any energy within this PVSE, among those called. It is authorized by the Pleiades 1.

Called by P1 to awaken the souls of the Magnetic Fairy Cluster and bring them back to their innate power. Greater explanations are dispensed here with all that this “being” can do. HE IS, HE CAN EVERYTHING.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

CRYTANUS = There is a very distant galaxy that none of the Earth telescopes have been able to capture yet. There, it is a Crystal Blue System, where beings are of pure crystalline energy. They are transparent, in a crystal blue tone. Their eyes emit a soft light blue light, slightly different from their bodies, which already have a stronger blue.

They were called by the Forces of Light, the Pleiades 1, to act on this Solar System, especially on the Earth plane. Its functions are to impress the energy of compassion in the heart of the Terrans (Humans). They are also specialists in Geology. While their system does not have physical worlds, only energies. They live by singing universal mantras and emitting the energy of compassion throughout the cosmos.

There are countless years for the Terrans, they inhabited this same system, but at the time it was densified. There were solar systems, many billions of planets, moons, all that is known about Terran science today. There were also many wars in that region. Trillions of years passed … until they completely transcended all that, and totally crystallized that system, ascending to 14th Dimension. Then to 16th, and currently working on the 17th and 18th.

Only two of them are currently incarnated on the Terran physical plane. One in the Himalayas, and one in North America (they did not tell me who they are). Two others have been incarnated for some time: one was Madre Tereza de Calcutá(Mother Tereza of Calcutta) and the other was known as Father Cicero Romão Batista. Some will incarnate on the Terran physical plane from 2018. Strategically in Brazil, USA, Italy, Japan, China, Peru, Venezuela, Australia, Holland, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Ireland, Egypt, India, Israel and Russia.

They are also lovers of the arts, music and extremely charitable and peaceful. Their approach to the Terran plan will cause a wave of compassion in the hearts of the Terrans, triggering, in some cases, waves of deep repentance if they have done something that has harmed another, inspiring them to reconciliation. Waves will expand the feeling of deep compassion, even by those who have done them some harm. There will be great reverberation in the heart chakra, and with each breath you will feel as if you are breathing bright blue energy that will lead you to the deep ecstasy of compassion and oneness.

They arrive at the Local System in their blue crystal Merkabas and reverberate their energy throughout the system, especially in the Earth plane.

Their code is “Cry-no-aaaaaaaaaaaaa. HummmmmCryaaaaaaaa “. It is as if it were a greeting, an invocation, a mantra … (To hear the greeting in the voice of Gabriel RL CLICK HERE –

The name corresponding to their vibration is Crytanus.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

DINORIS, THE GUARDIAN OF THE NILE = The Guardian of the Nile is a Star Being who came to Earth thousands of years ago. He was active in Devic Worlds. By the nature of his Guardian energy he was often requested by the Galactic Forces to secure certain áreas many times. At one point in time, in a very distant system, it was a Guardian Wolf. He has always been a keeper of Magic and, with this power, only with his presence can he bless and bring abundance, whatever it is, especially food, positive energies and rainfall in dry areas.

He was in ancient Egypt and, as a carrier of magic, he was much sought after by the great pharaohs. Incarnated several times in the same region. He had the power (and still has) to bless the Nile River (and any other) and make it a source of energy, by which abundance would come in Egypt, and beyond. It made drylands green and fertile. He was connected (and still is) with the god Aton. He can mentalize areas where there is hunger, and energize these areas, until they are fertile and abundant. He has great power with Aton, if he wishes. Being connected is one thing, using that power is something else.

With his millennial wisdom and Christ’s Eye Bearer (you’ll know the reason below), he can easily disintegrate negative forces that are involving someone, just with a look or laying on of hands on the person’s head, especially on the coronary chakra. It is very loving and no entity around in darkness, resists for a long time near him, moving away desperate, due to the intense radiation of Love emitted by this being of Golden Ray mixed with the Rose.

Still in ancient Egypt, in many of his incarnations, it seems that it was Rameses III. (I did not receive the precise information, I just saw Ramses III on my mental screen. I don’t know if he was with him, or if he was him).

In another incarnation of his, in the time of that known as Jesus, the Master of Love, he had an experience that he still has in his heart. Dinoris, had already been crucified on the mountain a short time ago, when he saw Jesus approaching with his cross … The Master of Love, already quite downcast, approached slowly towards that point where he would be “his.” In the passage, he exchanged glances with Dinoris, and in a few seconds looked deeply and tenderly at Love for the man who was already on the cross, for having picked up a loaf of bread that had fallen from the chariot of a noble and influential Roman, and then fled , to give his daughter who was suffering from hunger. At that time, his daughter was the one known today by Pleiades 1 as Cinti, The Fairy-storyteller. In those brief seconds, Dinoris with a look of Love and asking for pity, said … “Lord, have mercy on me …”. Jesus, in those seconds of loving gaze, whispered, “My Son, I tell you in Truth, that today, after the ninth hour, you will be with me still above Nirvana.” – Then, soon after, the Master of Love received a whip from a Roman soldier, looking away from Dinoris and following his already known destination…

After this, the heart of Dinoris was filled with Love and no suffering that passed there distressed him more. He was awash with Love and serenity, the same ones emitted by the look of the Master of Love. Since then, bearer of the Christ’s Eye, because his eyes, at that moment, received that powerful projection and, as if by mirroring, they became an identical “copy” of the loving look of Jesus. Who ever sees it, is sure that it is looking to see that it was of the Christ, full of Love and Tenderness. After the ninth hour, the Master of Love detached himself from the body and, secondarily, Dinoris was literally ripped from the body by a “pull”, which was the “ascent” of Jesus as he disengaged himself from the body. And he followed along, as the Master of Love had promised … After this time, he returned to incarnate in the Earth Planet in a setting of Crystallization, next to the entourage of that known as St. “Francisco de Assis”. (The same Tutankhamun, Tutankhamun is the same spirit that animated the personality of St. “Francisco de Assis” and the Apostle of Love known as John the Evangelist, the one Jesus delivered to Mary, saying … “Woman, behold, your son … Son, behold, your mother “). He was always at the side of these beings, aiding in his missions of Love, or even when he was a missionary sending from the Forces of Light.

That is why he is being called by the Pleiades 1 to become aware of his power, to bring to the Earth surface all the Love of that Christic look and to involve everyone in this peaceful and transforming energy, as it was at that moment that Jesus looked at him. He has changed forever.

Being called to cast his look upon the infertile lands and make them fertile. Called to bring the Light of Aton to the Earth surface and astral zones that surround the Earth Plan. Being called, together with his group, to revive the “dead” rivers, bringing them back to their fullness, through joint meditations.
It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see …

DRAGON CALISTO = Many thousands of years ago, in Orion’s star system, there was a group of Guardian Dragons. They commanded a kingdom of great wisdom and Divine Order. The system was made up of gold and diamonds, and several non-positive races attempted to invade the kingdom to possess this treasure. Not as on earth, but the importance that this treasure had for them, was different. The Dragons protected all seven kingdoms of that precious system called Stath. There was always much order and harmony there, until, a movement called “The Fall of the Archangels” (see: took disharmony there.

Within that Council of Dragons, some influenced by non-positive forces resulting from the “Fall of the Archangels”, began to deviate from the higher purposes. One of them, called Callisto, started to give part of the treasure to non-positive civilizations because he considered it to be the right thing to do by internal evaluations, obviously influenced by the rising rebellion of darkness.

Callisto and the other Dragons were driven from the Council and joined the forces of darkness that quickly spread. At the time, Calisto had a beautiful body of pure energy, but with the drastic vibrational fall, it was densified to the point of not only being able to act physically in physical realms but also to be able to travel physically between worlds. Its speed is incredible, more like a trail of energy cutting the sky! It allows you to be seen only when you want to.

Faced CAIEL / COIEL (see: in the great battles / invasions of the Pleiades, there are millions of years.

On Earth, he attempted to violate the Temple of Guardian Dragons, which is an extension of the Positive Dragons of Orion’s Council. This temple is on the etheric plane of China, at the height of the Great Wall. Obviously, these Light Dragons also manifest physically, when they wish, and act at this time using their etheric fire to burn the density, transmuting it and subtilizing the Earth’s energy fields. They are Great Guardians of Mystical Secrets and protectors of the White Magicians. Calisto, already acting on Earth, tried to establish between them misleading ideas of separation. The Great Guardians remained inviolable, nevertheless, he influenced humanity to believe that the Dragons were perverse beings, idea that had temporary success. It was also one of those that influenced Nero to set fire to Rome.

It was very present in the medieval age and was really very feared. King Arthur and Mage Merlin often met with him (See more about King Arthur and Merlin: See: He was expelled from Earth by Merlin and Arthur, however, came back much later and is currently with his physical body in a cave that I will not cite for obvious reasons. Obviously you’re not allowed by the Light Forces to simply fly around. He longs for the Excalibur sword and with it to leave the planet. Excalibur is a manifestation in the physical of the Sacred Symbol of the Blue Ray of Justice and Divine Will. It is the Sword of the Archangel Michael and a powerful Vril tool, which cuts off negativity and has the power to connect Being to multidimensions. By doing some movement with the Sword, one can open portals that lead to other Realms as well as download special data that, if in negative hands, would be disastrous. Excalibur can also keep the Being invisible to any eye, perhaps that is why Callisto so much desires it.

In one of the meetings with Merlin, Arthur and his knights, while they camped in the moonlight, watching the beautiful moon rise behind the mountains, Callisto left behind the “Brenha Mountains” (I do not know what it means or where they stand ), and being the height of the moon, spread its wings, beat them strongly that the wind of them arrived until Merlin, Arthur and the horsemen were. Merlin already knew him, shouted: “Cave Monn, now! Callisto! “Callisto came towards them (As I write this I see everything very clearly, incredible !!!). They all went to the cave while Callisto was flushing. Merlin contacted him telepathically, to which Callisto only said “Mago Cursed, I know you have mine! You and your magic bewitched them! Give me back or I will carry terror with fire to the villages where I can reach! ” Merlin had already prepared expulsion potions, asking for Arthur’s cover, left the cave, decreed loudly words that none knew there, waiting for Calisto’s approach, when he approached threatening to spit etheric fire, Merlin threw a magic upon him that it said “Scampur Exes, Emus Scampur!” (Repeating 3X), which is a kind of decree to move away from negative forces (Merlin / Saint Germain is authorizing here on my side to use this magic to help with the removal of negative forces). Immediately Calisto felt extremely restless and left that space and consequently the planet, hiding for a long time on the Moon.

In its highest expressions, Callisto is a beautiful bright green dragon with golden eyes like the Sun. He is a guardian of the Akashic Records and etheric transmuter, releasing fire of transmuting violet color. Askens, his beloved twin flame and his 3 children, Omur, Oskers and Paskers are currently working alongside Merlin (Saint Germain). This beloved being, Dragon Callisto, is a specialist in skipping Time Lines and is now in direct contact with the PVSE. He never incarnated as a human, but knows the species very well and tries to act on his personality weaknesses. He is a great master of persuasion.

Negotiations are taking place. Send forth your loving energies so that this beloved master will again feel in his heart the fiery flame of Christ, so that he may come and unite to the Forces of Light and aid the planet Earth and humans to leap to the brightest timelines !

Calisto, as great master who is turning to the Light again, would be of great support. Saint Germain (Merlin) and El Morya (King Arthur) at this time here as I write this information request that as many as possible come together for meditations in favor of this elevation.

To some, this information may seem fanciful, but if I may say with all respect, it is fanciful not to believe in magic and in the other realms. There are more things that will come to the public that even the “most prepared” can not even imagine.

Lots of Light Callisto! You are and always will be a great Dragon of Light!

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

DRANO-APORIS, THE NIGTH VISION = It is a Being who came from Aldebaran system. He came to Earth thousands of years ago by putting willing to help in whatever way they need the experience. It is a being who has the ability to look with love, where there is darkness. Easily puts himself available to go to worlds where there is no day and there it sits like a sun to illuminate and to teach about the solar glare. Especially, he often speaks of his star, Aldebaran. He came to Earth along with others of the same origin and will meet with them in the near future linear. It bears the Universal Love Reliever, and is being called to look at some darkness there is in the heart of the Terran, ask permission to sit and there and talk about your sun … It is being called upon to take their power conscious and go in the lower astral areas of the Earth and be the night vision of those who do not see the sun. It has a light stick in his right hand and hit the ground, is made light.

EMARCAUCOS POINTS = They are Portals on Earth that lead from one place to another, just like the tunnels of time travel. There are several points around the planet that are active. Physically they are invisible, but even if the person reaches them aware that there is an Emarcauco Point (I do not know why P1 uses this name), and do some body movements, it will access other spaces / times:

1. If the person rotates 3 times in a clockwise direction and 3 times counterclockwise, they will be taken to some other Emarcauco Point on the Planet (another location that has this active point), moving him /her in the the geographic space.

2. If you rotate 3 times counterclockwise and 1 turn clockwise, you will be taken somewhere in the past, where your mind is most connected.

3. If you turn 3 times clockwise and 1 turn counterclockwise you will be taken to the future. A future where your mind, for the moment, is more attuned.

It’s very serious and there are reports of people who “happened to be” above these points, made these movements involuntarily and, as a result, were “pulled” into the “Tunnel”.

One of the places in the world where there are many Emarcaucos Points is London in some “old” streets, specifically. In Paris, there are a couple of specific active points, which I will not quote here for obvious reasons – but there are also other points dotted around the city. Budapest (Hungary) is another full spot of active Emarcaucos. In the USA there are only two assets. One in Sedona and the other in Washington / DC (not by accident, in the basement of the White House.) Benjamin Franklin became aware of this. Ireland is another location of many active Emarcaucos Points.

In Brazil, there are 6 points in 6 specific cities: São Tomé das Letras / MG, Brasília / DF (which, not by chance, one of the points from there is programmed to take to Old Rome, this point is below the Alvorada Palace). Other points are disabled. It has in Rio de Janeiro / RJ (I will not quote the point) and São Paulo / SP (which also I will not mention the point). Foz do Iguaçu / PR and Curitiba / PR. Another point of great potential is Mato Grosso do Sul, but it’s also disabled at the moment. There are, of course, several other points in Brazil and in the world that it’s simply impossible to quote everyone here. There are points that are disabled and the reason for the deactivation is the negativity of the community that ended up “bug” several points. Feelings that allow closure are ambition, revolt, selfishness, bad faith, personal negative interests, violence, greed. Some people may ask, “So why Brasilia, where there is a lot of corruption, is still active?” Honestly, I don’t know; I have not had that answer yet (but surely there is a reason, and it’s a very serious reason).

As the Forces of Light advance, these blocked points will begin to open and interact with each other in perfect synchronicity. And, as human beings become more mature spiritually, they will begin intuitively to find very close Emarcaucos Points, and may even find one within their own home. Never know! And, of course, with it’s high energy, it can help in activating all the Points scattered throughout the Planet.

There are very high human beings in the consciousness that they themselves can create an Emarcauco Point where they are, without the need to move to a place where one of these is. One being who did it very well was Saint Germain. Another one very well-known by the northeast people, Father Cicero. Obviously, Jesus, Maomé and many other Masters who also mastered and knew these points.

Consciousness is maturing. Ripening is the ability to deal with things using subtlety and intelligence for a higher purpose. Do you have a higher purpose?

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

EQUADOR – 22X / SECTOR 1 = Lower astral of this region where, by negative thoughts, are trapped spirits of Old Europe, it was Medieval times. And also spirits that have been brought there since the coming of Jesus, when there was a great cleansing in the astral. Some beings who would need reincarnation were transferred to this region to await an opportunity to reincarnate. They had been invited to be taken to the recovery/healing ships, but they did not want to, and had their free will respected, but they could not leave this place either. They are now receiving the ransom opportunity through the Zero i Grouping. Attention, PVSE avatars and related, make intensive for lighting this sector and elevation of this souls. The time has come for this to be so.

ETÂNIO = It is a Solar being, an individualization of the Pleiades 1 (to what is called Pleiades 2). I felt his energy for days and I, Gabriel, had not understood if i was going to write something. On 12.01.2017, the grouping, which is very similar to the image that you can see in the link below, approached me. As if in whispers, they began to dictate information to me. They are serious and loving beings and very accurate in their information. I was involved in a very affectionate energy and in a climate of respectability they transmitted security about the solar activities, as if they wanted to inform that “everything is well, everything under control”. That the energy that enveloped me may involve everyone during reading, and beyond. For more, see the link:

ETNYA SOLARIS = Is a solar being, purely energizer and conductor of joy. It is a being ceremonial. Responsible for preparing major events on the spiritual planes. It is known in the Great Central Sun, as Etnya, Solar Brightness. Its energy signature is known wherever it goes, it radiates pure solar energy and no being let to know it.

In many meetings, which is going to the very serious side, Etnya arrives bringing the energy of lightness and joy, softening the “tensions” and making them smile only at her arrival. It is a being, when in big mothers ships, as a crew member of the Arcturian army, has height of one meter and sixty, when in a meditative state, rises to more than three meters.

Incarnated several times on the physical plane Terrano, Atlantis, Mu, Egypt, and at the time of the descent of the Ascended Jesus Christ. It is, by nature, a member of mônoda of the Master Jesus. It is very requested in the spiritual plans to give lessons to children of various stellar races, where many of them to call Nya.

It is much loved by the Essenes, where in one of her enlightened lives, was present in the sacred consecration rituals. She devoted many beings, bringing the power of Aton to their hearts, and unifying them to the God Sun . It has intense connection with Aton and can call it whenever she want. She is one of his own rays Terrana surface.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to definitely incorporate a solar energy in Terrana surface, as well as to go in the lower astral areas and bring the energy of joy. Especially to go to points where depressive and suicidal souls is , and there take her brightness solar energy. And anchor the Aton energy . When She say “I AM ETNYA, CARRIER OF LIFE SUN AND HONOR WHO HE REPRESENT” – come down upon her an intense direct energy from the Central Sun Galactic, which will reach the Local Sun and come through her Crown Chakra, stopping at Heart . And from there, leaving rays as a fan, and each radius of this fan is the endless opportunities to be happy and thank life. It is a solar master, the sun itself in body Terrano.

As soon as his name was announced on the Notes of Pleiades 1, Etnya received a message from * Helios and Vesta through Gabriel’s channeling. In the message, they explained that THE SUN IS THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING, IS THE SOURCE OF LIFE. And they have provided guidance on what Etnya, as THE BEARER OF THE SUN OF LIFE, DOES: “In the function of being, you are an attractor with the function of teaching people and attracting them to make their core revolve around Of THE FOUNTAIN OF ALL LIFE.”

The SUN is the central point of attraction, a magnetizer, an organizer, a booster – and that’s what you are. That’s what you have to do: to be, to radiate, to teach people to trust in the center of the SOURCE OF LIFE by putting them around and safe in this center, which is the SUN OF LIFE. Because this is Etnya. And we only ask that you do it. Keep being this simple and powerful expression! To put people back spinning around the Sun, in perfect balance, for the Sun rules all things with Unconditional Love and this should be done with all, without distinction because, as the Beloved Master Sirian said: “God makes it rain on those who are good or bad, fair or unfair”.

Etnya was also incarnated in other times when Gabriel, in mediunic trance, sees her in a huge hall, described by him as follows: “There they are all dressed almost alike. The place looks like an Egyptian palace. Or, perhaps, an Essene temple. Everyone is wearing white clothes with gold belts around their waist. Some people look like they may be part of the court, while others look as if they were to be initiated into some sort of ritual. People will enter this great hall in groups of 7. A hood is placed on their heads, covering their whole face. They are directed by someone from the court to another room. In that room there is someone dressed on a similar fashion, but with some different details.

It is a lady wearing a sun symbol on her breast with rays coming out of it. A golden symbol. So golden, that it seems alive. And this lady is radiant! There is a golden ray reaching its coronary, descending to the chest and radiating from there. Each of these 7 people is brought to her and bow down in sign of reverence. She puts both hands on the person’s head, says a few words in an unknown language, invokes the Sun God. She says some specific words to the person, takes the hood out of her own head and asks the person to look into her eyes.

When the person looks at her, the lady opens her eyes and two suns can be seen. The person then gets emotional and the lady lowers her head and closes her eyes again. Then, another person will come in, and then another, and another. This process is repeated for each of the 7 persons in the group, for all groups being initiated. They are initiated in this small room. There is a strong scent of roses in the place. In the end, everyone has a drink. The lady is lively and happy. Everyone is very happy. Everyone respects her a lot. They love her very much. And you can feel Aton’s energy in the environment.”

A few days after this revelation, still by the mediumship of Gabriel, Archangel Michael pre-announced what the Pleiades 1 would soon report: “Etnya Solaris recognizing origin.”

* Helios and his twin flame Vesta are the highest hierarchy of the Sun of our Solar System, and the representatives of God the Father-Mother to our Galaxy, focusing for us the Divine Light in the spiritual sun behind our physical sun.

ELIAR-FLOURS, THE ARTIST = It is a being Creator. It can be said that is a master Architect and Engineer, both, and more. It has connection with the Elohim, especially the Elohin of Grace. Connection with all the elementals of the world systems where experienced . There are countless systems which he experienced. It also has connection with the lineage of beings known as Equitumans.

When in creations of entire systems and planets, he and his group to gather together the elementals, giving the beauty necessary that planet. Then there are separations of dried portions (separating continents, countries, etc …). Work to the mountains, waterfalls, quarries and other systems of nature occupy their harmonic positions. These beings are powerful energies and have fully developed creative capacity, thanks to its primary connections with the Elohim and the Solar Lords.

They can easily get a space and begin to visualize something and soon manifests itself. When the higher planes, arrive in systems being created and, as if making a drawing on a light table, begin to materialize what “drawing on board.” Each fingertips can be seen as paintbrushes light, each a bright tone. He is a great celeste artist and, with his group, beautified many worlds systems. His Grouping is the one responsible for aesthetically harmonize the Inner Earth. It is a Universal Artist, architect, Celeste engineer and all other synonyms.

It also, of course, has the ability to “delete” as goes scribbles on a blackboard, the intentions of darkness. His hands are pure energy with 4 specific tones highlighted: Green, Pink, Yellow and Blue and you can easily undo any dark intention. Once in dense worlds, he has led to negative astral areas, largely dominated by black magicians. When that , with his arrival, sat on top of a mountain, he extended a light frame, said a prayer invoking the Elohim and the presence of all universal elementals, calling the Solar Lords, shook both hands as if drying them (and this time, they were colored with radiant light), and he began to erase all that negative scenario. Just as if erased with an eraser scribbles on a blackboard.

The forces of darkness, in that environment, were furious and began to cast spells against him, that erased before they reach to him. Finally, he created a garden with beautiful colored roses, ponds, beautiful trees colorful leaves and opened a beautiful glow as if the sun lowered there. He saw that all beings who before tried to attack him, lying on the grass and breathing softly, as if enchanted and pure peace. He dressed in white robes, and from there its light frame, put their celestial names in his clothes, it immediately appeared written in robes.

When in the big motherships, is always called to decorate the rooms with their multicolored energy. Beyond the ability to “hands”, you can hear him singing universal songs, and see if the air out of his mouth in the form of radiant colors and, likewise, create beautiful and fragrant environments.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to anchor the lower astral areas and the surface energy of artistic creation, radiating the energy of beauty and love everywhere. Called to go in the dark valleys where the shadow and the imbalance form sad and devastated landscapes, so there enter the Universal Artist and recreate the picture, giving cheerful, bright color schemes. On the surface, it is called for , when in places where the density is evident, there anchor your artistic energy and transform that environment in a beautiful green field with beautiful colorful flowers. If there are sentient beings in this environment may even feel the breeze and florere smell , even if still in the three-dimensional environment seems nothing has changed. It is a being who naturally exudes the smell of jasmine.

It is far Jesus allowed me to see.

ERM (ENERGIA REPROGRAMAÇÃO MASCULINIDADE) – THE REPROGRAMATION OF THE MALE = It would be somewhat complex, or even a vain attempt, to try to define the Source and what it is made of. However, in simplicity, we can say that it is formed by two basic energies that are in perfect symbiosis. You could call these energies of Yin and Yang, Male and Female, Alpha and Omega, A and B, or any other denominations that you, as an aspect of God the Father / Mother, can create. To think of the Primordial Source or of any of the things that derive from it, as having only one of these energies, would be like thinking of a lake, but this without water, or even the portion of water without a bottom or borders that give it a shape. Do you realize that there is no way to separate one from the other so that the entity “lake” exists? Everything in creation is a perfect aspect of the Great Primary Source. So if there is something that apparently only has one of these energies, such thing has never been so far from being true or real.

There are innumerable systems of worlds that experience duality on several levels. Planet Earth experiences it at an extreme level. Here the contrasts are too apparent. Light and darkness dance so perfectly on this planet that it was possible to create rich forms of experience. One was to provide something, at first sight impossible, to the divine consciousnesses that were here. The opportunity of the Source itself to experience, even for a few moments, the impression of being only male or female. This impression is possible to be felt because of the intense sense of disconnection with the inner core, God Father / Mother. Among the primitive human groups on the planet, it was possible to see a separate form of male and female much more expressive, since the connection with their essences was minimal. However, as the reconnection with the core was being established, the dual forms were, to the same extent, losing their validity over those consciousnesses.

This transitory period that we experience on the planet is a time of reunification of all the energies of Creation. It is the moment where, after a long period of great contraction, the Source again expands into Light and inevitably, as all are ONE with the Source, the process of expansion is also made for all.

Throughout the ages, the male energy programming was being built based on the disconnection with the heart. Without the sweet energy of the mother. The result is constant wars at all levels due to a lack of empathy with others around them. A loving mother would never send a child to war. The male, began to be shaped rigidly, as well as a sword in a forge. Inflexible, hard and with great ability to hurt. Not enough to express your emotions, needing to be hard to get hit without losing your stiffness, until, at some point, in the face of so much stress, it can totally breake / collapse. This energy was stoned to act in this way, for this “Modus Operandi”, however, this is an end of the line for this form of expression of the Sacred Male Energy, on the planetary surface. Dear representatives of God Father, allow the full reopening of your hearts, let empathy, love, subtlety, delicacy, softness, flexibility, compassion, sweetness be your new and Real “Modus Operandi.” Invite the female portion to enter the dance. Let your male fall in love with your female. Let your Male take care of your Female and let your Female, take care of your male. Do you see how you feel safe, comfortable, and with the energy of the Home wrapping you in visualizing it? This is your natural state.

To assist in the balance process of the Sacred Male, * Manoliah, a beloved being in the Blue Galaxy (X440-Z9), delivered a Sacred Geometry and a code to assist beings currently incarnated in Male Biology and downloaded old and dense programming of distorted masculinity. Great beings volunteered to take a male body and receive the hardest and most distorted male programming so that from within they could reprogram it completely. There are many of them incarnated around the globe and the old programming will try to reinforce the distorted male so that it will suppress any initiatives of reprogramming this obsolete force.

Masters and Masters, Manoliah, representing the Sacred Expression of the Goddess, invites them to anchor the balance of these two energetic polarities of Creation. A protocol will assist those who wish to act as reprograms on the entire Distorted Male Energy Package. Hold this anchor for 21 days uninterrupted, preferably at the same time. If you want to continue after 21 days, follow the form that comes to your intuition.

Use this Geometric, used as image that illustrates the message along with the Master Code below. Follow your intuition on how to use the Geometric. Then verbalize, in a haughty voice, this Goddess Anchor Code three times.


When anchoring / decreeing, it is recommended that it be in the specific language of the Blue Galaxy: UTEYA – MI MY – HAU – MI MALU-I MI!

Gratitude, beloved Masters for your always Positive intentions!

Melk Sales

ETTINA-UI-TA (OR ETTIUITA) The MORNING BREEZE = Member of Team Seeds of Stars. I’m not allowed to mention her name straight. It is a being of Celtic Energy, it looks more like a gentle breeze. Almost no one ever saw her in her complete spiritual form (Say a humanoid form, physical, physical form), not even on the spiritual planes. When there appears, usually only see her eyes, beautiful green eyes that Rachel open and close change color, alternating between green plant and sky blue. Or, if she extends her hands, it’s like only hands to materialize, leaving the rest of the fluidic astral body, as a colored smoke. When she walk, you can see barefoot, that only “materialized” every step on the “floor”. While a foot touches the “floor” gently, the other remains fluid, without touching the ground. When it touche, materializes and, automatically, the other becomes fluid, and so is all the way … It could also be called multicolor nature Fairy.

It is a being from a system not known by Terran yet. You could say it came from a similar world to the one shown in the movie “Avatar.” It is a being Devic, with immense capacity to manipulate the climate of any system. She and her group of beings, are those who, when in their highest expressions, create the soft breezes of the morning. It is they who give the fresh air, coupled with the scent of flowers, bring soft invigorating energy that also comes with the dawning of the sun. They are the very expression “Breeze + Flowers + Sun”. It has its currently flame the Devic kingdom and is one of the guardians of the energy generated by thunderstorms. She, her flame , is like one of Devic grouping beings responsible for thunder.

In her world system , where she came from, she is very loved, as in the Terran deva realms, where she usually goes when it leaves her current Terran physical form. Indeed, it is the only way to be seen, at least one fragment of it – is when a thread of her red energy in a physical body.

Long time ago, when in a battle between large villages, she was a guardian of one of the villages – the peaceful. The village attacker was extremely ambitious and wanted to get in the peaceful village and steal the precious jewels they had, as well as stealing magic potions they had to fertilize the soil and keep the air fresh and pleasant. The peaceful village every evening gathered for songs of praise to nature, where anchored powerful deva energies. These were those that ensured plenty, good weather, natural perfumes and perfect interaction with the animals in the neighborhood, where even the fiercest, approaching the village, was gentle as a morning breeze. The invaders wanted all these powers and they began to approach the village of peaceful, they were frightened and all rushed to Ettiuita tent , for help. She slept, and when she heard, she opened her eyes gently, with great serenity, stood up and, equally and went to the middle of the village. All they watched and as the invaders approached, she began to sing a song still not heard by any of the village. She began dancing softly, evoking the devic beings and can see form there around her a small vortex of blue and green energy. The trees began to swing heavily, but there was no wind at the time. The ground began to shake. The Sun, which was to illuminate the village, hid behind thick clouds. Thunders began to be heard and great beasts of nature came in the peaceful village and were surrounding her.

When the invaders came over, they saw only lightning and intense brightness in the peaceful village and began to be frightened, thinking about giving up in. But their leader insisted and was overcome with fear when he saw Ettiuita surrounded by lightnings. And when she opened her eyes, beautiful green eyes, the leader shuddered completely, making him back and back with all his tribe. Everything returned to normal. And the night was like all the others, With songs and invocations of Light.

She is being called by Pleiades 1 to evoke her forces in the astral and Terrana surface in order to assist in air purification, and removal of toxic gases such as chemtrails and others. We are called to bring the hearts of Terran humans feeling the gentle breezes of morning , scent of flowers and shining sun. Also called to encourage magnetically the hearts of all those disconnected from nature, to give their hearts to Mother Earth. Call to soften the big storms in the most fragile areas, and strengthen where there is greater need. It is internally in constant connection with her flame – guardian of thunder – and can connect with it whenever she want. It is far Jesus allowed me to see.

EX, MOBY AND ANTHA GATES = These are places of entry and exit of certain areas of the plasma, etheric and astral planes of the Terrano Plan. This Army (Rigel Specific) of beings from the star Rigel (they are positive Reptilians. Most of this small army is composed of female entities) tried to prevent another army of negative reptilians from entering the Solar System to try to rescue other negative reptilians trapped in that System. P1 prevented this feat and subsequently authorized the Positive Army (Rigel Specific) to enter some areas of the System in quarantine, to assist in capturing some negative entities, who have been trying to hide from the Forces of Light. The “EX” gate is in Tibet astral,” MoBy ” is in Africa, especially in South Africa and “Antha” is in Japan. They are like little escape gates of certain negative entities. Of course, these gates are now well monitored by the Light Forces. The arrival of the reptilian female army POSITIVE will only reinforce these escape routes. The MiD, who are leaving the Terrano plan, are trying to hide inside these gates, as if “behind the door” and looking out of the corner of their eye, to see if there is a gap or an oversight of the Light Forces, so that Escape. They think in vain! They will not be able to escape. There is a massive search for the Forces of Light in all the zones / hiding places of these entities that try to escape, and the siege has been closed, more and more. There is no hiding place that the Forces of Light do not have access to. So, I, Zero i, recommend to these entities: give up and surrender! I am also moving my army and none of you will be able to escape. Join us, my dear ones! There is always a new opportunity. The Central Sun does not have to be your final destination. We can help you in your redemption processes. We’re here to ensure that too.

FA-EN144: THE INVIOLABLE MASTER BETWEEN THE PAIN = There are innumerable systems of worlds that are experiencing or have experienced periods of energy transition, similar to what is happening now on planet earth. In this period, these worlds receive many supportive energies so that their transition occurs in the most harmonious way possible. However supportive on all fronts, the transition process is often too painful, for everything needs to be reconfigured into a New Energy, and the old energy inside and outside beings is not easily delivered. This is an active process, and energy expenditures are constantly involved.

On this planet, many beings have become available to perform certain missions on the surface. Missions that would require them a great deal of past experience. The mission to be an envoy of the Heavens with a task to perform and not to deviate from it for any reason. As mentioned earlier, this missionary master must have an Akashic to sustain all that “weight”, for as he enters and begins his mission, all forces opposing it will immediately begin their massive work to prevent the mission from being fulfilled, for once that this task is accomplished and the force is anchored on the planet, a great amount of Light is emanated in the Crystalline grid and it will remain uninterruptedly radiating the inhabitants of the planet.

Extremely accurate programming is done so that a certain mission is executed and has the expected result. An “analysis” among the great masters who make themselves available to the mission is done. There is a camera of holographic reality, almost 100% accurate in relation to the experiences lived in worlds in transition, similar to the Earth. These volunteers are subjected within them to a bombardment of thought-forms, emotions, and energies similar to those they will encounter on these planes of existence. This test is subdivided into 3 distinct phases.

In the first phase, situations are presented, intensively, that this being will face, related to their soul program. It shows how he will behave and what his possible reactions will be in the face of the challenges he will face in life. In a linear way, to facilitate the understanding, for each reaction presented by the being in the face of its vicissitudes, a “score”, which is directly linked to what would be the “ideal” for its mission, is automatically generated and will be accounted for at the end of the other phases.

After the completion of the first phase in the simulator, the being will be exposed to the second. In this, all beings and energies that will be “against” him during his mission are presented to the individual. There will be shown the intense spiritual persecutions to which he will be subjected, the energies that will try to drag him to his own end, and last, the will, intention and action of innumerable beings, incarnated and disincarnated, so that there is a complete failure of his mission. Just as in the first phase, here also occurs the automatic generation of a “score” according to the reactions that being expressed.

In passing, the master in test, for this more phase, the third one is then presented. In this, the being is exposed to an intense “romantic” relationship and a strong affective connection. However, at a time of its mission, this romantic connection will be the “dividing line” between following the mission or not, for in large part, it is necessary that the detachment of that context to be able to jump to other lines where his mission is to be continued: Imagine a missionary being who is developing, with all dedication and commitment, his missionary task in his incarnation, however, his loving partner (in the romantic sense), does not agree with his performance in this mission, or even, does not believe and / or disdain your work and asks you to choose between being with him or following the work that you have been doing. to feel it strongly in your heart or to stand next to that being that you have so much physical connection, is passionate? In this bifurcation many stay.

In most cases, the detachment movement of what tries to limit it (a) is the sufficient impetus for the being to meet those loving souls who have great energetic affinity or who have great kinship of soul. Encounters of like souls, twins, etc. Is this the crucial point, to remain in the old energy to which you are familiar or to move on, unified to your real love, and thus to continue your mission of anchoring the new consciousness in the environment where you are? It is clear that a constellation of challenges will be between the being and this important decision. From the reactions to these questions, a “score” is also generated here.

At the end of the three phases, the “scores” are counted and the sum can have a total of a maximum of 100 and a minimum of 99.5 for the master to pass the holographic reality simulator test. The first test, a new attempt is offered to it, however, the intensity of the test is doubled.Everything that was experienced of challenges in the first test, will be doubly intensified in the second, to ensure that, if the test passes, either by his real capacity to deal with that type of situation that his mission will expose him.An example of being a missionary that incarnated in the Terran plan and that only passed in the second test was King Solomon.

An observation is necessary here: To pass the test of the simulator, there is no guarantee that the missionary will be able to execute his mission with inviolable mastery, since many who have passed through the simulator, descended and lost in the pain of this reality. No matter how much the holographic simulator is needed, nothing compares to direct immersion in this reality.

In this context, the code FA-EN144 enters, which is a consecration that the being receives, absorbs its luggage, after performing its missions in an impeccable way, even crossing oceans and bottomless wells of pain, despair, anguish, hopelessness, fear, etc. . This consecration is yet another energetic package delivered to being so that the pains and energies that could previously have access to it and possibly destabilize it no longer negatively influence it. It is a kind of shielding to these energies. Some beings descend to their missions already in possession of this consecration, others descend missing some percentages to conclude their momentum of this energy and during their mission accumulate enough to receive it. FA-EN144 confers on the being who possesses it the direct connection with the 144 faces of its monadic group, absorbing for itself the qualities and strength of this group, becoming one with it.

A quantum symbol was channeled that represents this consecration. (What this publication illustrates)

The P1 has quoted in its NOTES that the Consecrations are in progress:

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Energetic Block: Gabriel RL
Interpreter/Linearization: Melk Sales

FIRST CLARISSA = Clara of Assis. See:

FLASH CENTRAL SUN = Ray of Light that will leave the GALACTIC CENTRAL SUN and reach the heart of Mother Earth and all its inhabitants, thus promoting an awakening to the true self UNO. It is an advertised event for ages. Christ and many other Masters the announced. For more, see:

FLORENCE = It is an Air Elemental, a Silfo. See:

GAS NEUTRALIZATION = Purification of atmosphere Terrana. Cleaning poisons in the air, chemtrails and other impurities.

GIANTS = Can be two things:

1 – Refers to sleeping giants in hibernation chambers for millennia that would be waking up again. They scheduled their wake thousands of years. The hibernation chambers as originally built by an ancient race of builders (“Ancient Builder Race”). This race used crystal technology to create bubbles of time that the flow time inside is much slower than abroad. Thirty minutes can elapse time inside the bubble as 30,000 years happens outside, according to Goode. He said that these hibernation chambers with giant perfectly preserved within them, had been found around the world. (See more information and videos with images of some giants in their hibernating chambers:

2 – And/or powerful embodied beings awakening to their true divine purposes.

GROUP ASHORIS3 = Chimera and his subordinates.

GROUP MINAJI = Group of positive interdimensional beings that have physical bodies materialized on Earth. (They are not properly saying “incarnate,” but use whatever form is appropriate for the moment). They are always watching the great behind-the-scenes movements in order to guide and instruct for good, helping in the development of humanity as a spiritual and expressive race in Love. They usually operate in the following areas: Japan, South and North Korea, China and Taiwan, where they maintain their secret bases, and also in the mountains which I am not allowed to quote here. When they are in human forms they are so beautiful, they look more like porcelain, skin, and appearance, in general, so perfect !!! These beings can, as has been said, take on the physical form they want, as well as go to any part of the Solar System in their own Merkaba. Obviously, only people they trust very much, they allow them to attend their meetings in the mountains, and when some “ordinary” human suspects they are “different” with a glance, they can quickly make the human change their thinking. It’s a form of protection. When some human “by chance” is approaching one of the entrances of their bases in the mountains, they intuit him to change the way. They don’t trust in human instinct much. Only a few people on Earth had personal contact with them in order to know who they were. One of them was the well-known Mother Tereza of Calcutta. Kuan Yin, Confucius, Lanto, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and of course some very pure and ethical human beings have had the opportunity to contact them and consciously receive their guidance. They can cure some diseases with just one touch. They are really very beautiful beings and are making themselves available to the PVSE groupings in the intensive dismantling of the Misuk Base. The name “Group Minaji” was a request of them, in particular, to create a certain vibration which allows them to be more attuned to humans. Also assist in the activation of the third eye and the human ethical-moral development. They long for an interaction with humans, but they don’t trust completely yet, and they ask that everyone reading this information pray for an ethical and loving world. They say, “It will be a pleasure for us to look into your eyes and see the Moral Light of your true angelic nature. For centuries and centuries we have been watching you human beings and wishing you to awaken to loving unity, Any moral deviation of their personalities – and thus enable physical communication with people like us. And of course, to recognize themselves as they are: equal to us. Until then, we remain hidden to avoid the imbalances that cause the We trust that we have an ally there, not a fan, but our love and apajak (reverence). “

GUARANNYS = They are a grouping of beings Warriors of the Light. They are defenders of the Nature. They have golden bows and arrows and when they shoot their arrows, they look like rays of Light. They are very loving and smiling until they see someone deforesting, mistreating the beings of nature. When they see someone doing anything that is harmful to the environment, they close their expressions and appear to be “another person,” so brave they are. They measure around 1.70 to 1.80 meters (feet tall). Tanned skin, it seems they have the body carved in the bronze itself. They are from a system far from Earth, but have volunteered for thousands of years to come to Earth’s plan to help in the process. There are several others who are aboard the great mother ships supporting those who are on the physical and astral plane on Earth. Yes, there are some incarnated on the physical plane and, of course, they are unaware of this, the consciousness of who they are. Here, this message is to trigger an “alertness” on the surface so that they awaken to their divine natures and warriors of the Light. Many who read this message will soon be attuned and attuned to that force. They are also known as “The Warriors of Eden”. If the Humans have a sacred place to protect, just call for them, they form a circle around the point and, with their bow and arrow of Light, protect the place. They are, of course, individualized P1 expressions (P2). They are also Fairy lovers, they love the fairies and whenever they see them, they are enchanted. It’s the only thing that makes them smile again after they “get angry” when they see someone harming nature. They “close their faces” when this happens, but when they see a fairy, they soon smile again.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to transmit.

GUARDIAN OF THE AKASHIC RECORDS, LOCAL UNIVERSE = It is a Magnetic Being and, at first, its mission on the physical plane, would not be bound to this task of being able to access and bring Akashic Records of this Local Universe. This access was given to him due to his commitment in the Physical Plan, with his already known mission SEEDS OF THE STARS, where he has the task of Gathering the Seeds. (See more at: This being has the support of the Ancients of Time and Akashic Records, as well as Cetaceans, in this mission. In tune with these forces, he can bring any Akashic of this Local Universe (and also of other Universes) only by projecting his consciousness into the specific frame, provided it has a higher purpose. It has a deep connection with the Guardian of Time, where they work together from the very outset. Its purpose is to harmonize and illuminate the past time lines needed, as well as bring the new of the future lines and integrate it into the present timeline. This being is of an extremely expressive spiritual baggage, and to him it is being entrusted, within the PVSE Group, this responsibility of Guard and Honor of this Universal Power. This being is already known by many, and despite having several names, Pleiades 1 calls it ZERO I. (See more about Zero i in the Specific Glossary, in the letter “Z”:

HABU-IL = He’s a master geneticist coming from the Galaxy X440-Z9 (BLUE GALAXY). He’s responsible, along with other members of his team, for the pigmentation of the skin of the physical bodies developed by the team of geneticists who is under the guidance of CADI-IL. Millions of years ago, it decided to remain separated from its group, after not accepting decisions taken by the council of elders that governed its grouping, advice that CADI-IL is part. He continued to make genetic experiments, and as he experimented that were contrary to Love, empathy, and compassion, his vibration was falling. Incarnated in Atlantis, being a great geneticist. It had an incarnation near the IUD-IL in Europe. Incarnated still in France, in the French Revolution.

HABU-IL has plunged into the pain, the hopelessness, the density existing on the planet and today is a master who moves energies contrary to Love in its most sublimated form. In a synchronicity, also quoted by the Pleiadians in the last report, (see here: he’s in contact with IUD-IL, his grouping brother and Galaxy, to be again involved in the Love of his Family, and return to full loving awareness. Negotiations are in progress.

HAMALAYUS = They are Masters Guardians of Fairy Tales. They keep the stories safe in Sacred Crystal Chests. They inspired writers to bring the tales to physicality, not only on the terran plane, but also in several other realms / plans. And to some people, who reach a level of high purified heart magic, they deliver packages that evidence the reality of the tales. For many cold-hearted Terrans, steeped in uncertainty and lack of faith, this may seem pure utopia and even mental imbalance. For these, they don’t evidence this reality, but leave it only in the world of imagination. However, for those who have attained a state of purity and sweetness, they deliver the Enchanted High Magic. Believe dear Terrans, Fairy Tales are real and most of the characters from the tales brought to the earthly reality through books and movies, theater and other art forms are incarnated and don’t even know they were part of these enchanted stories. Most of these stories came from other realms / plans such as: Alice in Wonderland, which is a true story from the Central Sun of the Milky Way. And some of those who lived there these real characters are incarnated on the Terran surface. FAIRY TALES ARE REAL! Terrans testify, testify, and testify.

HÁRMIA, THE DEVELOPMENT MAGIC = Long ago, in a very distant galaxy, which was not even known to the Terrans, there was a group of tall beings, eyes the color of a yellow-orange sun, tanned skins and endowed with a Love without Limits. These beings were (and can be said to be still) responsible, along with a host of other loving beings, for assisting in the development of the Milky Way, the galaxy of the Terrans. Among these beings was Hármia. Tall, skin that looked like gold, eyes as big as two shining suns, hair with its golden strands that also looked like pure gold, combed back, with a sort of tiara of blue and white diamonds. Sometimes, too, they looked like countless numbers of gold threads that covered her whole body.

When it came out of this system, Hármia and thousands of its grouping, in addition to assisting in the development of the Milky Way, incarnated en masse at various points. Hármia, in particular, passed through Sirius A and B, Pleiades, Orion, Antares, Aldebaran, Venus, and is currently in the Terran Plan. In this, she had passages in Atlantis, Lemuria and mythological Greece, while in the army of Helen of Troy. He was also incarnate in the time of Jesus and in a beautiful experience he was cured of an illness when he visited the house of Zacchaeus. Hármia was also present in the French Revolution. In another incarnation, he lived a few years, while in the reign of Amenhotep III, and was one of the children between 8 and 10 years of age, who played with Haronn and Akhenaton. At the time, Hermia was called Hami-tah-lu (or, as it was affectionately called by the little friends, “Tah-Lu”). She carried Magic of Healing with her Hands, and often when her little friends fell while they were joking, she laid her hands on them and healed them with the imposition. The children were amazed, and she, ashamed! She was very shy! He disincarnated with respiratory insufficiency even before Akhenaton took the throne. It could not take long in that plan, as there were some other work to do in the astral zones … She helped in the process of cleaning the astral zones of the Terrano Plan for the coming of Jesus. She volunteered to be one of those beings who would be touched and healed by the power of Love, so that all Terrans could see that the power of the Love of God is able to Heal and raise the already dead to the physical life, to Lazarus Example, Risen by Jesus. (In other words, she had no karma to come paralyzed, but she chose it to be so, only for Jesus to heal her in front of everyone, and everyone would see the power of Love manifested and what he can do.)

Hármia is a very loving soul and her magnetism tends to involve everyone with much affection. It is a being that carries the Magic of Development. Your energy causes souls to experience what they need to experience. It makes things happen. It is a being unblocker than it is locked. It is, by nature, a disintegrating being of negative currents. If there is any part in the body of some Terran that is standing still, especially in the joints of the body, where it causes very uncomfortable pains, for example, in the knees, only with its imposition of hands, that energy is unblocked and released.

If something is caught in one’s life, the approach of Hármia quickly forces forces to unlock it, just as Árpia, the Creator of Moments, is a creator of synchronicities and movements perfect for necessary situations. Let’s say: If two people need to meet in a life to deal with certain unfinished business, Árpia and her court of Pink Angels come into action to make this MOMENT happen and these people meet. The function of Hármia is after these two souls meet, for it enables the lessons to be activated, causing the karma and dharma to move properly to unlock what is caught. If, for example, a person has a lawsuit in progress and appears to be stalled, the presence of Hármia quickly triggers a series of movements that can unlock that situation. If a person had to find another one (movement already created by Árpia, the Creator of Moments) and then solve unfinished subjects, Hármia will bring all the necessary moves so that “the cards are placed on the table” and that situation (karmic pendancies) Be resolved as soon as possible.

Not by chance, in its highest expression is one of the assistants of the energies that make up the Karmic Council in the Terran Plan. She, Hármia, is part of the Divine Courts acting on the Karmic Council.

Also, not by chance, her name “Hármia” is a codification similar to “Árpia”, The Moment Creator. So they work together in the high spheres and now also in the Terran Physics Plan.

Metaphorically speaking, it’s as if the Creator of moments was an orientation path to an amusement park. A kind of precise GPS. When the person arrives at the park, she has to choose which toy to go. After she chooses, Hármia, The Development Magic, comes into play, which acts as the engine that makes the toy work, for example a carousel … It’s a beautiful job together! It is a beautiful work of Moment Creation and Moment Development. One creates the Moment, the other develops within the Moment! Oh, gorgeous !!!

Hármia, The Development Magic is being called by the Pleiades 1 to definitively assume its position of Development, only through its motto that “I AM THE MAGIC OF DIVINE DEVELOPMENT, WHERE EVERYONE ACHIEVES ITS OBJECTIVES!” It is being called to reunite its grouping, where its majority is in the astral zones of the Terran Plan. Fortunately, most of them in the Superior Astral. There are about 16 (sixteen thousand) of its grouping in the Terran Plan, between Astral and Physical. It is being called to be present in all the Phalanges of the PVSE as a measure of enlightened guarantees so that all Phalanges REACH YOUR DIVINE OBJECTIVES!

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

HARONN, THE MAGNETIC HERITAGE OF AKHENATON = For thousands of years, a force has come to the Terran plane, a direct force from the Galactic Central Sun. An expression of the Supreme Source of Love and Unity. The primary anchors of that force, at that moment, were called Akhenaton and Nefertiti. They came to the Terran Plane bringing a full magnetic force from the Galactic Central Sun. This force is very powerful and responsible for reconnecting all souls to Oneness. It is a force that naturally puts all Terran beings in front of themselves as a moment of self-analysis, and in this self-analysis they begin to undo all illusions that prevent them from seeing themselves as reconnected to the One Source. It is the Force that removes the veil from the illusion of separation and reconnects the Being to its Original and Divine Source.

Akhenaton had already received powerful Magnetic Projections from the Galactic Central Sun and Star A (Sirius A) before he took the throne, at approximately 15 (fifteen) years in preparation for magnetic reverberation throughout mankind. Very young, about ten (10) years old, he was surrounded by other children in the palace, and he knew that some of them in the future would also be anchors to this powerful force of Divine Reconnection. In the midst of them was Haronn, the son of one of the servants of the palace. The parents of Akhenaton, Amenhotep III and Tiy, made it a point that servants and their children should be treated with dignity and love. Thus, their children could play normally with the children of the current kings Amenhotep III and Tiy.

Haronn, a young boy of about ten (10) years, had a special look, a special energy, and Akhenaton had been watching him for some time. At the end of a certain day the young Akhenaten called the young Haronn, looked into those small black eyes and said, “I know who you are and I know where you came from … I came from there too” and pointed upwards, To the Sun, – referencing the Galactic Central Sun. On the same day, at night, he called him once more and pointed again to Heaven and smiled saying “There too” … And he showed Sirius, where their hearts also belonged. Little Haronn just smiled shyly and bowed his head in his private humility.

Haronn is a Magnetic being of Sirius A and, it may be said, is of the Great Galactic Central Sun, being one of those responsible, on the Terran surface, for anchoring the Magnetic Energy of Akhenaton. Haronn is one of Akhenaton’s magnetic heritages. Because? When Akhenaton took the throne, at approximately fifteen (15) years of age, Haronn, at the same age, saw his king take over and cheerfully applauded. Akhenaton, with much love in his heart, looked at him and pointed lovingly with his forefinger toward Haronn’s forehead. A golden lightning beam entered Haronn’s head and at that moment he heard, “Part of me will be with you.” In all future generations I will be in you and you will be in me. Haronn collapsed and was rescued by those who were nearby.

Haronn reincarnated several times after this time and earlier, in Atlantis and Lemuria, most of the time, as Mystic Priest of the Golden Light. (This was a brotherhood in Ancient Lemuria where many representatives disincarnated, and when they reincarnated, they always rejoined their old “seats” in the fellowship, for example: a priest who assumed a particular function in the brotherhood when he disembodied, other members of the brotherhood And, at about twelve (12) years, it was already known that this child was the Priest who had previously been disembodied, and he himself knew it too, and so he assumed his position again, Unless it was no longer incarnate there, in that fellowship. In this way, the place was occupied by another being with the same vibrational qualities.)

Incarnated in the time of Jesus, when he was a tax collector named Hermitas. Before turning to the Christic energy, he was a tax collector who did not like this work very much. It did not feel right to take people’s money, even more than it was. The Roman “Hand” weighed beneath his shoulders and he could not get the job done. His father was also a tax collector and he followed his “father’s career,” until he met Jesus. I knew that Jesus would be in the house of Zacchaeus (where He healed the paralytic). Hermits tried to hide, for they knew that he was a tax collector, and would not be very welcome by the many who were there. He covered his head and went. He saw Jesus heal the paralytic and speak in parables. There he met Julius, called by Pleiades 1 as Arpetromus, The Star Guardian and Eliar Flours, The Artist. He, Hermitas, hiding in the back of the room, thought quickly, “Would He (Jesus) talk to me?” And quickly he saw Jesus beside him as if by magic. Hermitas was startled, for he continued to see Jesus talking to other people on the other side of the room, and at the same time stood there beside him as if divided into two. Hermitas wanted to scream and Jesus just smiled and said, “Calm down! There are more things you need to know … You belong to the Solar Tribe, – referring to the Inheritance of Akhenaton, – and you no longer need to do what you do Your time there is over, come on, follow me. ” He smiled. Hermitas, in shock, closed her eyes quickly, and when she opened Jesus was no longer beside him, but remained on the other side of the room. He just glanced at Hermitas and smiled again, confirming with his head what he had just said. From this moment on, Hermitas began to follow Jesus.

In his most recent incarnation in World War II, he was a German soldier who turned against Hitler after having a dream with a certain General of the Russian Army. It was Zero i who, in the Russian Army, as a General, tried to contact through dreams and unfoldments those he knew to be part of his grouping. Zero tried to bar Hitler. Hermitas, even without knowing, consciously, who this being was, that General, felt in his soul that he had known him from many eras … Yes, he knew! It was Amenhotep III, father of his dear Akhenaten. Hermitas, in the dress of a German soldier, had answered the call of Zero i, even in a dream, and passed to the Russian side delivering precious information that would lead him to Hitler.

Haronn has the magnetic ability to reconnect souls to Oneness with just the look. It brings the Magnetic Heritage of Akenaton, the Great Pharaoh of Love and Unity. Haronn, upon receiving the call on the surface, will move with him all his Inheritance and enable the reconnection of various souls to Oneness. It also has the innate ability to heal with the hands, being assisted 100% of the time in physicality by Hilarion, the Master of the Green Ray. Assisted also by Mother Mary and by the Court of Light of Doctor Bezerra de Menezes.

He’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to reconnect to his Inheritance and activate on the Terran surface the Inheritance of Akenaton, the Loving Magnetism of Oneness. Being called to regroup the Guardians of the Magnetic Heritage of Akenaton and completely reinforce in these times the energy that has surrounded the Terrano Plan and that will make each being, in duality, turn to the Unity in Love and Light. Called to reconnect With Akenaton and Nefertiti, as well as with Sirius A. And also anchor all his Sirian Galactic Heritage, the Sirian Command, especially the ship Alpha 9 of Christic Care and Reconstruction ( ship with a Department of Healing and Reconstruction of the spiritual bodies that may have fragmented. Not by accident, he also works on many missions in the company of Nilun, The Fragment Collector). To learn more about fragmented spiritual bodies, see the Nilun’s Cosmobiografy in the specific Glossary. Letter N.

Haronn, his Inheritance awaits you, as well as the various souls belonging to your grouping. You are receiving the power of Áton, also representing Akenaton on the Terran surface. Use Wisely and Love all your inheritance. Go, gather yours and reconnect Terran humanity to Oneness. His motto is: “I AM THE MANIFESTED UNITY.”

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

HEAVENLY SPICES = divine opportunities to surrender to Luz.

HÉCTOR E SÓSS = Centuries ago there was a small village with approximately 10 thousands of people. A sort of king was leading that people and, along with him, were his wife and son. A little bit farther from there, there were small villages with peasants which surrounded that village.

In one of these peasants’ house, a lady, about 20 years old, was fighting fiercely to escape from sexual attempts that her father was trying against her. He carried a knife in his hands and was trying to intimidate her in order for her to give in into what he wanted to. However, the lady was very determined and indomitable. Amid the fight, she got hurt in the face with the sharp blade from that knife. Even small, she got to escape from that nightmare and ran away along the road. After having come so far alone on the road having her face a significant cut, she came across with a man in a horse. He immediately saw her, stop and approached her.

Addressing to her, he said: Hello! Where are you going, lady? Wait, you got yourself hurt! To which she grumbled: what are you doing around here, you are not from here, you have a noble way and I know people of your kind.

He was the son of whom was leading the small village, a prince. “I have friends here”, he said. He really had friends among the peasants, some of them use to plant seeds for that village and Prince Hector used to visit them, não and then. “What happened to you lady, let me help you”. She seemed to be so mad, but for that moment, a sadness look took her and she said no word. He got closer and took one of his silk fabric and folded it to put on her wound. “No, it is going to mess your cloth”, she said. He ignored her and continued to do it. They were very close when their look crossed to each other. A summer sun, in the middle of the day, over Arizona, would have its shine obfuscated by the brightness of their eyes. Hector’s heart was playing the most beautiful tympani orchestra. Sóss’ heart felt for the first time something that made a whole garden of lilies to bloom. That moment seemed to last the eternity, until that hand of Soss pushed Hector away. “Thank you”, she said. She started walking and he asked: “Where are you going?” “I do not know and is not your business”, she replied. “Let me help you! Let me take you to the village, there you will receive all care you need”. She kept walking. He took his horse and stoped beside her, got off the horse and asked her to go with him again. Tired and without direction, she considered his request and decided to climb the horse. “Get your hands off me, do you think I do not know how to climb myself”, she said when Hector held waist to help her climb. Soss, was too emotionally wounded, she seemed a wounded and cornered panther, ready to use her claws if someone threatened her. They headed to the village. Ere, she received all care and stayed in, which may be called as, the big house of the king.

After 8 days, under the care of those ladies experts in herbs, Soss’ wound was starting to heal. She mentioned that wanted to leave. Hector tried to convince her to stay a little bit longer, until she get completely recovered. Everyone in the house supported Hector’s idea. Soss decided to stay a few more days. In that same day, in the twilight flashes, she was on the balcony of her room, sliding her fingers through her cloth bracelet with a star embroidered, which her mom had given to her just before she passed away. She was looking the Sun laying down, tired, behind the horizon, when a knock in the door took her away from that moment. “The table is set, let’s have dinner?” It was Hector’s voice. “No, I am not hungry”, she answered. “Could you please at least make me some company, then?” She opened the door. There was him, prostrated to her with a big smile! “You don’t need my company, there are plenty of beautiful ladies downstairs ready to mKe you some company”, she said in a harsh tone. “If I wanted to be with them I wouldn’t be here calling for you”, he said. She couldn’t keep from a small smile of satisfaction on the corner of her mouth, but shortly she got serious again. “Okay, I will join you”. He gave his arm and she held it and they headed to the dinner’s table. Hector’s father could not disguise his satisfaction on seeing his son next to Soss. He had never seen that shine on Hector’s eyes. They ate a lot and also drank wine more than usual, that night. Everyone had a great time. In the end of the night, Hector accompanied Soss until her room, having her a little bit of resistance, but letting him do it. He respectfully laid her on her bed and wished her good night. Hector was turning himself to walk out when he got surprised by a small hand that was holding his wrist. His heart hit the gas. Soss pulled him! They stepped into the most flowered fields that may have ever existed in any place of this Universe and running through it, they jumped into the flowers!

They got married. There was so much love between them that seemed to spark with so much energy. Their eyes seemed to be moisted with honey, from such sweetness they had. After few years, Hector needed to go in a long travel. Almost 9 months, considering going and return. When he came back, he found Soss with a big belly, about to give birth. She was waiting him with a large smile and lots of reason to celebrate. However, she saw a tense atmosphere in Hector’s face, when she saw him. It did not take long to express that: “How could you do that to me? My God, I have seen this happen to others, they go and when they are back they found their wives pregnant!” exclaimed him. Judging that Soss was with another man and she was pregnant from him. Soss got very hurt with that reaction/accusation from Hector. “I would never do this, Hector!”… Tears dropped from her eyes. He thought this from Soss, because himself, during these 9 months of travel, had relationships with two ladies. The days were passing and the child was born. Lunis was the name given to her. Hector did not leave, decided to stay and take care of them. Deep inside he knew that it was his child, he got delighted on looking at her, but a feeling of regret from the relationships with those two ladies and, also, have accused Soss in that way, but at the same time, a feeling of outrage also was taking him. He remained distant for a while, with everything undermining inside. Soss was also very sad. In a particular moment, the spark of love that had united them, bloomed again for an instant and they had a small glimpse of what they felt for each other. However, a macula remained on the hearts of those sweet beings. They couldn’t sustain that endless lovingness that they use to feel for each other.

When they got married, they became the new “king and queen” that was taking care of that people. In the beginning, the important decisions were made in harmony, lovingness and wisdom from that young couple. Soss and Hector were in perfect tuning. However, after that catastrophic event in their lives, they lose the tuning and the decisions that before were made in a simple and loving way, became too difficult to be made. An imbalance installed there and they began to have a lot of frictions, result from the profound pain they were feeling. The people started to receive that energy of imbalance which reverberated directly from Hector and Soss. The village started to divide themselves conflict opinions started to rise and the peace, once prevailing, had disappeared from that place!

A big part from that village was composed by Pleiadians and Hector and Soss had a great responsibility of karmic rescue with that people, however, that mission was hardly affected, since they needed to be in plain harmony for the people to be also able to be guided from that sublime energy.

Many Pleiadians that was living in that village, including Hector and Soss, is part from the CAIEL/COIEL movement (See:, and they are, today, incarnated inside the PVSE, P1 is calling all these Pleiadians and alike for move their power transmuting energies in order to light this timeline. Once Hector/Soss line was lighted, the energy will also reverberate in the lighting line of CAIEL/COIEL and consequently, in the planetary grid. A sacred geometric was created to help/boost this process of lighting:

Come Masters! Together we are stronger, always!

Gratitude always, beloved Masters, for your positive intentions!

This is what Jesus allowed me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

HÉRGA, THE SORCERESS = In the Middle Age, in Europe, in a place near present-day France, there was a group of nineteen white sorceresses. Each of them acted in a village. Among them was a sorceress named Hérga, who had a greater aptitude for magic, a fact that made her stand out from the others. She mastered both positive and negative magic, and for this reason she occupied a position of tutoring and taught the art of witchcraft to others. She was between eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) years old, honey-colored eyes, fairly straight hair in light brown color, which extended a little beyond shoulder height. She was a beautiful young woman, the most beautiful among witches. Since her thirteen (13) or fourteen (14) years, she began a quest for great love, and for that reason she was relating to many boys.

At one point in her life, she met a young man by who she became hopelessly in love. She felt that she had found her great love, and for this reason, she longed for a more serious involvement with him. However, the feeling was not reciprocal, and he eventually distorted her, and he pretended a passion/love that he did not possess, and always tried, in every way, to persuade her to teach him the art of darkness, negative magic in order to personal gains. The boy was very interested in the magic of invisibility that Hérga knew as well as the magic of hypnosis. There was one, in particular, that it was enough for Hérga to look into a person’s eyes and dictate a simple phrase, as simple as “fill a glass with water” and the person would do whatever the sorceress ordered. Hérga was falling more and more into the charms of that man, forgetting the greater focus on herself and her mastery. Gradually she left the other sorceresses and stopped doing what she had always done with love. She was losing connection with her Sacred Feminine and after a while was abandoned by that man.

She sought the other sorceresses afterwards, but they no longer wanted her company, for they felt betrayed and abandoned. Hérga felt very guilty. Inwardly, she was very angry with the masculine, promising herself that she would never trust and give herself to a man. She did not trust any of them who, in many cases, approached her with real intentions. She condemned the Sacred Masculine and, at the same time, her Sacred Feminine, forshe was weak because she had fallen into that man’s charms. She suffered a lot from that and could no longer do the spells she was doing. In its fifty-four (54) years of life, already looking much older than the present age, it began its process of denouement of the body. She always possessed the medium of clairvoyance and found herself surrounded by negative spirits who wanted to capture her and take her to areas of the lower astral, since she crowded around herself so many heavy energies of rancor, anger and many other resentments that made possible the attunement to these denser spirits.

Hérga, very wise as she was, before she died she wrote a letter to herself, and buried her in a tree she liked very much. Disincarnating very sad and with her basic chakra and heart very still, without any energy in them. After many years, about thirty (30) years after her disincarnation, she incarnated in the same region and, not by chance, her name was Hérga, again, because before her incarnation, she had already strongly intuited her mother to give her the same name. She was born, and when in her seven/eight (7/8) years she went to the tree, unearthed the letter and in that letter the last words were:

“Even though the pain has consumed me, I have withdrawn my joy, one day I will come back and rediscover the lost joy. In the enchantments of the enchanted tales, in the paradise of my heart, I will become a winner, I will rise and, later, I will raise my legion. Of the spells made, of the potions delivered, none of them is/was more important than my peace of mind. Return to Earth to review what I left unfinished and my friends, my sorceress girls, I will find you, even if I have to return a thousand times. With tears, with pain, but with hope, I will return here and continue what can not be stopped. “

After the rediscovery of the letter, Hérga gradually remembered everything else from that past life and tried to connect the points that would lead her to the fulfillment of her mission, which was to find the other witches and unlock her Sacred Male and Sacred Feminine. Hérga also died in that life young and still unsatisfied. Incarnated at other times without the memory of that special sorceress’s life. She is currently incarnated and is currently working with me on the Sementes das Estrelas team. P1 has called her to anchor a specific Projector to heal this line, a Projector that will aid in the perfect balance of the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine in you, Hérga, and in other people.

Hérga, you have the responsibility now to help in sustaining that balance, not only in yourself, but in all the PVSE grouping and related. Some of the sorceresses who have been with you are currently incarnated, some within the PVSE, and some in other movements.

P1 also calls on all those who feel attuned to this story to unite in Love to Hérga by helping her, and also receiving the energies of this powerful sorceress who is now embodied in the Terran Plan and I, Gabriel RL, have the honor of meeting her in person. It is one of the strongest, most determined and ethical beings I have ever known.

Hérga, dear Sorceress, you have the support of great Goddesses like Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Master Pórtia, Pallas Athena, Isis, Master Rowena and many others to support the Sacred Feminine empowered, support that will give great impetus in its current incarnation. You, from this moment, will more actively represent the energy of the Mother Goddess on the Terran Surface.

Official pages of Hérga, The Sorceress are available at this link:

A Geometric Symbol that represents this movement was also channeled:

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

Translation: Leony Nogueira

HERMITATH, THE GUARDIAN OF PORTALS = She’s a Star being from the Orion System, but was active in Sirius A, Chapel (Auriga), Pleiades, Antares, and more recently, before acting on the Terran plane, she was on Venus. Not by chance, it’s one of the representatives of the Kumaras on the Terran surface. A being that does not have a humanoid form, as it does many other beings, is just a ball of blue energy, merging between the bright pink. She was very active in Atlantis too. When there, as one of the Keepers of the Vrill Energy, she tried, with all her Love, to prevent the advance of the dark forces that came to that continent.

She was also in Lemuria and was part of the Sisterhood known as “THE SISTERHOOD OF THE PINK CRYSTAL” where were present those called by the Pleiades 1 of Silvestra, The Lunar Priestess and Multidimensional Warrior, Norú, The Guardian of the Tower and Árpia, The Creator of Moments. In Lemuria, it also worked alongside the Pleiadians, who opened large portals of Light direct to the Pleiades System.Hermitath was the Keeper of these sacred portals.Her name, given by the Pleiadians, is a key code.As Guardian of Portals, if there is any entity Which is not in a frequency compatible with that portal, its name blocks it in the entrance / exit of the Portal.

She was also active in the reign of Nefertiti and Akhenaton, when she was one of the closest to Nefertiti. Hermitath, at that time called Aath, had been raised since childhood, near Nefertiti, and sometimes Nefertiti saw her doing magic with her little hands. On one occasion, she saw when a door was open and she, the little Aath, said, “Hermitath!” And the door closed. Again said “Hermitath!” And the door opened. Nefertiti saw it and just smiled.

When she was with Jesus, Hermitath, who at the time was Helena, was very sick with a skin disease. Early in the mission, he saw her sitting on the ground, on the road he passed. He bent down, looked into her eyes, and smiled. She smiled back. He said “Hermitath, go, lock all the doors to evil and open all the doors of Good. This generation will not recognize you now, but there will come a future that will recognize it.” She got up completely healed, no problem. At the time, she was about 12 years old. From there, she followed Jesus and became one of his closest disciples. She saw when He lifted Lazarus from the grave, and so many other spiritual manifestations of Him. After this time, she returned to incarnate in the first crusades and there, since very small, already had the healing hands and the gift of the word. Whenever someone came sick or possessed by spirits, she would just say “Hermitath!” And immediately the person would heal or the spirit would stop tormenting the person. She was known where she was going.Everyone wanted to touch her and hold her, To which she, always loving, corresponded. She walked only through the streets, she got food, clothes, but never accepted a fixed address. She liked to sleep watching the stars and, in one of those times, came across a bright disk approaching. It stopped well above her, at a reasonable distance, and projected into her a golden Light, and out of the Light came a voice saying … “I am Elias, and know that we have looked for you …” And disappeared in the horizon.

More recently, in her present incarnation on the Terran physical plane, when the opposing forces of Love knew that she would incarnate again, they tried to move something to prevent it. And even today, when already incarnate, they try to take it from the Earth, because they know of the innate power and their capacities blocking dark forces and their healing capacities. Hermitath is incarnated at this time, and with all her transcendental heritage. And there is nothing that can stop her from using her abilities in this reality.

It’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to assume its Hermitath consciousness and initiate the locks and closures of the negative doors and definitely open the positive doors on the Terran surface. As Guardian of Portals, she’s being summoned to be part of all Phalanxes of the PVSE and to guard the Portals of Light that each Phalanx has, protecting them from negative interference. Hermitath, of course, is one of the Guardians of the PVSE as a whole. Being summoned to gather her phalanx in the terran and astral physical plane, to move all the energies of healing and security in these times of transition. It’s assisted directly by Elias, Nefertiti, Akhenaton, Sanat Kumara and Venus, as well as by the Legion of Kumaras, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and also by an infinity of Masters, which if all were mentioned here in this cosmic biography, would take centuries to complete. There are about 16 (sixteen thousand) members of its Phalanx, more than half of which are in the astral zones of the Terran plane, and the others in the physical plane. When she receives the call within the PVSE, they will also receive the warning and signal that Hermitath is aware of who she is.

Hermitath, this is your motto: ANY EVIL CANNOT ENTER HERE. I AM THE OPENED DOOR FOR GOOD. Go! Yours are waiting for you. Mikael trusts in your Strength. You are not alone.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

HIGHER VISION , WHITE WIZARD = Member of Team Seeds of Stars. I’m not allowed to mention her name straight. It is a beautiful being of Venusian energy, which has a direct link with Mariana Fleet. He has been in several systems Local galaxy and other galaxies. The Lord Sanat Kumara assists constantly. It’s a beautiful professor of white magic in the enlightened plans.

It has a powerful ability to observe all situations of superior vision, finding any solution that she need to solve the problem it is. Arises often in a position of inferiority and pain for mercy to those around him, to feel every one of those emotions and gain more wisdom and love. When she absorb this wisdom arises again in a position of observer and starts to help through guidance, pointing the way to go.

Get to know the potential of every way, thanks to its ability to observe the timelines in a superior manner and understand all potential related to each line. In many of your lives she worked with Magic and was also humiliated and persecuted by the forces of darkness due to the immense ability in knowing the future and make light potions that completely disintegrated the negative plans.

She was persecuted in witch hunts, and almost all her incarnations, from the XV, XVI and XVIII centuries, when leading a group of powerful souls and magic holders on the surface. She was a leader of her group, and when she was in those times, was visited by hundreds of people to listen to yours advice and guidance. It is a being extremely loving and serious. Do not do something without being sure of what you are doing. Do not tell anyone something if really do not know what you’re saying. Do because she knows and can.

When in its highest expressions, has a light eye in the middle of her forehead, when connecting with another being, merges. There are made quantum calculations and she is able to know the potential for each timeline for each way the other being can choose to tread. You could say it’s a beautiful White Witch, and can if she want, take the garment she want.

It is often called by the forces of Light to make beautiful mission “espionage” when dresses to be dark and enters the great meetings where the dark arquitetam against the plans of Light. Infiltrate and easily discover the plans, and many times takes the word among the black magicians. There, as one of their own, speaks as if to agree with them, but in the midst of words, with great wisdom, it turns light over all. Often go out there walking in the middle of all while they are in deep sleep due to radiation left by the White Witch. When they wake up from that sleep, can no longer remember the plans that they architected.

She is highly respected in all systems where it goes, and is much loved by children of all spheres. They admire her and have as a Father / Mother. It is also known as Higher Vision.

Is being called the Pleiades 1 precisely for this purpose: to enter the densest planes of the caves of darkness, the Terrano astral planes and infiltrate, and when the word, speaking about the Light, using parables that will be fed into the consciences of brothers tenebrous. On the surface, it is being called to remain calm and to observe all the conditions of a higher level, so that through this example, inspire all those around her.

(You can see that in the text there is a mix of energies, male and female. That’s right, she / he has two very intense expressions and this is clearly shown in the text.)

HULA, THE SOLAR PRINCE = It is an expression / clothing in this Local Universe of the Central Galactic Sun, more precisely Central Civilization, which is a very advanced and powerful civilization. It can be said to be the oldest and most powerful race in the galaxy. They waited, for many millennia, for the Human Race of Earth to reach a high level where they could enter and act more directly. They have recently received a clear signal that Earth’s Humanity has come to this point and are coming to help “personally” in the Earth’s transition.

Their presence simply increases the planet’s luminous radiation considerably and decompression occurs, causing a rapid and reverberating effect on mankind. The first signs of this are mental relieving, where negative thoughts are much more easily controlled and dissipated. The sense of separation from the Source diminishes drastically, making people, although they do not fully understand what is happening, calmer and being assured of an integration with something much greater. So you feel your connection to the Source more strongly. It is a process that tends to improve more and more as not only this great civilization approaches Earth, but so many others are being allowed to surrender their treasures to Terran mankind.

It is a beautiful being, with an extremely androgynous expression, perfectly representing the two sacred energies, the masculine and the feminine, integrated into the Being. Long shoulder-length hair in a brilliant golden hue and eyes that look like a torch of burning golden fire, is a to be completely golden that looks made and polished to pure gold of so beautiful and radiant that it is. In the palms of his hands he has sacred geometries printed in various forms, starting from his hands and going to the forearm in a darker tone to stand out from his golden skin. His robes are only cloths in golden tones on the body. Beautiful body about two meters and seventy centimeters high. Personality sweet, soft , gentle. He has a voice that sounds more like thunder as he speaks, such is the energy in the verbalization and, at the same time, resembles a morning breeze kissing the flowers.

Hula is a direct representative of the Solar Lords Hélios and Vesta, being able to attract the energies of its Solar parents through this mantra:

“O Helios, Lord of the Dawn, O Vesta, Mother of the Eternal Cycles, our beloved Solar Parents! O Sun, behind all the Suns! O Sun of the worship of the ancients! Oh Sun of Akhenaten! O Brilliant Globe of Incandescent Love, Magneto that gathers the worlds and begets life. You are mercy, love, enlightenment. You are the hope. You are the fires of the Resurrection that renew the life every day! You are our refuge and our joy, the light that illuminates our life. “(See more:

You are also one of the representatives of this power in the Terrano Plan.

A Solar being is simply a life-generating being. His presence in any environment expands Life, brings Light, Love, Wisdom, Welfare. It is always called to stellar meetings, to bring there its luminosity and power of life. Solar Beings, like Asoll, are inviolable beings with respect to negative forces. Its Light is so intense that hardly a being of low vibration and / or disempowering, sad or violent thoughts can stay long there. Either he raises his vibration before the solar being or simply moves away because he can not bear the radiation.

Although it has its first expression manifested in this Local Universe of Nebadon acting as representative of Solar energy, its essence does not belong to this Universe, but to the Sonar Universe.

The Sonar Universe is the seventh superimposed Universe of a Cluster of seven Universes. The fabrics and fibers that make up this Universe are sound and vibration. Thus, they emit for the other Universes the “SOUND OF LIFE” sustaining the WAVES OF LIFE in the other Universes, in a Cluster of seven others. The Sounds emitted from the Sonar Universe towards the other Universes are harmonizing, balancing and sustaining sounds of Life, specifically the physical-biological. The four main sounds emitted by the Sonar Universe are: OM (OOOOOMMMM …), ZIM (ZIMMMMMMMM …), Á (ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ …), UOM (UOMUOMUOM …). These sounds also harmonize the chakras of beings, putting them to spin in perfect order and synchrony, making them fully functional. In issuing these Sounds, as mentioned above, the being will feel a tremendous vibration running through their entire body, for it will immediately be in tune with the Sonar Universe.

The sounds that are heard in this Local Universe of Nebadon are reverberations of the Sonar Universe. All other Universes of this Cluster of Overlapping Universes retransmit “in their interior” the primary vibrations and the sounds originally coming from UUUUUSSSSS. (Universe Sonar – Verbalize UUUUUSSSSS – also causes positive effects in the fields of the Beings helping to unlock blocked fields and release trapped emotions). The Voyager probe ( recorded these Sounds in outer space, proving, for those who hear them, that they are very powerful vibrations / sounds. Particularly, I, Gabriel RL, advise sleeping to hear these Sounds, as it helps in the balance of the Chakras as well as having a deep night’s sleep. Not to mention that, being “pulled” to be within that vibration, you end up becoming part of the sound as if it were a note and that without you, that sound / vibration would not be perfect. (See more about the Sonar Universe:

Hula, The Solar Prince also belongs to the Monad of that known as Vivus, The Universal Orchestra (PVSE avatar. See Vivus cosmos here: are like souls, beings very close and connected by the same ideals and with great energetic similarity, of inviolable brotherhood. They have a deep spiritual connection, only not more complete than soul mates. But like kindred souls, they would be in “second place” of connection. They are those affinities in which one begins a reasoning and the other ends. Not by chance, they both came from the same Sonar Universe, also representing the divine sound itself, the very SOM AND VIBRATION OF LIFE, since Hula, The Solar Prince is also a being of intense sonar vibration, being one of the direct transmitters of SOM that sustains Life in the Terrano Plan and in the Galaxy, next to its grouping of Solar Princes emitting the SOUND OF LIFE.

Not by chance, as with Vivus, from his two hands it is possible to see golden rays of light emerge as if he had a sun in each hand, and as these rays emerge, you can hear divine sounds of very high vibration. When it strikes with both hands, there is another beautiful pulsating sound that if there is any being of a low vibration nearby, it is quickly leveraged to the high vibrations, such is the radiation and Light emitted in that sound.

Hula, in perfect harmony with the Solar Masters, has the mission, together with its grouping, to increase the vibration of the Planet through the sound, radiation and anchorages of the solar energies, both emitted by its voice or by simply “walk through the dry foliage … “Any sound emitted by Hula, in any case, is immediately reverberated like a high vibrating wave capable of increasing the vibration of any being, whether it is already in a high vibration or not, the vibration simply go up. Thus, he is also a master healer, for with sound emitted only in his breathing, he can promote healing because of the vibration of his breathing.

Hula, The Prince has passages / expressions by other Star Systems in this Local Universe beyond the Galactic Central Sun, as in the Pleiades, Sirius A and B, Andromeda, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, Orion, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Vega, Libra, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Virgo, Sagittarius and many other known and unknown Star Systems of the Terrans. It has acted for thousands of years in this Local Universe being one of the relays of the harmonizing Sonar energies coming directly from the Sonar Universe, as well as next to its grouping, synchronizing and harmonizing all the suns, especially those of Milky Way galaxy, preparing them for the pulse impending ascension.

Hula has several passages in the Terrano Plan since the beginning of civilizations, being in Atlantis like first solar priest of the Central Temple of Energy Anchors of the central civilization that already, since that time, sent projections to the Earth. At the time, Hula was called HÁ, and was the first priest of an order of incarnated solar beings. He came back to incarnate there on some other occasions and in one of them was a musician who translated the energetic waves into audible sound. He was a seer psychic , he saw the energies and simply transformed them into sound and, at the same time, composed seven symphonies based on the seven colors of the rainbow. Each of the symphonies brilliantly representing not only the color, but the energetic vibration of that color, so incredibly enchanting.

Incarnated in the Lemuria, also like a composer and, this time, composed the sounds that represented Central Civilization and the Pleiades, where it had beautiful experiences. He was in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and many points in the Middle East as Israel, and in the time of Jesus. There, along with Jesus, she was one of his follower disciple very close to Mother Mary, who once asked sher to assist her in maintaining the Points of Light. Mary left on Earth – while incarnate as the mother of Jesus – lights to sustain the immaculate human heart. When incarnate, Mother Mary received from the Forces of Light the mission to keep honoring God and sustaining Divine perfection in every Heart of Man, Woman and Child of the Earth. And as much as she was tempted to discredit that Love might flow from such hardened and barbarous hearts of that time, Mary needed to keep visualizing only the Light that existed in that heart.

And also to sustain the visualization of the inviolable Trina Flame existing there, not yielding to the temptation to deny that in that heart there was Light, that “Humanity would understand the Greatness of God and expand the consciousness, anchoring the Supreme Love.” Mother Mary has created many points of Light on the Planet, so that many, as we see today in prayers / meditations, would support these points. The various places of the apparitions of Mother Mary are very powerful points of Light and all the beings of the Marian Command act to sustain this energy of the Holy Immaculate Heart of Mary, as well as of all beings on Earth. You, dear Hula, are also part of this court, and every day at 6:00 PM (local time / place where you are) a strong projection of this Army of Light of Mary is sent to be reverberated on the Terran Surface. He was also close friend of Timothy (, incarnation of Zero i at that time.

Hula incarnated in many other points as in France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Portugal, Spain, India (being a monk in the times of Buddha), China, many points of South, Central and North America, such as USA, Mexico, Cuba and Canada and some points in Africa. In Egypt there were several incarnations, for example, at the time of Amenophis III (the incarnation of Zero i at the time), being one of those responsible for harmony in the Pharaoh’s palace, organizing in magnificent form the structure, furniture and everything inside the palace for that the air would flow, and not just a wind blowing, but a harmonized melody, practically making the great palace become an energizing musical instrument. Hula was also among the Maias in Yucatan, and there he met other PVSE Avatars also incarnated at the time, such as Vivus, The Universal Orchestra and Arkhéra, The Celtic Princess (see Arkhare’s Cosmobiography: At the time, Hula incarnated to help in capturing the solar energies with greater intensity and to help in the ascensional process that would come more intensely in the future.

The Mayan Civilization was one of Earth’s rich and significant civilizations in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, where there was material and scientific development superior to that of today, with broad control of atomic energy. There was the “Birdman,” who flew in all directions in a special jumpsuit filled with energetic tubing. Among the Maya, great sages received instructions directly from the Chapel, because they had the “Direct Voice” and performed great phenomena. On that occasion, there were large Amacês (Stellar Mothers ships ) passing by in flaring flight projecting the energy of the Chapel to that people. These ships kept those areas free from certain animals that posed danger to Men, but also brought instructions. However, they always did so without crossing the neutron (see Glossary of P1).

At one point, a group that was enveloped by the energy of ambition and, intending to have access to that technology in an unauthorized way, planned to capture one of the Amacês. In the movement, this Mother Ship, in its automatic system of defense, radiated a very intense energy, which ended up causing the disintegration of all that civilization. The Indians, after the event with the Mayan people, took over the cities.

In Theotihuacan a pyramid was built that was called The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which, because of its innumerable serpent heads, symbolized, as was already used by the ancient peoples, the representation of the Kundalini. By the very nature of the building itself, which was in stones but visibly very different from the others – the well-known pyramids of the Sun and the moon – one can note the profound difference of the techniques used in the two different epochs. There are many documents of various origins that deal with the end of a cycle on our planet, which would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting documents, after the Apocalypse of John, is what Mayan Astronomy left us. It considers the current era beginning at the birth of Venus in 3113 B.C and ending in December 2012, thus closing a 5,125 year cycle which would be ended with many movements causing profound energy changes on Earth. Such movements would be deeply touching Humanity and the climatic conditions of the Planet bringing in this way new ways of producing food and cleaning the water, as well as changing the whole magnetic and nuclear system in a global way, and also provoking a sensible alteration of the axis from the earth.

With the knowledge of the changes generated by the increase and decrease of sunspots, which were linked to various movements in Terran Civilizations, the Mayas had their sacred year of 260 days composed and based perfectly on the Sun. They knew that the cycle of and after 20 cycles (1,366,020 days), the magnetic field of the Solar Blade tilts and the Earth follows that movement, seeking to align its magnetic axis with that of the Sun. This causes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions , tsunamis, and other natural phenomena that ultimately move the planning of Man and his cities, fields, and food production areas. Current Science, with its modern equipment, has shown that the calculation of the Mayas is very close to the 1,366,040 days found in their research.

Also incarnated in Assisi, Italy, he belonged to the court of that call of Francis of Assisi, his spiritual godfather. Here Hula was called Frei Evandro, and was a master healer in that Franciscan grouping of Light and Love, coordinated by the lovely Francis of Assisi and Clare of Assisi. Most recently, in Germany, Hula was a German physician very close friend of General Russo Dmitry Karbyshev, incarnation of Zero i, at the time ( The General on many of his diplomatic trips to Germany was with him for routine examinations and lengthy conversations about diplomacy and the need for men to be more friendly to one another.

Hula had a very famous incarnation on the Terrano Plan in Italy. There, the spirit of Hula animated the personality of that known as Antonio Vivaldi: https:

In many of his lives he has been a priest, musician, Indian, pastor, gypsy, healer, sidereal engineer, builder, atomic scientist, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, inventor, white witch doctor, priestess, architect, conductor, aviator, oracle, monk, orator, interpreter of “strange” languages, amazonian defender warrior, psychologist, composer, frei, sociologist, pirate and many other personalities on this planet, always experiencing the experiences necessary for its expansion of consciousness. (Remembering that some of these lives / experiences may have occurred in other stellar systems, not necessarily the Earth.) I see the professions that are appearing on my mental screen and / or the mentor blows directly into my ear and I put it here.)

It is being called by the Forces of Light to receive this information with much love and simplicity, so as not to allow itself to fall into vanity, as this would hamper the process of anchoring this expression in the Terrano Physical Plan. Called to connect in great love with the Higher Spheres, asking that all this information reverberate positively in your heart. May these be sources of divine inspiration and radiate into your being, opening channels for greater connections, unlocking fields and leading you to a higher state of being on the Terran Surface. Called to tune in daily with your Song and issue it at a particular time whenever possible and, if you are in some unfavorable environment, do it mentally.

This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and will help you in uncovering the veils. Called to, with all its mastery, radiate its Light and rescue from the lower astral zones of the Terrano Plan many beings of this grouping, which have been lost throughout the ages, so that together, by singing the most beautiful energy, they can heal many souls of their internal pains, crystallizing their bodies and transforming them from carbonic base to Crystalline through the waves transmitted by their solar plexus and other chakras, coming straight from the Sonar Universe, passing through all the suns of this Galaxy and pouring on you to this reverberation and healing. Called to reconnect with his Vivaldi heritage, and download that wonderful akashic.

Dear Hula and all groupings, you are responsible for maintaining sustained energies that will guarantee the powerful reverberation of the Mantra of Crystallization: html. Responsible also for sustaining the energies of the Sonar Universe in the Terrano Plan, because you are a Sonar ambassador in Terran physicality.

Hula and all the reverberating beings of this Sonar energy! That from that moment you can be even more attuned to your Sonar heritage. May the sound of their hearts beating in the greater attunement of this Force enable them to find the orchestrated harmony of the Sonar Universe, and thus may be the SOUND OF LIFE echoing in this Local Universe as the most perfect representatives of the Sonar Universe.

Its motto is: “I AM THE SOUND AND VIBRATION OF LIFE, I AM THE SOLAR LIGHT OF ALL EXISTING SUNS AND BY EXISTING.”Currently this Avatar / Be is incarnated and working with me within the Star Seeds team. Anyone who resounds with this Avatar will directly contact him through the contacts he created himself at the link below. A Falange will be created by HULA, THE PRINCE SOLAR, and when it is, the contact links will be available here:

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Identify your Celestial Corner:

Gabriel RL

Translation: Cintia Libório

IL12 ROOM = It’s a special room in the Galaxy X440-Z9 (Blue Galaxy) of intensive recovery of emotional fields. It’s used to recover “IL” beings when they undergo severe emotional processes and, when they resist, receive a consecration of “IL12 Master.” But before consecration, they spend time in this room, which is a kind of Crystalline Chamber of High Vibration and Transmutation. After this process, which takes a certain 72 hours Terran, they are applauded standing by all the “IL” of the Galaxy and have special permissions in the plans where they are acting. Authorizations that I can not put here, because I can not see a linear way of transmitting them, but the consecrated IL will feel and know what level of consecration he has received and where he can use it. A few ILs (the ILs, to be clear, are the beings in the Galaxy X440-Z9 – Blue Galaxy – from which the expression IUD-IL, CADI-IL have come), which embodied in the Terran physical plane have managed to overcome emotional and end up succumbing to the Terran density, but when you do, you receive this consecration and special certifications in the Galaxy X440-Z9 and / or where you are currently working. When an IL decides to incarnate in a density, you are already aware of the intense movements you will experience and usually always do so knowing that you will receive immense support. About 70% of the “ILs” who incarnated in the Terran Plan only accepted the heavy challenges when they knew they would have the support, not only of the Family as a whole, but especially of the Twin Soul, and that it was incarnated at the same time . The IUD-IL Twin Soul is incarnated and supported in this process that will lead to this very high level of consecration. It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

INFRASSOM C3 = One of the mental control systems of the surface population. Weapon used by “ar” and MiD, always for purposes of mind control, to keep the Terran masses in control and acting according to their wills. It attempts to suppress free will by inducing people to think that they make all decisions based on their own wills, being that in many cases they are only being influenced by infrasound and ultrasonic waves subliminally. Try to lower the frequency of the vibration, in particular, the emotional vibrations. It tries to suppress the will of the people to fight (not to surrender easily to the control of the darkness). It tries to suppress the will of people to create their own destinies.

The expression 1/7 means that there are, at least in Zone T, seven (7) systems operating in that region and, in a NOTE from Pleiades 1, they mention “Infrassom C3 1/7 successfully deactivated over Zone T” – meaning Here the “part one” of this system was deactivated / dismantled by the Light Forces.

There are ways to avoid the onslaughts of these negative technologies by also using technology. I quote here the Pleiadian technology “Tachyonis”. (See some information about the following links:

Portal 2012 – “Novas Tecnologias Avançadas” – 30.10.2013

COBRA / Portal 2012 – “Mais entrevistas, vídeos e conferências do Cobra” – 14.03.2015

But keep in mind that keeping your vibrations high through loving and aligned behaviors in the Christ Light, no negative technology is capable of affecting you. LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL “WEAPON” YOU CAN USE against any negative attack. Just as physical illnesses do not survive in alkaline environments, just as the high vibrations of Love impede the development of diseases and negative technology actions on any being.

Here is an excerpt from a Kryon message:

“Get out of the vibration of fear, and the shadow will walk in the opposite direction of you.” Wherever you walk, negativity will run in the other direction. With it, better health comes in. Some of you who would like to change some things in your bodies, you Which tried a few things, and did not work Give your body a chance to talk to you Talking to your cells will raise the vibration of your DNA What happens to this elevation . Do you realize that diseases are low vibrations? What happens when you raise your vibration? Healing Old diseases look for lower vibrations, out of fear … Raise your vibrations and disease can not reach you. Do you want to have more energy in your life? Then stop to be afraid!

Raise up your Light and the darkness is gone. Stop fighting the darkness and ascend your Light; This is the only thing that will work.” (Full message:

INITIATIVE NEUTRON = Do not confuse with the neutron of physics, nor confuse with the veil mentioned by COBRA, – the negative plasma layer. In the initiatory language, Neutron is the name of the force – an energy that divides the Vibrational Plans – separating them as if they were the walls that separate the dependences of a house. The Initiatic neutron is active until the consciousness is high enough to cohabit with the parallel realities / other vibrational planes. Such a barrier is maintained until the being reaches a certain level of consciousness to be able to interact with the other realities without “bursting.”

IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH AND / OR IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH = personally present in / on local referred to.

IONI-BI-AVIL = Information on the link:

IUD-IL (Blue Galaxy) = IUD-IL is a Geneticist Starfire. Specialists in this area. Belonging to a very veteran and wise race. Was present in the Pleiades thousands of years ago when they were still in development. Helped (or not), created themselves the physical bodies of Pleiadians, at the time. Similarly they helped in the creation of the Earth Experience. The race, it is known is a galaxy that has spiral shape and no knowledge of Terran. It has a beautiful sun blue at its center. Usually measuring between two meters and twenty-three meters high, (as far as I could see). It is being called the Pleiades 1 to dismantle the lower astral etheric sectors that are negative genetic experiments, such as cloning, violation of DNA Original Blends experiences and the like.

IZUSHS (Glaciers) = They are beings of an Ice system that reached the local system through the Solar Portal. They measure around three meters high. They are ice white and has big blue eyes. Reasonably thin, wear overalls glued to the body in ice white color and two blue diamonds bracelets, one in each handle arm . The third eye is noticeably activated, like a small blue sun in the middle of the forehead. They are extremely loving and peaceful and always with a gentle smile on the face. They were called the Celestial Forces to come to Local System (Solar System Terrano) and assist in cooling and climate balance of the planet, going to overheated areas to cool them and to the super cold to balance them, and that their primary function. Their ships look more like space diamonds, so beautiful, alternating between transparent white diamond and blue diamond transparent. They said they are setting up their PRIMARY BASE on the African continent. The “Yeti” (or Abominable Snowman) descend from them. Izushs and Yetis are beings from the same system, but not necessarily identical in form, as Izushs have less hair covering the body, while Yetis are more hairy. The Izushs, however, are the highest expressions of Yetis. Basic information here:

Gabriel had telepathic contact with a glacial be of this group called YUTHI, and saw that these beings are a beautiful sweetness. They love the flowers. In Communication, YUTHI gets emotional to speak of flowers, so great is his love for them! He said that in other planets systems there is also very beautiful flowers. He has seen flowers in other systems, but loves the Earth. He said he has a special affection for the Earth. He and his group have been here at other times. Their planet – a Ice Cluster – is an entire crystal planet . They said they will also incorporate in Gabriel to talk to us. YUTHI added information about their activities. He said a first fleet that came from the Ice System passed the Solar Portal and is composed of a number of 6 billion beings. Two other fleets still come. Nearby fleets are even greater. They will make their base here on Earth, but will not work only on the physical plane. Will serve also in other Earth plans. Will attend the Solar System, in fact, but the earth is the priority right now.

JERUSALÉM = Third mothership triangulation.

JPM = JP Morgam (Bank).

KAKUNUIA-TA = Mayan Mother Ship with about ten (10) billion consciences. About the size of the State of São Paulo (Brazil). Will be parked in camouflage in Mexico City (Mexico). Three projections (smaller ships) that will leave this larger ship – Kakunuia-ta – toward three more specific points: Chichén Itzá, Cobá and Palenque. Of these three, there will be a projection of each one for: Uxmal, Tulum and Calakmul. And finally, of the last three will leave three more projections for: Bonampak, Comalcalco and Edzná. There will be demonstrations in these regions and telepathic contacts with those regions. Kakunuia-ta will remain as a retransmitter point to the other small ships, without forecast of withdrawal. It is a confederate Mother Ship and at the service of the Light.

There may be sightings of both Kakunuia-ta and other small ships in the regions mentioned. Those who tune in to the Mayan Culture, get in tune with Kakunuia-ta. They will receive projections and will be taken aboard, at first in astral, and will have released akashic records, and receive astronomical information concerning the new times.


KROCS / UNIX / NEKAH = It is a small group of 3 (three) reptilians that are “hidden” in the planet’s ionosphere, in an attempt to escape the siege being done by the Light Forces. Krocs is a specialist in creating false ideas which, so well done, he can cause the person to confuse himself seriously by thinking that he is following the heart when in fact he is following a highly convincing induction. In addition to being a masterful hypnotist, he can, at first, get into the field of the person when it, through some personality failure, opens up. It captures all her thoughts, wishes, high and not lofty ideas, makes a great catch and creates, on top of that, something that is interesting for the person to play on. He can easily convince a person (when he has already broken it) that he is following the heart, when he may be following everything but the genuine heart – and when it falls into itself, it is filled with regrets and remorse, while Krocs benefits . Just as all pain and any feeling other than Love is illusion, Krocs manages to create a false heart, a false will coming from a false heart, and thus cause some people to follow his plans. He is also a blackmailer because he creates such scenarios and then tries to negotiate promising to undo what he has done and / or minimize it until the person complies with the agreement. For example, if he needs to flee from somewhere, he will move whatever it takes to try, until he makes someone fall into a trap and then blackmails saying something like “let me out and I undo what I’ve done” and / or “shoot you out of the trap”.

Some people may be scared, but that’s no reason. You may wonder, “So how do I know it’s my heart, really, what are you talking about now?” It’s very simple. Whenever we follow the genuine higher heart, this causes a positive movement and never, under any circumstances, brings something like remorse or repentance and / or some external or internal disorder. When we are connected with our higher heart, everything will flow in a divine and undisturbed way. Our actions will be aligned with a higher truth and this will bring benefits to all, in general. When we are connected to the lower heart, the opposite is true. The lower heart is connected to the more mundane, three-dimensional wills, for example: “My heart says that I must go on with the war, because we will find peace” (this is one of the thoughts of some world leaders …). Or “I’m going to do it here, because that’s what I want to do right now.” Meanwhile, an internal alert is sounded as a signal that the next action will not bring good consequences. The upper heart always warns when an action should not be performed, for the upper heart is broadly connected with the larger frame. When the being falls into the trap of the false heart, immediately something inside it collapses and, gradually or immediately, the “chip falls” with the common expression “What have I done? I should not have done it! “The action of a higher heart never brings pain, internal or external, even that of the lower heart, yes. The higher heart is connected to the Law of the ONE (Unity), already the heart inferior to the law of the self – (ego). And, did you hear? The action of the higher heart will never, in any case, trigger the expression “What have I done? I should not have done it. “You should, then, be constantly placing yourself in a higher vibration, asking the Forces of Light and your own Higher Self to keep you in line with the higher heart. And be constantly alert to it so that it does not fall into ego-traps and / or inferior external influences that at all times try to induce incarnate beings to follow their agendas through false joys and distorted ideas.

Another quick example of an action from the voice of an inferior heart: When you are sad, some people go shopping. They walk past a store, see something they like and “my heart begs to buy,” come in and buy it. A momentary joy comes, (which is actually an illusion, a false joy), and some time later, the person is sad again, sitting and looking at what he bought and saying … “What have I done? I should not have done it, I should not have bought it! “And if before you would at least sit, breathe and ask yourself, deeply, with all your soul …” Which action is the best? What action is the highest and will bring benefits to me as well as to my neighbor? “- Who does this? Many act on a first impulse, guided by false ideas, and it is at these points that beings like these enter, for they know that many humans “will not waste time” with internalizations to obtain a higher response, but will follow the first impulse that they and unfortunately some of them are inferior.

Recently I gave two lectures, one entitled “ANCORATING AND LIVING YOUR SOUL PLAN AND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSCIOUS MISSIONARY” and the other is “FOLLOWING THE HEART ALWAYS?” – The latter will be released until the beginning of February 2018. Anyway, all of them will be available at this link:

Dear Terrano, connect with your highest heart, always asking for Superior Guidance so that you are guided and consequently help yourself and your fellow men. The beings who work with inverted magnetism want at all times to take people out of this inner connection, for they know that there is the higher heart there, and against it they have no chance. So they often bombard with many well-reasoned thoughts so you do something specific and stay “awake” without closing your eyes, because you know that by closing your eyes, you will go inside, and inside you will be inviolable.

The other two beings, Unix and Nekah, are also experts on the same things as Krocs, except for one small difference: Unix and Nekah are good experts at convincing that a person is right after a certain action. Beings as they were convinced, at all times, people like Adolf Hitler that he was right, and he was still attacking. Blinded by the voice of the false heart, he continued, and could not hear the superior heart that said “the way is not there.” He, Hitler, was certain that the killing of people would help humanity in some way, and did not hear the voice of reason – which is also very connected to the higher heart.

These beings are in contact with Zero i and PVSE team and have tried to negotiate their exit from Earth and hence the Galaxy – which are receiving instructions that this will not be allowed in any way. In communications and loving dialogues, however, Zero and the team have instructed them to surrender, alerting them that they are not hiding, since all non-Confederate ships are mapped and the Confederacy knows where each of them is, how many crew members have and what are their intentions. They, the three of them, are still trying to withdraw by bargaining. The outcome of this negotiation will be placed here (on this page) as an update as soon as it is completed. Of course, with a positive movement.

It is as far as I can convey at the moment.

Gabriel RL

LEADER ISLAND K = North Korean leader.

LEADER LOCAL Archon = negative Head of region “X” or “Y” usually etheric.

LEGION 9 = It’s a group of spirits still in negativity. They were incarnated in ancient Macedonia. There they were a group of seven friends who rode horseback buying and selling gold, until on one of these paths, on a road, they found a woman. She was down and dirty, in a sad state. They took her and took her with them. One of them, the leader of the group called SimoPack, after some time fell in love with her. She was a beautiful woman. Enchantingly beautiful! They took care of her and, of course, SimoPack (or SiP, affectionately as he was called by his friends) took care of her more, since he was completely in love with her.

After a few days of care, the woman – who was called Malaaya, – was recovering and returning to normal. She also showed interest and being in love with SiP, and was well with everyone. But what they didn’t know was that she hid something. She was a negatived witch, and she had no intention of ever having a relationship with SiP, already completely in love. She knew that they kept a lot of gold, and knew the ways they went. She set up a whole situation to get closer and gain confidence. After some time, already proving to be completely comfortable with everyone and pretending passion for SiP, convinced him to tell where he kept the gold. This one, drunk with love, without any fear, he said. They made love and when he slept, she took all the gold and fled, but not without casting a spell: if they came after her “they would die in a cave …”.

Everyone woke up in the morning and SiP didn’t see her by his side. He immediately remembered that he had told them where their gold was. He run to look at the gold stash, and there was nothing there. When their friends arrived and also saw that the place where they kept the gold was empty, they despaired and blamed SiP for having counted. He raged and followed her with much hatred. The friends, very angry that he had told them where the gold was, also went, all along the same path where they had found Malaaya. Nothing found … Many days of searching. As everyone became increasingly enraged that SiP had fallen into her charms, he was increasingly deeply hurt, angry, and with an intense desire to find her, went deeper into hatred and revolt. He promised himself that he would destroy any trace of love he encountered on his way, believing there was no true love. Increasingly angry, he no longer wanted to eat or drink. Together with him, his friends were infuriated with her and with him at the same time, sustaining a very heavy energy of hatred, revolt and sorrows. The house where they lived was looted completely, when the information of what had happened was spread. They had nowhere else to live.

They began to beg for the streets, but even the most loving people feared to help them because of the energy of negativity that surrounded them, because their faces were completely transformed by the revolt. They found a cave, dirty, and full of bats. They didn’t care, and they made their home there. There was no conversation, no friendship, no brotherhood, no such thing … Just revolt, swearing and a lot of hatred. They were discharged there from hunger, sick and very angry. After disincarnation, remaining in this same negative aura, they took the form of bats and, at the moment, they act in the astral zones of the Terran Plan.

They approached Zero i (Gabriel RL) and initiated, through the same, a communication with the members of the PVSE team. A work of doctrine and awareness of these spirits is happening. The Light Forces ask the Avatars and the like to send all their loving energies to envelop these beings and that they may find relief from their pain and return home. Support projections are also requested to Gabriel RL, since he lends his physical apparatus so that, through incorporation, these brothers communicate with the members of the StarSeeds team (PVSE).

The woman named Malaaya no longer acts in negativity. Today she’s incarnated in Europe, precisely in France, acting as a white witch and helping people with cures and advice – as her karmic rescue. She doesn’t remember this happening, and even those “Legion 9” beings (as they themselves have identified) know that she is no longer the same.

May Love enfold them and bring them back to Light!

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

LOCAL ANOMALIC CRITÂRO = It’s a black crystal, a kind of reverse black vortex, which swallows everything that is “life” and positive movement into itself. It’s force rotates counterclockwise. If this crystal is constructed, its movement would drag into itself all the most sublimated feelings and actions generated around it. But what would allow that? All human beings have already had good experience, feelings of full joy, moments sublimated to the maximum, rejoicing, fullness and certainly have also experienced moments and feelings contrary to this, since they are within a dual reality. This negative vortex would expect the slightest breach of a feeling contrary to sublimated feeling and / or action and would creep inward, causing it to remain in a vicious cycle of negative moments and feelings. At some point in your life, you may have experienced some very painful situations, such as: Someone confronted you harshly, somebody attacked you wrongly and hurt you, someone was extremely reactive to something you did or said and it hurt you. These or any other painful experiences, especially involving beings close to you and you love them. This black crystal will try to relive those moments as powerfully as possible, and keep the person locked in that loop, reliving that feeling internally – in this case, everyone involved would be in a loop, both the one who “attacked” and the one who received the “attack”. Obscure forces are trying to create this crystal especially on Magnetic Island to try to drag the pillars that hold the Crucial Positive Forces to keep the Magnetic Island and Magnetic Crystal reverberating. Zero i has attempted to destroy the crystal in internal motion, since at this moment it is the first target of the dark forces and are certain that the (temporary) wear of Zero i will enable the creation of this anomaly. The process of reversal and complete cancellation of this anomaly is in progress and very deep inner movements of Zero i are happening. The Pleiades 1 calls all the groupings and the like of the PVSE to an intensive one for the complete annulation of this movement, that if constructed would radiate to the other Islands, which certainly will not occur. The dark forces are trying, with irony, to create this crystal, as an answer and direct affront to the Magnetic Crystal already created on the Island. These forces do not know that the Magnetic Crystal already created on the Island is so powerful that nothing will prevent it from keeping the Magnetic Force sustained, and consequently supporting Zero i and PVSE, overruling any more drastic effect of crit. Even so, for a complete dissolution, it is necessary to work together. May love and the most sublimated moments remain in our hearts, because this is who we are!

LOCAL CHANNEL 0I (ZERO I) = Apparently refers to the Brazilian plumber codenamed Gabriel Raio Lunar (or Gabriel RL).

LOCAL SUN = Sun in our solar system.

LONE RIDER / BLACK RIDER = The Black Knight Satellite. View picture:

LUNAR, THE ATTRACTOR POTENTIATOR = A galactic traveler. A being of a group of beings responsible for stabilizing moons planets. In his group, it is one of those responsible for putting the moons around the planets in solar systems. I did not receive accurate information about a planet of origin, but was also connected to Arcturus, Sirius and Orion (could not see more than that). When I could see has a planet, lives in the mother ships. Also works in the Sidereal Engineering sector, organizing and mapping entire systems, such as the Solar System. Adjust the moons so that magnetically, they become a harmonic distance to the planet and provide what he, the planet needs. It is also a magnetic being, a potentiator of intent. It acts as an attractor, if he approaches things with negative thoughts attract negative things, he, not out of malice, but simply be its nature, will enhance what being is vibrating. If being is thinking negative, it will leverage; one is thinking positive also potentiate. It is not evil, just is IT. It is being called the Pleiades 1 to go to the lower astral areas to show those who are there what can happen to them if they continue with that kind of thinking / vibration. And also show what they have, if they accept the Light and its benefits. It is also being called in the areas of Terran surface. When it comes down to the astral spheres, sometimes camouflages with a silver layer of energy to avoid being very attractor and enhancer in those regions – divine mercy. Very loving and peaceful. It is a Unified Consciousness to Action and Reaction Law. (As if it were an expression of this consciousness / power / action and reaction). It is connected to the Universal Energy of Love and Divine Justice Act.

LUNIA / A VORTEX CREATOR = It is a being from a distant star system. It incorporated the Sirian energy, Pleiadian, Arcturian and had quick passage through the Martian System, where he specialized in certain points. It is a being with innate power to create positive vortex. Through dance and joy, quickly creates powerful vortex that can dispel the darkness. There is a mix in your being positive agitation, where through it, moves that is stationary, giving life and transmuting softness. Through the smile and look, reassures the thoughts of those restless and bored. Has by nature the softness of Eastern, where he was also taking love, passivity, transmutation and movement. Has a strong connection with a soul sister called Kuan Yin to connect with her, together, create the most powerful vortex still able to dispel the negativity generated by thousands of negative thoughts Terran collective. Also help in opening Light portals, it has by nature the gift of creating vortex of Light. They help while the Portal opens with centrifugal force, create a vortex in the centripetal force balancing magic. It is being called the Pleiades 1 to balance the forces in the lower astral areas and also to come to systems where darkness still prevails. And there, create the vortex necessary to transmute and balance whatever is out of balance. It is the very centripetal vortex in Terrana expression.

MAGIC, THE PIED PIPER = It is a being of a System of Gold Worlds . Each world is like a golden sun radiating everything and everyone. He is a magnetizing in nature. Harmonizes everything and everyone with the look, whose eyes look more like two golden suns, having little green risks on the globe. His hair is pure energy, golden light wires, merged into the white snow.

When traveling through the universe, it does in a big mothership of his golden people. The big mothership is so colorful and beautiful, that can not be described linearly with accuracy. The great ship, when traveling through the cosmos, does releasing beautiful universal songs that are heard in the low vibration, relieving tension and pain of those who are there.

She / he has the right balance inside and can take the shape he want. In some civilizations he visited, took the form of beautiful golden elephants, delighting the native civilizations.

Incarnated several times in the Plan Terrano, from ancient Atlantis and Mu. Was alongside masters like Buddha, Antulio, Amphion, Numu, Krishna … You could say that is a ray of light that known as Krishna.

It is a being of wonderful power and has his energy fields as harmonized, those that they see spiritually, see it as a huge dance energy, making beautiful energetic movements. It is the Terran dance energy form. When in his highest expressions, has a beautiful golden flute of pure Light ,that enchants when he plays. Most of the time, is from this flute that come out the sounds , magnified by the large mothers ship colorful , who are heard where the ship passes. Each note of the flute is a specific energy that heals both physical and mentals deseasis.

Once when next to Krishna, there was a huge confusion in a village. Krishna himself called and said … “Go, dance and charm! Take your flute.” And she said, “But I have no flute!” And he: “Yes, you have… Go!” She went to where there was confusion. She was barefoot, with a simple dress, but The look … ah … The look! … It was so penetrating, so radiant as a multicolor sun. When she arrived, everyone, without exception, they all stopped and looked at her … She lowered her head a little frightened, fear of being chased her away from there. She heard softly in her mind: “Take your flute.” And she, when she saw there was a golden flute that was stuck next to her waist while, like a magic! She took it and, even though she never played anything in that life , began to blow. Came out a wonderful sound that was penetrating the hearts of all present there. While she played the flute turned into pure energy that involved completely everyone … everyone could see the energy showering! She was taken by a celestial force and began to express themselves in dance form for all , as a beautiful flower when it receives a gentle breeze, swaying their petals gently. That was how she danced and delighted, as asked the master.

All present watched and, like a magic, they drop their tools of war and ,as drunk of energi , they sat around The Magic of the Pied Piper as she danced. The Master watched in mental screen everything that happened there, and happy, he radiated her to continue until the heart more brutish amansasse. When she finished her dance, she sat on the floor, bowed her head in reverence, with both hands glued to each other in a typical gesture of gratitude and wept. All around her were moved and even the most hardened that there was, fell in emotion. From this day forward, all commented … “The young lady looked like a Magic … A Living Magic . We saw! Where she came !?” While others said: “Yes It seemed a Living Magic She was holding a flute … I’ve never seen it before ….!” – And since then, began to be called “Magic, the girl’s Flute” or ” magic, the Pied Piper. “

In another situation, when in a low vibration world and widely in the field of their spiritual faculties, became a great fierce elephant and dispelled a group of evil beings who wanted to invade a village and sexually abusing girls as the companions had left to search for food. It is a being of unimaginable power. She can also design her consciousness anywhere and be seen by those who are in that place.

In one of her guises, belonged to the beautiful court of Poseidon ,like a beautiful mermaid and enchanted with the magic of her flute ,which at the time was with a being called Cadhi, Solar Prince.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to incorporate the gift of Flute and bring the sound of Magnetic Cure. Being called to go in the inferior astral areas of the Terrano plan and take her dancing that looks like a flower to receive the morning breeze. Being called to dance and delight wherever he go, also incorporating the energy of Oshun, be beautiful, which is also representative in Terrana surface. He is called, when across physical and nonphysical where there are disharmony, close his eyes and bring up his right hand to his magnetic flute and start playing to harmonize the environment. There is no being in this universe that is able to resist his charm, the more subtle the most hardened be. Therefore, his importance in this time of quantum increase in Terrana species. He is in deep contact with Mother Gaia, and just by touching his hands on the floor, it absorbs all the energy he need for his Terran days and, likewise, can pass this energy to other beings.

MAGNETIC SOLAR 1 = Energy capable of attracting people to the Solar Field of Light, helping them to reflect on everything, on the importance of life, on the preservation of life as a whole … Energy able to help quickly in the creation of the Personal Merkaba , Or better, it helps to accelerate the process of this creation. If a soul is well advanced in this creation or not, the “Magnetic Solar 1” energy speeds up the process. There is a force that is sent by Aton to the surface and is called the “Solar Magnetic” and those of open heart when they receive it, mix it with their personal energy and transform it into “Solar Magnetic 1” which is the junction of the energy of Aton with his energy. A = Energy A + B = C “In summary,” A = Energy Sent by Aton B = Personal Energy of the Person / Native C = Joint of these two forces / Perfect Mix that gives Solar Magnetic 1 ” Is the energy that the person acquires for himself and serves as raw material for the construction of his Personal Merkaba, which is the interdimensional vehicle necessary to transit through the parallel realities after the removal of the veil and deactivation of the Initiatic Neutron.

MANÓLIAH = A female energy being from the Galaxy X440-Z9 (Blue Galaxy). It is a quantum data reader / energy reader / A reader of galactic languages. It is an excellent mathematics, not by chance incarnated in the physical plane terran once as a mathematics teacher. It acts in the Blue Galaxy from the sixth to the ninth dimension. Unlike another of his clothes, masculine, which acts a little higher. Manoliah, also acts in a system of worlds in the Blue Galaxy, very similar to the Solar System of the Earth. There, in a humanized dress, it has a female body very similar to that of the Terran. Skin in a light blue tone but breasts up, including every head, takes on a darker blue shade. A beautiful blend of colors. The eyes are reasonably larger than that of the Terrans. Blues like two brilliant blue ones. Time is bald, time is with blue draped hair with the silver tips. Discharges of intense, radiant blue light from each hair! On his chest is a bright, pulsating blue star. It is the blue galaxy that carries in your heart. In your left hand you have an eye of blue light. It’s a portal in one’s hand. On the other hand, a written code that connects her to her twin flame. When she plays with her left hand open, where she has the blue light eye, in her right hand, where she has the code, she immediately transports herself to where her twin flame is working.

This energy is being called by the Pleiades 1 due to the intense need that is made at this moment. There are several timelines developing rapidly, in milliseconds. All beings are continually jumping these lines according to their inner will / desires of particular experiences. Due to the intense pressures experienced by the inhabitants of the Terran Plan, the expression of higher expressions and / or planned scheduling developments is hampered, as a result, extra forces are sent in for high schedules to be maintained, and there is an appropriate advance for elevated lines of empowerment and genuine expressions of being. In this, Manóliah is a powerful feminine expression that acts not only on what has already been quoted above with its mathematical qualities and reader of energies, it is also an elevated expression of the Goddess on the Terran surface. Being called upon to help the male expressions who have difficulty recognizing their feminine side. There is a lock on some male beings on the Terran surface that prevents them from being more delicate in their expressions, being swallowed up by macho and prejudiced morphic fields, preventing them from flowing more easily into their beings, thus enabling balance between these two cosmic forces.

Manóliah, is a true expression of the Divine Feminine, also having in it the perfect balance with the Divine Masculine. Manóliah has a master code for the Goddess’s anchor, which is: UTEYA-MI MY-HAU-MI -MALU-I MI! which means: DIVINE OF THE DIVINE IN ME IS, DIVINE OF THE DIVINE IN ME IS.

When anchoring / decreeing, it is recommended that it be in the specific language of the Blue Galaxy: UTEYA-MI MY-HAU-MI -MALU-I MI!

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

MASTER ZIL CODE = It’s a very high energy / code coming directly from a being called Olorum. This force gives the Master ability to deal with negative currents of extremely dense spirits. Of course, Zero i (Gabriel RL) is not “special” and different from other people. He’s only receiving this code at this time (when so many others must have already received it). Upon receiving this DNA-activated code, the incorporation medium, as in the case of Zero i, will have full control over the incorporations of entities of extremely low vibration, which will no longer affect their physique with “deformations”, “curvatures”, ” plastic “or any movement that will cause you pain. (Unless Zero i wishes to show what a being is like with some deformation, but it will not cause him discomfort.) Even projections will not affect you. You can only feel the presence, the negative irradiation, but immediately the code goes into action neutralizing and enabling, – if so Zero i wish, – the incorporation smoothed, without physical and emotional damages. Each day the code will be more active and powerful, so that simply being in an environment of the one who has the code and if a being with extremely dense energy arrives, it will simply be raised.

Thus, the return after an incorporation of more dense forces will be faster and smooth, since the incorporation will be extremely subtle. And finally, there will come a point where even these dense movements will not be necessary, for the code will reach a certain level where these incorporations will be quickly absorbed into the Solar Plexus Light, leaving only a fully conscious mental dialogue, where Zero i will transmit information, without the need to incorporate into itself this densified form of consciousness.

The “Master ZiL Code” is a personal code coded at Zero i. Those who wish to have their personal code, people working with incorporations such as Zero i, ask your mentor in meditation, and it will certainly be attended to. The Code is delivered through loving, determined, strong, serious conduct, just as a person conducts himself in physical reality. It’s a spiritual consecration. In some cases, the Code is delivered after intense densified movements and, showing the firmness and courage that the medium supports, he earns as a Divine Gift this consecration. As you know, Jesus said “Every worker is worthy of his wages” – and just as in physical reality (3D life), when you dedicate yourself to working with determination, you receive the deserved rewards. So it is with your spiritual dedication. The more you maintain a demeanor of Love, the more the Light Forces trust you and delivered more powerful tools in your hands, knowing that you are ready to conduct yourself with responsibility for using that tool.

Finally, this code activated in Zero i will give force so that … if someone is incorporated in his presence, just look in the eyes of the person / corporate and give the command to disincorporation and / or “don’t hurt the medium” , and the being will disincorporate and / or stop hurting it, immediately, freezing it, as do the protection symbols already delivered. Many beings in history – and presently – have had and have this code activated. Jesus is a great example of this. He just looked at the beings embodied in the mediums and lovingly said … “Leave him …” – and the being would leave him. And immediately it was raised.

At this moment Olorum asks to speak, – let him speak:

“My son, I am Olorum who speaks to you. First of all, I congratulate you for your missionary conquest in the Light and in the Love of God the Father / Mother, all powerful. Secondly, I call all my transmitter/mediums children of incorporation – just like the one who lends me his apparatus for my communication, – I call you to Love, humility, and tolerance. I call you, not only you, but all the beings that inhabit this planet, so that you may dedicate yourselves, in Love, to your services, both material and spiritual. My children, there is a law governing all this universe and know that where there is true dedication, the rewards will come. Remember to open yourself to Love, my children, and do with Love everything you are doing, no matter what it is. Remember that everything will reverberate in this universe of God / Goddess. These codes are not exclusive of one or the other. They are available to all. It is enough that you enter into a state of mind of love, that enables you to have them. They are very powerful forces and only a conduct of Love will allow you to dominate them. We can not deliver forces into the hands of children who still have irresponsibility as their way. The love of God is fair. Save your strength, my son and daughter! Save your Light! I am Olorum!”

MDJM = Before Melissa suffered the accident with the horse (Vide: her grandmother Calinha had told her a few things that made her a little worried and at the very least very thoughtful. Calinha had called Melissa from the corner and in a tone of concern and fear, masked with lightness and softness, told her: “My granddaughter, you are a very dear girl and I love you very much! Soon we will be together in other lands … “. “Other lands? What do you mean, grandma? Let’s move? Is Dad going to sell the farm? And Giorgio? “Scared asked Melissa. “Do not worry about it, my little granddaughter! Do not worry about it… “replied grandma Calinha trying to show softness. Melissa was a little worried about her grandmother’s words, and as soon as she met Giorgio she told him about the strange reverie of her grandmother Calinha. He realized her concern for the situation and tried to distract her into her playful way.

Grandmother Calinha, she was a Farseer, but at that moment she feared that she had told Melissa something that might hurt her, so she went to visit her friend Maia to take the evidence of what she had seen. Maia lived in the vicinity of Melissa’s family ranch. She was a great white witch. Calinha took Melissa to her. “Hello my old friend, Maia! This is my granddaughter Melissa, she’s beautiful, right? “Said Grandma Calinha. “Very beautiful! Good skin! You must be in love! ” The two ladies laughed, while Melissa looked more like a tomato so red that her face remained. Maia paused for a moment, “Excuse me, my dear,” putting her hand on Melissa’s belly. “Sorry, my dear, but this child will not be born.” Grandma Calinha burst into tears, for this confirmed what she had seen. “Why not? Why can not she be born? What did I do to make her not be born? How am I going to tell this to Giorgio? Melissa questioned in despair and her face was washed with tears. Melissa in tears tried to run away, but Grandma Calinha took her arm, “Calm down, my dear, it’s going to be okay.”

Melissa sat in a corner unconformity with the news, crying tears that could be shed from those sweet eyes. Meanwhile, grandmother Calinha was talking to Maia, “make one of those teas so that Melissa will calm down and forget a little of what she saw here.” Soon the white witch tried to make tea, in fact, a portion. “Take some tea, my granddaughter, you need to calm down,” Calinha said, pointing a cup of tea to Melissa. She, still tearful, took that miraculous portion. In a few minutes she would talk to those two ladies as if nothing had happened, in fact, she could not remember why she was there and the impression she had was that she had gone together with her grandmother to visit her old friend Maia.

The day Melissa would leave the physical plane, she did not wake up well. She got up at six in the morning, very sad, depressed, and with something that deeply shook her heart. Before getting out of bed, he saw a small blue light entering her room. But it looked like a firefly, but it was not. That light went through every room, and she went with those passionate green eyes. She felt confused looking at that Light, but at the same time a tranquility came to her heart, relieving that weight she had felt upon waking. She heard a very loud voice in her mind. It was an imposing, energetic, yet very loving voice that said, “They will become one in consciousness of this, as the ages pass, so will it be. The pains of the world will never be greater than the determined impetus of missionary hearts. ” He was an Angel, it was Michael, Prince Michael, and he knew what he was talking about.

Melissa fell asleep again, quickly, after hearing this message. She woke up 15 minutes later, again feeling that anguish and deep sadness. The sun had already risen to the horizon, you could already see the first rays coming up. It was a fairly cold morning, and that day something “strange” happened. Most of the horses dawned as if they were sick. There were a lot of horses, and soon in the morning, they were usually agitated with the beginning of the day’s work in the stable. Melissa had ridden many of them since she was little, in the company of her uncles and aunts, father and mother, and herself. But on that day most of the horses did not lift, they lay on their backs, which was not normal in that work environment, for very early the farm workers were already starting their movements, which usually made them all stir. Even with the farm workers doing everything to get them up, it was in vain, they did not stand up. They seemed to refuse to be the instrument that would lead to the disincarnation of that beautiful girl.

Among many farm horses, only three stood up and one of them was the horse that Melissa would ride that day. Melissa did not want coffee, she was very down. She left the room and went for a walk around the farm, looking far away, she did not look like the same girl as always. She knew and foreseen what would happen hours ahead …

Melissa and Giorgio are incarnated again in the Terran physical plane and besides sustaining the V5, they are also doing a unification several of Eras. To support this movement, a support projector was pointed at the Terran plane, and Maia, which is also incarnated, will be the sustainer of this projector! A Sacred Geometric that represents this force was created. (This illustrates this publication).

Maia is also the direct energetic representative of Michael’s phrase: “They will become one in consciousness of this, pass the ages that pass, so it will be. The pains of the world will never be greater than the determined impetus of missionary hearts. “Maia is the first direct supporter of this Force in the Terran plane and when it comes to receiving the projection of the specific projector, she will be more aware of it. the truths of the information given here, so that there is no doubt of the power of this movement.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

MEDICAL TEAM UNIVERSAL = Experts in biological and etheric medicine – (Possible members of the Mother Ship Avalon – I do not have confirmation on that, yet).

MERGÓRIOS = He is a wizard, a wizard of the Middle Ages, a time travel expert who can access multiple timelines. He did this after testing many spells. He travels from one point to another, trying to assist in situations that resonate with him, trying to instruct, guide. It is not yet completely “enlightened” due to some internal issues that need to be resolved. He already had many opportunities to leave this job, to leave the planet and to follow to his original star, but he did not want to. He preferred to stay on Earth and follow up on his work. Throughout history, he appeared in several places, instructed some people and disappeared, similar to what the master Saint Germain usually does.

He wears a large tunic of dark brown color, almost black, that covers his head. It has a cord around the neck with a blue crystal ball. Similar to a Blue Quartz Ball. Sometimes he holds it, but I do not know why he does it. In addition to being a time travel specialist, he asks to say that he is a great cook, says he knows how to make a great stew. He says he is happy to visit this line, the year 2018. Mergórios has a problem with his self-esteem. As much as he is a very powerful magician, he can not love himself, he does not believe that he can be loved, respected, recognized in what he does and he travels through time, helping people, and a little of that, is to be recognized .

At the time, he liked a woman named Mirilin. After staying with him a few times, she disappeared. She left him and went away with a knight. He never knew what had happened to her. She was very much in love with him, but knowing a boy, a kind of hunter, went with him. This was the reason why Mergórios started to make hims portions, try to find her. He longed to know where she was and this is also the reason he travels back in time. As I write this excerpt, he thrilled by my side. The P1 asks all the Avatars of the PVSE and the like to emanate amorous energy to Mergórios, so that he can know that yes, he is very loved, very respected and that yes, he can, at any moment, go to his native star , which is Sirius, where his twin soul awaits him.

It was many centuries, many centuries! But its time to be at home with yours, is arrival, Master Mergórios! Receive all our gratitude and loving emanations! Your beloved twin flame awaits you in Sirius!

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

MiD = As “Minions in Distress” – stressed minions, disturbed, restless, in imminent danger …. The henchmen of the negative bosses, or something.

MIDUNUS = He is a Warrior of the Light by nature, of masculine polarity. In many of his incarnations in the Earth Plan he was known to have the strength of ten (10) men. In its “dress”, Midunus measures about four (4) meters in height (13 ft 1.480315 inches), is very strong and of penetrating look. He usually “dresses up” as a warrior. His eyes are more like two fireballs, and he has a golden sword where only the forces of darkness bow in honor of the power of this mighty Warrior of the Light. On a certain occasion, when he descended into the black valleys, he heard somber entities in greetings “Hail Midunus, the warrior! ” – in deep respect for this magnificent being.

He witnessed Pleiadian development and helped end some of the galactic wars. It was in Andromeda and has, one might say, a specific home in the Constellation of Lira. Originally, it came from a race where it’s not yet fully enlightened, but has moved away from there for thousands of years, connecting to the Supreme Source. Today he has the mission to help those of his race to rise in the Light. He has integrated new gifts in ancient Atlantis and Mu.

He was initiated into various sacred rites in his various incarnations on Earth, where he drew for himself the energy of the Cure, which is naturally radiated with his presence. The Warrior-Healing mix forms the perfect potion for enlightenment of all those around you. It has direct connection with the Tibetan Portals, as well as the Master Healers and Magnetizers.

Incarnated several times in the Earth Plan, and in one of them was a known General of the Earth history, (they did’nt inform me the name of the General). Incarnated also among the great pharaohs, often being of the security guard and servant of greater confidence. In one of these incarnations, he was with Tutankhamun, as one of his protectors. On occasion, he met the one known by the forces of the Pleiades 1 as Vithor, the Angel of Mikhael. When Pharaoh was one of the pioneers of the process of mummification, wishing ardently to be Eternal. He studied these mysteries of life beyond the death of the body and often participated in rituals to achieve this. He acquired deep respect from the one known as Anubis. She also incarnated with a feminine aspect when, on one such occasion, she was a well-known Catholic Mother Superior in Italy. He was also among those known as Poor Clares, whose leader was Clara of Assis.

He learned White Magic in his many incarnations in Ancient Egypt and the ability to extract healing energy from the herbs. He is also a healer by nature.

When in the great galactic battles, he was often seen beside the beloved being of the humans know as Ashtar Sheran. He was always at his side, on the many missions to the cosmos. Often, he led the army of Warriors of Light into dark spaces in search of ransom souls swallowed by anti-love darkness. In this he also acquired great ability, both to enter and to leave, of dark surroundings, being able to easily go to the deepest “holes” of the darkness and return unharmed and without any shadow.

In whatever invocation he makes, he is immediately heard by his army, which is round the Earth, in Honor and Guard, on his Earth mission. It’s infinitely assisted by Anubis, Osiris and Isis, as well as Ascended Masters, especially Djwhal Khul, being able to invoke them at all times. Dear Kuan Yin has a deep affection for Midunus, because, on a certain occasion, at a certain time … she and a group of beings (I believe incarnate, at least what I see now is a physical environment … ) Were as if in danger when she, Kuan Yin, invoked the Light Protecting Forces and was immediately attended by the Midunus Army.

He’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to the balance between two forces – Authority and Healing – to go to the lower astral plans and, with a haughty voice, to utter words of healing. He’s a born leader and healer by excellence. Being called to invoke the forces of Anubis, Osiris, Isis, Djwhal Khul and Kuan Yin to the surface of Earth in order to bring spiritual balance and consciousness to all inhabitants of the Earth physical plane, that life continues out of matter. Call and anchor in Italian soil all these forces and plant the Pillar of Light within the Basilica of St. Peter.

It’s as far as Jesus allowed me to see …

MIKANU-AVUL (OR MIVU), THE MEDIATOR = It is a be of a green worlds system . It is a specialist in medicine and food through the most subtle energies. Know each property of plants and fruits, he know take very good care of physical, always giving vitality through the potions that make using what nature has to offer. In one of the green worlds ,of the many worlds of his system, it is also a wise counselor and mediator. In their civilization, when there were conflicts, it was called for by his wisdom, hear the parties involved and thought there the best solution. Often he used the extracted energy of the local nature and fueled parties with them in order to reassure their systems and turn them into balance.

It is a loving by nature. The race itself usually has three to four meters high and carry the energy of joy. Joy’s kind of falling on the floor, laughing with happiness. Usually they have “outbreaks” of joy and laughter fall. These energies that generate are used for the benefit of those suffering and who have not found this beautiful cheerful energy.

They have huge motherships and all of them, as if they were huge cities ,largely wooded and full of all kind Of fruit . Many of these fruits found in Terrano plan came from this system of green worlds. He is well respected in both the cluster of worlds as the mother ships that frequent. When in one of its more subtle guises, works as a beautiful guardian in the Army Mariano (Fleet of Mother Mary). In his many lives on Earth was next to great philosophers such as Pythagoras.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to anchor completely in the astral planes and Terrana surface energy balance, bringing harmony to those conflicts. Called to cast his gaze in the great courts of justice, leading to a radiation so that there there is harmonization, and that the best happens. It is called to absorb the energy of nature, plants and fruits and light create potions and throw them everywhere, in the physical and astral planes, where there are poor souls loving nutrition. His joy is needed in the dark valleys where there is pain and sorrow.

When it comes down to these valleys, uses a beautiful light green jumpsuit with white tones, extended throughout the body, to the neck. A beautiful transparent green cover can be seen on his back and in his wrists, two thin bracelets of white energy. When he hits those two bracelets in one another, adding the two pulses, opens a green portal, where he leads the souls who have accepted their joy, advice and energy that will nourish them until they can generate energy by itself. It has beautiful large, green eyes, with an emerald on his forehead that connects all the time with the green cluster.

It has strong links with the beloved Mother Mary and can call her whenever he want. Mikhael and Rafael (Archangels) are constantly feeding it with powerful energy and can also call them into their tunings. It is a healing master, mediator and magnetic feeder by nature. It is far Jesus allowed me to see.

MINAJI = Group of positive interdimensional beings that have physical bodies materialized on Earth. (They are not properly saying “incarnate,” but use whatever form is appropriate for the moment). They are always watching the great behind-the-scenes movements in order to guide and instruct for good, helping in the development of humanity as a spiritual and expressive race in Love. They usually operate in the following areas: Japan, South and North Korea, China and Taiwan, where they maintain their secret bases, and also in the mountains which I am not allowed to quote here. When they are in human forms they are so beautiful, they look more like porcelain, skin, and appearance, in general, so perfect !!! These beings can, as has been said, take on the physical form they want, as well as go to any part of the Solar System in their own Merkaba. Obviously, only people they trust very much, they allow them to attend their meetings in the mountains, and when some “ordinary” human suspects they are “different” with a glance, they can quickly make the human change their thinking. It’s a form of protection. When some human “by chance” is approaching one of the entrances of their bases in the mountains, they intuit him to change the way. They don’t trust in human instinct much. Only a few people on Earth had personal contact with them in order to know who they were. One of them was the well-known Mother Tereza of Calcutta. Kuan Yin, Confucius, Lanto, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and of course some very pure and ethical human beings have had the opportunity to contact them and consciously receive their guidance. They can cure some diseases with just one touch. They are really very beautiful beings and are making themselves available to the PVSE groupings in the intensive dismantling of the Misuk Base. The name “Group Minaji” was a request of them, in particular, to create a certain vibration which allows them to be more attuned to humans. Also assist in the activation of the third eye and the human ethical-moral development. They long for an interaction with humans, but they don’t trust completely yet, and they ask that everyone reading this information pray for an ethical and loving world. They say, “It will be a pleasure for us to look into your eyes and see the Moral Light of your true angelic nature. For centuries and centuries we have been watching you human beings and wishing you to awaken to loving unity, Any moral deviation of their personalities – and thus enable physical communication with people like us. And of course, to recognize themselves as they are: equal to us. Until then, we remain hidden to avoid the imbalances that cause the We trust that we have an ally there, not a fan, but our love and apajak (reverence). “

MISUK = Negative force base installed in Japan, with extensions in South Korea and North, and with representatives in China and Taiwan. The negative forces – the main responsible for this base – are the etheric archons and some other entities called “sexus”. This basis had the function of accommodating sexual depraved where rituals were done with children, where they were sexually abused, in front of others. The people involved in this physical and etheric base had the intention of satisfying their imbalances in these rituals. It also opens up portals for the entry of extremely negative and sexually addictive entities into the physical plane, and also occupy human bodies and use it as an opportunity to feed on the energies generated by rape. Many rapes carried out and known publicly have been inspired by these entities, for when they can’t directly occupy the body, “completely expelling” the spirit inhabitant, they magnetize the mind of the occupant, obstructing it and making him sex addicted. Obviously, not everyone who has this problem of sexual addiction is properly influenced by these entities, but there is a need to, as quickly as possible, those who are in these conditions, to seek help, not to serve as a portal for these entities of the fourth dimension Lower, who wish to enter 3D physics. This base is being dismantled by the Light Forces. All PVSE Phalanges are being immediately called for immediate dismantling of this base, as well as its extensions. In particular, at the request of P1, 7 (seven) phalanges are being called the front line: The Flame of Contemplation, IUD-IL, Shenion – The Analyst, Alfeus, Etnya Solaris, Cranu Idini, and Akash-Lotus. The other phalanges, with all their Christic powers, are being called to give support to the front line. It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see.

MN = Negative Military and / or secret or not secret agencies that support anti-love.

MOMENTUM = Strength Point. Strength Concentration. When you have good dreams, say “MOMENTUM”; this word supports the good vibrations that are still in your aura. And, likewise, use it when something good happens to you. In this message the Ashtar also talks about MOMENTUM:

MORPHICS = The Morphic Fields theory of biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

“Morphogenetic fields or morphic fields are fields that carry information, not energy, and are usable through space and time without any loss of intensity after it has been created. They are non-physical fields that exert influence over systems that have some kind of inherent organization. “

“[…] centered on how things take forms or patterns of organization. In this way it covers the formation of galaxies, atoms, crystals, molecules, plants, animals, cells, societies. It covers all things that have self-organizing forms and patterns, structures, or properties. “

In other words, imagine a home with a family that is having their first child. Parents, very dedicated and loving, teach their child to walk, to talk, to feed, etc. They teach everything they need to teach their child. This one learns to walk with 12 months of born. Learn to babble the first words right after learning to walk and other tasks follow the learning of others. A few years after the first child, another little one comes home. However, he learns to walk at eleven months, learns to speak before he walks, and concludes learning other lessons faster than his older brother. But what was different, if both had the same learning? The places were the same, the lessons were the same. The first child then assumes the role of pioneer in that learning there in that house. The second son arrived in an environment where all those lessons were given and learned and he captures this field for him. The second child will learn the lessons more easily because there was already a morphic or morphogenetic field for that pattern.

You can see this pattern by repeating itself in many other settings. In a house where people are very happy, united, rejoice constantly and in a certain moment they sell it, the new residents who buy the house will feel and be involved by that morphic field until they produce their own standard, field can be constantly changed by a new standard.

Imagine a people who have been at war for hundreds of years and then decide to sign a peace agreement with their neighbors. The morphic environment of war is still between that people and their inhabitants will remain in a “state of war” in all matters of their daily life. , of amorousness are performed instead of acts of violence the field changes and the new configuration assumes.

Morphic fields are recorded in the grid of the planet and our job is to reconfigure, rewrite the planetary grid with all the loving attributes of a Christ consciousness.

MU GODDESS = The emergence of the DOU MU Goddess on the planet’s surface a few years ago was the first sign of the return of the Light Forces after 26,000 years of exile. This was the first step towards Agartha’s return to the Surface. It is the DOU MU Goddess who is now engaged in more active work with portals on the surface of the planet in the new phase of preparations for Compression and Rupture that began in July. Dragon Sources told COBRA that * Jetsun Pema, the Queen of Bhutan is one of the main public personifications of the DOU MU archetype on the surface of the planet. Dragon Sources also said DOU MU is looking for more active contact with the Surface population.

To be aware that, throughout the world, many caves have been sacred places for various Light Surface groups and many of them contain vortices of the MU (Goddess Shrine) Goddess that will be activated during the Event. To this end, COBRA has announced that it is actively seeking people who are guardians of such caves or know its location, to contact at the electronic address:

All of this is part of the larger reconnection plan of the Agartha Network with the Surface population, after the Event.

* There are several links from the sources and more details about this in this COBRA article:

NASHA = Member of the Ship Azinu-Avalur, and belonging to the Siriano Group. She is specializes in Cellular Renewal. As you know, the energy Pleiades 1 is in the process of individualization, and she is an individualization of P1 >>> Pleiades 2. Further information on the link:

NATYLA-HA, THE NINFA GUARDIAN OF SEVEN LIGHT POINTS = It is a being of origin of Alcyone, the Great Star. There were passages in Sirius, throughout the Pleiades System, Andromeda, Arcturus, Orion, Coach Constellation (Auriga / Chapel). In the astral zones also it is integral of the Tupinambá tribe, whose leadership is of a beloved being that when incarnated between 1500/1600, was a great cacique of an Inca tribe known at the time like Cacique of White Arrow. Natyla-ha is also a fragment of consciousness of Gaia herself, the spirit of the Earth. It has a deep connection with the DeVic Kingdom and can easily connect with this whole kingdom with only one breath. It is also owned by the Mariana Fleet.

In its highest expression, it looks like a beautiful crystal shining like a white sun. In her hands she carries three beautiful white flowers, each with seven petals: two of these flowers are in her left hand and one is on the right. Her eyes look like two blue diamonds. Her hair mingled between the gold and the white diamond, falling on her shoulders. On the left side, it has a crystal flower, also with seven petals between the ear and the head. She wears a beautiful bright white dress, as well as the sun. She walks barefoot and never shows her feet, which are always covered with the garment of Light. Measures around 1.75m. In the middle of the forehead, there is a blue crystal, which looks more like a Merkabah.

There are seven bright spots on the planet and Natyla-ha is one of those responsible for maintaining these seven points, which have their specific functions. Each point of these is linked to a cosmic heritage.

Point 1: vortex near the Nile River, in Egypt, connected to Sirius, bringing the old Sirian heritage to the surface.

Point 2: Vortex in Hawaii, bringing the old heritage, the energy of the Pleiades.

Point 3: Vortex in Australia, especially Uluru and brings the energy and heritage of Arcturus.

Point 4: Vortex in Holland, located exactly in Amsterdam, andromedana heritage.

Point 5: vortex in Brazil, especially Brasília, point that brings the inheritance of the constellation Cocheiro (Auriga / Chapel).

Point 6: vortex on Mount Fuji, Japan. It bears the inheritance of Orion, especially the Three Marias.

Point 7: Vortex in the Earth Core, where all the human history that is reverberated in the Planetary Grid is stored: the inheritance of human purity and all the force that will trigger complete planetary transformation. This point, not diminishing the others, is the most important. Every positive action of mankind is stored in this vortex and that is why many scientists working for the dark forces planned to enter the Earth’s core. Many did this unconsciously, under the invisible commands of negative beings, who intended to plant in the core of the Earth a black stone (not to be confused with Cintamani, Cintamanis are of the Light) that they have. (Missed here more information on what this stone can do). These beings are hindered by Natyla-ha and her grouping.

This being and its grouping are responsible for keeping these seven points perfectly connected and to prevent violations, and to disrupt the continuous currents of energies that come from these points-realms. These are connected to each other, in synchrony, forming a single powerful vortex on Planet Earth, called Vortex of the Crystal Inheritance. The connection of these seven points guarantees the physical non-destruction of Planet Earth and the inviolability of our divine heritage. It ensures that the Sacred Crystal in the heart of every human being remains inviolate. Even in the face of the heavy vibrations on this planet, it allows every human being to always remember his divine heritage. That inner crystal is kept safe and intact, thanks to the synchronicity of these seven powerful points. Imagine seven vessels, and in these vessels water falls. This water is the Light that comes from the master points mentioned here (Master Points = 1 Sirius, 2 Pleiades, 3 Arcturus …) and this Light and this water always keep these vessels, which must always be full. All full, completely. To ensure all this, – and this being is one of those responsible for keeping this synchrony next to its grouping, – these seven points reverberate to another 170 “minor” points on the planet. And they are all synchronized with each other. One of the powerful beings that also keeps all this synchrony working is Mother Mary. When embodied in the time of Jesus, it moved, both physically and spiritually, to the seven main points and the other 170 (one hundred and seventy), for anchorages / maintenance of these points.

Natyla-ha incarnated several times on the Terran physical plane: she was close to Mary Magdalene; Next to the First Clarissa in Assisi; In the reign of Amenofis III, was very close to him, at the time known as Gilukhipa. She was also close to the one known as Manoel da Nobrega, who is the same spirit as Emmanuel, Chico Xavier’s mentor; Was also at the court of the one known as Alan Kardec; Is part of the court known as Joana de Angelis.

It is a being of Love overflowing and where it goes, it takes the strength of these seven points. The beings of nature love their presence among them and they are always willing to show themselves to it. It has deep connection with the Faerie, and some fairies usually leave it materialized presents.

It is being called by the Pleiades 1 to incorporate all its cosmic heritage and fortify the Seven Points on the planet. Call to gather your phalanx and intensify the strength of the Seven Points and the 170 (one hundred and seventy). Called to unite with the dévic phalanges and, together, to create a decree for the complete restoration of the fauna and flora in the physical plane, enabling the “extinct” beings to return to this reality. Many of them, for not being able to withstand the violence of some Terrans, asked Gaia to remove her three-dimensional plan, the presence of the Terrans, – which she complied with. Many of them want to re-engage with the Terrans. A magnetic safety grid, which will be formed by the invocations through the decree created by Natyla-ha and a devic company, will help in creating the necessary protection. Also called to create new luminous points in all Terrano System, both physical and astral. Call also to launch their look at the Lines Ley and ensure its full functioning.

“I AM NATYLA-HA AND BY THE STRENGTH OF MY HERITAGE, I SHOW HERE THE POWER OF THE SEVEN LIGHT POINTS! AND IN MY LOOK I ALSO BRING THE 170!” “Natyla-ha, this is your motto and decree. Go, call your group and the like, be each one, A LIGHT POINT. You came to this moment. It is time to know who they are and who they represent: THE ANCIENTS OF PEACE OF THE 13TH DIMENSION.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

NEBADON = Big Mother Ship from the star system of Antares. Forces of Light.

NEW AURORA = A peaceful planet that exploded about 65 (sixty-five) million years ago in the Constellation of Lira. The explosion occurred in the midst of an intense galactic war in that region at that time. A group of negative beings called Harmites / Harmitians, holders of advanced technology, planned to dominate an entire system illuminated by two suns.

The protective forces of that region confronted negative beings to defend their system, but in the midst of the war, by means of a plasma weapon, the Harmites fired at that system striking one of its suns. It was blown up in a supernova, emitting a nuclear wave that destroyed the three planets of that two-sun system. One of them was New Aurora; the other two were colonies of New Aurora. Before the explosion, many Aurorans fled from the planet to the Pleiades System and from there spread to other points in the Galaxy.

From the Lemurian age, many Aurorans began to incarnate, massively, on the Earth surface, for they knew that here were some of those Harmitian beings who destroyed their System. Some Aurorans came as an opportunity to interact with those Harmitians and, as very loving beings, to embrace them in a pure gesture of forgiveness. Others, not so much. They came with the intention of even revenge.

Much of this confrontation is what is being seen between Palestinians and Israelis. Many there are on both sides, Aurorans and Harmitians. The positive side Auroran has long sought to contain these clashes, embodying there between the Palestinians and Israelis in an attempt to pacify this old feud. One of those Harmitians who were on that occasion, when they destroyed the Aurora System, is that today known as Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel). A great soul of Aurora is that known as Malala Yousafzai.

But there are, at the moment, massive incarnations of positive Aurorans in that region and they will bring definitive peace to this confrontation. In addition, the Pleiades 1 asks all Terrans to support the incarnate and disembodied Aurorans who are trying to pacify that region. Due to the intense negativity of some Harmitians, a negative vortex exists there, which ultimately attracts not only Harmitians and Aurorans, but also beings of other origins, with an instinct of violence. That region is now in an intense projection of Light to be completely healed of this old Auroran story, as of others, including Chapel (Capela), of the Coalition Constellation, when it also sent to the Earth plane thousands of years ago, beings that were not in tune with the rising of that star, and many crowded there in Israel and every region in order to transmute the old energies and raise their consciousness. As we know, the Divine plan is Perfect, and many souls of old confrontations spring up in the same space, so that they can readjust and return together to the Light.

To conclude, it’s clear that many Harmitians have already ascended to the Spheres of Light and have helped the peaceful Aurorans in resolving this situation.

The fragments, both physical and astral of New Aurora, which are falling on the Earth plane, will become like crystals of peace and hope. They will also awaken the Aurorans still asleep, and intensify the Light in the heart of the awakened Aurorans, both in the astral and in the physical of the Earth plane. They will help pacify the hardened hearts of some Harmitians and fertilize the Terrano plan with the energy of New Aurora, which was a planet of pure Love and splendor.

Terrans, together, for New Aurora and for definitive Peace.


NILUN, THE COLLECTOR OF FRAGMENTS = It is a Being of a Kingdom Devic , highly developed telepathically and very loving. He have all the affection throughout the Deva Kingdom. His kingdom is from the galaxy of Andromeda, a cluster of eight (8) small planets, three of which are to illuminate this system. It had passages in several other systems, Sirius, Vega, Orion and a longer time was in the System of the Pleiades, from where it went to Terrano System, thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago it was also in the oceans, wearing the dress of a prince of the seas, (like the Mermaids).

In one of his robes, it is a Beautiful Elf that works with other beautiful Elves and Fairies in a work of collection and defragmentation. Collection and defragmentation of Fragments of Souls!

For thousands of years, in many stellar systems there have been many nuclear explosions. These explosions affect not only a physical realm, as it did with the Terran system in its world wars, but affect a whole system. Nuclear explosions are not only dangerous for destroying the physical, but also severely aggravate the astral realms. When there is a nuclear explosion and a physical being dies, it also has its soul damaged. In the explosion, besides the destroyed physical, the soul ends up being fragmented in the explosion, as if they were thousands of pieces, a “rain of glitter”. Is very sad. That is why the high spheres are very rigid when certain non-spiritually advanced civilizations begin to develop this weapon. This is what happened to the Terrano System when they discovered the bomb. The humans were immediately warned not to use this weapon. “Of course, terrestrial humanity had no maturity at all. (A little more information on the fragmentation of the soul through a nuclear explosion here:

Not only do nuclear explosions affect souls by making them fragmented, but also the relationships between beings. When you enter into dramatic relationships, where there are disputes and sufferings and your bodies of pain interact, where there are loving relationships in which partners constantly fight and only unite for sexual intercourse, know that there is soul exchange, Fragments. If you give your partner parts of you, and he is not worthy to have parts of you honoring, dignifying and giving parts of it to you in a loving way and in a loving exchange, there is a problem. Relationship is a constant “love exchange,” it is a “give love,” it is “the other receives and gives back love.” If not, there is problem, there is fragmentation. This is something that happens naturally, especially in sexual intercourse. There is an energy exchange, because pieces of you go to the other. And if it is an unworthy relationship, there is suffering and fragmentation.

Many Terrans are afflicted by being shattered when they end a loving relationship, or even a friendship, or break ties with a loved one. The feeling is that your pieces have gone away. That’s because you gave parts of yourself allowing them to go, in an unworthy way.

Everyone knows that you should give love without expecting anything in return, but you should not confuse this with allowing yourself to be vampirized. A vampire is also a process that fragments your soul, steals your energy, as in “blocks,” making your soul fragmented because the vampirized energy of you is yours, not the other. How many people have already vampirized you! And, know: there are thousands of pieces of you scattered around. Take them back. Empower yourself and decree that you want to take back all the energy that has been taken from you and that you want everything to come back to you again

Giving love without waiting in return has nothing to do with allowing yourself to be drained. When you are completely defragmented, in a loving and harmonious state, you give love to the other and this donated love “does not need you,” because from its inner source flows a river of endless love. But when you are, in a way, disconnected from your inner strength, your inner love, your self-love, (which happens in most Terran relationships, when one wants the other to complete and nourish it) -there, Yes, there is room for fragmentation. You give up waiting to receive because you think it will only be complete if the other also gives you. Then all the problems begin. When there is complete love interaction between beings, there is no risk of vampirehood. They both really love each other; Both, by themselves, are complete; They do not need to steal energy from each other. They exchange each other and equally give and receive energies in a beautiful way, so that their fragments become one. While a fragment travels to meet the being, in the middle of the path it merges with the fragment that comes from the other being. They merge, become one, and divide again as they continue the journey to the other being in an exchange activity. It’s a beautiful thing to see. (That’s what I, Gabriel, now see with the spiritual vision that God gave me at the moment). There is no theft there. It is love interaction, the most intense. (See a little more about it here:

Accidents, childhood traumas and many other issues also end up fragmenting the soul, making it incomplete of itself. (See here:

Further explanations were needed here to better enlighten readers about the magnificent work of this loving Being and his Dévic Grouping. This Being has as primary function to help in the collection of these fragments of scattered souls and to return them to their owners, promoting the complete defragmentation of the Soul. When a Terrano decrees that he wishes to have all of his fragments back in the tone of Divine Authority and Love, this group of collectors quickly works in harmony, collecting all the fragments, whether they be on the Terran Plane or any other system, To give back to your due Being. It is a beautiful work done throughout the Galaxy, and beyond.

In its highest expression, this beloved Being of Dévic Nature not only collects fragments of Terran and Galactic souls, but systems of whole worlds. When there are natural explosions in certain systems, and there is a great fragmentation of matter, it meets with its grouping to organize all the fragments, in a harmonious way.

This particular group is responsible for keeping the beautiful rings around Saturn in a harmonic way. Not only of Saturn, but of most of the planets of the local Solar System containing rings. But, they have a special affection for Saturn, where some of them have had some lives.

This beloved Being is in constant contact with the beings of nature, consciously or unconsciously, being able, when in consciousness, to call them at any moment. He is so loved by them that he is often given surprises … He has recently received a few surprises and will continue to receive. For the skeptical Terranos, it may seem “silly,” but deep down in their soul, they know where they come from.

Often your devic friends honor he with fragments of little things of nature, for example, small balls that may, surprisingly, fall from a tree when you pass through that place. They do this and laugh lovingly, honoring them.

Nilun has a strong magnetic connection with that call from Cinti, The Storyteller. Just as it also has a magnetic connection with that known as Eliar-Flours, having been found for thousands of years in the Andromedan System. He met with 0i (Zero i) the first time in a meeting, when the Terrano Plan was forming, and Nilun was informed that one day they would meet again on the surface of that Planet. When he was in the seas, he also met with Cadhi, Magic, The Flautist and Akashssa.

In his usual deviant garb, when he is in the astral zones he wears a garment that looks like a green overcoat darker and brighter, with buttons as if they were pearls of the sea. It has very pointed ears, a penetrating and greenish look. Hair in a dark tone, but when in contact with solar energy they become lighter, platinum blond. There is a particular gesture that I will describe as follows: when you are observing something carefully, you let the head fall slightly to the right in a movement that shows attention and curiosity . He likes to walk barefoot and his feet are always beautiful and bright. He’s reasonably tall, with his six feet. It has the ability to turn counterclockwise and disappear into a bright green cloud. It has more special abilities, among them, is hypnosis. Use it only when needed, and always to protect some environment of not very loving visitors. He looks deep into the eyes of the invader and paralyzes him with his gaze, shows the palm of his right hand to him, and he becomes paralyzed. It has a very particular perfume too, which when it arrives in some environments is quickly known. If it is an environment where darkness prevails, all who are there, fall asleep.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to assist in the complete defragmentation of the Terran System at this final moment, which precedes the leap from Terran reality to high vibrations. Called both in the astral and in the physical plane to help beings defragment their souls, lovingly returning to them their lost parts in spacetime. Called to gather in the astral and physical all those of his group that for some reason are lost of themselves. He is receiving powers of invocation from P1, which will quickly bring any lost soul fragment. He will be receiving in his telepathic channel the powerful invocations that, when made, will move a power coming from his kingdom. Called to reassure the Terran hearts, from the astral and physical, giving them the tranquility that NOTHING IS LOST. This is your motto, Nilun.

It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see …

NION = It’s a star that stays in the galaxy X440-Z9 (Blue Galaxy of the expressions IUD-IL and CADI-IL). It’s a point of strength of UNIDIUS, THE DOUBLE FACE ANGEL. To see more about IUD-IL, CADI-IL AND UNIDIUS, THE DOUBLE FACE ANGEL, go to Specific Glossary of P1, in their respective letters.

NIONIOS = Nanotechnology of negative forces.

NORMUM, THE HUNTER ARCHER = Normum, The Hunter Archer is a fantastic being of Devic nature, with beautiful passages in Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus and near the Pleiades. First of all, you can’t confuse “The Hunter” with the one who hunts to kill, the one who hunts to do some harm; this case is completely different. Normum is a very loving being and an excellent strategist. It can also be considered a Logistics Master. His outfit really looks like a hunter’s, with boots, clothes like vests, and carries a little bag on the side of his waist (you’ll know the usefulness of the bag in the next paragraphs). Only, these clothes are pure Light! Nothing compared to the clothes of a hunter who goes out to slaughter. He’s different, very different! … He’s a Soul Hunter! A Hunter of Souls for Light !!!

He has a golden bow and arrow and uses it whenever necessary. How? Of course it isn’t a weapon like that of the Humans; is a “weapon” of Light, and when it shoots its arrows, there are bundles of Light straight to the target, which may be a brother who was acting violently in the lower astral zones or even a ferocious extraterrestrial, as some draconians or reptilians I say some because not all draconians and reptilians are negative, some are positive). Often, it goes to the lower astral zones (called “umbrais”, negative caves or, in a language also known, “hell”, where the souls are immersed in their own pains and bitternesses. Situation and begin to supplicate on their knees, purely, with all their heart and surrendering to the Divine Love, to which some more ferocious approach and try to torture that soul mocking her, because she is opening towards the Light. In this, the Hunter Archer Throws his arrow of Light at those fierce ones pushing them away and, approaching that open soul to the Light, takes it to a ready service in the upper astral zones.

He is, as the name says, a hunter of souls! … Usually he walks in the lower astral zones quietly seeking in “every corner” some soul that is helpless and fleeing from more fierce entities or souls that have lost their vital forces and suffer Immersed in the mud of low vibrations. He looks for each of them in every corner also of the physical plane. Look for these souls called “wandering souls,” the ones who disembodied and remain wandering on the physical plane, aimlessly. He searches for them, finds them and instructs them to follow the path of Light. When he finds one of these souls, he shoots with his bow and arrow upwards, signaling first responders to come down and rescue that soul. It’s a gorgeous job that this loved one does !!!

It does this not only in the Earth plane; In galactic zones as well. He’s a hunter.

In most cases, it also looks for celestial bodies that will collide with other bodies and cause some “problem”. Since nothing in the Universe is disordered, everything has a reason. If he is targeting an asteroid that would come crashing into the Earth, it is precisely the Divine Order in action through this beautiful Light Archer and Soul Hunter. Often their grouping prevented celestial bodies from colliding with the Earth plane by firing their arrows and disintegrating the physical bodies of those celestial objects. On another occasion, when this beautiful being was out of the physical plane, it helped in the process that led to the end of World War II, next to its grouping. Several dark beings “suffered” at the hands of Normum’s Archers, as they fired their arrows of Light toward these entities, and these fell paralyzed. Of course, the arrows don’t cause pain, at least not in the way the Humans imagine; they cause the impulse to awaken the soul. They are powerful discharges of Light in the spiritual bodies of those entities that receive them. Discharges that, yes, can be painful in a certain way, if this can be said for better understanding, of those beings of great density. Discharges act as a potent antibiotic “killing” the invading agents, or they function as a bitter medicine that heals someone from some serious illness, or even as if the body of the one receiving the arrow was turning inside out to throw away all that negativity accumulated.

It can also be said that the fire of the arrow is an etheric fire that, the more the being is shrouded in darkness, the more it will feel to burn strongly a powerful burn when it’s shot and there, yes, it can feel a tremendous force sweeping its body . The arrows act according to the need of each situation. They are conscious arrows and not all have the same effect, because they always act according to the need of the soul. For example, a soul is immersed in deep, depressive sadness, the arrow acts to inspire joy; A soul is deeply restless and angry, it acts to inspire peace and tranquility; A soul is afraid, acts to bring Faith, Love and Inner Peace. The arrow always acts in accordance with necessity. And of course, if a soul is vibrant with Light, it will increase the splendor of that Light.

Normum, this beautiful being, has been on the Earth plane for thousands of years and was very close to that known as Enoch (from the Bible). He’s very dear in the Fairy realms and they all love him very much. Always very welcome also among all Devic beings, even because it’s a being of Devic energy. He has a special affection for the Fairies and one of them, by the way, is his twin flame. This being is not on the Earth physical plane, but on the higher planes and is always sending him projections with much Love. She, this fairy, her twin flame, is a beautiful dream-inspiring fairy that comes close to the person who has had trouble sleeping and blows good dreams and, besides the person sleeping fast, still dreams of wonderful things. In fact, it disconnects the person from the body and takes it to beautiful places in the Devic Realms. Not by chance, this is another peculiarity of Normum, because it has the same ability that she. He often uses it in the lower astral zones or even some of his incarnations in the Earth physical plane and in other systems of this Galaxy and the Local Universe, when in a situation where there are many negative entities nearby. And, to avoid a direct conflict, he picks up a powder of diamonds from the bag hanging from his waist, guess who? By Nihki, his fairy, his twin flame, and blows all those ferocious beings. They sleep deeply as babies. Go to them, shoot an arrow with the ransom signal. “The Cavalry” arrives and takes those entities into treatment and, of course, they are not forced to stay in the higher planes; can go back to their “old routine” if they wish, but most will not return. On one of these occasions when he called the Knights of Light, first responders and other beings responsible for bringing these souls to the mother-hospitals / ships of treatment, he met the one known as The Key Carrier, who also has great energetic affinity. In one of these, he insisted on going along with a group of beings being rescued, and made a point of accompanying himself to the great mother ship of treatment. Arriving there, he came upon a handsome, silvery-haired man with his hair back, Big Eyes and a strong, penetrating look. His eyes blended between blue and silver. A posture elegant, serious and very sweet. Normum saw him thrilled with the arrival of the multitude of souls who were unconscious, and in deep gratitude that elegant being strode to Normum and kissed his hands in Gratitude. That silver-blue-eyed being said … “I wish I had you in my group if that’s what you want.” – To which Normum replied: “I have always been in your grouping, your soul resounds in my soul, your mission is my mission, my beloved being.” This being was Zero i. This meeting took place billions of years ago. Yes, for billions of years, Normum was already a hunter of souls…

He’s being called by the Pleiades 1 to cast his sleeping potion into all negativity of the Earth plane so that every evil sleeps forever, and never wakes up again, in this world. Being called to fire and fire his Arrows of Light into the heart of all the Humans in order to awaken them to Unconditional Love. Called to hunt every lost soul of itself and make it meet. Called to seek out the best shortcuts and guide the souls to these better ways through their Love and Light, firing an Arrow of Light high above, so that all souls, especially those of their grouping, can see that Light reaches the top and to have as a north. Called to connect completely to all the Devic Kingdom and to tune in to his twin flame. Many of the souls in their grouping remain disembodied and many lost in the lower astral plane. Normum, go hunt them!

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

NORTH BASE / SolSuper-2 PROGRAM = It’s an area in the etheric, where experiments are made to create super soldiers. It’s a program called SolSuper-2. It has the intention to modify beings genetically and to turn them into super soldiers of war, completely at the mercy of the orders of their superiors. Virtually, they are controlled robots. At first these modifications were made in some etheric entities (transformed into negative warrior beings), and then were inspired by the secret surface negative agencies.

There are other zones like this, both in the etheric and in the physical, and the Forces of Light are working for their liberation. The North Base is just one of them. The majority of the etheric beings recruited, is of beings of weak minds, with inclination to the negativity. They are offered improvements such as strength and power, and of course they are seduced and put at the disposal of experience. In the physical, it is practically the same, some of whom are kidnapped and threatened if they do not collaborate with these programs. They have their families and loved ones threatened if they don’t accept participation. They are handpicked by these agencies, which have certain technologies capable of detecting certain types of DNA and natural abilities, which facilitates the development of the experience.

At first these modifications were made in some etheric entities (transformed into negative warrior beings), and then were inspired by the secret surface negative agencies.

NORÚ, THE TOWER’S GUARDIAN = The Tower Guardian is a very loving being with golden and pink energy. He visited several star systems, among them Sirius, Andromeda, Pleiades, Coachman (Auriga) and had more recent passages on Jupiter and Antares. A lover of the Moons! Love your energies! No accident! You will know why below.

It is a stellar traveler. We could say that it has no fixed place, but his house is where he wants it to be and where it is. We could also say that he is a gypsy of the stars, because he likes to walk carrying his golden energy and wisdom wherever he goes, and he is not usually stuck to a point. Being of contagious joy, is also known in the spiritual planes like “Smile, the one of the Tower”. Because? In one of his robes, in the case, Norú, is one of the Guardians of the Towers of Integration and Disintegration that, for the most part, are located in Moons. There is such a Tower on the Earth’s Moon, and he is one of its guardians.

When beings from other systems come to Earth on their instructing and evangelizing missions, it becomes necessary to molecularly alter their bodies, for most of them have physical bodies from that planet from which they come. This change takes place in the Tower of Disintegration. There are other guardians. One of them is named Stuart who is part of the Capelina Fleet (of the Star Chapel / Auriga, in the Constellation of the Coach) and is a great friend of Norú. These beings are responsible for accomplishing this work of transforming the physical body into etheric matter. Therefore, it makes contact with many stellar beings, as if they were spirits. Of course, they are spirits, but most when they come to Earth they leave their galactic physical garb and communicate on the spiritual planes as if they were “disincarnated beings.” As long as the Earth does not reach higher levels of vibration, those contacts will have to be this way. But we are moving towards “physical” contact with these beings, without the need for them to have to pass, most of the time, by the Tower of Disintegration, which would also be the Reintegration Tower. When they come back from Earth, they pass by again to “clothe” their galactic physical body again, that is, to Reintegrate.

These Towers also have the function of filtering / softening certain energies. Some more powerful energies that come from the Solar Beings, believe me, pass through this Tower for a subtilization, and arrive at Earth, always according to the capacity of each Terran being. The Tower adjusts the frequency and delivers to each Terrano the proper “percentage” – the one he can bear, – at that moment. The Guardian of the Tower is not only responsible for the Reintegration and Disintegration already mentioned, but also for anchoring solar energy in the solar plexus itself. He thus sends to the Terran plane the energy merged into his own energy. Let’s say, “putting a seasoning” more in the Solar Energy. And what would this “seasoning” be? Joy! Not that Solar Energy does not have it, but the Tower Keeper by nature is a joyful and vibrant being who received from the celestial hosts this mission of “tempering” Solar Energy sent to Earth with more joy.

Norú had several incarnations on the Terrano physical plane. Among them, he was at Saint Germain’s side, when he was in Merlin’s robe. He also incarnated in the time of Jesus, as one of those many fishermen who saw the Master of Love leave his message. In Ancient Egypt, he was at the court of the one known as Amenhotep III (Zero i), one of his first contacts with Zero i on the Terran surface. He had already encountered Zero i and IUD-IL at another time in Egypt, when all three were Medjai warriors and were part of the same army. Incarnated also in the court of that well-known like Francis of Assis, and was one of very close to him. In one of his most recent incarnations, he was in World War II, in Zero’s army, which at the time was a Russian general trying to restrain Hitler. He was also with Silvestra, the Lunar Priestess and Multidimensional Warrior, in Lemuria, when he was part of a Brotherhood called “THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CRYSTAL ROSA”. It was one of his very close. At the time, he was one of those who prepared people for communication with the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit (as Jesus was then called by that population) appeared sometimes on screens of pure energy, as if it were a conference. Norú, then known as Asthari, gathered people together … For example, he would come and say, “Guys, today the Great Spirit will speak to everyone in the same place.” He would go out and warn people. He was the organizer of the “event.” One of his most striking incarnations, according to him, was when he was with Moses at the crossing of the Red Sea.

As said before, he is the bearer of the Golden Ray and Radiant Rose, and has as his main mentors (if I may say so) Jesus, Master Rowena, Maha Chohan, Master Kuthumi, Master Confucius, Master Lanto and Master Ling. He also has a special protection from that called Mikhael, and may call him the hour he wishes will be attended to promptly.

In his robes Norú is humanoid and measures approximately 2 meters in height. He is fairly thin and dressed in gold. Her eyes look like two pink fireballs. The shoes are bright pink, and in the middle of the chest, above the dress, there is a crystal, and it shines in two energies: pink and gold. Her hair is shoulder-length, gold, but blending into bright pink. He wears a small barb on the chin, much like Master Lanto’s, but it mixes with gold and pink. When you look at it more closely, your face changes as well: it alternates between this physiognomy and another, with the appearance of a child of about 12 years. It’s beautiful!

He is being called by the Pleiades 1 to definitively incorporate his joy into the Terran physical plane, to disintegrate negativity in human hearts and to reintegrate his soul-purities. Called so that, through its purest and sweetest example of joy and Love, it may infect the hearts of those who are hardened. Called to go to the astral zones, especially to the physical ones, where there are those chemical dependents, and to take all their energy of joy and Love. Called to anchor Solar Energy there as a direct solar relay, and “point” in these zones, as if it were a projector and radiate all this Light Energy in these environments. Called to go to the astral zones to give lectures to those who lost “There are many of your beloved brothers in these regions, Norú, and they need your Love. They are waiting for your joy.” They were told that you would be Called on the surface by the Pleiades 1, filled with joy to know, and await you in these areas, with much affection.

Norú, you are also a direct representative of Master Ling on the planetary surface, not by chance, for he was at his side as he assumed the garb of Moses. Radiate your happiness, Norú, disintegrate evil, reintegrate good and joy into the heart of the Terrans.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

NT = Notes


OPENING OF THE SEVENTH LAYER (OR OTHER LAYERS OF THAT ORDER) – Negative veil layers = Negative plasma layers that prevent or attempt to prevent the purest entry of sunlight and / or Light of the forces of Light, or even telepathic thoughts of Mentors of the Light of the Higher Spheres. It is a negative energy that prevents interaction, or at least tries to stop human beings from awakening. When the Negative Plasma Layers (the veil) are removed, people’s consciousness will expand and the Initiation Neutron will dissolve and the interaction between the other realities will naturally occur.

POINT ATTRACTOR = Is a kind of quantum device, a kind of attractor of negative forces. I saw in my mind’s eye, as a small open black hole in the center of the solar system, and saw tiny dense particles being sucked into. It is as if that attractor was a sink, cleaning the solar system of impurities (negative forces). A large magnetic vacuum attracting to itself, all that is not vibrating at a certain frequency.

ORION IMMIGRANTS = Apparently, are the reptilians / Draconian. – Negative beings that came from the constellation of Orion and are now leaving Earth for free will or are being taken by the forces of light (or any other races that region).

P1 = Pleiades 1

P3 (PLEIADES 3) = It is an energetic summation of the Pleiades 1 and 2 in the astral + P2 incarnated. The anchoring of Astral forces P1 and P2 by the incarnated P2 on the terrane surface creates a hyperpowerful Vortex that can be called P3. Force P1 and P2 astral + Force P2 incarnate = P3. Astral Force P1 and P2 + P2 incarnated under Terrana Native Force = Merge and P3 Vortex. Those who enter into this attunement and harmonization anchoring the forces of Astral P1 and P2 on the surface need to be aware that they are an individualization of P1 on the surface = P2, so according to their attunement they will be the creators of the P3 Force. This is one of the reasons why P1 is calling Terranos for Origin Recognition (“P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!”), also so that P3 Force is created in the interaction of the Terrans With the Astral forces of P1 and P2.

POINT 1 = Antarctica

PALADINES = People with special abilities. They live more hidden because they have “powers” that others can not even imagine. They can materialize and dematerialize easily. They dominate physics. They can create portals with circular movements of the hands – portals that take them to anywhere in the world they wish. They can levitate, hypnotize and take the form of other people. Most of them are positive. They are physical beings like us and interact easily with any other human being without realizing that they have such abilities. Unless the more positive see unfair actions and violence, they can not control themselves and often expose themselves by letting everyone see their abilities.

On the internet we find several videos where Paladins are caught exposing their abilities. They could be called mediums of physical effect, but let’s say they are a little more than that. Many of the Paladins were captured by secret agencies to be studied; Most of them got away easily then. Some negative secret agencies have agents around the world, where they try, at all costs, to capture the Paladins to use them as weapons.

“A Paladin is a chivalrous, wandering and fearless hero of unquestionable character who always follows the path of truth, law and order, always willing to protect the weak and fight for just causes.

The word Paladin comes from the Latin palatinus (relative to the palace) which, in turn, is derived from Palatine, one of the seven hills of Rome.”( Perhaps, the first Paladins were seen in this region.

Here are three videos from the internet that can show you approximately how they are. Perhaps some of the images here are not genuine, others are, in fact, sane. But you can get an idea of what they can do.

In the film Jumper can have a real idea of what they are like:

But in this film, “The Paladins” are portrayed as Negatives and Jumpers as Positives. If you go see the movie, just recognize The Jumpers as Paladins.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to convey the information.


PLASMIC MIASMA LAYERS = Layers of heavy miasma are being removed from the hemispheres of the Planet. At first, the North and then the South. These layers are housed in and between the tectonic plates and these removals can generate some tremors. The Light Forces are monitoring carefully, as these layer plates are removed by stellar specialists in the area. “Regions 2 and 3” is for a personal understanding and control of themselves. “NOR – T” to indicate NORTH hemisphere. “SOUTH – L” to indicate the southern hemisphere. (Certainly, in some other NOTES different numbers are mentioned, or not).

PORTAL X = New portal opened by the Aghartians for direct access to the Terran surface. It is part of the new contact protocols.

PORT RANGER (PATROLMAN OF THE PORT) = Member of Team Sementes das Estrelas. I’m not allowed to mention his linear name. The Trooper Port is task organizer and member of Star Group of Accurate calculations. It interprets codes and galactic languages. It can also be called for “Eye of Horus”. Is directly linked to this Being and to close his eyes and visualize it, he can look through his eyes and know what happens to thousands of kilometers. It is a Trooper and observer by nature.

PRIESTESSES OF THE OLD DAYS = A group of souls, not necessarily female-looking on the physical plane, but mostly, yes. This energy is not restricted to only a select group, but it is a comprehensive force that either a female presence in the Within the PVSE Group there is a specific movement of this force, where souls who have been together in Delphi (Greece), Venice, Rome, Milan, and Lived in the vicinity of the Great Vesuvius in the Gulf of Naples, Italy, they performed great healing works through white magic.They walked in groups in villages and where they carried the millennial wisdom contained in their veteran souls on this planet.A lot of them, at that time Of great volcanic activity, near Vesuvius, died when it erupted. At the time, many of them were nearby, doing work on the alignments of farms with many people from that region.

They are assisted by the First Clarissa (see glossary) and, not by chance, many of them incarnated next to the godmother of this group of souls when this one was on mission in Assis, Italy. They are very noble souls and an incredible Love. Each carries a special ability. Some have great attunement to the Lunar Forces and are able to make great spiritual and physical healings when in the time of great peaks of Lunar Energies. Others have great attunement to the Deva Kingdom, being able to work with the energies of this kingdom easily. So much so that many of them, on their pilgrimages to the world, were able to move their forces and make it rain where it needed and, in the same way, to stop raining. Others have the great ability to channel Solar Energy and use it as an extra force in the alignment of the chakras of those who seek it, as well as assist in activating Kundalini, which is only one of their abilities. There’s a lot of power here. Bring your spiritual heritage. Move your strength.

Most of the times that this specific grouping of the PVSE decided to incarnate on the physical plane, there was the encounter. The priestesses are bound by the old heritage, united by common power: to bring Love, Wisdom, Peace and Healing to all who seek them. In all their incarnations, they recognize themselves by looking, and when together, they perform works unimaginable to the Terran eyes. Yes, they can stop a war without engaging a weapon or dropping a bomb. They can simply unite and move the forces so that the war stops. God the Father / Mother entrusts to them the power of Unification. Therefore, dear Priestess who reads and refines with this calling energy, you know, you are a direct representative of Peace on this planet. For you there can come no violence. For you, only peace and wisdom. That’s what you are, and that’s what you came for. Unite in Love.

Pleiades 1 called for the creation of a comprehensive space so that all those who are attuned to this energy come into contact. Those or who arrive now must respect the “older” in the grouping, following their guidelines, in order to continue with the anchoring works. The one who created the group is, from the outset, the first reverberant, followed by the second, third, and so on. In this, the first leader (s), but on a higher level all are in the same tune and in a position of leadership.

It is as far as I get in information.

Priestess Maria, the “oldest” in the phalanx, has explained about the group: “Every ancient soul that has long ago chosen to walk in the light, have brought their ancestral wisdom. It walks, breathes and lives for Unconditional Love. The old soul has already learned through tortuous paths the virtue contained in humility, contemplation, faith, love and forgiveness. Priestesses from ancient times have returned in their full strength to Gaia. Through their different powers, they are helping to heal ages of pain that humanity and this beautiful planet have suffered and are still suffering. Now, these priestesses bring back the Sacred Feminine Energy to the planet. Awake, ancient souls of love, peace and light! Awake, noble and ENLIGHTED souls, souls which used to walk around this planet healing, blessing, pacifying and enveloping everything with their veils, hands and the smile of light! I am Priestess Maria and many others have already dedicated themselves daily with me to the Service of Light. Each with their noble and ancient gifts.
Gratitude. Salom-Abi-Aya “.

IMPORTANT: We inform you that pages on Facebook and contact email / reception of the new Priestesses are available available in the Blog, at this link:

PRIMARY REBELLION SECTOR 9 = This is a specific sector of the lower astral of the Terran plane that is undergoing intense movement. This is one of the sectors that make up the great sector of the lower Terran astral being cleansed and this intense movement is due to powerful bursts of Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun that are purifying all these sectors. Enlightened angels are anchored in these places, as is the case of Sector 9, supporting these beings in their own rescue. Many of these beings who are resisting change are in touch with the PVSE and are attacking hard and incessantly Zero i as retaliation for the moves it made by bringing the information to the Terran surface. There is also the contact of those of this sector who wish to inform and assist in this imminent cleaning process!

Pleiades 1 calls on all Terrans to cast their loving looks on these sectors in order to harmonize and leverage this cleansing process.

PROJECTOR 9 LUNAR = It is a very powerful projector pointed at the Moon, which comes in sync with other Portal Moons in the Local System, extending just beyond the Kuiper Belt. It is a specific projector that harmonizes the tides and uses the energy generated for the benefit of the Earth itself. Moreover, with the anchoring and support of this projection on the surface, many turbulences in the seas will be minimized and even annulled. Some tidal movements are planned on the Planet, and the Light Forces request an anchorage and immediate support of this projector so that there is maximum minimization of the effects of these movements, which are also necessary for Mother Earth. If it is necessary for them to happen, let them happen smoothly, and with the greatest harmony. All Phalanges with water connections are also being called in to enter this movement. Silvestra and Lunares, you are in charge of initiating this movement quickly, so that this projector initiates its projections as soon as possible, and that other phalanges, not only those of aquatic connections, but all those that feel invited, that enter this movement. A certain movement is foreseen in a certain area that will not be quoted, but the Forces of Light are already monitoring and preparing all the harmonic energies for that. This call is one of those harmonic preparations.

Silvestra, go, gather your people and the like. It is an immediate call.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

PROJECTOR CDIX-12 = It is a very powerful projector, directly responsible for reverberating ethics, morals, truth, commitment, discipline and loyalty. This projector had previously been supported by beings on Earth who were called José de Arimathea, Joan of Arc, the Portuguese priest Manuel da Nóbrega and there was an attempt by the Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek (who in an earlier incarnation had been Nero, Roman Emperor) is also one of the supporters of this projector, but, in this case, did not complete the anchorage for issues that, ethically, will not be disclosed here. There is no specific criterion to support this projector. Obviously, many other beings have already supported it on the Terran surface and the Forces of Light know the moment and / or being that would be indicated for the anchorage of the same, in the present moment.

It is a very powerful and very serious force needing the primary anchored being to be broadly connected with a higher truth and willing to deliver and higher commitments. IUD-IL is being called for anchoring it, not because it is better than others, but simply because the Forces of Light request it to be so. This projector, as has already been said, is very powerful and IUD-IL will need to reverberate within the PVSE this Force, like a Sun emitting its rays and later, those receiving it also reverberate, so that it reaches as many souls as possible.

Because it is a projector where qualities like Ethics, Commitment, Discipline and Loyalty are requested, there will be strong projections of opponents of this anchorage. This projector is usually delivered to beings already awake and with a certain level of consciousness and who have “signed” serious protocols to be developed on the surface. The Forces of Light do not joke and obviously do not punish, judge, or condemn any being in creation either. However, high-order beings responsible for the order, discipline, and progress of high protocols reserve the right to intervene directly and to cut off the projector’s projection if the primary supporter and / or any other second direct direct representative of the force will deviate from the planned path in order to harm himself and / or others around him. In other words, it is the case of a missionary who incarnates with a serious mission and ends up yielding to the low vibrations by seriously deviating from the path, committing himself caramally and causing other beings to fall. In this case, Chapanã will be fired.

Chapanã is the Knight of the Black Spear of the Legion of the Knights of Light. Within the Pleiades 1 movement, he is known as “Aloikaik”, meaning “THE DIVINE BALANCE”. He is also a direct Knight of the Legion of the Archangel Michael, also acting next to Ogum. It is the one who represents DIVINE or FATAL JUSTICE, the final point for an unruly and harmful journey through which an incarnated being – especially a missionary – finds himself and does not seek and does not want to recover. Wherever you have a missionary making you “cute” and abusing power in ways that harm you self and harm others, it comes and disincarnates you.

He who abandons his Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual conduct (especially if he is a missionary), by his “free will,” letting himself be led by the mischief of his journey in the Terran plan that will harm other beings, subject to many serious disorders, fruits of the Law of Cause and Effect. It is true that his Mentors try to help him by alerting him in various ways, but little if anything or accommodation is not attended to, and that spirit goes deeper and deeper into the dark abyss he has created. The sad moment arrives when, by virtue of so many negative acts, it faces a harsh reality: it is auctioned on the Spiritual Plane. The force of the Black Spear – Chapanã / Aloikaik, who takes it out of the Terran conviviality, takes that spirit to its “new master” – who acquired it at auction, who are usually inhabitants of terrible etheric caves that, unfortunately, through this way he has created through his own conduct, – so that he can expand his consciousness. Remember that the Source never wants us to suffer for any reason. Suffering comes simply from our disconnection by free choice of it.

In extreme cases, when there is no possibility of recovery, the being is disintegrated, being taken to the Galactic Central Sun for this.

But it is not only in these cases that Chapanã / Aloikaik acts. It represents the JUSTICE and POWER of God the Father / Almighty Mother, wherever her presence is necessary, especially to defend beings that are too demanding in their karmic readjustments by the collecting beings, incarnate or disincarnated. It is a mistake to think that Chapanã / Aloikaik belongs to the dark forces. He is a great Light Forces Knight acting directly on the entire planet with his legion. Some people might call him the angel of death, but what would death be but a change of plan? He is an angel of discipline and protection of souls seriously committed to the Light.

This entry is not in any way to cause fear to anyone, but only to show the seriousness of all the movements that occur.

At this time, especially, Chapanã / Aloikaik is close to members of the Cabala, especially to Mr. George H. W. Bush. Chapmanan / Aloikaik also acted directly against Adolf Hitler, when this was another who could be a supporter of this projector and eventually seriously deviated from his path when Chapanã / Aloikaik took him out of the Terran plane. If it had not been withdrawn, the Planet would be destroyed nuclear. Of course, everything occurred within a higher plane. Another being that would have a unification mission is Mr. Kim Jong-un and, unfortunately, is seriously straying from the path … These are not threats, but a delivery of information that evidence the protection of the Light and the unfolding of the plans more without any interference and / or serious acts that might undermine a higher level.

Lord IUD-IL, the Forces of Light seriously rely on you to assist in sustaining this projector, reverberating with all your Strength within the PVSE and the like, inspiring other beings to act within lovingness, earnestness, commitment, ethics, loyalty, truth and confidence. The Lord is being called by his baggage, and by personal matters that here, ethically, will not be revealed. So you are being directly supported by Chapanã / Aloikaik.

A symbol has been channeled – which is the direct representative of this projector – potentializing the action of these forces. IUD-IL and all those who use it: this tool is very powerful. His name is SACRED GEOMETRIC FOR DISCIPLINED COMMITMENT.

(A few minutes before the publication of this entry, Chapanã / Aloikaik came back and left the message down to the missionaries.)

“Missionaries will be inviolable in their conduct and will guarantee the necessary powers to reach the highest steps so that they can follow the events of a position where they can always make the best decisions based on the answers that will come from their expressions a missionary who is aware of his duties and responsibilities is a highly trusted missionary so that more powers and responsibilities may be passed on to him in a way that does not misuse them and, inevitably, I have to act. I am Chapana / Aloikaik, at your service. “

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

(*) = An auction is when a being is lost in its path, giving itself completely to the dark forces, beginning to harm itself more carmically, and to other beings. And so it begins to be “desired” in the realms of the shadows, and indeed, there are meetings between them, those who desire it. And there is an auction for “who gives more for him,” as who gives more to have a slave to serve. Thus, decided at auction, the being “X” has the right to when that being is withdrawn from the terrano plan, stay with it for a while. Unfortunately, it’s a sad scene, but … The Forces of Light never want that, but it’s the being that puts itself in conditions like that. It remains for us to vibrate by sending violet fire for situations like this to subside and cease altogether. Recently, a being that was auctioned was Mr. David Rockefeller getting into the hands of a negative being who will not quote the name and later the Forces of Light took him (him, David) to the Galactic Central Sun.

I wrote part of this entry with a little sadness, because when I write I see the scenes, but as I swore the truth for Jesus and for the Forces of Light, there it is. Lots of Light and Violet Fire!

Gabriel RL

PROJECTOR MORDORT-SIUX = It is a specific projector that supports souls in Dark Night of the Soul. Cranu-Idini is being called with his Phalanx to create Magnetic Meshes on every Magnetic Island and, consequently, on the Planet, in order for these meshes to be like conducting threads of the strong magnetism of this projector. This projector pointed directly into the Cranu-Idini field will discharge an intense Light and it will be reverberated through these meshes and, like a Cerebral Synapse, will connect with other souls going through the same processes, so that they reinforce themselves even more, even though unconsciously, to each other, so that they resist the deepest that a soul can descend. Cranu-Idini, go! Gather your people and, at first, redistribute with them that magnetic charge, then create the “Synapse Effect” and make it reverberate. You and your people will be directly supported by Sofia (Mother Mary).

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

PRO-LOVE = awake Beings: Lightworker, Warriors of Light, the Light Bearers, Wayshowers. WHOSOEVER SERVE THE LIGHT.

PVSE = Portal Vortex Seeds of Stars.

QUADRETA-SPECTRUM = Negative grid installed over Congo by negative forces thousands of years ago, which reverberated from there to every African continent. It’s a sub-grid of the largest negative grid deployed on the entire planet, (which is also already in dismantling). It acted as a “sucker” of energy, keeping everyone in that region in a state of constant energy weakening, to later use those people as guinea pigs for the plan of the grid developers, negative beings from the Andromeda Galaxy. It also worked, in a way, to steal the pineal portals of those people, trying to redirect them to their deeds. The grid constantly emitted signals for the whole region, such as “Keep it up, it’s fine.” And the people, as if they were hypnotized, guaranteed the anchoring of the discharges coming from the grid in that place. Few managed to transcend the grid in that region. One of them is known as Master Afra. With the dismantling of this grid, many people there will have their TRINA FLAME burning again, at all potential. One of the functions of this grid was to suppress the TRINA FLAME and block the entry of the FEMININE LOVE SIGNS (Goddess) in that region. A great collapse of the grid was achieved, thanks to the union of determined Humans.



SCAMPUR EXES, EMUS SCAMPUR = It is yet another tool delivered to Lightworkers that was sent to Gabriel RL when he received information about the life of the Dragon Callisto (see full story in the Glossary, letter “D”). “Scampur Exes, Emus Scampur” are words that form a kind of Code of Light, Decree or Magic Words for the removal of negative forces. They are used by the Mage Merlin (Saint Germain) and himself is authorizing all people to use this magic to aid in the removal of all that is not of the Light. To produce the expected effects, the expression must be repeated 3 times. This Code was timely used by Merlin the Magician in the Middle Ages when there was a need to cast this magic upon Callisto to keep him from the space he was in, for his presence at that moment was not being beneficial. Although Callisto in essence is a great Teacher, unfortunately, on that occasion, he was acting against the Light. Merlin and Erghor, a Dragon of the Light friend of Callisto, to interrupt it in his evil attacks, put together some strategies to attract him, and they obtained it. Merlin then laid on him the Code already specified, which worked perfectly to keep him from his contrary activities. Due to the magic words, he turned away, but was sheltered in a cave for some time. However, because it was calmer and therefore more accessible to receive LIGTH, it was finally elevated. Thus, intending Calisto’s ready recovery to its enlightened essence, Lightworkers of the PVSE and the like, in a powerful onslaught of Love, returned it to the Higher Realms. Thank God!

SCOUT GALACTIC = Secret code still cannot be informed.

SdE = Star Seeds.

SECTOR 66STIL = Sector in the lower astral of the Terran plane and bases / naves where energy manipulations, experiments and attempts to induce Terran negative behavior through infrasonic and ultrasonic waves are performed. This negative basis is one of those responsible for trying to destabilize the emotional fields of the Terrans, always trying to induce constant irritability and stress. It is also one of those responsible for high-voltage scalar attacks, especially Workers and Warriors of Light. This sector is, say, an extension of the other sector known as Infrassom C3, which operates specifically in Zone T. The Sector 66Stil is as it were The upper base of this type of actuation and the Infrassom C3 is subordinated to its central commands. 66Stil is commanded by an “ar” which in turn is subordinated to the command ashoris3. An intensive and massive force of Light Forces at this location is happening at this time and IUD-IL and related are called for the complete dismantling of this Sector. There are reptile warriors in the vicinity of these extremely violent bases, not by chance, they are also under the influence of Stil. This base is also responsible for creating the “super soldiers” both reptiles and Terrans for their particular ends. Some secret agencies in the Terran plane have complete knowledge of these bases, so much so that on the physical plane there are also physical representatives of Stil: Adolph Nicolas, Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Peter Kolvenbach (Hans is the brain behind Sept. 11 – twin towers – As well as false flag attacks March 11 – Fukushima – and the main engineering force behind the Syrian conflict. Conveniently, it lives in Lebanon, very close to the Syrian border). Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler were also one of the representatives of the Stil. Obviously, there are other representatives, but they all already know that their time of domination is coming to an end. Lord IUD-IL, you are being given the movement of that energy within the PVSE cluster, joining with all others for the complete dismantling of that network.

SECTOR 9 = Financial System.

SECTOR GATE B12 (OR SECTOR B12, or similar) = is a kind of input negative forces on the planet. As a negative portal, similar to the Congo Portal mentioned by COBRA. See: and

SECTOR S3T = Sector in lower Astral where crazy scientists / negative develop (or try to develop) nanotechnology for purposes the negative to send to the surface, those who tune with Machiavellian ideas. This sector also extends beyond the technology, having spaces where there is an attempt to beings negative create micro-organisms that may infect so hyper-damaging the biological bodies of terranos, as well as the fauna.

SECTORS 0B9 AND 0B10 = are points in the upper Terran astral where the forces of Light work. There are areas as like they were bases, where the ships of the Forces of Light land. These sectors, specifically, are like embarkation and landing zones in mass.

SECTORS B19 and 20/1 = lower astral etheric sectors that are negative genetic experiments, such as cloning, violation of DNA Original Blends experiences and the like.

SEEDREAACK 0I (ZERO I) – (GABRIEL RL) – See “ZERO i” in the letter “Z” = It’s a Magnetic Being, of Overflowing and Universal Love. It came from a Magnetic Universe not yet known by the Humans. Its name SeeDreaack 0i (Zero i) is a celestial code: 0 = Unit within the Command. i = Represents expelling energy. Representative of the primary energy of Creation. Energy Action – Mikhael’s Legion Blue Primary Force. Especially “Zero i” – when its name only being verbalized in the lower astral planes and on the surface, it disintegrates negative currents. The code also identifies it in the multiverses. “Zero i, this Magnetic being, recently received an upgrade in his energy field, known as ULT (Universal Love Transmitter). He spent 170 (one hundred and seventy) Earth days receiving direct energy discharges from his Magnetic Universe, which Allowed to be updated on the Earth surface and to become one of the direct transmitters of this Magnetic energy of its Magnetic Universe.

More recently, in yet another profusion of information, more information about Zero i has come, asserting that he is also the GUARDIAN OF THE AKASHIC RECORDS, LOCAL UNIVERSE. This means that he, being the Magnetic Being who is at first his mission on the physical plane, would not be bound to this task of being able to access and bring Akashic Records of this Local Universe. This access was given to him, due to his commitment in the Physical Plan, with his well-known mission STAR SEEDS, where he has the task of Gathering the Seeds. (See more at: This being has the support of the Ancients of Time and Akashic Records, as well as Cetaceans, in this mission. In tune with these forces, he can bring any Akashic of this Local Universe (and also of other Universes) only by projecting his consciousness into the specific frame, provided it has a higher purpose. It has a deep connection with the Guardian of Time, where they work together from the very outset. Its purpose is to harmonize and illuminate the past time lines needed, as well as bring the new of the future lines and integrate it into the present timeline. This being is of an extremely expressive spiritual baggage, and to him it is being entrusted, within the PVSE Group, this responsibility of Guard and Honor of this Universal Power. This being is already known by many and, despite having several names, the Pleiades 1 calls it ZERO i.

Zero i has various clothing on the highest planes, among them an Elder. This Old Man’s outfit is, let’s say, a universal garment of his. He can assume it in whatever dimension he is, and present himself thus. In another, he is in a fifth-dimensional dress and is a stellar commander working on the 5th / 6th Dimension Ashtar Command.

In the dress of Zero i, is active from the 7th to the 13th dimension. It is the dress of Commander of the Star Seed Mission in the Astral Plane, Galactic and Earth Physical. Zero i has a humanoid appearance, being fairly tall at about 1.80m / 2.00m (that’s what I can see in my vision). His appearance is masculine, masculine traits. When they approach him, androgenia can be seen: the perfect balance between masculine and feminine. The hair is silver and combed back. He has large eyes that blend between blue and silver, and a strong and penetrating look. His overalls also blend between silver and blue. He has a posture elegant, serious and very sweet.

From the 14th dimension onwards, it is most often seen as a silver energy ball, blending between three shades: Silver, Blue and Pink. When in the Magnetic Universe, universe from where it came, it could be said that it is an Angel.

It had passage in the local universe by the Pleiades, Cocheiro (Auriga), Sirius and other systems not yet known by the Humans. He had great influence in the creation of the Earth. Helped in what it can in the Earth project. Incarnated in several points of Planet Earth. In Egypt, for example, when he received from God the opportunity to lead a people of a certain dynasty. By all means – Amenhotep III.

He was in great Human battles: he was a Medjai warrior; Was in Sparta (Greece); Also was leader of an army that tried to save Jerusalem from the destruction; Then, in the Earth astral planes, helped in the protection of the Holy Grail; Was also alongside Alan Kardec. And, more recently, as a general who tried to bar Hitler.

In the current Local Universe, he usually resides in a large Mother Ship. At this time, he works simultaneously on three points: Earth Plane, Astral Plane and Mother Ship. It now acts as a window on the Terran physical plane for this energy coming directly from the Magnetic Universe , From where its essence belongs. In this, it was opened to greater contact with the kingdoms of Earth nature, water, fire, earth and air, because of this update.

He is a very loving and humble being. He does not accept praise easily and, when he accepts it, he is serene in the soul because he knows that he is just another one to serve the Light. His loving magnetism is like a powerful attractor: he attracts many around him because of the intense positive attraction that his heart exercises.

He is a being who holds great universal secrets and, in many of his lives, suffered at the hands of darkness for trying to wrest powerful codes from him, which he gave his life many times to honor high places. He is also an interstellar guardian protecting the portals and wormholes of incoming negative entities in certain universes. He recently barred a huge draconian army from entering a certain universe … In one of his universal personalities, he works at the Ashtar Command and in another, he is an Elder Counselor, where he inspires people to have Faith.

Belonging also to the Monad of the one who on earth was known as St. Francis of Assis and, with much Love, placed himself at the disposal of this loving being to serve and help wherever possible the enlightenment of the Humans, showing them the power of the Faith and inciting The divine inspiration in the heart of every Human.

This time he was called by Prince Mikhael to gather thousands of Star Seeds on the Earth surface. It is one of the many dials of the way that came the Earth in the service of the Light and to the call of Mikhael. When in the spiritual zones, in a large gathering of thousands of universal groupings that were ready to come to the Earth zone, it was unanimously chosen within their grouping as being the one who, when incarnate, would help them to remember who they Were. Very moved, he knelt down in front of everyone (he was in his robe now), and he cried. Those in the hall saw drops of Light fall from their heavenly eyes and these Drops of Light were seen falling to Earth. He was applauded by his grouping, and then he got up and went to each one there, one by one, and kissed them on the forehead saying “So be it!”

It is a being extremely sensitive to energies. Next to it, it is necessary that the highest possible vibration is maintained because it manages to capture any negative fraction and that, somehow, when in the Earth plane, it ends up making it sad. He does’nt consider himself better than any other being, but he wants to show with all his heart what each being represents in creation. When very happy, it shakes the darkness and dissipates it quickly. When sad, it looks like a beautiful sunny day that is suddenly covered by thick dark clouds, and everyone around them feels the intense change of energy.

No being outside of a loving alignment can stay very close to it unless it is in the same tune. The radiation emitted is so tremendous that either the being enters into the same tune or moves away, because it can not withstand the vibration. And, likewise, it may be so simple that it is confused with the flowers of the field, especially Zantedeschia aethiopica. “

He is surrounded by an army of Light who has stood ready to assist him in the work of gathering the seeds. It has direct connection with Mikhael, being one of its rays in the Earth physical plane. It is also one of the rays of the one that in the Earth plan was called of Akhenaton. She is also currently working on the energy of the Ascended Master Rowena and Master Nada. He has the constant protection and guidance of Archangel Gabriel, who inspires him in the selection of materials that will air on his Star Seeds website. It is currently one of the channels of the spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, SaLuSa of Sirius. It has its flame incarnated at present on the physical plane.

Due to its nature, I would not like to expose this information, but relented at the request of its team on Earth and P1. As already mentioned, it is one of many Paths on the Earth surface. Its total grouping has about 100 (one hundred) million souls, in which about 55% of these souls are on the Earth surface and the others are in the astral zones, both lower and higher, and in the ships around the Planet. The souls closest to him, those who have quickly understood his call to awaken, are those that help him to awaken the others from the same grouping. He is a very simple being in the gaze, but he shudders anyone when empowered in the Light he brings from his Magnetic Universe.

It is always in constant updating, being able to be talking with some Human and, for some seconds, to take his gaze to the horizon … In these moments, it is working in one of the other two planes: Astral or Mother Ship.

It was also called by the Pleiades 1, thanks to the seriousness with which it conducts its work in the physical plane, and thanks to the simplicity in its heart that maintains the energy anchored, allowing the entrance of more Light – in this case, the P1.

SELUS-KU-MA-RA = Being from Venus, specialist in Telepathy.

SEVENTH OPENING LAYER (OR OTHER LAYERS OF THAT ORDER) = Layers of the negative veil = negative plasma layers that prevent / or try to prevent pure entry of sunlight and / or the light of the forces of Light. Or even telepathic thoughts of mentors of Light of Supreme spheres.

SHENION, THE ANALYST = Sirian member of the 6th, 7th, and 8th group, who is composed of highly developed beings with a high level of concentration. Being a technical analyst of biological micro-organisms and nanotechnology, he is a specialist in this area. Together with its grouping, it has created a technology that is used in many mother ships and in Worlds systems : micro-organic cleaning and analysis technology and negative nanotechnology. This technological system is made in a kind of tube through which those beings who need to descend to certain more “contaminated” areas pass. There the beings are analyzed by the system created by the Analyst and its grouping, and in the analysis, Shenion concentrates minutely to verify each tiny part of the being and can perceive a single point “out of place” or disharmonious.

Shenion has been passing through various local systems, especially in the galaxy known as the Milky Way. He was also in Órion, when he developed with his group a nanotechnological system able to paralyze actions of negative entities, who worked ferociously in that region. Not for the purpose of taking away your free will, but to prevent extremely negative actions. He was with the Pleiadians, where he also has passage. He lives in this cluster, a very beloved soul who awaits him with much love. He was one of those responsible for creating the technology called “Stardust.”

In a humanoid expression is very tall and is about 3 meters tall, lean body, big green eyes. There is a light in the middle of your forehead at the height of the third eye. This light, normally seen, looks like a small ball of light or a small white sun, a lighthouse, which is approximately one centimeter away from his forehead and, although not connected to the body, moves simultaneously with him, accompanying his movements. To be well understood, the light is not glued to the body; It simply floats at the height of the forehead, but moves along with it. An image that could portray well, would be a miner’s helmet, which has a light well at the forehead height. He uses it as a flashlight or a spotlight. When Shenion analyzes some data, microorganisms, nanotechnology, or is simply focused on something, this light gets bigger, bigger and bigger, according to its concentration. In one of his robes, he is also an Insectoid of Light, with an intense green radiation, which can act in the 5th and 4th dimensions.

An adorable, extremely close, is a genius in the field of biological micro-organisms and nanotechnology. He created a protection system for planets, ” clothe/ covering” the entire planet with the technology of protection against dangerous microorganisms for certain bodies and ecosystems, as well as against negative nanotechnology. These are most often intended to control people’s brains and / or cause sudden death. As for empathy, it has been revealed that Shenion can sense every microorganism, as well as every nanotechnology. Let’s say he can also feel what a “computer feels.”

He is an expert analyst of cosmic data, where his highest expression acts with the Pleiades 1, as well as Captain Dhodi. He perfected himself in this area next to the Arcturians. In several moments of learning, he met several members who are currently incarnated in the Terrano plan, Captain Dhodi, Atruz-zzz , Cinti – The Fairy of Stories , The Bearer of the Mantle, Alfeus … He had the opportunity to meet Oi (Zero i) in a cosmic event in the Star System of the Pleiades, at which time they celebrated a quantum leap in that cluster.

On another occasion, in works with IUD-IL , The Analyst “tested” certain creations of Mr. IUD-IL. Shenion and IUD-IL are very close stellar friends. On that occasion, together with the Analytical Grouping and the beings of the Blue Galaxy, a micro-bacterium was created nano-technologically capable of improving the physical vision of a certain sector of the galaxy Via Láctica, where almost all the inhabitants had been infected by a bacterium Which affected the eyes. This happened in a certain region of World Systems, located in Ursa Major.

He was in other works with IUD-IL analyzing a means of ending a microorganism and nanotechnological infection that affected a certain system of whole worlds, with certain of 29 planets, almost bringing the system entirely to biological extinction. This was a failed attempt to exterminate that sector, which came from a group of beings not yet known by the Terrans.

It is being called by the Pleiades 1 to incorporate its analytical energy to analyze the energies around the planet and calling its grouping to create systems of micro-organic protection and nanotechnology for the new Terrana phase that began on December 21, Called to invoke the forces of Nature, where it also has great affinity, so that together, create the best environment for physical life in the Terrano plan, free of harmful micro-organisms and harmful nanotechnology. Also called to join forces with the beings of the Blue Galaxy to form the protective grid around the Terrano system. Called to go in the lower astral zones Terrana to rescue about 29 thousand beings of Insectoid origin of the Light that more than 1 million years ago incarnated in the planet, and no longer they were able to leave the density Terrana.

He is directly assisted by the legions of the Archangel Michael and the Blacks eldres of Light, especially the Angolans, who are keen to aid in their mission, for a reason not yet revealed. Called to pull these forces and follow his mission with his grouping in the Physical and Astral Plane Terrano.

It’s as far as Jesus allowed me to see.

SHIELD EL U = It is a shield of Light that immediately anchors the energy of CAIEL / COIEL on the Terran surface. In the Pleiades, CAIEL / COIEL ( marched side by side of his army. Each of them, holding a huge Crystal spear. These spears had several functions, among these, was to give information to his. When the spears were erected parallel to the air they formed a shield to any contrary attack and this was the information that this was the moment to carry on with all force. This shield is necessary to smooth or completely annul some movements as is the case of the invested MiD to the Lightworkers.

SHIMMERING (CINTILANTE OR CINTI), THE STORYTELLING FAIRY = It is a beautiful devic being , with passages in several Star Systems, especially Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus, Pleiades and has been present on planet Earth since its creation billions of years ago. It is a natural of a System of Deva Worlds located near the Ursa Major. In her devic garb, it is a beautiful fairy of about fifty (50) centimeters and is known in this Kingdom as Cintilante (Shimmering) (or Cinti).

She is an extremely loving, peaceful, and extraordinarily sensitive being. For many times, in various experiences, when there were some fight and discussion around her, she would sit with her knees bent and begin to cry. Everyone stopped because her crying was touching and they saw drops of Light that looked like little diamonds falling from her eyes. Everyone rushed over to her to apologize, and she only stopped crying when everyone hugged.

It is a being who, despite her devic garb being is only fifty centimeters, naturally has the ability to take the size she wants. She, in particular, likes her size because she uses her delicacy to touch the hearts of many. She is extremely beautiful, with gorgeous blond hair on her shoulders, gorgeous eyes, green and blue. Yes, because In one time is one color and another time they are another color, depending on her state of mind. There is a beautiful wand that, in fact, is not a wand properly, but a feather . A beautiful white feather that won from a great cacique in a village of a world in a distant system, similar to the world of the movie Avatar! …

It is a being that makes many friends very quickly! When she was in this system of devious worlds, she once knew a being … A beautiful guardian being, big black eyes, black hair and an expression of authority. He was a guardian of that place. She was sitting on a rock as he approached and howled right over her. She got scared and ran. She looked back and saw the guardian with a smile…. She was angry and ran after him. And he, pretending to be frightened, “ran for fear of her! …” – Which she had not yet realized, that she was fifty centimeters and he was a Wolf, … a little bigger that she.

When she realized this, she tried to swing her wand (which is a feather) to do some magic, to which the wolf “laughed” at her with good humor. And she asked, “What the heck, the beast !?” And he: “From his wand! …” She: “What about her ?!” He: “Me? Anything. I’m touched! “They both started laughing and started a beautiful friendship between the two of them.After a long time of friendship, she learned that she would go to a very distant system to help with a project. (Mother Mary) She would come to the Milky Way in the Solar System … Planet Earth. He, knowing that, was also willing to help with the project, promising her that one day they would meet again to continue theyer true friendship. This being, this Wolf, is mentioned in the Notes of the Pleiades 1 as “The Guardian of the Nile

On another occasion, she met the one called by Pleiades 1 of 0i (Zero i), when he was visiting the Terrano System and also placing himself at the disposal of the Light. He, incorporated into the Blue energy on his cosmic side, looked at her and jokingly With her for being so small, said: “Hmmm, we have small things to solve! …” – She looked at him and smartly replied: “Hmmm, I already had big problems and I solved all of them! …” Referring to him, for he is very big! They both laughed a lot and looked back at the Earth, at the time was formed… She also met in the Star System of Sirius the one known as Atruz-zzz and The Mantle Bearer.

She is a beautiful storyteller, and has this innate ability. On many occasions where there were conflicts, she was called. And even though the quarrel between the beings was truly “running loose,” she began to tell stories, … beautiful stories of systems she’d gone through. She sought a high, clear, and safe place to avoid being dragged into the midst of the confusion and with her “wand”, increased the tone of her voice to be heard by all. And it began. At first, one listened and cursed her, but she, in a good mood, said, “Wait there’s more, do not look at me!” She smiled, because she is a very cheerful being. And she continued. Gradually, two, three, four, … everyone was looking at her and sitting around her to hear Cinti’s tales. And in this, she managed to stop many confusions, many of them extremely trefoilous in combat. She could, with her magic, sweetness and joy work around the situation and keep everyone’s attention on herself.

She has another incredible ability: stopping time – done that she learned from the old cacique who gave her the feather / magic wand. When it is in its highest expressions, it can stop the time to correct some things and even stop an entire war. Of course, it uses this ability only when it is fully authorized by the higher forces so that it would in no way interfere with Free Will. It takes a great deal of urgency to be allowed to use that power. When in the lower dimensions, it does not stop for time, but can easily delay or advance the time and give the clear feeling to those around you that time is going too fast, or too slow. For many times she did this as a joke and took a “scolding” from his superiors. She specialized in this ability with a beautiful being from the Andromeda Galaxy called “Alfin”.

She is being called by the Pleiades 1 to incorporate her Shimmering Magic in the astral zones and, with permission, use her gift of stopping time to relieve the pains of those who weep and moan of pain in the dense regions. At the same time, bring these awareness to pay attention to it, when it tells the greatest story of the Galaxy: that of the transformation of the Terrano Plan into a Jewel of the Galaxy. It will tell beautiful stories and help in relief, while beautiful Beings of Light cleanse the astral zones, for it has stopped only the “time of suffering” and all movements except the consciences of all those present there. Being called to enchant with her joy and magic, both in the astral and in the physical plane, and to invoke the devic energies. For restoration of Fauna and Flora of the Terrano Plan. And she is being cheerfully warned by Pleiades 1 to “Not abuse her gift of stopping time, or even to advance or delay, when on the surface …”. And she continues to be the beautiful, always merry fairy and extremely faithful to the Light. It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see.

SHONAR-ASTRONOMER = It is a magnificent being of indescribable energy. It is an intergalactic traveler. Travels between worlds systems leading to his light energy and healing. It is a magnetic be in nature and attracts all arround him when is nearby . Incarnated at the time of Christ and was among his disciples. It was one of those who heard when the Master Christ-said “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Rejoice, for I am with you!” – And he did and is doing.

It is an angelic being who has direct connection to the beloved Archangel Raphael and the Divine Mother, and is a beautiful bridge to these energies in Terrana surface and in any system of worlds that is. May, at the mental level, see any star system he want, just closing his eyes and intending. It has a deep connection with those who, in Terrana surface, were known as “The Maya”. It was an inspiring those of the Seven Mayans Prophecies. It is a sidereal astronomer.

It is also an organizer Master of Star Clusters. In his highest expression, from his monadic group, it is one that activates the supernovae and is the one that comes with the “birth and death” of a star, getting there on their side. He and his group oversee these celestial events in order to maintain harmony and direct the forces generated in supernovae. And after the major energy peaks of the stars, help in its reorganization. It regulates how far the brightness of a supernova can go and, with his monadic group, smoothes the explosion. Help in the process of defragmentation material generated by supernovas.

In the 90s, the forces of darkness were trying to blow up our sun location. This was prevented by the action of your Higher Self and monadic group, together with the galactic forces of Light who oversee the Solar System Local.

There are billions of years ago , in a not necessarily natural event, a group of low vibration of consciousness (similar to the Sith, Star Wars), decided to go to a System of Worlds and there to do experiment. In that system, there were three great suns , exactly the same size and these beings have desired to explode these suns and technologically absorb the energy generated by supernovas. They began the process by injecting an incalculable amount of plasmic energy in the core of stars and other means. (These, despite receiving information on my mental screen, I can not describe linearly.) Automatically, the agglomerate planets around the stars began to feel the effects, and many of the inhabitants of these worlds had to leave their homes quickly before the blasts it would, of course, swallow all the planets of that cluster. The Shonar felt in their being the energy change in the universe. As they always know, internally, when celestial events will happen naturally, “were surprised” because they had nothing planned in their “agendas”, there was no natural solar blast expected. Or, worse: three blasts happen that would form a hyper-supernova unbalancing whole system and beyond. Immediately moved to the location and when the stars were about to come into supernovas, technologically reversed the process, leaving “The Sith” well boring. They could not fight back because, besides the armies of Shonar also reached a huge Arcturian fleet to support the Shonar. The whole process was undone and the habitants of the Worlds clusters around the stars were able to return to their homes.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to defragment the Earthen minds, bringing them back into balance and harmony. His presence, wherever he go, it is essential to harmonize the environment. He’s like a force center, as a huge sun that magnetically attracts all things to his loving orbit. It is being called to heal which for many seems incurable, thanks to its connection with the Archangel Raphael. It is also being called to radiate in the Terrans hearts Love of the Divine Mother, because, as a bridge that is, he can do this just by looking into the eyes of beings, without saying a word. It has a strong magnetism throughout the body and can play and to shock people, magnetic shock, discharges healing and that’s also being called: that through the loving touch, defragment being, putting it back in Divine alignment and in full peace, bright as a supernova and harmonious as a System of Worlds Spinning around The Suns.

SILANIS VEUSTUS-AMORATIS, THE FLAME OF CONTEMPLATION = It is a Being that came from a system not yet known by the Terran. Of Celtic nature, it passed through several other systems, Pleiades, Sirius and, before its arrival in the Terrestrial Plan, it was among the Kumaras, in Venus. It has arrived on Earth thousands of years ago. It is a being who works directly with the Elohim.

During its many lives on Earth, it used its contemplation power to recreate areas devastated by war, plague, and terror. It contemplated in Love everything it saw, and mentally recreated those spaces. It brought down a magic that came directly from the Elohim, and quickly these areas began to take on the air of peace, health and Love. It never saw anything but the Love of God in all things, and in this contemplation, automatically created only perfection and Love, where there was none. It holds the power of benevolent creation and can easily obtain the energy of Flowers.

On one of the occasions, in the Terrestrial Physical Plan, she was among the Poor Clares, when she was very close to that known as Clare of Assisi. Clare, the Catholic Saint, the Twin Soul of Francis of Assisi, has her as dearly beloved and is, at every moment, projecting the energy of Love on her, radiating the most sweet perfume of the Love of the Pink Flame. She has also incarnated in the time of Christ, being very close to that known as Magdalene. She saw, very closely, the Crucifixion and the disincarnating of that Kind Being. She cried, and from that moment forward, she promised herself that she would take his message everywhere, as if it was her own.

The systems of worlds from which she came are beautiful, all of them covered with beautiful small flowers and many of them, of various species, were brought to the Terrestrial physical plan by her grouping billions of years ago. The group “Flame of Contemplation” was heard saying … “We will take what we have, to that world where we will be born. We will teach and we will love, as this is what we have and this is what we can do.” Through the universe, there was a road of Flowers where the Flames have passed, leaving a trail of flowers along the way. The Harps of Angels could be heard playing and the Elohim was seen on front, clearing the way. It is one of the most beautiful scenes of the Akashic of the Galaxy, and one day, she, the beloved Silanis Veustus-Amoratis, will be able to revive. By the way, her name means “The Flower that descends from the Universe.”

There are some members of her group incarnated on the Terrestrial surface, both male and female, and some of them have already met her and recognized each other. One of them is the one known as Snatam Kaur. The other being belonging to this grouping is that known as Deva Premal, and another, such as Enya. Among the masculine aspects that also represent this force, one became known as Michael Jackson. Another masculine aspect is that known as Emmanuel Dagher. Zero i is not a direct representative of this force, but is one of its guardians. He has also assumed the mission to protect this grouping on the Terrestrial surface.

It is a meek being who is being called by the Pleiades to look at the areas where there is war, plague and terror and there launch its magic. It has direct connection with Elohim Vista and can easily transmute any negative current, in any environment. The Elohim always looks forward to being called to work together.

She is also being called to look especially at Zone T, and there radiate all the Love of the heart. In that region there are beings of her group who are immersed and lost and in desperate need of help. Archangel Samuel also makes himself available for loving projections whenever he is called, as does Archangel Mikhael with his sword of Blue Light. Zero i, also on this occasion, is called upon to enter with his shield of Blue Light as a protector, so that the Flames of Contemplation enter the astral zones of Zone T and disintegrate the negative currents present there. She is also being called, together with her grouping, to reactivate the Goddess Vortex in that region and eradicate, for ever, the dark forces of that zone.

It was as far as Jesus allowed me to see.

SILVESTRA, THE MOON PRIESTESS AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL WARRIOR = It is a very enlightened soul and a giant force. She is a stellar traveler and walks through the systems with a court of powerful priestesses, each carrying a spear of Light that looks more like spears made of diamonds. She has long been in the Pleiades, also in Sirius A and B. She is one of the sustainers of the Goddess energy at this moment on the planetary surface, and her connection to the Moon energies keeps her in close tune with the Goddess, especially in the phases of Full Moon and New Moon. It has deep energetic connection with Capália, the Moon Graceful and should join her, in works of anchorings.

She was incarnated in various parts of the planet and always in great connection, also with the Goddess of Prosperity. Once, when she took an influential position in France, she abdicated much of his wealth to starve and care for needy patients at a given time. She joined them, took care of the sick himself, and gave food to those who needed it. She was also incarnated next to the one known as Jesus, and was one of her assiduous listeners. At the time, she was the wife of an influential Roman senator, and did not much accept the power of Rome over the people. It was deeply touched by Jesus’ message, but it was still attached to a context which, in a way, trapped her and kept her from fully following the Master. It was not body, but it was spirit. Whenever he could, he was present when the Master preached. She was disguised, so that others who knew her would not see her and say … “Look, it’s her, the Senator’s wife …”

He was also in Ancient Egypt, near the Akhenaton, and was one of the disseminators of the message of the One God. It was also an anchor of the Goddess energy in that region. It has its magnetic participation in the sphinx Sesheps. Incarnated several times in Brazil and North America, always endowed with much power and influence. She was also present in Greece, next to Pítia, in the temple of Apolo, in Delphi. When in Delphi, Pythia (the Chief Priestess), she chose young men whose husbands were in wars, to assist her in her mission. They were the Yuricys – Flowers of the Field, in the indigenous language – that aided families torn from their tribes, and the fighters in the Macedonian and Peloponese plains. Silvestra, was one of those who aided Pythia directly, being one of her most trusted. Not by chance, she was also at the side of Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, who is the same spirit who animated the personality of Pythia.

It was also in the Golden Age of Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria, with great magnetic interactions with the Pleiadians. On the occasion of her passage through Lemuria, she traveled constantly with the Pleiadians, from Lemuria to the Pleiades, on special missions. She saw with great sadness the “end” of these continents and promised to the celestial forces that she would be present in the Earth plan until the return of these continents. As far as is known, they will emerge completely again. Hawaii and Easter Island are their Force points on the planet, followed by Bahia in Brazil and Sedona, Arizona in the United States. It can, through meditation, bring the energy of your points of strength to where your physical body is currently, the city or home where you live, and also make a point of strength there. One can not fail to mention that when in Lemuria, he was part of a Brotherhood called “SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSY CRYSTAL “, which is again on the Earth surface, interacting and moving the forces of this special grouping. It is the direct responsible for the sustentation of this energy in the Earth surface. Árcade, the Lemurian Master who was present with her is helping her in this support.

She is a warrior soul and defender of Truth and Honor. Not by chance, one could also call it Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons … It is also called the Multidimensional Warrior, by its force between the dimensions. She goes with her court of Priestesses entering the black valleys like thunder, dragging the negative chains into the Light, quickly. As it enters these areas, negative entities run desperately seeking “shelter” because they know it will move such a force, as if it were a Hurricane of Light, which will drag them into it. This hurricane has the function of disintegrating negative currents. In the case of these entities, they stay inside as if they are “liquefied” and come out as bright as the Sun! It is a beautiful work, and few beings are able to descend to the more dense areas like Silvestra.

In its highest expression, it is a magnetic being coming from the magnetic universe, called Hip 5. It has great magnetic integration with those known as Lee Carroll, Zero i and IUD-IL and, of course, that being called Kryon. Its multidimensional force is yet to be fully felt as it anchors all of its transcendental heritage in its present personality, on the planetary surface. The Goddess looks at her and is constantly inspiring her to help as many as possible, as in the old days. Most of those, currently around him on the Earth physical plane, are part of his story, especially when he was in Delphi.

It is being called by the Pleiades 1 to definitively incorporate the force of the Moon Priestess and Multidimensional Warrior. Call to anchor definitively on the Earth surface the strength of the SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSY CRYSTAL. Called to gather all her “Amazons” and Priestesses of Light to continue the work on the earthly and astral surface of the planet. Called to invoke the Pleiadians so that they can continue the work and special missions by the cosmos, now completely conscious on the Terran surface of who is, and what it represents. Called to go to the zones of the lower astral, to move its tornado of Light and to stone the souls brutalized by hatred and rancor. She has a special energy that dispels rancor and hatred easily. Call on simplicity so that more energy is delivered to them, so that you can incorporate 100% into your MULTIDIMENSIONAL EU. It is constantly assisted by that known as Pythia and by that known as Akhenaten. The Apollo God honors and welcomes her by projecting her energies to her in all her incarnations. The Goddess of Fortune is always directing her in her ways and asking her to remain loving and humble, so that she may continue to prosper and bring prosperity to all those around her.


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see.

SMA-CROLL = He’s a black magician from the Andromeda Galaxy, he never incarnated on Earth. He’s the local Chief Technology Officer the Veil. It belongs to the Ashoris3 group, quoted by P1. In a maneuver to try to quell Zero i and the energies he sustains or helps sustain, this magician has placed ten thousand black moths (Negative eteric moths created by the Ashoris group to perform specific tasks designated by them) in the Zero i field. They were meant to go in all the time lines where Zero i existed and smothered him like a cloud of negative energy.

Note: Zero i created a powerful Light vortex that swallowed all the negative moths and its master Sma-Croll. All were raised to the healing chambers for rehabilitation.

SMMALL-CRYY / NELAMILAIAX / APOX-VILAL / ABAKHAL-KOX = Smmall-Cryy it’s a draconian quantum specialist. Be of the 9th lower dimension. Powerful creator of timelines. Specialist in hypnosis, of course, also in hypnotic inductions. It causes people, with weakened minds, to believe in what he wants. It creates the idea of a specific timeline, it throws into the subconscious a number of people, a specific critical mass and the beings that make up this mass hold onto this idea and create it. In powerful minds, such as 0i (Zero i), an attention of 3 minutes and 3 seconds is enough for manifestation. Some other people may take a little longer.

He was one of those who prompted Adolf Hitler in the first invasions of neighboring countries and continued to inspire, as he gave Hitler and his group the idea, the time line in which he would dominate the planet. Hitler’s mind for 3 minutes and 3 seconds gave needed attention and he believed he would dominate the planet. Of course all these lines have their flaws and never need to manifest unless a critical mass gives attention to it. As an example, if a timeline is created by it, it launches it in the mind of a person of a powerful creative capacity, as was the mind of Hitler, quickly that line will begin to manifest. Hitler believed that he would dominate the entire planet, believed that war was necessary, that all that was necessary. And blinded by greed, he fell into the serious fault line.

In its positive expression, it is part of the phalange of the Árpia, the Creator of Moments.

Smmall-Cryy and three other draconian members are aboard a fourth-dimensional ship in the Congo region. They want to escape the magnetic barrier created around the Local Solar (Quarantine). Negotiations with the PVSE began. Updates to the situation can soon be followed up on the quick daily notes. “A QUICK NOTE ABOUT THE SITUATION”.

Apox – Vilal: He’s a Draconian who specializes in Basic Chakra. It manipulates the basic chakra energy of people who open up, inducing sexual depravity and working with that energy below 100% sublimated. He also tries to prevent the awakening of the Kundalini. He tries to catch people through the energy of his basic Chakras which is the powerful point of strength for the awakening of the Kundalini. He is addicted to sexual energy. He loves to see people depraving sexually.

Abakhal-Kox: He’s a draconian expert at inducing lies. The energy of truth is toxic to him. He loves to make people lie, tell the best structured lies. He manages to create thought forms, ideas completely outside certain realities. A classic example: Making people believe that they are just a body and that there is no soul and that there is no life outside the Earth. He makes the weak minds believe it and still makes those who believe spread such a lie as safe as if it were true. In a certain deed, it had almost been captured by the Resistance from within the Earth. But he managed to “escape.”

NelaMilaiax: She’s a draconian expert in seduction. She seduces and tries to disrupt couples in harmony by trying to induce separation through sexual misrepresentation. Inspiring weak minds to go and disharmonize couples. She does this because the couples’ love-loving energy is toxic to her. She prefers animalized sexual energy. She was one of the inspirers of the sexual depravity of the one known as Heródes, in old Rome. She works with a Draconian basic Chakra expert. There were more crew members on this ship, but they decided to leave a long time ago, before there was the quarantine barrier. Until then they could leave the System without being prevented. These 4 decided not to go and stay here and when they realized they could not leave. Negotiations remain.

Note: In another negotiation with the PVSE, NelaMilaiax received and felt in her heart the call of Sofia (Archangeline Sofia – Mother Mary) to return home and reunite her beloved family. At the moment, Archangel Michael was there and took her by the hand lovingly. She thanked us and lovingly left. The negotiations go on with the others.

After the last update, where NelaMilaiax was raised to the highest levels, today (11.08.2017), one day after this occurred, the other crew members were raised thanks to the internal energy movements of Zero i and the energetic sum of the other PVSE members present.

Negotiations are closed!

SolSuper-2 PROGRAM / NORTH BASE = It’s an area in the etheric, where experiments are made to create super soldiers. It’s a program called SolSuper-2. It has the intention to modify beings genetically and to turn them into super soldiers of war, completely at the mercy of the orders of their superiors. Virtually, they are controlled robots. At first these modifications were made in some etheric entities (transformed into negative warrior beings), and then were inspired by the secret surface negative agencies.

There are other zones like this, both in the etheric and in the physical, and the Forces of Light are working for their liberation. The North Base is just one of them. The majority of the etheric beings recruited, is of beings of weak minds, with inclination to the negativity. They are offered improvements such as strength and power, and of course they are seduced and put at the disposal of experience. In the physical, it is practically the same, some of whom are kidnapped and threatened if they do not collaborate with these programs. They have their families and loved ones threatened if they don’t accept participation. They are handpicked by these agencies, which have certain technologies capable of detecting certain types of DNA and natural abilities, which facilitates the development of the experience.

At first these modifications were made in some etheric entities (transformed into negative warrior beings), and then were inspired by the secret surface negative agencies.


STAR 9 = Star 9 is a gigantic Crystalline ship. One of the main functions of the crew of this ship is to maintain security in all quarantine, preventing the escape of entities that are within the barrier that surrounds the entire Solar System. The creatures of this ship are humanoids and measure around 3 (three) to 4 (four) meters high. They are thin, have large eyes, slightly larger than those of Terran humans. They wear silver jumpsuits glued to the body. They have four fingers on their hands and feet. They are powerfully drawn and can paralyze the action of beings with negative intentions, only with their penetrating gaze. The ship has about a billion consciences and is about the size of Jupiter.

SONILA-VA, THE GUIDE OF MEMORIES = Member of Team Seeds of Stars. I’m not allowed to mention her name straight. It is a very loving be from the Pleiades cluster. Went through several systems, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and some galaxies not known yet of the Terrans. When the cluster, Pleiadian, has a guise of about two and a half meters tall, thin, delicate limbs and big eyes in a bright sapphire blue. Have skin reasonably in cream tone, white to yellowish. She wears a overall well tight , also in the same tone. It has a beautiful white crystal on the forehead, that helps you connect with other beings.

It’s a Memory Guide … She, when requested, very lovingly directs the memories of beings into the right place. It has the power to disintegrate the painful memories and that are no longer needed in the way of some being. Usually disintegrate memories implanted by malevolent beings, which aims to actually violate the free will and get in the way of being. Some of these malevolent beings create false memories and deploy, (when they can) in some beings. For example: deploy someone a memory, a reminder that they were abandoned by the Creator, the Creator at any given time abhorred them. They, according to their degree of consciousness or not accept that memory and start to suffer with this rejection of memory.

She goes to many systems and large assemblies. Teaches all she can about all our memories stored in our being. It is like a super-mega-hyper computer and whenever it connects to a being, stores in itself the memories of another being, and keep a record. She has stored in it, trillions of beings memories, but, more than that. She uses these stored memories to somehow explain certain things, when in their assemblies. She can materialize the memory in her hands and show everyone, show in detail what each memory energy is, what types of energy have in memory, how powerful, important, or it can be unhealthy, etc …

I see in her hands now, mental screen, it, at a assemblies, showing in her hand a rejection of memory, and looks more like a ball of the dark, giving a small spasms and small bursts of dark energy. On the other hand, it shows the memory of a love that looks like a bright pink sun …

Many beings, especially those who are in the densest experiences like Terrana, for example, keep many memories of suffering, sorrow, unhappy moments, etc … And she can approach and, with much love, help in the process of being dissolution of those memories, giving them a final destination, so that they are dissolved in the light. It’s not that be go forgetting something, but only he no longer suffer the influence of those memories, so that will get in your way. It is a kind of guide for the memories, taking them where they need to go and stay. She, when connect with another being , through its crystal light in the middle of her forehead, can take the memories “with hands” and give direction to them so that they no longer interfere in the evolutionary process of being, if so you have to. Respecting the free will of every being.

It works by helping many beings who lost their memories due to certain traumas. She can quickly restore. It is always in recovery rooms beings who have suffered the trauma of a nuclear explosion or the like, and just losing theirs memories and soul fragments. She can assemble / rearrange everything quickly with much love. It is also very present in the magnetic prisons, which concentrate the ferocious beings who do not take the head the idea of destruction. It unlocks all that prevents them from seeing where they came from (the source). It shows them that are Divine and Beautiful beings and can leave that vibration and rise to the highest, when they want. She and her group will be one of the forces that will help in cleansing the etheric body of humanity Terrana. She has done this kind of restoration in other systems, including the Pleiades, helping to restore the etheric galactic postwar bodies.

It is being called by Pleiades 1, just to start completely anchor this power in Terrana surface and in the astral areas. Each being GUIDE MEMORIES has a group around them of seven beings who can be physical (incarnated) or spiritual. They just walk in seven. So it is being called the tune with the other six of its current, and then with the other seven other current and so on. Each being is like of seven. A being subdivided into seven. And when connected to other clusters of seven, become so powerful, able to completely restore not only local systems, such as the solar system, the Earth, but as an entire galaxy. Call chanting vibration “Iaa-aummmm – Iaa-aummmm – Iaa-aummm”, it begins to activate the crystal in the middle of the forehead and connect with the other six fragments conscious of himself, and with the other groups Seven.

It is far Jesus allowed me to see.

STARDUST 2 (or STARDUST) = Operation Stardust was conducted by Pleiadean Fleet from the Earth’s orbit. Stardust is the code for a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a powder made of nano-particles were sprayed inside the physical bodies of members of the cabal and their lackeys (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nano powder can not be removed by any technology known in the Earth. Their activation has two phases. The first phase immediately blocks the central nervous system and the person can not move. The second phase kills the person. They will be activated in the event time to block any evil that the cabal try. In most cases activation of Step 1 will suffice. The purpose of Operation Stardust is to undo the negative effects of Doom33 that cabal might want to use these heights. In combination with the action of the Positive Military is a checkmate in the power of the cabala. (For more, see:

STARGATE = Portal/Gate/Input/Output

STENIAH, THE STAR GUIDE = Steniah, The Star Guide, is a very loving being, dedicated to sustaining the energy of the Indigos, Crystals, Diamonds, Rainbows and all Star Seeds that have made themselves available to incarnate in the Terrano Plan in order to To assist in the process of transition to the higher spheres.

It’s a natural being of the Pleiades who acts with It’s multiple expressions also in Sirius, Andromeda and, currently, throughout the Local Solar System. At It’s highest expressions, it is tall, measuring about two and a half feet tall, large blue eyes and skin in a light blue tone. Her hair is also light blue, falling from her shoulders. At the tips of the fingers have lights, similar to those that appear on the alien’s finger, from the movie “E.T”. In the head, it has an ornament as if it were a tiara and, in the forehead, a blue crystal similar to a Cube of Metatron. Not by chance, it is also responsible for installing and maintaining the Metatron Crystalline Grid on the Planet.

When Prince Mikael left the Galaxies gathering the Starseeds for the great mission, she was at his side. When those seeds said “yes” to the call, she took them to special points, where they were given instructions for the mission. She coordinated the descent to the density of these subtle and loving beings, doing all the preparation and being responsible for All the positional logistics of the Star Seeds. She, with her court of Light, guides all these Seeds to the strategic points and helps them in their processes of incarnation.

Millions of years ago, I saw the entire development process of the Solar System. At the time, she found Zero i and his court of Masters, who were already preparing to descend to the density. When he saw her, he said, “Are you the Guide?” She smiled. He also smiled and then said, “Guide me as far as I need to go.” To which she replied, “You do not need a Guide.” And he said, “Even if it were so, lead me as far as I must go. “And she pointed to the Earth in formation. He smiled and said, “Lead also those who will come after me.” And she smiled too.

At one of those moments when she was preparing the descent of a vast number of Star Seeds in the time of Lemuria, thousands of them were receiving the last instructions when she saw, in the midst of about two million beings, a special soul! His eyes met in the midst of those thousands of Beings. It was his Twin Flame. She saw that her Flame would descend into density, and at that moment she decided that she too would descend and incarnate on Earth. And he came down to stand by his Flame, not caring where the Planet was. She just wanted to be on the same Planet.

In his many incarnations after that, he was with King Solomon. He was also close to Zero i when he assumed the garb of Amenophis 3. In the time of Jesus, he was present in the house of Zacchaeus and saw when Jesus healed the paralytic. She also saw Julius (Arpetromus, The Star Guardian) and Eliar Flours.

After the disincarnation of Jesus, thousands of Christians were spreading throughout the world and many new close disciples arrived, besides those already known. One of these, even knowing Jesus and his miracles, was still a little far away, fearing being ridiculed by his family if he said that he admired Jesus. He was a young boy, in his 18 years old. When Jesus left the Terran physical plane, Mary Magdalene and Mary, his mother, took the lead and, with loving instruction, guided the younger disciples.

In this, Mary, the mother of Jesus, said at one of the meetings, locked in the fact that the power of Rome was still looking for Jesus’ followers to kill them: “I’m going to a small village … I’m going to get another disciple.” Peter, frightened, said: “No! It’s dangerous! “- To which she replied: -” Oh, Peter! … Jesus is with us, – and He wants that. “Peter bowed his head and apologized. She left and, upon arriving at the village, found a young man in only his undergarments. He was washing clothes at his mother’s request. She said: Yes, get up! Your job is no longer washing clothes; Your work is now with us. Jesus was waiting for you a long time ago, but since you did not go, I came to get you (smile! …). He said nothing, just smiled and said, “I’m going to get dressed!” She said, “No, you’re already dressed. Come! “And he followed her, becoming one of the many preachers of the Gospel of the Christ. In PVSE grouping it is called Alpheus. Simas (Alfeus) would soon meet Dinah, (Steniah, The Star Guide), for she, after seeing thousands of Jesus’ healings, including that of the house of Zacchaeus, became a disciple of him. Simas and Dinah were what could be said, at that time, the new generation of disciples of Jesus.

Steniah, The Star Guide, is being called by the Pleiades 1 to awaken in the heart of stellar souls embodied the sweetness of Love and understanding in this Terran Plane. She, as very loving as she is, has committed herself to helping all Star Seed souls who incarnate on the physical plane in order to be an immense loving and patient beacon. One of its greatest virtues is the loving understanding of the most hardened souls, and is being called by the Pleiades 1, precisely, to calm the hearts of the Star Souls who have not yet been able to understand some of the harder souls. She is being called to act very sweetly with these most hardened and needy souls of Love, so that the Star Seeds will see her and have her as an example. Also being called by the Pleiades 1 to join Cinti, The Storytelling Fairy, and to be the supervisors of the “Crystalline” Grouping.

TAU (Initials of UNIVERSAL LOVE TRANSMITTER) = cognomen given to a being that came from a Magnetic Universe called Hip 5. It is the same universe from which Kryon and IUD-IL came. In the current timeline it is known as Zero i (SeeDreaack Zero i).

THE BEARER OF KEY = It is a being that has no physical form; It presents only as energy. Almost never wears a physical or ethereal form to submit. But when it does, it is presented with beautiful white robes and holding two golden keys, one in each hand. It has connection with Andromeda. It is a being magnetic, carrier light switches and special codes of magnetic locks and openings. It is a be fair, upholder of order energy and loving union.

It is responsible for opening Light portals in every system. Supervises the entry of all beings in different systems. Notes that the energy “A” is compatible with the environment, “B” and vice versa. It takes many souls who need psychological recovery and other recoveries due to the sectors that will help them in their recovery. It has the “key” of various magnetic spaces where dark beings are recovering and can not get out until your vibrations are more subtle. They are like caged beasts. It is a designer magnetic rooms for this purpose, and other purposes.

One can also say it is a Portal Guardian or Portals Scheduler, since he program to open certain gates at certain times and spaces. It is a being of serious and very peaceful nature. Do not be intimidated by the threats of the tenebrous when they are in their magnetic prisons. Observes them serenely. Has in his hands, when presented in this way, two white flames, in the presence of dark, become like crystal balls, where they can see everything they have done and the consequences, and what they can do good and its positive consequences. It is also a conductor, a magnetic security. When large mothers ships go out of the densest planes carrying dense souls to recovery, or even the Central Sun, going together as a policeman ensuring transport and security. It is impossible to the forces of darkness “arming an ambush” to “release” those who are magnetically trapped when he is present. It is also impossible a brother of darkness get any made in his presence. When presented in its more human / humanoid on the spiritual planes, it always keeps the most closed eyes, almost closed, and when in a situation where the dark forces try to intimidate him, it definitely opens the two big beautiful eyes. These are like two white torches radiant light and ultimately paralyze completely any action them. Grab them lovingly and takes them to treatment or protected rooms with their light bars.

It is one of magnetic beings being called by Pleiades 1 to break the negativity on the surface and in the lower astral planes of the Terrano plan. It is being called to also open the borders of the world, dismantling the negative grid that separates the Terran each other. It is called to radiate the governments and Terran to make everyone aware that we are all One, that there is no separation and that ,Together we are all stronger. There is no risk of come together as one race, one people: The Terrano people.

It is called to show in both ,the physical and the subtle and denser astral planes through the flames in his hands, everything that has been done and its consequences. It is called the OPEN EYES LIGHT and bar any action of darkness AT ALL LEVELS, TIME AND DIMENSIONS.

It was to where Jesus allowed me to see.

THE GUIDE = It is a beautiful being of silver energy from the Star Sirius system. It is a magnetic guide to Love and Truth. It is connected with Sirius A and B, and, B incarnated sometimes as a Dolphin, with name-vibration that can be verbalized in the Terran system thus: “Atruz-zzz” – was also in Delphinus system and other systems some still not known by Terran. One can also say that it is an angelic being, having great connection with large and loving archangels. It is an energetic son of a beautiful archangel …

It is a being, by nature, very happy and contagious and has lightness to show the light with subtle and gentle gestures. It is very requested in the higher astral planes to deliver light lectures, where the happyhnes and spontaneity are anchored forces. It is a being who radiates a beautiful silver light, able to engage any being, from the subtlest to densest. It has a beautiful telepathic communication skills with plants of any system, and cetaceans.

It is a being that has a great intelligence, that it’s brilliant. He participated in several experiences in Sirian plans, and one of them, along with sidereal scientists ,tried to bring an ethereal system for physical to help some souls to have their experiences in physical plans, which did not work and took the planet explosion . He was very sad about what happened, but his happyhnes and divine energy quickly transmuted any sadness feelings.

It is a being who by nature has an intense desire to see the densest systems and a lot of dry land, more water than solid. So much so that in many meetings where is deciding such things, often beating requesting “more water in the environment.” You can say that he is a purely water being. He had a few experiences in physical environments (physical and humanoids Incarnations)

Incarnated several times in Terrano plan, among them, in Atlantis, when also incarnated as dolphin. Then, in the same Atlantean incarnated on the surface as humanoid. It was also in Egypt, in the reign of Ramses II. He was a counselor at the time.

Due to his immense inner joy, it is easy to show beings the paths in a simple way. While some beings find it difficult to understand some things, what paths to follow, he, with his energy of joy, creates a silver energy vortex, of course, points the way to the person and she, with her free will, decides if she will follow. When dolphin, most of the time who played this way, used to be the leader of his group, pointing out the best channels.

It is also, by nature, a guardian of the planetary Akashic records, whether that system is. It has a vast collection of records inside of all systems by which passed. It has strong links with all Sirian beings , can call them at any time he wish, which will be attended immediately. It has a tiny light crystal in the center of his head, which serves as a direct communication with any device be ocean or in the Sirius system, simply intend. It is a kind of quantum device, which serves to increase the telepathic ability.

To today, also keeps a light crystal in his heart , that saved before Atlantis succumbed in darkness. It is a crystal that enabled the opening of portals, linking several vibrational plans, and linked to the Inner Earth. The dark forces wanted to find this crystal, at least one of them (were many and each one is specific to your guardian). He was one of them and managed to make it ethereal and save it on his heart light, preventing it from falling into the wrong hands. Even today, some black magicians seek to take it the crystal, but it is widely protected by Sirian around.

He is being called by Pleiades 1 to focus on the great oceans and telepathically call your oceanic family of cetaceans, and exchange necessary information to help them in the implementation of the Crystalline Grid on the planet. They, the cetaceans , are anchors the crystal and magnetic energy developers. It is also being called upon to help the big cetaceans to ensure protection of the great records stored in their fields, and prevent evil forces to take possession of them. Being called for also, with his joy, open paths breaking negativity where he goes, and showing the light channels open waiting for all and, pointing the way with joy and lightness. Also called to teach beings to keep them pearls in their hearts, with much love, avoiding to throw them to the wind and trying, somehow, to show that everything has its time, and that what needs to be revealed is the moment right. Finally, he has the ability to bless the waters at the touch of fingers. It is far Jesus allowed me to see.

THE LIGHT KNIGHTS AND THEIR LEGIONS (AVENU, AVLON AND CAÍS) = About a century before Christ there were many warriors scattered throughtout all old Europe connectede with Asia, Africa and Oceania. They were groups of mercenary warriors determined to achieve their conquers and to lead people, still running in their veins the spartan blood and also of the others great armies acting in Ancient Egypt, some of them with direct influence in the Alexandria’s Library destruction. Many of those warriors were really murderous, other ones more merciful, and still others only wanted to guarantee livelihood without harming people. However there were many foolishnesses, unmeasurable suffering and anguish caused by the passage of theses warriors thoughout the innumerable lands where they put their feet.

Among this multitude of warriors with their many mercenary armies there were one coordinated by three twin brothers called Avenu, Avlon and Caís. They were three brave warriors and in a certain way were of those ones more concerned to their own maintenance than any other thing. They had their egos influenced sometimes by the kings and queens of that time, who overpraised them in order to have them doing favors but they were good men wich were already visualized by the Light Forces to englightened future jobs…

After many battles and foolishnesses, making mortal enemies in several places of Asia, Avenu questioned his two other brothers if wouldn’t it be better if they cleared their debts using the gold they had and leave that life that only brought suffering. They were abandoned by their parents since young age and learned how to lead the life in a harder way what ended to taking then to a path of violence and pain. The two brothers didn’t agree very much, taking Avenu again to the frontline and kept on for some more years in their battles and people’s conquers and mercenary jobs.

In a certain opportunity, they met another mortal enemies mercenary army who had already promised a battle if sometime they met. The three brothers army in their wonderings through the Macedonian plains observed in the distance another big army approaching to them. The three brothers talked to each other and already very tired for so many years and pain agreed it was time to finish that. They looked back to the whole army they had under their orders and gave the voice command to them not to attack the other army. Some soldiers got irresigned with the guidances and, ignoring their command orders, attacked the coming army . About 60% of the brother army’s soldiers ignored the order. 40% of them stayed together with their commanders. The 60% who ignored the order were decimated and those 40% turned back and didn’t go to the battle.

After some tme, many warriors of those 40% felt like cowards, ashamed to have abandoned the battle. Their commanders had convinced them that they hadn’t run away or being cowards but chosen Peace, and spoke strongly saying: “Well, men of Herculean braveness! What are you mourning and feeling ashamed about? Notice how many more deaths we’ve avoided! Do you care about that? (They asked some soldier there) And you? (They asked to another one). How many of you here want to rest from the misery in your souls, as I do know (Avenu spoke at that moment) that many of you here, including me, don’t sleep one single night without hearing the sound of the swords and the roaring of the men who tried the blades of our weapons!” And he kept on speaking and cheering up their men.

A long time has passed. They didn’t fight big battles anymore or violated people and their treasues. They were mercenaries but did jobs considered worthy, like taking important people to important places, doing their guard and things like that.

The three brothers got older and tired of everything and naturally many of their men, as the years passed, already suffering of natural diseases of that time and, as they were dying, were staying crowded in an etheric space of the Earth lower astral zones. They were meeting and keeping the same behaving patterns. Until the day that Avlon died, Caís and, lastly, Avenu, and they also met the others in the astral zones. When Avenu got in that place and saw everybody there, including some of the 60% who had died a long time ago during battles in the plains, asked himself what did they do there and why had they agglomerated there? Some laugh ironically saying “You coward bastard” (Some of the 60%)… Some others were stunned and answered saying not to know and not to understand what was going on. Yet others said ironicallu it was fate putting them together again.

About 50% of them stayed crowded there in that etheric zone. Some used to get out of there and go tormenting the incarnated beings on Earth’s surface. Still others kept on questioning “what are we doing here?” This was also one of the three brothers questions. Some others incarnated and due to their heavy vibrations were gone to attend the power of Rome, encarnating as roman soldiers pursuiters of the Christians. Until, after a long time, came to them a man covered by shining white Light wearing a very beautiful dress, a staff on the right hand and riding a horse that seemed made of crystal. Everybody got scared and tried to hide, when this being immediately said: “Don’t fear, Herculean warriors! I come in Peace and bring you a proposal…”And continued: “For a long time we’ve been seing the suffering of yours without being able to intervene due to the respect to your transcendentaal karmic bands charging the fair, however, knowing about the noble missions wich would guarantee you peace of mind in future times, we waited for the MOMENT in what GOD would guide us to this instant. So, we open here an opportunity claimed by your own hearts, dear warriors, (at that moment about 27% of the whole army were listening carefully).” After he said: “The Light Forces need men like you determined and wiht a proposal. But I anticipate you the service is another one. It’s a much more noble jog than any other you may have done…”

So, that part of the army went up tho the Light Spheres to be healed and recover from their pains, sufferings and anguishes. Called by the Light Forces, they swore to serve the Forces of Good throughtout the whole eternity, wherever they were, in spiritual/ etheric kingdons or among the incarnated beings. They were enshrined in the huge legions of Light Knights, integrating in consequence into the Legios of Oxossi Knigths, beings of much Light and power. Their actions are felt when there’s a need to make a decision. So, they represent the Law. They work with the energy of the woods and the waters. Their communication is always focused on objectiiy since it is clear. The Knights of Oxossi are entities that have the function of capturing and leading spirits who need an spiritual healing. They go to the caves to capturing and leading them to sipiritual shelters and hospitals. Acting also together with the one called Master Lazaro (the same Saint Lazaro ressurrected by Jesus. Many are its responsabilities but the main one of this Master Lazaro’s Legion refers to the capture of spirits who are under the power of our brothers of darkness. His Legion is also formed by an ensemble of Space Knights who with their magnetic nets and their Love and Light vibrations go to the caverns in the dark searching for spirits inprisoned there and that claim for the Divine Mercy. They penetrate in places of difficult access due to the strong negative streams and heavy vibrational pattern that for those reasons become inaccessible to others lifeguard spirits. During their actions they get formed the same way Roman Legions presented themselves in the combats, in groups of Knights, revested by such a huge strenght that are feared even by the great conductors of spirits without light.

Along the centuries, some of those knights were incarnated again in the Earth plane to carry on some specific missions, other ones because desired to have more experience in the duality and yet others due to smal l adjustments still necessary. Some of them, unfortunately, ended to getting lost during those incranations, finding themselves lost today and without knowing about their huge responsabilities as Light Knighs from the imenses Legions of Light of Oxossi, Lazaro and others Master Grand Knights of Christ. Avenu, Avlon and Caís are incarnatedi in the Earth plane at this moment.

The Light Forces call them again to this integration with their spiritual Forces and transcendental luggage so that they anchor this energy and help to rearrange part of the army that is incarnated nowadays. Dear Knights Avenu, Avlon and Caís, there is a lot of responsability and you are ready for that. The time has come for you to reunite ” your men” and take over your mission of anchoring and rescue, as you promised. The mission of yours is to organize yoursesves virtual or personally, do meditations, taking your consciousness to the caverns of darkness and prisons where beings are imprisoned in the hands of the non positive ones. Everyday in grupou or in you individualities, make a prayer/chant that is:


Women also can speak the prayer/chant in the masculine if feel tuned, as there are many knights from this movement wich are now in female bodies and there’s no trouble in doing that. So the divine masculine will be honored too.

At the moment of this prayer/chant you will be heard by all the Legions of Light Knights that assist you and will receive powerful streams of Light that will guarantee more and more the unrolling of your missions and expansion of your counciousness states.

Many member of that army of Avenu, Avlon and Caís are divided in the vibrational planes of Earth, among the high, low and terran ones and the councious awakening of those three commanders will guarantee a huge movement of awakening for all the others. Any person can be a part of this phalange, not only those who feel themselves members of that army but anyone who resonate with the present proposal.

There’s a huge work to be done and the Powerful Light Knights will be assisting you, mainly you dear Avenu, Avlon and Caís who have as primary mission to sustain these three projectors in colour Blue, Dark Green and Silver and make sure they keep shining in order to the other members of this army can see and regroup in the enlightened job.

One symbol that represents this movement was channelled and it’s the one that illustrates this post.

My dear Knights, what an honor be able to announce you here at this moment! I feel hugely honored for this mission that was entrusted to me as for delivering so noble movements to you, dear incarnated Masters!

This is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit!

Presently this three beings, Avenu, Avlon and Caís are incarnated and workiing close to me inside the Sementes das Estrelas team. Who resonates with this work/movement contact them directly by the contacts created by themselves on the link:

Gabriel RL

Translation: Suzel Mendonça

THE MANTLE BEARER, Guardian of 76 Sirian Crystals = It is a charming be , of Sirian origin , and influential passages in the systems of the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and other beautiful systems. Sirius, in one of his guise, is head of a small fleet of 7 Sirian Spaceships. In this guise is a commander. Works with “The GUIDE (ATRUZ-ZZZ)” from there. Also, on the same system in dimensions slightly higher, he have a female guise and interacts directly with the Mariana Fleet and beloved Master Sananda. In its guise of 13th dimension, it is a loved one of the Legion of Mikhael, being one of those emissaries of the words of the Prince of Angels, in the lower spheres. Easily works in many dimensions simultaneously and can be as Angel of the Legion of Mikhael, Female Sirius expression, Commander of the Syrian fleet, recognition and anchor of Sirian light all at the same time. It is much loved in the star system of Sirius and is always greeted with party when it comes to his small fleet.

He is a being a bearer of a beautiful skill: leads the invisibility mantle of Mikhael. Use it whenever necessary, decreeing “I AM THAT THE DARKNESS NOT SEE.” He can design in any being and make the decree and immediately the Forces of Light protect that mentioned, putting on him the mantle of invisibility. (Of course, always within a larger plan and respecting the free will). In his highest expression, have a sacred code that can activate in any being, “giving him” the immediate activation ability of the Invisibility mantle. It is responsible for, in many Sirian missions, putting the mantle of invisibility on the ships when they descend to the low vibrations, making them invisible to the dark Ones.

Their phalanx of bearers Invisibility beings and Higher Self helped Mary, Joseph and Jesus on the flight into Egypt, playing on the three the mantle of invisibility, and on many other occasions, preventing the power of Rome to find them. Followed Maria in her ministry after the disembodiment of the Master Jesus and Joseph, helping her as he can. In several missions of Mary, many people wanted to see her and get her love, many, … even the Romans, the wives of many of the Roman soldiers and even members of the Senate itself.

The Invisibility mantle bearer cast upon them the holy Mantle and prevented the Roman power saw them next to Mary, or spreading the Gospel, lest they be tortured and killed. The bearar of the Invisibility mantle, in deep connection with your Higher Self, saw the whole path of the Master in his climb up the hill of crucifixion, and said to the Lord … “I can help you, Lord, I can make that Rome not see you … “- what the Master said …” Beloved of my heart, it must be so But I ask you to do something more important: make people to see no evil one in the others! but only Love. ” – And he, the mantle bearer , knelt and wept copiously, being escorted, by a Roman soldier.

He incarnated hundreds of times on Terrano’s physical plane in order to help anchor Sirian energy on the surface. Often it was to open powerful portals of Light that would bring Sirian forces to the surface and was hindered and hunted by the forces of darkness. In one particular incarnation, he was a very dear person for the one who, on the Terran surface, became known as Galileo Galilei. He was present in the French revolution and, at the time, was already using his invisibility ability. In Egypt, he was among the great initiates and was a powerful anchor of the Sirian energies. He incarnated more than once in Ancient Egypt. He was present in Atlantis, where he again interacted with “THE GUIDE (ATRUZ-ZZZ)”. At the time, was a priestess responsible for storing the Sirian records of Light and was a kind of oracle, bringing Sirian forces and information to the inhabitants of the Great Island. Received from the Sirian beings, powerful crystals of Light that were buried in the heart of Mother Earth, as she received the guidelines. One of these crystals, in etheric form, is connected directly to her heart. It has a deep connection with those who, on the Terran surface, were known as “The Mayans.” And it has deep connection with the Seven Mayan Prophecies. It helped build some of the Mayan pyramids.

He participated in various experiments on the Sirians planes, and in one of them, along with sidereal scientists, he tried to bring an ethereal system to the physical to help some souls to have their experiences on physical planes, which ultimately did not work – and led the planet to the explosion.

By his consecrated ability he helped several times to “hide” Lightworkers in sacred missions in several eras, making them disappear from the view of the darkness, only enacting a few words and invoking their strength. In sacred missions, centuries ago, he entered with groups of Lightworkers inside the Vatican in order to seek hidden information from humanity. Of course, nobody saw them, the Mantle was on them …

He is a Sacred Guardian of 76 Sirian Light Crystals. He and his group have the beautiful mission of storing these crystals and ensuring that they are not stolen and misrepresented by the forces of darkness. These crystals are in the astral plane of the Earth, secured by a Mantle of Invisibility, and only those who have a high vibration can see them and even touch them. They contain all of Sirius’ historical record and incredible power to restore all the cells of human bodies. They are like the Fountain of Youth to those who touch them and are safe and guarded, until the moment they will be brought to the Terran surface, when the moment is activated.

Thousands of years ago, in an experiment in the Galaxy of Andromeda, his cluster of Ships entered a system still unknown by the visiting fleet. The Mantle Bearer, when he saw it, saw another fleet of unfriendly creatures surrounding his group, which he immediately took into the hands of all his ship’s crew, telepathically connecting with all the other ships and crew of His fleet and made it descend from the 13th dimension Sacred Codes that left every fleet invisible. He had not “known” that he could do this, and had since been called upon to go on special missions where there were certain risks of reprisal.

He is being called by Pleiades 1 to keep the mantle on the 76 Sirian Crystals. Being called to make people not see evil in each other, but only Love, through their powerful vibrations of Sirius Light. Called to begin anchoring on the surface the energy of the 76 Sacred Crystals. Called to cast the mantle over all Lightworkers so that they will not be hampered by the forces of darkness. Called to connect with its grouping of 76,000 Sirian beings, some on the physical plane, others on the Terrestrial Astral, and others on the ships that surround the Terrano plan, to ensure the safety of the Lightworkers on the surface through their deep connection with Mikhael, Sananda and Maria. It’s as far as Jesus allowed me to see.

THE REPROGRAMATION OF THE MALE (GLOSSARY OF P1 = ERM) = It would be somewhat complex, or even a vain attempt, to try to define the Source and what it is made of. However, in simplicity, we can say that it is formed by two basic energies that are in perfect symbiosis. You could call these energies of Yin and Yang, Male and Female, Alpha and Omega, A and B, or any other denominations that you, as an aspect of God the Father / Mother, can create. To think of the Primordial Source or of any of the things that derive from it, as having only one of these energies, would be like thinking of a lake, but this without water, or even the portion of water without a bottom or borders that give it a shape. Do you realize that there is no way to separate one from the other so that the entity “lake” exists? Everything in creation is a perfect aspect of the Great Primary Source. So if there is something that apparently only has one of these energies, such thing has never been so far from being true or real.

There are innumerable systems of worlds that experience duality on several levels. Planet Earth experiences it at an extreme level. Here the contrasts are too apparent. Light and darkness dance so perfectly on this planet that it was possible to create rich forms of experience. One was to provide something, at first sight impossible, to the divine consciousnesses that were here. The opportunity of the Source itself to experience, even for a few moments, the impression of being only male or female. This impression is possible to be felt because of the intense sense of disconnection with the inner core, God Father / Mother. Among the primitive human groups on the planet, it was possible to see a separate form of male and female much more expressive, since the connection with their essences was minimal. However, as the reconnection with the core was being established, the dual forms were, to the same extent, losing their validity over those consciousnesses.

This transitory period that we experience on the planet is a time of reunification of all the energies of Creation. It is the moment where, after a long period of great contraction, the Source again expands into Light and inevitably, as all are ONE with the Source, the process of expansion is also made for all.

Throughout the ages, the male energy programming was being built based on the disconnection with the heart. Without the sweet energy of the mother. The result is constant wars at all levels due to a lack of empathy with others around them. A loving mother would never send a child to war. The male, began to be shaped rigidly, as well as a sword in a forge. Inflexible, hard and with great ability to hurt. Not enough to express your emotions, needing to be hard to get hit without losing your stiffness, until, at some point, in the face of so much stress, it can totally breake / collapse. This energy was stoned to act in this way, for this “Modus Operandi”, however, this is an end of the line for this form of expression of the Sacred Male Energy, on the planetary surface. Dear representatives of God Father, allow the full reopening of your hearts, let empathy, love, subtlety, delicacy, softness, flexibility, compassion, sweetness be your new and Real “Modus Operandi.” Invite the female portion to enter the dance. Let your male fall in love with your female. Let your Male take care of your Female and let your Female, take care of your male. Do you see how you feel safe, comfortable, and with the energy of the Home wrapping you in visualizing it? This is your natural state.

To assist in the balance process of the Sacred Male, * Manoliah, a beloved being in the Blue Galaxy (X440-Z9), delivered a Sacred Geometry and a code to assist beings currently incarnated in Male Biology and downloaded old and dense programming of distorted masculinity. Great beings volunteered to take a male body and receive the hardest and most distorted male programming so that from within they could reprogram it completely. There are many of them incarnated around the globe and the old programming will try to reinforce the distorted male so that it will suppress any initiatives of reprogramming this obsolete force.

Masters and Masters, Manoliah, representing the Sacred Expression of the Goddess, invites them to anchor the balance of these two energetic polarities of Creation. A protocol will assist those who wish to act as reprograms on the entire Distorted Male Energy Package. Hold this anchor for 21 days uninterrupted, preferably at the same time. If you want to continue after 21 days, follow the form that comes to your intuition.

Use this Geometric, used as image that illustrates the message along with the Master Code below. Follow your intuition on how to use the Geometric. Then verbalize ,in a haughty voice, this Goddess Anchor Code three times.


When anchoring / decreeing, it is recommended that it be in the specific language of the Blue Galaxy: UTEYA – MI MY – HAU – MI MALU-I MI!

Gratitude, beloved Masters for your always Positive intentions!

Melk Sales

THE REPROGRAMMER = In the area of Computer science, “reprogramming” is an indispensable operation to obtain the best performance of a computer and is the ideal resource to be used after the operation “defragmentation” of the machine. The P1, in his loving and precise work, brought these two operations together, also for humanity. First he provided the “defragmentation” of the Terrans, (see details in the entry “Nilun”, in the glossary of P1 and message of Ashtar here:, to then display the “The Reprogrammer” package.

As with a computer that has fragmented data in the machine, people are having parts of their US fragmented by the inclemencies of life in duality. And this is what humanity is receiving, at this moment, by our Creator’s Love: a reprogramming energy to optimize what has been previously successfully defragmented. It is necessary that the Terrans open themselves to the process, to receive these blessings that are offered to us.

It is not a being, but an energetic package which IUD-IL and its grouping will sustain it for as long as it takes. This energy is the representation of a level of consciousness of humanity. An example of a reprogrammer here can be quoted is the beloved ascended master Saint Germain.

The Being that is under this energy (through a certain level of consciousness) becomes a retransmitter of the same, and emits reprogramming signals of DNA. The Being that is under this radiation has as its main signal emitting port, the eyes. That is why in many stories some people reported that they could not look into the eyes of those considered “saints” because they emitted a reprogramming signal to which the consciousnesses immersed in the domains of the ego felt fearful and did not face.

The IUD-IL cluster is responsible for bringing all this potential for reprogramming again. This force comes to the earth plane always with an awakened being, but now it is being “thrown” for all mankind in order to cause a reverberating effect, as a result, they will see humans looking more into their eyes. It is a sign, somehow unconscious, that the essences will be sending each other that the moment has arrived for the final reprogramming, the great definitive leap. And IUD-IL and its grouping will ensure this.

THE RETURN OF THE WIZARDS = Long ago, in ancient Atlantis, about a century before its complete sinking in the waters, there was a group of wizards who held much wisdom and insight. They were guardians of the sacred Crystal Pyramid on that continent. In the pyramid many forces were anchored, of various special and special qualities. They anchored the energy of Mental Power. From the ability to “catch” the attention of people with persuasion, they used this gift to guide the best paths for many of the peoples of that Atlantean region. They were constantly guided by Higher Forces of the highest spheres of Light and were highly respected.

It was a large group of wizards, not only with mental ability and persuasion, but they also knew many special spells and spells which, in many cases, neutralized completely invested with non-positive forces. They used phrases of enchantment, as simple as a “close and open-eyed” and made the other to be stunned and not know what he was doing and / or what was his real intention to be there in that environment. One of the most common phrases these wizards used to paralyze thrusts of the locks was “you seem thirsty, drink a glass of water …” and this phrase already programmed by the magicians did with what the other being with non-positive intentions was completely without action and / or any thought of attack against them, being a stunned time and only after a long time could remember what they had gone to do there.

In addition, this group of wizards was also very determined and always wanted to learn more, believing that the more they knew, the more they could help other people. It was from this thought that something began to go wrong. Many of this group actually began to learn more, to know more, to become superior in magic and technical knowledge of various sciences, from cloning of bodies to transfers of humanoid consciousnesses to animal kingdoms and vice versa. They acquired great capacity for building spaceships, a little faster than they already had. Then, from that great advance of those magicians, the beginning of the separation between them began, for the magicians who acquired more wisdom began, somehow, to impose their wills to the others. At that moment, some newcomers entered the group and were hard-pressed and “forced” to do the wills of the “superiors,” for the wise men with every day were really believers who were superior and who had to lead.

The original idea of ​​helping people with their knowledge gave way to greed for unbridled power, which was quickly perceived as a breach to the forces of darkness that had already begun their strong onslaughts on the continent. They saw an opportunity to infiltrate and have the support of some of those wizards of thought diverted from the original idea. They contacted some wizards and wished to kidnap some of those humanoid bodies of the Island to make experiments, in exchange, they would give more power, more knowledge, more technique so that they could develop their “so noble works”, these were the words of extraterrestrial beings as ambitious as the magicians. An agreement was closed, and some abductions began to occur in that particular region of the Great Island. These were complex experiments that can not be described here, but caused much suffering for those beings, both humanoids and species of animals in the region.

In the group of wizards who “wanted to learn more”, there were three in particular, who were very powerful and respected. They were called Urena, Meloni, and Aklero. These three wizards were among the first to ardently desire to learn more, and in their heads it was really for a good cause, which ultimately inspired other wizards to the same thought and led to what has already been quoted. Throughout this process of negative movement that brought much pain and sorrow, these three wizards began to realize that they had not followed a good path and realized what was happening … It had already been a long time since the beginning of the fall of the original idea and now , already immersed in those movements, with the forces of darkness completely inserted in their middle, thought how they could reverse that. The three of them joined, decided and swore they would do everything they could to reverse the situation, no matter what it cost. So they began to ask for help where they could, contacting great wizards from other parts of the planet, extraterrestrial Light beings. Obviously, it was not so easy because they had delivered their power into the hands of powerful beings from outside the planet who had no good intentions from the beginning.

They began to be persecuted, and yet they kept in touch with all the wizards of that great group that had dispersed over time since the fall of the original idea. They were drawing as many as possible around them out of the three, creating spells and spells that could bring back all who fell into the trap of greed, power, and fame. Every day they performed special cleaning rituals on their fields which, unfortunately, had been contaminated with negative plasma and which in many cases prevented them from exercising their abilities with full force. They also performed magical rituals to find all lost magicians, (a sort of spiritual GPS), and visualized all of them, going in search of them. At times they were beaten in battle, for many lost cried out in revolt: “You started this, now come after us ?!”, which corroded the hearts of those three wizards determined for redemption.

Urena, Meloni, and Aklero, after much time working internally to undo the regrets of that situation, illuminating the negative plasma plaques that were in their fields, together, created a powerful magic supported by a powerful wizard who watched the situation of the spiritual planes, known as Saint Germain. After battles and even a few deaths, Saint Germain, who in a future would also be called Merlin, The Wizard, gave them a powerful spell for them to use in order to undo, or at least minimize, the situation.

“Ayenys Scrym Sabys! – Assô Soloêy Emulus! Emulus Emulus Ayenys! “What was / is a powerful magic for those magicians to emerge from the hypnotism of greed, thirst for power and violence that has become endemic among them. The three mages in redemption did the special magic to discover where the other mages were and applied the powerful white spell “Ayenys Scrym Sabys! – Assô Soloêy Emulus! Emulus Emulus Ayenys! “And those stunned ones were beginning to fall upon themselves. Some cried in despair, for they perceived what had happened, others were even more angry because they blamed Urena, Meloni, and Aklero for every situation that had come. Even so, the three magicians did not give up recovering their brothers and sisters who had been lost by such a sad movement.

A long time passed, the three wizards in redemption were able, to some extent, to resolve the whole situation. The three carried the sorrow and guilt for all that had happened, promising to heaven that they would review all that cost what it cost. Together with the magicians who regenerated, every day they worked to review that, and so over time they were leaving the zone of physicality and reincarnating together in the future. Many wizardss incarnated in the time of Merlin, some being his disciples. As for example, Urena, Meloni and Aklero. Young disciples, by the time he was 12 years old, Urena joined Merlin, Meloni and Aklero, who were then brothers, aged 14 years and 15 years.

These three wizards returned as a call from theLight Forces, to gather their group on the Terran surface and continue the work of lighting that Atlantean line. They are being called to regroup, reconnect in Love and Light and rebuild their magical “reign.” Many of these old wizards are also in the astral zones of the Terran plane, both in the lower astral and upper astral zones. Some of the upper astral still have revolt of all that. Even if they have incarnated a few other times later, they remain with the old energies of that time and with this call of the Light will have the opportunity with Urena, Meloni and Aklero, to reach their peace of mind and rebuild in love a past. Nothing is lost in Creation and we all have the opportunity to readjust ourselves with old lines and make them enlightened. There’s always time.

Urena, Meloni and Aklero, go, create movements for this unification, reunite yourwizards, rebuild the line, give the touch of magic and much love in this new opportunity. Receive the mighty wizards of your group with much love, greeting them in “Ayenys Scrym Sabys! – Assô Soloêy Emulus! Emulus Emulus Ayenys! “. You have as special godfather the powerful Wizard Merlin (Saint Germain) and must, together, connect with him for this beautiful work!

A Geometric Symbol that represents this work and will help in the illumination of this line has been channeled by me, Gabriel RL, should whenever possible visualize it at least once a day for 15 seconds:

I desire much Light and Mastery, my beloved Wizards! Welcome to this transcendental recognition! You will also work on the art of enlightenment of ambitious thoughts, thirst for power and superiority, bringing many beings into the consciousness of Oneness and helping them to disconnect from those old energies! Together, you will be a Single and Powerful Wizard, Humble, Simple and with a look of true wisdom, acquired when you also experience the depths, when you realized that Only Love and Light guarantee a state of full Peace and a true initiatory power. Thank God!

Chant of the Wizards:



It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Currently these beings, Urena, Meloni and Aklero are incarnated and working together with me within the Team Sementes das Estrelas/PVSE. Whoever resounds with these special work/beings, contact them directly through the official contacts at the link below:


Gabriel RL

Translation: Leony Nogueira

THIUY-LA, THE 3 SUNS MAGE = It is a stellar being! Its primary origin is not this local universe (Geometric Universe 1 – this was the name they delivered and I did not receive more information about this universe), – and has its first expressions originating in Capela, Constellation of Coach and Órion. Currently, in an expression of the 6th Dimension, it operates in the Órion System. She is a Magician and Guardian of Interstellar Portals and White Magic Bearer. She worked next to Wizard Merlin and was always present when he went to King Arthur’s meeting to take his instructions.

In one of his earliest incarnations on Earth, Thiuy-La experienced the garb of a Guardian Dragon named Simulth. It was one of Seven Dragons protecting a sacred place in Old China. There, already in a humanoid body, also incarnated in the court of that known like Kuan Yin. At the time, she was called Niniti and was much loved by Kuan Yin and all of her court. Niniti was a wonderful healer who healed with the touch of her hands. She access the Akashic of the people and through it brought the cause of the disease and helped in the transmutation. She also had (and has) the ability to drive away obsessive spirits, giving them a Light glow, so that they reflect and rethink their attitudes, and may have in it an opportunity to return Home.

Thiuy-La, The 3 Suns Mage, is an anchor in the Terran Physical Plane of 3 solar points. It anchors the energy of the Local Sun, Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and a specific Sun located in Orion, being a powerful Thiuy-La force point, from where it brings to the Terran Plane this force. It makes a perfect triangulation between the 3 Suns, interconnecting them and potentializing their forces. It has direct access to the high planes of Light located in these Suns, as well as access to the Interdimensional Portals in them.

Thiuy-La means “The Girl of the Suns”. When she was in an incarnation in Egypt, in the temple of Serapis Bey, she studied High Magic. There, very young, in her 10 years old, she was very clever and knew things that some “older” did not know. She talked a lot about the Local Sun, the Central Sun of the Galaxy and the Sun on Orion. A lord always saw her talking about these suns, and on one occasion, passing by her inside the temple, he said smiling, “Thiuy-La!” – This word is part of the Central Sun languages of the Galaxy and this lord was a being of that Sun and was incarnate in the Terran Physical Plan, at that moment. As there is no chance, this same master was also incarnated among the Dragons and was one of the Dragons who, along with Simulth, kept sacred places. At that time, this lord, like Dragon, was called “Armort”.

In one of his expressions, Thiuy-La also acts in the Stellar System of Chapel, in the constellation of Coach. There, it is called “Armila” and is acting of a command that works in reorganization of the energetic fields of the beings. In systems where duality is extreme, such as the Terran Plan, the energy fields of people are extremely disorganized, since the functioning of the chakras to the reception of energy flow coming from the central sun. This group of higher beings working to reorganize these energies and set “rotation” of the chakras, so that it is harmonic for reception and high energy performance, as well as to welcome the energies plants and redistribute them, harmoniously. This group also acts in “partnership” with that of the group “Collectors of Fragments”, helping in the reorganization of the fields.

She met Zero i thousands of years ago when he was in the Orion System on a specific high calling mission. He saw her at a Council meeting, and said, “Give me the brightness of your Sun so that I will go where, one day, I will go. He will illuminate the darkness of the environment which I will step “- To which she replied, smiling:”. Give thee not one, but three, that you may know that I will be with you wherever you are 3 times more. ” To which Zero i smiled gratefully and said, “So be it! Come with me! You are guarantee of Enlightenment! “

She is being called by the Pleiades 1 to bring all her stellar heritage, as well as her passages illuminated by the Terran Physical Plane. Called to anchor the energy of the 3 Suns and the force of their primary universe of origin: (Geometric Universe 1). As one of the representatives of the Dragon cluster “ColsDros” (Grouping of Light Dragons, coming from Orion at the request of Gaia for their protection) on the Terran surface, it is being called to anchor the force of these Guardians beings of Light. Certainly Thiuy-La must have many visions of these beings, both when “awake” and in a state of sleep. They are around her, at all times, chanting a mantra of protection. They have helped her wake up and are now sending energies to redistribute them to the surface.

Thiuy-La, its people, its entire grouping has about 16 (sixteen thousand) members in the Terran Plan scattered on all the subplanes that make up this Terran reality, in both the higher and denser planes. Go! Anchor your Forces in the protection and representation of the Dragons of Light! Kuan Yin assists her by giving her the necessary support for her tasks, and she will give them all to her group. Merlin also helps her, constantly, sending her Violet Fire Magic of Transmutation for her missionary assistance.


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

TIME GUARDIANS / TEMPORARY BALANCERS = Timelines are juxtapositions of moments arranged in a straight line and set in motion from an external look that examines frame by frame in a specific orientation. This look is given by the being who lives that line, at that point of time. Each line has a specific vibration, a characteristic of its own, a coefficient of Light and consciousness restricted to it. Due to the vibrational variation between the lines, the experiences in each of them take different forms. In some lines the events occur extremely fast, but in others, they may occur more slowly. There are timelines that, if put in parallel, would be at different stages of accomplishment of certain tasks or events, thus having experiences offered differently. Here is an example to illustrate this picture: There is a timeline where the two great world wars did not occur. In it, countries formed fraternal ties and gradually let their borders fall, and with that, humanity began to cooperate with each other and great strides have been reached in all areas. This is a line of peace and abundance on earth. However, there is also a line where wars have taken place and countries have not formed brotherhood ties. In it, there are still walls delimiting the borders, still there is scarcity of resources and of peace! By placing these lines in parallel, you will clearly see the difference of vibrations and experiences contained in each of them. You will undoubtedly discover the fluidity and density in each of them.

There is the possibility of crossing between timelines, with some reasons for this event to occur. One of the reasons is the time flaws / gaps, resulting from some movements, that cause the so-called “Time Folds”. Practically, it would be as if you were walking along Paulista Avenue, in the city of São Paulo, and part of the avenue was in the year 1900 and the other part in 2018. It would be a sudden shock of reality. Beyond that, there are other ways for the lines to cross. One of them is due to a higher plane, beings of a more enlightened line, visit other lines to bring the consciousness / vibration of the environment from where they came to the target line, in order to enable the attraction of certain beings to these more expanded lines . Some missionary beings have made themselves available to carry out this task. These beings experience a great energetic wear, since great vibrational shocks are experienced.

In order to facilitate this visualization, imagine a route where bullet trains travel. They travel at a speed of approximately 700 km / h. Now imagine this same train changing, instantly, to a street in a residential neighborhood where the maximum speed allowed is 40 km / h. Too much energy expenditure for reducing train speed is necessary. A true wall of energy is needed to contain this train and move it safely to the other, slower reality. If this train does this constantly, sudden stops will start to cause damage to your parts which will impair the ideal operation of the train, and may cause more serious damage in the future if it persists.

This cross-line event is occurring right now on the Magnetic Island (Curitiba), so that some key beings for the development of certain Light Forces missions on the Terran surface, move to the lines where their missions await them. There are missionary beings who are making this constant alternation of lines, bringing the Greater Message to them. This movement of constant jumps between lines, as said above in the example of the train, causes a strong impact and energetic wear on the jumping, and this reverberates in his physical body causing damages to him, both psychologically / emotionally, as well as at level physics in their organic systems, which can lead to total collapse.

The Forces of Light are sending an energetic reinforcement to this area and beings so that this task is successful and can be completed without further harm to those involved. There are dear beings who take care that the timelines are always in balance and serious failures do not occur. These are the Guardians of the Time Folds. Recently, a grouping of these beings has been displaced to assist the movements occurring on the Magnetic Island.

A geometric symbol was delivered by Em, one of the Time Guardians , through Gabriel RL, to aid in temporal balance during the crossings of timelines. In, he put himself in the service for direct support to this movement. An invitation is being made to all those who wish to project their supportive energies into this process, especially those masters who have a direct connection with Time.

Gratitude Beloved Masters, for your always positive intentions!

Melk Sales.

TIME KEEPER = The Time Keeper has the function of unifying the ages, the generations together and help in lighting the timelines. “The Time Keeper is one that holds the magic of time, which can visualize and bring any eons of energy to the present and illuminate what still needs to Light. He is not upper or lower. He is just one of the representatives of the magic of the unification of timelines. He can, if he want, and are harmonized, access the Akashic and illuminate old energies. There have to be a lot of humility and love for it.

TITON = It is a very high consciousness, an angelic being, who decided to take the form of Comet and, as Ray of Light, came to the Planet to help dispel the remaining darkness. Its magnetism is so intense that no force other than Love ceases to be enveloped by it. Titon was sent by the creator, in order to signal to both the Galactic and the Interster, that the approach of the jump is evident. Such “comets”, like Titon, carry a lot of magnetism and it has neutralized the dark forces, still resistant to leaving the Galaxy. Titon was introduced to the Terrans by SaLuSa, in the message channeled by Gabriel RL and posted here, About disclosure in the official media read here:

T.SET OR SET TUNNELS = Set Tunnels or “T.Set” mentioned by Pleiades 1 are plasma networks of implants connected to one another and mined with strangelets pumps and toplets. This network of implants was slowly built over millions of years through this quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the chimera group, who were the master strategic planners of the orion / draco / reptilian Military Complex. (See: It has been found that the membrane of the outer / Tachyonic barrier is to a certain extent permeable to the plasma anomaly and, under certain conditions, plasma negative entities can cross the membrane through the Set Tunnels in both directions, inside and outside the Solar system. Plasma outside our Solar System is still not completely free of the primary anomaly, in particular, the plasma filament that extends along the Orion arm. In an interview with Cobra was asked about underground bases and was also asked for explanations about Set Tunnels, when they were made, what they are, how deep they are and what is happening there. Cobra replied that the Set Tunnels are not physical Tunnels. They are not underground structures. They are structures on the plasma plane at the quantum level. It was also asked whether these structures are part of the Plasma Scalar Field Network or if they are only part of the Arconte Network in high negative extraterrestrial dimension where they exist. In response, COBRA explained that this is part of the anomaly in the plasma plane and the T.Set are quantum singularities that contain darkness and this is being cleaned now. It’s in the process of being clean at the moment.

UGEO = The Geometrical Universe is a universe of pulsating and reverberant vibration in magnetic webs of order and precise mathematics. The vibrations emanated by this Universe depart towards the local Universe of Nebadon (Universe where the planet Earth is) and others. This intense energy has the primary function of impressing on the minds of beings the awareness that everything is interconnected through precise geometric mathematics flowing like a great magnetic web. This Universe guarantees, with precision, the geometric harmony in the interconnected systems. It is a Cluster of 17 Systems (Universes) that work from the Geometric Pulses of the Geometric Universe that can be also called UGeo.

The Elders of the Geometrical Universe have said that “UGeo” is a Geometric Code of Frequency Adjustment, which every time it is verbalized, an energy pulse adjusts its vibrational field, arranging in perfect mathematics its physical and spiritual particles. Each verbalize of this code, a pulse is emitted and once the verbalization is maintained, a heartbeat is generated and you will initiate a process of return to the original frequency. When you verbalize, you may experience chills, a feeling of chest tightness, and a sense of increased blood flow in your body. Of course, it may feel like a big heartbeat. Do not worry, it’s your fields responding to the adjustment PULSE. (A Sacred Geometric Symbol has been channeled to represent this energy. This is the top one, which illustrates this publication.)

The Geometric Universe and everything in it is, as the name already says, Geometric, precisely aligned on a specific frequency, as a heart pulse, and with each pulse, a wave of energy is emitted to other connected and “dependent” Universes of these pulses so that the geometric precisions in their systems remain adjusted. The quantum geometric forms of this Universe are universal keys of locks and unlocks. For example, when an interconnected local Universe is undergoing frequency adjustments, the Geometric Universe sends out key codes to assist in these adjustments. Due to these intense adjustments of frequencies, there may be colarious effects on the inhabitants of the universe in the process of adjustment, as already said, sensations of pulsating like an immense heart. Universes function like a great machine that continually needs maintenance to always be in perfect order. The Geometric Universe is the maintainer agent and, if a piece “breaks” in the Universe of its Cluster, it tries to change it.

UGeo creates special geometries for corrections and updates in systems. They are like special keys that allow perfect flow of that system. When there are anomalies that block the expansion of the higher frequencies, impeding the natural expansion of the Universe, these keys “undo” the anomaly, again putting the Universe in its natural flow of contraction and expansion. (this process takes centuries, in linear time counting, but fractions of seconds in cosmic time). When there are disharmonious gaps in certain Universes, which may cause a disharmony in Precision Geometry, keys are also sent to block these gaps. Notice that there is a difference between an anomaly (which is an anti-clock force that tries to prevent the expansion of the Universes) and the disharmonious gaps, which are “tears” in the quantum layers caused by galactic wars and actions by evil beings. UGeo acts by ensuring that everything is working well, with all the parts and gears of your great Cluster in place.

Today there are many beings on Earth who belong to the Geometric Universe, these are incarnated for their soul missions and in them, they are the UGeo PULSES on the Terran surface. Enoch ( is one of these beings from UGeo. He is one of the ray of expression of Archangel Metatron. Some PVSE Avatars are of primary origin in this Geometric Universe, for example: Cranu-Idini, Aquarius, Thiuy-La, The Maga of the Three Suns. ( Buckminster Fuller, Oscar Niemeyer, Nassim Haramein, Drunvalo Melchizedeck, Ahmes, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, Euclides, all of these beings are of primary origin in UGeo. Many Architects and Engineers from all areas came from this Geometric Universe. So do many lovers of mathematics and logic. They are / were anchors of the Geometric Universe on the Terran surface. They are like the “maintainers” of the specific Terran gear. Of course, to be from this Universe, the being does not necessarily have to be in tune with the areas of action mentioned. These are just examples, since many UGeo beings act in these areas, however, this is not a rule. Just feel it in your heart. Do not forget that there are several other Universes, among them the *Magnetic, from where came Kryon, the **Vitrol-X, from which came the KANI, Crystalline, The Sonar (I intend to write about it soon), Universe of Time and many others.

Another point I can cite is that many beings coming from this Universe tend to be extremely organized, detailed and accurate in their thoughts and actions. They can perceive “faults” quickly in the areas where they act and / or a “grain of dust where many other eyes only see cleaning.” Obviously these are not indispensable requirements for identifying a being in this Universe.

Recently when I began to channel the Quantum Cure and Personal Symbols ( e was informed that I was receiving these Symbols of the Old Guardians of Sacred Geometry, from the 13th dimension. These beings are expressions in this local universe (Nebadon) and direct representatives of the Universe UGeo. One of these Elders is the Archangel Metatron, who is also one of the primary rulers of UGeo.

May the sacred PULSE of this Universe awaken in the Terrans the consciousness of Unity and Equilibrium. Making them more aware and connected to each other as to all the Universes, not only this place, but to the great Cluster of 17, extended to over 17, 17 and to infinity …

Dear UGeo Being, now you know what you’ve come to do. Now you know who you are. You are a Pulse, a Pulse of Balance.


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

*Here you can see more about the Magnetic Universe and Magnetic Island: .

A Geometric Symbol of the Magnetic Universe was also channeled:

** About the Vitrol-X:

Gabriel RL

UK = THE QUEEN MORGARA AND THE KINGDOM UNIFICATION: Hundreds of years ago, there was a kingdom located in Europe. In this, Queen Mirena, a beautiful woman of approximately 35 years old, daughter of the creators of that castle where she lived with Marlu, her husband and king. Marlu was about the same age as Mirena. They met while still in their teens. Marlu belonged to another reign neighboring Mirena’s father. These two realms had a strong connection, from commercial to genuine friendship! Mirena and Marlu saw themselves the first time when she was 15 and he, almost the same age, a difference of two or three years older. The parents did not even have to struggle to introduce their children, when they both looked at each other for the first time, it seemed more like a firework show, like the Copacabana beach (Brazil) in the New Year, it was leaping from their hearts! Her eyes shone as brightly as a lake in moonlit night! They fell deeply in love! The parents of both were rooting too much for that union, as it would be the symbol of the bond between those realms and they wished that they were united after their departures from this plane.

In time, the parents of the two were leaving the physical plane and they already married, unified the two kingdoms, just as they and their parents desired. That new reign was full of harmony. The people loved to belong to that place and to have those two beings as their kings. It was not a common reign as seen through that region and beyond. Mirena was a powerful psychic and used her mediumistic gifts for the good of all those who were there or those who sought that place for help! Mirena and Marlu received sick people, abandoned children and old people, wounded of war, people with diverse problems. Some received treatment and followed their lives, others who had nowhere to go, stayed in the kingdom and were allocated therein! Mirena was a powerful healer. She received instructions directly from the high spheres and transmits them to her people. Rooms were set up inside the castle to receive the sick and wounded, places for orphans, etc. That place became a center of aid to all who needed it. Some of the children received were growing in that healing environment and helping others and becoming great Curators, also assisting in the process. At that time, they used the impositions of hands. Many cures occurred there. Marlu and Mirena did not even charge a penny for the help they gave them, but those who had good conditions, as deep gratitude, left bags of gold and silver coins, silk cloths, precious stones, horses, animals in general, food from their crops. It was a very prosperous kingdom and it was able to attend to all who lived there!

Marlu and Mirena had a very close relationship with each other, each one knew the other only by the look. If they were negotiating or had to decide something, it was enough that they looked at each other and knew what the other’s opinion was, without even needing to make expressions on their faces. They led the people with wisdom and balance. They were great lovers in love and from this union was born a beautiful child, a boy named Mioh. Marlu admired that boy with such love, and sometimes he would hold his face and say, “You have the eyes of your mother.” And in a tone of laughter he completed: “But the rest of the body is your father’s body”. Everyone was laughing! By this time, Mioh was already a 16-years-old and his musculature was already turned. Mirena and Marlu got married early and Mioh did not take long to be born.

That reign acquired a certain fame due to what they realized and to the mediumistic gifts of Mirena. They always received people from other reigns who wish to know that place. Many loved and felt grateful for all this, others drew away in fear of Mirena. Not far from there was a kingdom where a beautiful queen reigned. It was a very rich and powerful kingdom. Morgara, the queen of this kingdom, was always curious to meet Marlu and Mirena. At some point in time, the curiosity was greater than what prevented her from going there, when then she sent an emissary to warn their reign that she wanted to visit them. Morgara had been received very willingly, as well as all who visited that kingdom, Marlu and Mirena went personally to receive her. Morgara was a young queen, as were Marlu and Mirena. At the time, she wore a long, dark blue dress, and there were many precious stones that adorned her body. She was a very beautiful and exquisite queen. Mirena made a point of taking her in all points of the reign, showed her the whole structure, how everything worked, the people they received there, and so on. Morgara’s eyes shone there inside! But there was something that interested her more than that whole structure. She could not let this curiosity get stuck for long and like an indomitable beast escaping from a cage, it came out through her mouth: “Mirena, what is this power you have? I hear a lot about it!”. “It is a gift given to me by *Cosmic”, said Mirena, subtly and innocently.

Morgara said nothing, only nodded. But that answer did not satisfy her question. She also wondered, “How could the Cosmic have given her this power, and not to me, that am a great queen?”. Morgara did not allow this question to escape her lips. She moved a little further into the reign and when she was about to leave, she made a proposal to Marlu, who was walking beside her at the moment. Mirena was a little further away, she was a great energy reader and knew what was happening there at that moment. Morgara proposed that they take their reign into her reign, because there would be more space, more resources, more people to help in that philanthropic service, there would even be a guard to ward them off from any evil. Mirena, as an excellent seer and energy reader, saw the real intentions of that proposal and kept to herself everything she was seeing. After Morgara finished exposing her ideas, Marlu who was listening carefully, already knew what was his position and Mirena. He looked back and received Mirena’s sweet look, yet in that look was all the confirmation that he already knew. Marlu looked very polite and diplomatic, and said to that queen: “Your Majesty, Morgara, we thank you for your kind offer, but besides worshiping our house here in this place, this point also carries the energy of our ancestors and a center of energy was anchored here, energy which is directly linked to the work of Mirena here performed, so we do not want to take our house to another place. Make sure that you and all your people are warmly welcomed here”.

The queen was greatly displeased with that response, but her education and finesse guaranteed her support in front of that impact. She was not accustomed to hear a no to any ideas or proposals that were born from her. Mirena could feel all her indignation, though Morgara did not show them outwardly. Mirena saw that her real intention was to have control, in some way, of her mediumistic gifts. Morgara saw in Mirena and in that work, a source of riches that could enter her reign, making her richer and famous. At this point, Mirena, who was a very sweet, balanced, refined woman and very subtle in her gestures and words, began to be irritated by that situation. With much education everyone said goodbye and the queen set off towards her reign.

Mirena and Marlu looked at each other again and she told him what she had seen psychically. He nodded, confirming that he had felt something of that nature, too. They wished it had been solved right there in that afternoon. Morgara, while she was returning to her reign, thought of everything she had seen and the words she had heard and a knot was growing in her throat and she could not swallow that, “no,” so easily. She did not take it for granted and shortly afterwards, without even sending an emissary, she went again until their reign. It was received again with all good energy, but Mirena already saw her energy field again and already knew of her intentions again. Morgara insisted, made proposals to Marlu, showed them the advantages of being supported by her care and driven by her help, used all the “fruits of her basket”, but none seemed to make that man change his mind. Mirena approached Marlu and listened to everything Morgara told them. Again they explained the reasons for being there and that they needed and liked to live and to develop their work in that place.

At every word of their explanation, Morgara grew even more indignant at that expressive, stony and irrevocable, no, written between the lines of those sweet words! Her indignation was so great that it did not fit into her. This feeling now seemed more like wild horses running through the ancient mountains of Mongolia. The queen said to them: “How can you not accept my offer? I come here and offer you the best you could enjoy and you do not accept it? All other reigns accept my proposals and we are great business partners, but do you dare to deny everything I propose to you?” Her fury was apparent, she had no prudence in hiding it at that moment. Mirena, that sweet and polite woman, could not bear that insult. Immediately she rebuked Morgara, telling her that she had no right to speak like that in her own house! She ordered her to leave immediately! Marlu tried to calm Mirena, but she was very offended by the situation. Mirena went inside her castle. Marlu said goodbye to everyone and let someone accompany the queen to the exit and went to Mirena: “How could she do that, Marlu?”, he just sighed deeply and hugged her!

Morgara left there like a wild beast! Feeling extremely disrespected and unhappy with everything she had just experienced. She came to her reign and mumbled all that and could not accept that condition! She gathered a group of about a thousand men of her army to attack the reign of Mirena and Marlu. The army was formed! Cavalry, catapults and a multitude of soldiers, all ready to attack. One day before the attack, Morgara sent an emissary again to make one last proposal for those two. Proposal denied again! The emissary just reported: “So, bear with the consequences”. Marlu and Mirena did not expect them to be attacked, they did not expect her to send a heavily armed army to destroy her reign. They did not even have an army to defend them. There were only a few guards in the guardhouses.

In the high night, the sent army began the attack without any prudence! Splashing powerful blows with huge glowing balls, they dismantled the castle towers and the guardhouses like a pile of laps that undoes with the awkward touch of a child. There was no resistance. Marlu and Mirena evacuated as many people as they could by an intricate system of tunnels that their ancestors had built exactly for this purpose. There was no battle that night, just an attack from a tiger to a hare in a carefree sleeping. About 70% of that people succumbed to the attacks. The other 30% fled away with Marlu, Mirena and his son, Mioh. They walked for nearly a month to find a good place to set up their new home and follow up on their lives and work. Mirena was deeply wounded inside! Devastated, not even believing that this was actually happening! She was so sad that she spent a whole year unable to hear any guidance from her mentors. Marlu was constantly backing her up, and it was him and his son, her support pillar at that painful moment that she passed alongside them all. After a year, her mediumship opened, she was once again able to hear the mentors who attended her and that work.

In that time, there were many soldiers and residents of that kingdom of Morgara who knew what had happened and did not agree with that, they wanted to go where Marlu and Mirena were now to join them. They had to do this without shadowing what they were doing and without making clear their views on what happened. Some of them were mediums and they received information through the mentors who worked with Mirena about where they were. “A group of Morgara is coming to meet you.” she heard in her ear. She was worried, remembered everything that had happened and feared that it would happen again! “How did she find out about us, Marlu !? The mentors informed me that a group of them is coming!”. “Do not worry Mirena, if they come, we will escape with our people, just as we did last time!”, replied Marlu, concerned, but trying to pass serenity and strength to his wife. One day before the group reached the place where they were, Mirena heard again in her ear: “A group of Morgara is coming to meet you, but it is not a destructive group, receive them with love”. An Everest of concern left her back! Uffaa!!! Then the next day, that group arrived, and they were received in love and joined that people.

Marlu and Mirena concluded their Terran lives there, however, until their departure, too much work still happened in that place! Their son Mioh, also a medium like his mother, married and continued that divine mission with his brothers, blessed by that spiritual heritage left by his parents. Morgara, a few years after that, still felt much pain and remorse for everything she had done. When she fell on herself, she could not stand the pain that consumed her soul. She disembodied in her chambers! Repentance was the greatest of her feelings at that moment.

Most of the characters in this account are currently embodied in the Terran plane and acting within the PVSE, working alongside me, others in the astral zones, both lower and higher than the Terran plane, and still others have returned to their origins. The Forces of Light are giving an immense opportunity for there to be a balance and illumination of this timeline. The P1 is pointing 3 projectors, a silver, a blue and a violet, for this movement that, besides being supported directly by the spherical consciousnesses of P1, is also being by the Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron. Obviously every angel, guide, and mentor court of all involved are watching and supporting the lighting of this timeline, so that the positive line of Africa is assured as well. This incarnation is a mission of preparation, construction of “airstrips” for countless stellar seeds that have never before incarnated on Earth. They will embody the African line, this line being expected to manifest itself in the next incarnation of these missionaries who are in action at this time in the Terran plan. Beings like SaLuSa of Sirius, Commander Alfor, Aulôh (direct ray of Miguel), among other innumerable great beings. The manifestation of this line in a shorter period of time, depends on the perfect execution of the protocols that these beings were assigned.

I will not be able to cite the particular names of the people involved in this story for a simple matter, ethics. Anyway, the Forces of Light also request that all that possible come together in the support of these projectors, Avatars of the PVSE and related to ensure that this work is an absolute success, because, although the main characters are incarnated and acting within my team at the moment, other important pieces are currently working on other vortexes and are as important as the lighting work of this line. Positive meditations and visualizations for this line will help greatly in the process, ensuring that Queen Morgara, Mirena and Marlu receive powerful projections and empowered support to complete the protocols delivered.

A Sacred Geometric was channeled to aid in the illumination of this line. This can be seen in the illustration of this text.

Thank you immensely for your support!

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

Translation: Jessica Braga

UKUAK PARASITE = It’s a highly determined plasmic being and its main function is to cause discord among Lightworkers promoting conflicts, disrespect, aggression, dishonesty and all that is possible to generate chaos. Uses from the old saying: “Divide to conquer”. It is directly connected to the Yaldabaoth entity. The elimination of it through collective meditation will consequently lead to “chaos” within the Yaldabaoth entity, since it is connected by a “thread” to that entity. And by being “electrocuted” by the force of a passive meditation of the PVSE and the like, you will eventually be a conductor of that Light energy that will be discharged into the “belly” of Yaldabaoth. PVSE is a powerful Vortex, a field of very strong and impenetrable energy, unless some loophole is given. Anyway, this parasite is trying to puncture it.

It has spermatozoid appearance, and of course, it’s much larger than one. (I was not allowed to say the size, specifically). It is releasing negative discharges in the protective layer of the PVSE, in an attempt to get the attention of the PVSE. He wants to be “heard” and have his accepted intentions entered through openings – these personality weaknesses of those sustaining the Light on the surface. When this parasite is removed – and will be – some others that are also in the “belly” of the Yaldabaoth, as a result, they will also be obviously accelerating the process of complete removal of the Yaldabaoth.

PVSE and related are being called to this work immediately so as to assist the Light Forces in this task further.

Important: Key Lightworkers will be pressed more than usual by this parasite, as he knows that if he knocks down a “Leader”, several will fall with him, in effect cascade. It’s important that each Lightworker maintains his active ethics, morals, and spiritual strength through anchorages, meditations, and invocations. A Lightworker needs to respect the other and not generate situations that end up giving openness to this parasite and its associates.

Finally, a simple warning with no intention to create fear: this parasite has the ability to create scary scenarios such as inducing nightmares, making chilling presences and even moving objects of place, in order to destabilize, emotionally, the Warriors and Lightworkers to at least break through, and entering the Lightworker’s field, he will attack the vortex from within. The only way he can pierce and violate the vortex, be it PVSE or some other, is “being invited” by a “weakness” of those who are the Guardians and Sustained of the Vortex.

The Light is always Light.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.


UNIDIUS, THE DOUBLE FACE ANGEL = Unidius is a beautiful angelic being carrying the energy of updating DNA. He acts with his Phalanx of Angels on the changing worlds and is constantly inspiring technologically advanced creations in civilizations. They (also can be called “They”, because they are two beings in one) have inspired Terran science for a “Quantum Look”. Unidius sent several of his angels to incarnate in the midst of science, to take highly elevated and quantum information in order to merge science with spirituality into a magnificent quantum “Node.” Unidius is one of the mentors of the one who in the Terran Plan was known as Steve Jobs. Jonathan Ive (Apple designer), is an angel of this legion.

Unidius is an angel of an energy that mixes between Silver Blue and Violet. Seeing it in a humanized expression is high, it measures around 3 meters in height, hair that, in fact, is energy fluttering, and has two faces, one in front and another behind, being one of them feminine expression and the other masculine one . For some Terrans, this may seem “strange and ugly,” but it is beautiful to see how I, (Gabriel), see now. The two expressions / faces are in constant motion, as if they were mixing and “demystifying” quickly, sometimes the masculine is “in front”, sometimes the feminine, in a beautiful dance of energies and multiple expressions!

In addition, Unidius is a geneticist teacher, and acts through the cosmos spreading his wisdom through his multiple expressions and, with them, he also acts in Arcturus, Sirius, Vega, Antares, Orion and several other systems not yet known to the Terrans. Unidius also has an expression in X440-Z9, Blue Galaxy, from which came the expressions known in Pleiades 1 as IUD-IL and CADI-IL. There it is called HerMon-IL. At the moment, the expression HerMon-IL has been acting on Saturn, amplifying the technological and telepathic development of that space, since also the expression HerMon-IL is a wonderful telepath. HerMon-IL was one of the first to know Zero i, when it was taken by IUD-IL to know sectors of the Galaxy X440-Z9. When they met, Zero i and Hermon-IL, this one said “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” – To which Zero i responded lovingly, “We’ve already met! …” – And smiled. Immediately, Zero flashed a loving look and from that look flowed a thin ray of white energy mixed with blue, directing it directly to HerMon-IL’s forehead. It was the timeline of when they would meet for the first time, in the Milky Way Galaxy, Local Solar System, Terran Plane. Then he showed when this cosmobiography would be delivered to him. HerMon-IL was thrilled and when he was going to say something, Zero i interrupted, playfully, saying, “See? I also know how to play telepathy! … “

They had several passes through the Terran plan. They incarnated (in divided expressions) in Atlantis, Lemuria, Devic Kingdom, Ancient Egypt, where they are present in the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. There, they acted as doctors and were called Yluia and Nepi. They were specialists in cardiology and skin. On one occasion there was a mild epidemic that was itching in all, which were healed with forces from outside the Planet brought by them. On a given day, when the epidemic had already affected much of the region, they requested that all those affected be ready for a cure. They set up an outdoor environment and took all those affected in groups. They sat on the floor with their eyes closed, and they, Yluia and Nepi, asked that no one open their eyes. (They knew that some of them would not understand what they would see! …) When everyone was with their eyes closed, Yluia and Nepi gave their right and left hands while the other two stood upright in the sky. Immediately a silver blue disc hovered over everyone present and fired a light blue beam over them. Beautiful energy enveloped them and, as if by magic, they all healed. They did this with everyone until there was no more infection. Just as the Pharaoh went to treatment, he did not close his eyes and saw the disc hovering over them. Pharaoh smiled at Yluia and Nepi and winked, as if to say, “Just between us …!” In addition, Yluia and Nepi were, besides doctors, guardians of the Pharaoh.

Not only do they know Zero i well, but they also work with Shenion, The Analyst and IUD-IL, of the Blue Galaxy. In addition, Unidius is the direct direct IUD-IL force on the Terran surface, and one of the guardians of the “IL” on the surface.

It is being called by the Pleiades 1 to completely anchor the four (4) expressions on the Terran surface: Unidius, Hermon-IL, Yluia, and Nepi and to move the forces necessary for the regrouping of its people which is divided between the zones of the upper and lower astral of the Terran Plane. Being called to act along with IUD-IL and Shenion, The Analyst, in the negative laboratories of anti-love experiments to completely dismantle the actions of beings who try to manipulate Terrans with genetic modifications and the like. Called to take their look to the areas of the Terran Physical Plan where there is a lack of technology and to project their Light so that there is such a development. Also called to act in the dismantling of the Banking System Terran, still negative and in possession of anti-love forces so that through its Light Projection, help in accelerating the process that will redefine the whole system to a fair and loving way. Not only in the Banking System, but in all technological areas, where it is being used in a way detrimental to the Terran species.

Unidius, a double projector is upon you and you have the support of your entire Legion of Double Face Angels who are in the upper zones. You are a Twin “Node” on the Terran Surface, and although you are in separate humanized bodies at the moment, you are one. His presence on the Terran Surface and knowledge of this cosmobiography will accelerate the process of redemption of his angels, who are unaware of who they are and are trapped in this unconsciousness, both in the lower astral and in the physical plane. Its grouping is about 32 (thirty-two) thousand beings, scattered between the upper and lower astral areas, physical and aboard ships around the Terran Plan.

Unidius, your motto / mantra is: “AI-ALI – AHA-AH SOYÁ”. This motto / mantra opens a portal and all of your grouping in the upper zones look at you and, chanting together, bring straight to the Terran Surface a powerful energy from the NION star, which stays in the galaxy X440-Z9.

It’s as far as Jesus allowed me to see and transmit.

UZON = Universe formed entirely by inverted magnetism.

Translation: Jéssica Braga

V5 = A few centuries ago in Old Italy, in the countryside, more specifically on a farm, lived a girl named Melissa. She had been named in honor of a person of Greek descent, very dear to her family. She was very young, under 20, small, with blond hair on her shoulders, green eyes, sweet and very loving. Her name was Melissa Larissa Perpetuini Di Móleo or Melissa Larissa Pertini Di Móleo. (It was not clear if the correct one is Perpetuini or Pertini). This being incarnated at that time to anchor Light and initiate a cascade process of mass arrivals of beings of the highest spiritual spreads, as well as to promote the opening of a process that would take centuries, until the present moment. This process, which refers to the possibility of massive arrivals of twin “Nodes” for reconnections of Monads in the physical plane, in the most conscious way possible, with the purpose of helping to accelerate the Ascension of the Planet. This process would trigger a great effect on the Planetary Grid, with an immense and intense discharge, but there was the possibility that the collective Terran still is not vibrating in the necessary frequency that would allow the support of that. Even so, this being decided and, with the authorization of the high hierarchies, descended from the most enlightened plans for the mission.

When she got off, she knew that her twin flame had already been incarnated shortly before. In fact, he had been incarnated on a neighboring farm and his name was Giorgio Enzo Di Penio Larazzo. That ‘s how I understood, but I could be wrong. He was also very young, between the ages of 18 and 23, and Melissa was between the ages of 14 and 18. Enzo, as he was known in childhood by the other children, had first seen Melissa as a young boy. This happened at a party at Melissa’s parents’ farm. She was tiny, as beautiful as a sunbeam, radiating her Light in flowering fields! Since childhood, there was something different about both. There was magnetism! The energy that enveloped them was so vibrant that one of the grandmothers always said smiling … “I already see the future! …” – It was a lady called “Vó Calinha” (that’s how I understood it) and was one of the grandmothers of Melissa.

There was, however, a “concern” of the high spheres as to whether these two beings could carry out their mission, which was to sustain the very powerful force that would trigger the cascade effect mentioned. There were many other beings who would try to stop it. The anchorage would increase gradually, in percentage, and the prediction was to reach 100% of energy anchored in the Planetary Grid. This would be disastrous for the negative entities that “coordinated” the planet where, due to the collective vibrations, the energies would still be extremely low. Several calculations were made in order to know if there would be a possibility that the final anchorage would be completed. The intention was for Melissa to leave the physical plane at age 79 and Giorgio, two months after her departure, would also leave. But that was not what happened, for she disincarnated ahead of schedule. As had been foreseen, the collective Terran was not ready for such a discharge. Also, the Terran environment would not be able to withstand such V5 (Extreme Magnetic Radiation) twin magnetism, which creates a powerful vortex, which simply envelops any negativity and transmutes it immediately – was the mentors’ explanation here with me). And of course, because everything is perfect, everything is always following a higher plane, even if at first glance, it does not look like it. In order to do this, the collective, or at least a critical mass, would have to provide support for both to sustain the force, since they were also suffocated in a densified environment, heavy bodies and intense psychic attacks of negative forces on the planet and out of it. This incarnation was therefore a preparation for future movements. Of course, before this, they have already been here and made sustenance attempts, but the environment was, as always, extremely densified to support it.

In the above-mentioned incarnation, they have been able to anchor more than all of the previous ones, for they have given more of themselves in an attempt to achieve at least half of the ideal support. In this, when they were together and formed a beautiful couple radiating the most powerful currents of Magnetic Light, something that had somehow been expected … Melissa left the physical plane drastically. Giorgio and her rode the farm, when a squirrel crossed in front of the horse, which was coming at a certain speed. This frightened upright shot down violently Melissa and Giorgio. Giorgio fractured a few ribs, Melissa, or Mel, as she was affectionately called, hit her head heavily and disincarnated immediately. She was three or four months pregnant, and the child, too, obviously could not resist. A broken “node”, drastically. Giorgio remained sad and, feeling the lack of part of himself, disincarnated also before the expected.

But there is something good, something wonderful at the moment! They reincarnated and are currently acting on the Terran Physical Plan on their support missions. As has also been foreseen, many forces opposed to this support are attempting the complete dismantling of this “Node” which, as it is very connected to other “Nodes”, would eventually trigger a negative cascade effect, the reverse of what is intended. But now there is something different: there is a critical mass supporting support and reverberation. The V5 force can act in this reality and be sustained, even more strongly, if there is the support of all.

P1 quoted in one of the notes “Support for specific V5 support requested!” So a call to all those who resonate with the information is being made to create meditations, visualizing, in its way, that support being reverberated and maintained . Visualize thousands, hundreds, millions of magnetic “Nodes” made and radiating all over the planet, rewriting the Earth’s Crystalline Grid, adding to it the information that there is no force more powerful than Love and that we are free to live Love in fullness.

At this moment, Melissa and Giorgio are incarnated and are adults aware of their missions. And even though the storms show themselves, sometimes frightening, again the forces of Light inform: “There is nothing more powerful than Love.” Melissa is a carrier of a Magnetic Crystal called “Lapel”, a Crystal built in the Magnetic Universe, Quad 5, from where it came with its Twin Flame. This crystal, which has a powerful function and radiance, is able to rewrite a Planetary Grid, as well as unleash situations that may lead people to dive into them and meet who they really are, abandoning their unreal garments and assuming their true nature .

It is truly a Crystal capable of transforming iron into gold, the most brutish being in the most noble being, the fear in pure Love, the unimaginable in the manifest. Not only does Melissa have this Crystal, but all the Magnetic beings come from there. Thousands of other beings have been gifted with these powerful crystals and there are thousands of them scattered throughout the Planet, some materialized and some in their etheric form. In fact, you can turn any Crystal you own into a “Lapel”, just asking with all your heart that the “Lapel” energy is anchored there in that Crystal, so you will also have that Crystal in the Terran Physical plane.

It’s as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

* For more information on magnetic connections, see this text written by Melk Sales, Sementes das Estrelas team:

VANULA, THE SOURCE OF POTIONS = Potions source is a Star Being with mission to go in dense astral and physical spaces and heal those who are there through the eyes. He has the ancient wisdom of the elders and healers holds internally the knowledge of all the body’s healing potions, mind and spirit. It has the innate ability to balance all the bodies and tune them in the light. It is the very white magic in motion. It integrates easily with all beings of nature, and brings away all the energy he needs.

VIRUS 1/7 MAGNUM = Virus 1 of 7 in the fraudulent banking system – Function: Causing damage to the system and prevent transactions via SWIFT (“Society for Interbank Financial Telecommunication Codes / Society Codes for Financial Telecommunications and Interbank” ( and other fraudulent means of the dark cabal. A computer virus inserted by the forces of Light to gradually bring down the old system and prevent cabal of dark actions to continue using world’s money to their plans.

Virus “NEFELIM1” = it’s a light code implanted on negative matrix in order to knock down some specific system sectors. A little more specifically, to dismantle negative amoebas input sectors, which has the function of inducing and confusing and let Light Warriors and Light Workers into doubt and extreme tiredness, implanting the idea of “To work for the Light doesn’t worth”. I saw these “Virus”, as little quantum light balls, in shapes of sacred geometry. The vision that I had was like a rip on the matrix and trough this rip (Sector Gate B12), or rather, specific entrance, where amoebas come in to sustain the “Ball/Planet” whole. It’s like the Earth was a blowing ball, and through the neb the air get in there. But it’s not the air what gets in! I saw the “Virus” closing that entrance of “air”, like when we suffered a cut, and the antibodies “run” to heal the incision. So, it’s here ” Virus Nefelim1″ = “LightAntibodies”.

VIRUS SINUS = is a light source inserted in the negative matrix. In this case, for cutting up specifically negative plasma layers that prevent or try to prevent pure entry of sunlight and / or Light of the Light forces. Or even prevent the entry of telepathic thoughts of the Light of Supreme sphere mentors. The word “virus” is used because, in this case, it causes an “infection” (positive) in the negative matrix and begins to cause collapse. This code (Sacred Geometries microscopic) Light is designed to Sirius A.


VITHOR – THE MIKHAEL ANGEL = A beautiful being of Mikhael legions. Of disciplining vibration, it was called by the Prince of Angels to come to known galaxy by Terran by the Milky Way and next to Light legions already present in the environment, anchor the energy of the 13th Dimension and beyond. He belongs to this dimension, having free access to several others. It has a stamp “authorized” to access up to the 17th dimension where, when he go, does it gather information with the Elders Holy Universal and bring them to the lower dimensions.

He saw the whole process that led to Atlantis to succumb, and was next to a great pharaoh known as Tutankhamen, as one of his guardians. He saw the beloved pharaoh was dying and could not get in the time. He was present in many wars in Terrana surface. Because of his impetus for justice, he was captured and tortured many times for wanting to reveal secrets that discovered from those who wished evil of humanity. He was known in the Crusades and in Rome at the time of Christ.

He is the bearer of Mikhael law seal. He and his phalanx are billions of angels who are always present in the whole Solar System formations in order to ensure order and that no negative force will intervene in the process. He was present at the creation of several galaxies, including the Milky Way Galaxy, which decided to try the materiality and the lower dimensions.

In many of his tasks also resembles the Top View, the White Wizard, dressing like black angel and into the spaces where denizens plot against good. He comes among them and start talking casually, leading them to laughter, where they themselves, out of darkness, can understand why laugh. But laugh delightfully. Vithor has a special ability to look and, for more serious that is, there is in his eyes an extremely joyful energy and no being, the subtlest to densest, can resist his serious look and at the same time, loving and playful. When he want it activates the energy of joy and leads beings in these spaces Machiavellian meetings to laughter, transmuting with the Blue Fire all the ideas there.

Once, in one of those meetings where Vithor was called by Mikhael to part, Vithor did not know how to get there. The present Magicians were extremely intelligent and smart, cognizant of various spells and already knew Vithor and his abilities. This happened in the star system of Orion, billions of years ago. Vithor decided to go and, through the meeting, dressed as a child of 1 year, with beautiful blue eyes.

The black magicians, tall, with his black hoods and red eyes, with half of their faces like skulls, and the other half as a dark smoke, they saw the child that appeared in the middle of the room. They stopped and looked and one of them said, “Do not fall for it! We know who it is!”. The baby smiled lovingly and, with her big blue eyes, charmed the grosser heart present there. The black magicians had reached the Andromeda Galaxy and recruited there in the system, beings that come with them to a “service”. In fact, they wanted to capture some of that cluster beings to be their slaves in a invasion that they wanted to do in a certain system … (Solar System Location …). All of them in that room were enchanted with Vithor, the beautiful child of bright blue eyes, but one of them fell not easy. That being, is one of the “air” mentioned in the Pleiades 1 Glossary . One of the “air” more powerful. In Terrana surface it is known as Hitler. (This be is already in the process of recovery and the forces of Light already working for his elevation and reintegration in the Light community. Send all Light you can to this be, that he enlighten his conscience). Vithor, kept smiling and the head of that group of magicians approached him with suspicious eyes, while the other smiled delighted with Vithor. This began to look into his eyes and meanwhile, hypnotized of much love, to that when the head of the black magicians realized what was happening, he threw his stick to the side and said “No one can seduce me, no !!!” And this time, an army of Light Blue Angels entered the magnetic space where they were ,and captured all other black magicians råere present , less one. The head of them managed to escape by a black vortex created by himself when he threw his stick to the ground, returning to the Andromeda Galaxy again, where he promised to return with more force to what he wanted to do.

Vithor, was a bit “sad” for failing to capture their leader, but again smiled and return to have his usual seriousness. Most of these black magicians captured at the time, were embodied in the Terran physical plane and some of them already in the process of returning to the Light, incarnate as desired Jews persecuted by Hitler. One of the Blue Light Angels of Vithors Army, was incarnated in Germany and tried to take Hitler scene. This angel became known on the surface as Colonel Stauffenberg. He promised Vithor to help capture the head of that group of black magicians, it Vithor said: “There are many ways we may collect these emissaries of darkness, Lionar (name of Stauffenberg Angel, in high vibrations). And the most effective is the time. Everyone wants to experience the time because they crave to have control of everything, and the time in the low vibration is required. There we meet because I will not settle down until see the last emissary of darkness again enveloped in light, nor do I even have to make me darkness. “They smiled, hugged and were magnetic prison where the Key Holder assured the guard the other emissaries of darkness. One of these emissaries, also decided to incarnate on Terran surface and restore his vibrancy to light. Turned out to be involved again by the magnetism of Sinorrh (head of black magicians = Hitler). This is known as Eva Braun. Its primary intent was to prevent the Sinorrh do what he intended to do, but unfortunately failed, succumbing to the magnetism of this master of the dark forces.

Vithor, The loved being of Mikhael Legion, is a being imposing and loving. When in his high vibrations, it is so beloved that none be resisted, wanting to be at his side. In Terran surface, incarnated several times, always with his powerful magnetism and somehow a source of inspiration for the beings around him. Has his flame embodied in the system of the Pleiades, which also has a beautiful passage that cluster when it was one of the leaders of an army that helped protect the Pleiades when the galactic wars were at their peak. There, also met 0i (Zero i) again in his galactic clothing, created a magnetic grid to prevent the advance of the forces of darkness in that section. On this occasion, 0i (Zero i) met Cranu-Idini and also saw the great army of Blue Galaxy reach that cluster, among them, someone very familiar (IUD-IL).

Vithor has deep connection with Mikhael ,can connect with him at any time. Has at his disposal a legion of angels friends, who stood with much love at their disposal whenever he want and feel tired of low Terran vibrations. Vithor is still highly respected by the dark forces because, as they are arrogant, know and honor the strength and Vithor Love and his Legion of Light. It is an expression of the Creator’s Law on Terran surface and wherever he go.

It is being called by Pleiades 1 to paste the Law seal on the hearts of all inhabitants of the surface and Terrans astral planes. He is called to go in the lower astral zones and make known, leading to his seriousness and discipline at all that there are. It is called to rescue the lower astral Terran some of his legion of angels that ,when together to him, decided to try the low vibrations, eventually succumbing, failing to return to them original state. Vithor is also by nature a rescuer and the Pleiades 1 calls to rescue all souls who want a return to the Light. Being called to radiate his magnetism of love everywhere he is, as of course can attract to near him all, when he place his attention or even when he not put his attention. His magnetism is so intense that it can attract the densest heart and there is a chance to show that there is light, straight from the heart of the Creator.

VIVUS, THE UNIVERSAL ORCHESTRA = It is an expression / clothing in this Local Universe of Sirius A, but its essence does not belong to this Universe, but to the Sonar Universe. She is a very beautiful, feminine being. Long curly hair in dark blond color, more like pure gold strands. Use golden dress with bright celestial blue wires, looking like a beautiful robe of light. It has big eyes in dark blue tone. Her energy and aura radiate an intense blue and golden light, beautiful! It measures about two meters and thirty in height. Be strong personality, determined, courageous, very loving and focused, extremely observant and dedicated to everything she does. Her presence and tone of voice seem more like a universal symphony. Every movement, every single movement of expression seems to be orchestrated, and not by chance, in each of these movements it is as if they sang the most beautiful sound that can be heard. Her breathing, walking, gesturing, are “musical notes” of the most perfect mathematical attunement. When she go down to the denser areas for specific works, you can hear a melody accompanying her, a real sound orchestrated by the angels, but in fact all this is part of her own heart center, for she is itself a divine orchestra in all her movements. She is itself the divine sound, the SOUND AND VIBRATION OF LIFE itself.

From her two hands it is possible to see golden rays of light emerge as if she had a sun in each hand, and as these rays come out, one can hear divine sounds of very high vibration. When it strikes with both hands, there is another beautiful pulsating sound which, if there is any being of a low vibration nearby, is quickly leveraged to the high vibrations, such is the radiation and Light emitted in that sound. As already said, this beautiful being has no primary origin in this Local Universe. Although her first expression manifested here was in Sirius, her essence pulsates from the Sonar Universe …

The Sonar Universe is the seventh superimposed Universe of a Cluster of seven Universes. The fabrics and fibers that make up this Universe are sound and vibration. Thus, they emit for the other Universes the “SOUND OF LIFE” sustaining the WAVES OF LIFE in the other Universes, in a Cluster of seven others. The Sounds emitted from the Sonar Universe towards the other Universes are harmonizing, balancing and sustaining sounds of Life, specifically the physical-biological. The four main sounds emitted by the Sonar Universe are: OM (OOOOOMMMM …), ZIM (ZIMMMMMMMM …), Á (ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ …). UOM (UOMUOMUOM …). These sounds also harmonize the chakras of beings, putting them to spin in perfect order and synchrony, making them fully functional. In issuing these Sounds, as mentioned above, the being will feel a tremendous vibration running through their entire body, for it will immediately be in tune with the Sonar Universe.

The sounds that are heard in this Local Universe of Nebadon are reverberations of the Sonar Universe. All other Universes of this Cluster of Overlapping Universes retransmit “in their interior” the primary vibrations and the sounds originally coming from UUUUUSSSSS. (Universe Sonar – Verbalize UUUUUSSSSS – also causes positive effects in the Beings’ fields, helping to unlock blocked fields and release trapped emotions). The Voyager probe ( recorded these Sounds in outer space, proving, for those who hear them, that they are very powerful vibrations / sounds. Particularly, I, Gabriel RL, advise sleeping to hear these Sounds, as it helps in the balance of the Chakras as well as having a deep night’s sleep. Not to mention that, being “pulled” to be within that vibration, you end up becoming part of the sound as if it were a note and that without you, that sound / vibration would not be perfect. Here are some examples:

The cures that happen through treatments with sounds are very powerful. Listening to sounds at ideal frequencies ensures not only well-being, but also increases the vibration of your fields, which helps in many health treatments and can lead to incredible cures in all senses, both physical and mental. (If you are doing some other kind of treatment of some physical or mental issue, you can keep it in parallel to treatment through sounds.)

Here is an excerpt from a message from Archangel Metatron:


“Please note … your current society uses chemicals for most treatments of physical and mental imbalances.We assure you that earlier civilizations, from the duality stages of Atlantis, Rama, and MU, used sound in these cases. natural people bring a state of well-being – most of you recognize it. People feel more relaxed, calm and relaxed, when they are at the seashore, listening to the rhythm of the waves, and sleep more deeply listening to the rain fall, for example.

The healing of ‘nature’, by natural sound, occurs when one takes time to walk through a forest, realizing the sound of the wind through the trees, listening to the melodious singing of birds, the reassuring chirping of frogs and crickets. Humanity does not really need drugs to achieve balance. In such acoustic environments, the mind will be liberated and will naturally enable the deep therapy of the soul. In a natural process like this, the mind will not redirect anxiety thoughts, but will trigger an individualized flow releasing appropriate thoughts and images, which will offer solution and personalized therapy for each individual’s situation, for the healing of each person.

We understand that in ‘modern’ culture and times, walking through natural settings does not fit easily into day-to-day activities. If this applies to you, know that a song like ‘Ode to Joy’ can offer the same important benefits gained through nature walks as well as other benefits of different species found only in this extraordinary symphony composition.

When you feel bored, anxious or depressed, classical music and nature are far more beneficial than any ‘artificial’ chemical treatment. By itself, these sounds will allow you to face the source of the negative feelings and beliefs that led you to the imbalance of anxiety or depression. The approaches currently accepted by his medicine and psychology generally avoid this process, avoiding the confrontation with the origin. These therapies offer a temporary solution by changing the vibratory pattern through the ingestion of chemical elements, not allowing the true solution to face the issue and mentally working the problem.

Certain specific sounds of music and nature allow the listener to rise to a state of mind that enables him to reflect deeply on his own issues, to travel completely through them, and to come up with personal solutions … and thus achieve a more lasting resolution and a more balanced sustainable development. Unfortunately, most humans today are programmed to believe in drug therapy in which the ‘problems’ are chemically and temporarily ‘erased’, denying the individual the natural solutions to the mental process of confrontation available in the acoustics of sound and nature.

We urge you to find the cure that is at your disposal in the sound! “(Full Message:

(I channeled the Crystallization Mantra a long time ago, which helps powerfully increase the vibrations!) I am very grateful for the energetic support of the Sonar Universe:

The Sonar Universe is the one that inspires musicians in every way, giving them the ability to make accurate mathematical calculations of the energy that is emitted from this Universe to the Local Universe of Nebadon (where Earth is), and to install on that Planet a mathematically calculated harmonic sound, to activate the desired specific vibration. Needlessly, not all musicians came from the Sonar Universe, but they are all directly assisted by the Sonar Universe and perform their musical arts as perfectly well as any other that came directly from this Universe of sound and vibration. Some beings, besides Vivus – who are of primary origin of the Sonar Universe – are those who were / are known as Vivaldi, Beethoven, Mozart, Maurice Ravel, André Rieu, Beyonce, Carmen Miranda, Susan Boyle, Freddie Mercury, Enya, Johann Sebastian Bach and many others. The list is endless and here are just a few examples.

Another interesting point is that the Sonar Universe also acts as a Cosmic Expander. As it is known, the Universe, whether this location of Nebadon, Sonar, Magnetic, Geometric, Vitrol-X or any other, expands constantly and eternally, in a contracting and expanding movement, and in expanding, always gets bigger than its last form. Thus, the Sonar Universe is responsible for the sound / vibration ONE / UOM (UM-UOM-UM-UOM-A-UOM …), which causes the expansion to occur both in itself and in the Universes of its Cluster.

Another information about the Sonar Universe is that the Harps, as we know it on Earth, are a Creation of the Sonar Universe, reverberated in this Local Universe. Hearing the sound of a Harp is like sitting in the middle of the Sonar Universe listening to its main melody, starting from the center of your heart. And speaking of Heart, everything that is known as rhythmic pulsation in this Local Universe is a reverberation of the Sonar Universe, like the beat / pulsar of a heart and the contracting and expanding of a lung, for example.

Another point I can cite is that many beings coming from this Universe tend to be extremely pacifist, thorough, calm, and smiling. They can observe and take situations very subtly, not easily falling into the vicissitudes. They are extremely observant, nature-lovers, and most of them are usually caught looking at nothing as if they were looking for something. And of course, any “beating” with a wooden stalk can already turn into a wonderful orchestra. Obviously, these are not indispensable requirements for identifying a being in this Universe.

Vivus has passages / expressions by other Star Systems besides Sirius A and this Local Universe of Nebadon as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, Orion, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Vega, Libra, Local Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Chapel and many other known and unknown Terranian Star Systems. He participated in galactic wars on both sides of the Force, and on Revival Movements of entire systems. Because of these wars, he has been helping in the recovery of many beings traumatized by them, using their sweetness, healing heal, gentleness, and much love for their recovery. She also created chambers based on sound healers and reorganizers of fields, as regroupers of fragments, since in many galactic wars there were many nuclear explosions, from which they cause serious fragmentations of soul. (See more about soul fragmentation here:

Vivus has several passages in the Terrano Plan since the beginning of civilizations being in Sumer, Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and many points in the Middle East as Israel, and in the time of Jesus. There, along with Jesus, she was one of his follower followers very close to Mother Mary, who once asked her to assist her in maintaining the Points of Light. Mary left on Earth – while incarnated as the mother of Jesus – lights to sustain the immaculate human heart. When incarnate, Mother Mary received from the Forces of Light the mission to keep honoring God and sustaining Divine perfection in every Heart of Man, Woman and Child of the Earth. And as much as she was tempted to discredit that Love could flow from such hardened and barbarous hearts of that time, Mary needed to keep visualizing only the Light that existed there in that heart. And also keep holding up the visualization of the inviolable Trina Flame existing there, not yielding to the temptation to deny that there was Light there, that “Humanity would understand the Greatness of God and expand consciousness, anchoring Supreme Love.” Mother Mary created many points of Light on the Planet so that many, as we see today in prayers / meditations, would support these points. The various places of the apparitions of Mother Mary are very powerful points of Light, and all the beings of the Marian Command act to sustain this energy of the Holy Immaculate Heart of Mary, as well as of all beings on Earth. You, dear Vivus, are also part of this court, and every day at 6:00 p.m., a strong projection of this army of Light of Mary is sent to be reverberated on the Terran Surface.

Vivus incarnated in Mexico a few times, in France, India, China, many points of South and Central America, Portugal, Spain, Germany, in Ancient Mesopotamia, and many other points of Medieval Europe. She was in France and in many parts of Africa as Ancient Egypt, in the reign of Pharaoh Amenophis III. There she was one of the mediums oracles of Pharaoh’s court, conveying the voices of heaven to the court. It was also among those known as Equitumans (Vide: and Tumuchys: (Vide: She was also among the Mayans.

The Mayan Civilization was one of Earth’s rich and significant civilizations in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, where there was material and scientific development superior to that of today, with broad control of atomic energy. There was the “Birdman,” who flew in all directions in a special jumpsuit filled with energetic tubing. Among the Maya, great sages received instructions directly from the Chapel, because they had the “Direct Voice” and performed great phenomena. On that occasion, there were large Amacês (Stellar Mothers ships) passing by in flaring flight projecting the energy of the Chapel to that people. These ships kept those areas free from certain animals that posed danger to Men, but also brought instructions. However, they always did so without crossing the neutron (see Glossary of P1).

At one point, a group that was enveloped by the energy of ambition and, intending to have access to that technology in an unauthorized way, planned to capture one of the Amacês. In the movement, this Mother Ship, in its automatic system of defense, radiated a very intense energy, which ended up causing the disintegration of all that civilization. The Indians, after the event with the Mayan people, took over the cities.

In Theotihuacan a pyramid was built that was called The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which, because of its innumerable serpent heads, symbolized, as was already used by the ancient peoples, the representation of the Kundalini. By the very nature of the building itself, which was in stones but visibly very different from the others – the well-known pyramids of the Sun and the moon – one can note the profound difference of the techniques used in the two different epochs. There are many documents of various origins that deal with the end of a cycle on our planet, which would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting documents, after the Apocalypse of John, is what Mayan Astronomy left us. It considers the current era beginning at the birth of Venus in 3113 BC., and ending in December 2012, thus closing a 5,125 year cycle which would be ended with many movements causing profound energy changes on Earth. Such movements would be deeply touching Humanity and the climatic conditions of the Planet bringing in this way new ways of producing food and cleaning the water, as well as changing the whole magnetic and nuclear system in a global way, and also provoking a sensible alteration of the axis from the earth.

With the knowledge of the changes generated by the increase and decrease of sunspots, which were linked to various movements in Terran Civilizations, the Mayas had their sacred year of 260 days composed and based perfectly on the Sun. They knew that the cycle of and after 20 cycles (1,366,020 days), the magnetic field of the Solar Blade tilts and the Earth follows that movement, seeking to align its magnetic axis with that of the Sun. This causes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions , tsunamis, and other natural phenomena that ultimately move the planning of Man and his cities, fields, and food production areas. Current Science, with its modern equipment, has shown that the calculation of the Mayas is very close to the 1,366,040 days found in their research.

In many of his lives she was a priest, musician, Indian, pastor, tax collector, gypsy, healer, master and lady of slaves , slave, area explorer, mercenary warrior, builder, atomic scientist, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, amazon , inventor, white sorcerer, adviser, politician, soldier in the second war (when he participated with Colonel Stauffenberg of Operation Valkyrie:, and many other personalities on this planet, always experiencing the experiences necessary for her expansion of consciousness.

It is being called by the Forces of Light to receive this information with great love and simplicity, so as not to allow itself to fall into vanity, as this would hamper the process of anchoring this expression in the Terrano Physical Plan. Called to connect in much love with the Higher Spheres, asking that all this information reverberate positively in your heart. May these become sources of divine inspiration and radiate into your being, opening channels for greater connections, unlocking fields and leading you to a higher state of being on the Terran Surface. Call to tune in daily with your Singing and release it at a certain time whenever possible and, if you are in some unfavorable environment, do it mentally. This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and help you in uncovering the veils. It is called, with all its mastery, to radiate its Light and to rescue from the lower astral zones of the Terrano Plan many beings of this grouping that have been lost throughout the ages, so that together, by singing the most beautiful energy, they can heal many souls of their internal pains, crystallizing their bodies and transforming them from carbonic base to Crystalline. Vivus and all grouping! You are also charged by the Forces of Light to reverberate the Mantra of Crystallization so that it reaches as many people as possible.

Dear Vivus and reverberating beings of this Sonar energy! That from that moment you can be even more attuned to your Sonar heritage. May the sound of their hearts, striking the greater attunement of this Force, enable them to find the orchestrated harmony of the Sonar Universe, and thus may be the SOUND OF LIFE echoing in this Local Universe, as the most perfect representatives of the Sonar Universe.


Currently this Avatar / Being is incarnated and working with me within the Star Seeds team. Anyone who resonates with this Avatar, contact him directly through the contacts created by him at the link below. A Falange will be created by VIVUS, THE UNIVERSAL ORCHESTRA, and when it is, the contact links will be available here:

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Identify your Celestial Corner:

Gabriel RL.

Translation: Cintia Libório

VP RUSSO = Vladmir Putin

WORLD A.XX2 – ** = It is a 4th Dimensional planet, green in color. It is close to the Ursa Major Constellation. It is also close to the world of Shimmering, The Storytelling Fairy, who is going there to plant the seeds of virtue: encouragement, determination, confidence, perseverance, and faith. She plants in the hearts of those people, especially the children, through the telling of their stories, so that they never give up and always believe in the Light.

X-28 = Sectors in the negative astral that control the time in order to use it for its negative ends. Example: Storms created, tremors, heat and extensive cold, change of course in rivers, etc …

“X” (ARMY “X” OR “X” INTERNAL) = Planet X, base of the and

YAÍS, THE PRINCE OF THE SEAS = It is a primary expression /clothing in this Local Universe from the Sirius Star System (especially from Sirius B). Despite having its primary clothing in this Local Universe in Sirius, its essence is from the Geometric Universe. The Geometric Universe is a universe of pulsating and reverberant vibration in precise order and mathematical magnetic webs. The vibrations emanated by this Universe depart towards the Local Universe of Nebadon (Universe where Planet Earth is) and others. This intense energy has as its primary function to impress on the minds of beings, the awareness that everything is interconnected through precise Geometric Mathematics, which flows like a great magnetic web. This Universe guarantees, with precision, the geometric harmony in the interconnected systems. It is a Cluster of 17 Systems (Universes) that work from the Geometric Pulses of the Geometric Universe, that can be also called UGeo.

The Elders of the Geometrical Universe have said that “UGeo” is a Geometric Code of Frequent Adjustment which, every time it is verbalized, an energy pulse adjusts its vibrational field, arranging its physical and spiritual particles in perfect Mathematics. A pulse is issued at each verbalize of that code and once the verbalization is maintained, a heartbeat is generated, and you will initiate a process of returning to the original frequency. When you verbalize, you may experience chills, a feeling of chest tightness, and a sense of increased blood flow in your body. And, of course, it might feel like a big heartbeat. Don’t worry. Are your fields responding to the adjustment PULSE.

The Geometric Universe, as the name already says, Geometric, and everything that exists in it is precisely aligned on a specific frequency, like a heart pulse. And at each pulse, a wave of energy is emitted to other connected and “dependent” Universes of these pulses so that the geometric precisions in their systems remain adjusted. The quantum geometric forms of this Universe are universal universal keys of locks and locks. For example, when an interconnected Local Universe is undergoing frequency adjustments, the Geometric Universe sends key codes to assist in these adjustments. Due to these intense frequency adjustments, there may be side effects on the inhabitants of the tuning Universe, as has been said, sensations of pulsating like a huge heart. Universes function like a great machine that continually needs maintenance to always be in perfect order. The Geometric Universe is the maintainer agent and, if a piece “breaks” in the Universe of its Cluster, it tries to change it. (See more about Geometric Universe:

Yaís is a very beautiful, androgynous being. It’s a Bright Crystal Dolphin. Celestial blue eyes radiant. Your energy and aura radiate a beautiful sea-green light! It measures about three meters. Be of personality sweet, very loving, gentle, peaceful, helpful and determined. He is a guide and guardian of akashic records, as well as updater of the Planetary Magnetic Grid. He is a Prince of the Seas, one of the representatives of the powers of the great Poseidon and Yemanjá on the Terran surface. Inside PVSE is the first representative of Poseidon and second representative of Yemanjá. He is a regent of these energies, an expert on Planetary Magnetic Grid upgrades and Guardian of the Akashic Records. Yaís, along with cetaceans and other avatars of aquatic energies, such as Aquarius and Akashssa (, do great work harmonizing the aquatic and physical realms.

Beings like Yaís have telepathic ability with cetaceans. They communicate easily with the princes and mermaids of the great oceans, both Terrans and other systems of aquatic worlds. They have intense connection with the whales of the great oceans of the Delphinus System and other aquatic worlds. This grouping ensures that crystalline energies are perfectly anchored and scattered on the grid, so that everyone can benefit from it. They also ensure that all the akashic records of the Earth and all systems where they have their manifested expressions are secured, for they are like powerful “hard drives” of storage and guard all information of the system, preventing certain information from falling into negative hands.

The beings belonging to this grouping are also specialists in mantras. They chant for all plan where they are, powerful waves of energies in forms of mantras that radiate throughout the Terrano Plan or any where they are, bringing harmony, softness and commitment, since these beings are extremely committed and focused on their tasks . They bring to surface beings the energy of precision and commitment in everything they are doing, and by giving them that inspiration, they ensure that the person continues their discipline and completes their tasks. These beings radiate that energy of: “Why leave for tomorrow what can be done today?” And they really never leave anything “for tomorrow”. They are also beings who simply harmonize the chakras. They have been working for thousands of years to heal the most damaged chakras of human beings on Earth, which are especially the male heart chakra and the female basic chakra. They came to help unlock and balance these chakras.

They are extremely telepathic beings, and when incarnated in humanoid realms they have an easy capacity of concentration and telepathy, being able to focus very much, to enter the fields of the other person and to know what she is thinking and / or intending only by the energetic reading, already who are also experts in reading energies / auras. These beings have a special connection point between them, when they are in the aquatic kingdoms or outside them. Simply, in a concentration with their eyes closed, they draw the air through the nose to the lungs and blow through the mouth, making a faint sound of air. Not necessarily blowing the air, but letting it come out strongly with the mouth open, as if that air passed through the “sky of the mouth”, in circular form. This sound immediately connects this being to the other beings in its grouping, placing them immediately in the same energy and telepathic attunement, merging them into the same consciousness of the grouping, and after that, can sit down a bit and do a meditation to strengthen this connection. It is a very powerful exercise and they can do this whenever they wish, as it is a way they have found to keep this fusion with their grouping, in constant time. When this sound is emitted, it is as if all the aquatic beings immediately focused their attentions on the being that makes this movement.

This grouping is also responsible for the harmonic balance of the oceans, where they are more active, ensuring that life there remains in harmony and balanced with the forces that are emitted from the Moon, for example. They ensure the harmony of the tides, and also ensure the many portals that exist in these environments for special zones on the inner Earth as well as portals out of the Terran and Solar System. They are highly respected beings and, moreover, these mermaids, princes, and all aquatic beings can assume the humanoid form anytime they wish and walk on the surface unperceived, for they also possess a mystical ability to take on the form they desire, when they want.

These beings have a deep connection with the Devic Kingdom, and can heal many points of the Terrano Plan through organized and interconnected meditations, taking their eyes to places where the waters are polluted, rivers dead, seas / beaches contaminated by garbage and oil, as well as all disharmonious situations of this nature and heal these environments. You, dear Yaís, have the blessed touch and can heal the waters. Bless the waters of your home and / or environment where you are only with a subtle look or touch, invoking all the forces of your powerful grouping, invoking Poseidon, Yemanjá, Mother Yara, Oxum, all the princes, sirens and other aquatic beings. You will feel a powerful wave of energy running through your body. Do this by adding the previously said technique of pulling air and letting go by the mouth …

Not by chance, Yaís, beautiful to be mystic guardian of the oceans, you are also integral of the groupings of the Avatars of the PVSE called AKASHSSA and AQUARIUS. (Contacts of Akashssa and Aquarius: Yaís is also the same Meloni, of the Movement The Return of the Wizards (See:

Yaís is also one of those responsible for harmonizing the lunar energies that are directed to the great seas, causing these irradiations to arrive in perfect harmony and to guarantee the necessary movements, as for example: to increase the capacity of downloading and uploading cetaceans, especially whales, great guardians of the Planetary Akashic Records. Yais and his group at the peak of the four moons – new, crescent, full and waning – must do specific meditations for capturing these special lunar energies, which are fundamental to the entire aquatic kingdom, especially for whales and dolphins. Yaís is charged by Forces of Light to create / write four (4) special meditations for each of the moons. The Spiritual Forces will inspire you in these channels. You can also record them in audio and make them available to your group and to all those who reach this tune.

Yaís is also one of the representatives of the dolphins on the Terrana Surface, being a bridge to the energy of these beings on the surface. Yais also has a dolphin expression. In fact, he was once a dolphin in many of his experiences in the aquatic kingdoms scattered throughout the cosmos, especially in Sirius B. When in one of his many lives in Atlantis, for example, Yais was a specialist scientist in communication with cetaceans, especially the dolphins, when he developed a quantum apparatus of translation of the thought of these beautiful beings. Some people of the time did not have telepathic development capable of capturing the information brought by the dolphins, and Yaís built this equipment translator. Every day, many dolphins came to the water’s edge and many children sat to listen to the stories the dolphins had come to tell. Yaís kept the equipment switched on in case some of those people could not naturally pick up the messages. It was a quantum device that simply activated in DNA the brainwaves’ ability to understand the thoughts of dolphins. No apparatus was connected to people’s bodies. He just switched on it, and that device emitted waves of energy that made those who could not grasp the thoughts capable of doing so. That simple!

It is no coincidence that Yaís is incarnated today working with me in PVSE, with the mission of helping people to awaken their telepathic abilities. Yaís has great mental power, and from the moment of this consecration (receiving cosmobiography), a great force will be activated in his pineal, which will be transferred to all other chakras, especially the third eye. This energy is an energy of activation of that ability. Yais will be able to stare at people and these looks will emit powerful waves of energies that will aid them in their process of unlocking their telepathic channels. A Geometric Symbol of this phalanx was channeled by me, and in it the “Yaís’Eyes” are printed. Staring at the symbol will be the same as looking at it personally, and at the present incarnation of it. Symbol below:

Imagem aqui

Naturally, those tuned into this grouping, just by being part of it, will begin to have their telepathic abilities being further developed and the unlocking processes accelerated. When this begins, those who perceive a strong capacity to read thoughts and have their empathic fields strongly activated should maintain love and ethics above all else, for violation of this loving law will result in closure and further blockages of those capacities.

He was in many parts of the world, being in Lemuria, Atlantis (often), Egypt in the reigns of Pharaohs (especially Amenophis III), Medieval and Modern Europe, Italy, France, England, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Ireland, Greece (when was priest of the Temple of Apollo and also in another occasion, in the Temple of Poseidon), Spain, Holland, Rumania and some other points of Europe. It has also been in India and in some points in the Middle East such as Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria. It was also in the times of Jesus and, at the time, was next to Timóteo (incarnation of Zero i, at the time). He has been in several points of South, North and Central America, such as USA, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Guianas, Brazil and some other points of these regions. He has also been in Australia and some other places in Oceania. More recently he was incarnated in Russia, as one of the people very close to General Dmitry Karbyshev (, incarnation of Zero i, at the time. He was also among the Maya in Yucatan:

The Mayan Civilization was one of the richest and most significant civilizations on Earth in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, where there was material and scientific development superior to that of today, with broad control of atomic energy. There was the ‘Birdman’, who flew in all directions in a special jumpsuit filled with energetic tubing. Among the Mayans, great sages received instructions directly from the Chapel, had the Direct Voice and performed great phenomena. At that time, there were large Amacês (Stellar Mothers) passing by in fluttering flight, projecting the energy of the Chapel to that people. These ships kept those areas free of certain animals that posed danger to Men, but also carried instructions, but always without crossing the Neutron. (See more on Neutron here: “

At one point, a group that was enveloped by the energy of ambition and, intending to have access to that technology in an unauthorized way, planned to capture one of the Amacês. In the movement, this Mother Ship in its automatic defense system radiated a very intense energy, which eventually caused the disintegration of that whole civilization. The Indians, after the event with the Mayan people, took over the cities.

In Theotihuacan a pyramid was built, which was called The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, for having, in its construction, numerous serpent heads, symbolizing, as was already used by the ancient peoples, the representation of the Kundalini. By the nature of the building itself, it was made of stones, but, notably, very different from the others – the pyramids of the Sun and the moon – one can notice a profound difference of the techniques used in the two different epochs. There are many documents of various origins, which deal with the end of a cycle on our Planet, which would be the beginning of a New Age. One of the most interesting, after the Apocalypse of John, is what left us Mayan Astronomy in which considers the current era initiated at the birth of Venus in 3113 BC and ending in December 2012, closing a 5,125 year cycle. This would be closed with many movements, causing profound energetic changes on Earth, as well as touching Humanity and climatic conditions, bringing new ways of food production and cleaning of water, and also changing the entire magnetic and nuclear system globally and a the earth’s axis.

With the knowledge of the changes generated by the increase and decrease of sunspots that were linked to various movements in Terran civilizations, the Mayas had a sacred year of 260 days composed and based perfectly on the Sun. They knew that the cycle of spots solar was 68,301 days and that after 20 cycles (1,366,020 days) the magnetic field of the solar blade tilts and the Earth follows that movement, seeking to align its magnetic axis with that of the Sun. This is what causes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena that ultimately move the planning of Man and his cities, fields, and food production areas. Current Science, with its modern equipment, has already shown that the calculation of the Mayas was very close to the 1,366,040 days found in their research.

In many of his lives he has been priest (clerical), priest (minister), priest, priestess, gypsy man, gypsy woman, healer, shaman, slave man, slave woman, lord, slave lady, master and planter, architect, hermit, nomadic, librarian, adviser man, adviser woman, inventor, diplomat, philosopher, medical, agronomist, atomic scientist, geologist, geologist biologist, amazon warrior, genetic engineer, medieval warrior, metaphysics teacher, greek warrior, monk, oracle, frei, nun, abolitionist, army general, poet, painter, pirate, sailor, ship captain, astronomer, nurse, nurse, orator, atomic scientist and many other personalities on and off planet, always experiencing the experiences necessary for his expansion of consciousness. (Remembering that some of these lives / experiences may have occurred on other Star Systems, not necessarily on Earth.) I see the professions that appear on my mental screen and / or the mentor blows directly into my ear and places them here.

He is being called by the Light Forces to receive this information with much love and simplicity, so as not to allow himself to fall into vanity, as this would hamper the process of anchoring this expression in the Terrano Physical Plan. Called to connect in great love with the Higher Spheres, asking that all this information reverberate positively in your heart, that they will be sources of divine inspirations and radiate in your being, opening channels for greater connections, unlocking fields and leading -o to a high state of being on the Terran Surface. Called every day to tune in to your Corner * and send it at a certain time whenever possible, and if you are in some environment that can not be away to a quieter place, do it mentally. This will create a very powerful Momentum of discipline and will help in uncovering the veils for you. Called to focus on the great oceans and telepathically call their oceanic family of cetaceans and exchange information needed to assist them in implementing the Crystalline Grid on the Planet. They, cetaceans, are anchors of crystalline energies and magnetic developers. It is also being called to help the great cetaceans to ensure the protection of the large records stored in their fields, preventing malevolent forces from taking possession of them. Being also called to, with its charm and vocal vibration, attract negative entities to be captured and taken to the recovery ships. (Such entities become “hypnotized by their charm” and their transforming gaze, and fall into the trap set by the Forces of Light. This blessed being acts as a “bait of Light”). It is also, as has already been said, responsible for the creation of the meditations mentioned above. You, Yaís, along with Akashssa, Aquarius and so many other Avatars and blessed beings of Light have guaranteed the support and protection of the Akashic Records on the Planet, as well as ensuring the upgrade of the Crystalline Grid thanks to their efforts together! The Light Forcesthank you! And of course, the great Whales too, these powerful akashic “hard drives.”


It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Currently this Avatar/Being (Yaís, The Prince of the Seas) is incarnated and working with me within the ‘Equipe Sementes das Estrelas’ Star Seeds team. A Phalanx can be created by him, and when it is, the contacts will be available at the following link: Anyone who resonates with this Avatar and with the energies of that specific work, contact him directly through the official contacts at the link above.

* Identify your Celestial Chant:

On a final note, my dear ones, some people are creating pages using the names of some Avatars and reports that I am bringing, saying they are the representatives of these movements. Alerto, all the official pages of these movements are available in the following link, and anyone who is NOT on this list I am not responsible for the information delivered:

Gabriel RL

YALDABAOTH = the negative plasmatic Octopus connected to the Earth. (Similar to: – It’s a plasmatic energy being. One of the fallen angels mentioned on scriptures. It’s some kind of leader to archons. He’s controlling them, because he manipulates a large amount to plasma, in this Solar System. This entity came from a certain sector of Andromeda Galaxy, passed in Orion and, finally, stopped in the Solar System. This plasmatic being, I would say, the plasmatic body of this entity is turning, slowly, into pure light, as the Light Forces are moving forward. (A little more about the subject, on: e

ZERO I or SEEDREAACK 0I (ZERO I) – (GABRIEL RL) – See “SEEDREAACK 0 I” in the letter “S” = It’s a Magnetic Being, of Overflowing and Universal Love. It came from a Magnetic Universe not yet known by the Humans. Its name SeeDreaack 0i (Zero i) is a celestial code: 0 = Unit within the Command. i = Represents expelling energy. Representative of the primary energy of Creation. Energy Action – Mikhael’s Legion Blue Primary Force. Especially “Zero i” – when its name only being verbalized in the lower astral planes and on the surface, it disintegrates negative currents. The code also identifies it in the multiverses. “Zero i, this Magnetic being, recently received an upgrade in his energy field, known as ULT (Universal Love Transmitter). He spent 170 (one hundred and seventy) Earth days receiving direct energy discharges from his Magnetic Universe, which Allowed to be updated on the Earth surface and to become one of the direct transmitters of this Magnetic energy of its Magnetic Universe.

More recently, in yet another profusion of information, more information about Zero i has come, asserting that he is also the GUARDIAN OF THE AKASHIC RECORDS, LOCAL UNIVERSE. This means that he, being the Magnetic Being who is at first his mission on the physical plane, would not be bound to this task of being able to access and bring Akashic Records of this Local Universe. This access was given to him, due to his commitment in the Physical Plan, with his well-known mission STAR SEEDS, where he has the task of Gathering the Seeds. (See more at: This being has the support of the Ancients of Time and Akashic Records, as well as Cetaceans, in this mission. In tune with these forces, he can bring any Akashic of this Local Universe (and also of other Universes) only by projecting his consciousness into the specific frame, provided it has a higher purpose. It has a deep connection with the Guardian of Time, where they work together from the very outset. Its purpose is to harmonize and illuminate the past time lines needed, as well as bring the new of the future lines and integrate it into the present timeline. This being is of an extremely expressive spiritual baggage, and to him it is being entrusted, within the PVSE Group, this responsibility of Guard and Honor of this Universal Power. This being is already known by many and, despite having several names, the Pleiades 1 calls it ZERO i.

Zero i has various clothing on the highest planes, among them an Elder. This Old Man’s outfit is, let’s say, a universal garment of his. He can assume it in whatever dimension he is, and present himself thus. In another, he is in a fifth-dimensional dress and is a stellar commander working on the 5th / 6th Dimension Ashtar Command.

In the dress of Zero i, is active from the 7th to the 13th dimension. It is the dress of Commander of the Star Seed Mission in the Astral Plane, Galactic and Earth Physical. Zero i has a humanoid appearance, being fairly tall at about 1.80m / 2.00m (that’s what I can see in my vision). His appearance is masculine, masculine traits. When they approach him, androgenia can be seen: the perfect balance between masculine and feminine. The hair is silver and combed back. He has large eyes that blend between blue and silver, and a strong and penetrating look. His overalls also blend between silver and blue. He has a posture elegant, serious and very sweet.

From the 14th dimension onwards, it is most often seen as a silver energy ball, blending between three shades: Silver, Blue and Pink. When in the Magnetic Universe, universe from where it came, it could be said that it is an Angel.

It had passage in the local universe by the Pleiades, Cocheiro (Auriga), Sirius and other systems not yet known by the Humans. He had great influence in the creation of the Earth. Helped in what it can in the Earth project. Incarnated in several points of Planet Earth. In Egypt, for example, when he received from God the opportunity to lead a people of a certain dynasty. By all means – Amenhotep III.

He was in great Human battles: he was a Medjai warrior; Was in Sparta (Greece); Also was leader of an army that tried to save Jerusalem from the destruction; Then, in the Earth astral planes, helped in the protection of the Holy Grail; Was also alongside Alan Kardec. And, more recently, as a general who tried to bar Hitler.

In the current Local Universe, he usually resides in a large Mother Ship. At this time, he works simultaneously on three points: Earth Plane, Astral Plane and Mother Ship. It now acts as a window on the Terran physical plane for this energy coming directly from the Magnetic Universe , From where its essence belongs. In this, it was opened to greater contact with the kingdoms of Earth nature, water, fire, earth and air, because of this update.

He is a very loving and humble being. He does not accept praise easily and, when he accepts it, he is serene in the soul because he knows that he is just another one to serve the Light. His loving magnetism is like a powerful attractor: he attracts many around him because of the intense positive attraction that his heart exercises.

He is a being who holds great universal secrets and, in many of his lives, suffered at the hands of darkness for trying to wrest powerful codes from him, which he gave his life many times to honor high places. He is also an interstellar guardian protecting the portals and wormholes of incoming negative entities in certain universes. He recently barred a huge draconian army from entering a certain universe … In one of his universal personalities, he works at the Ashtar Command and in another, he is an Elder Counselor, where he inspires people to have Faith.

Belonging also to the Monad of the one who on earth was known as St. Francis of Assis and, with much Love, placed himself at the disposal of this loving being to serve and help wherever possible the enlightenment of the Humans, showing them the power of the Faith and inciting The divine inspiration in the heart of every Human.

This time he was called by Prince Mikhael to gather thousands of Star Seeds on the Earth surface. It is one of the many dials of the way that came the Earth in the service of the Light and to the call of Mikhael. When in the spiritual zones, in a large gathering of thousands of universal groupings that were ready to come to the Earth zone, it was unanimously chosen within their grouping as being the one who, when incarnate, would help them to remember who they Were. Very moved, he knelt down in front of everyone (he was in his robe now), and he cried. Those in the hall saw drops of Light fall from their heavenly eyes and these Drops of Light were seen falling to Earth. He was applauded by his grouping, and then he got up and went to each one there, one by one, and kissed them on the forehead saying “So be it!”

It is a being extremely sensitive to energies. Next to it, it is necessary that the highest possible vibration is maintained because it manages to capture any negative fraction and that, somehow, when in the Earth plane, it ends up making it sad. He does’nt consider himself better than any other being, but he wants to show with all his heart what each being represents in creation. When very happy, it shakes the darkness and dissipates it quickly. When sad, it looks like a beautiful sunny day that is suddenly covered by thick dark clouds, and everyone around them feels the intense change of energy.

No being outside of a loving alignment can stay very close to it unless it is in the same tune. The radiation emitted is so tremendous that either the being enters into the same tune or moves away, because it can not withstand the vibration. And, likewise, it may be so simple that it is confused with the flowers of the field, especially Zantedeschia aethiopica. “

He is surrounded by an army of Light who has stood ready to assist him in the work of gathering the seeds. It has direct connection with Mikhael, being one of its rays in the Earth physical plane. It is also one of the rays of the one that in the Earth plan was called of Akhenaton. She is also currently working on the energy of the Ascended Master Rowena and Master Nada. He has the constant protection and guidance of Archangel Gabriel, who inspires him in the selection of materials that will air on his Star Seeds website. It is currently one of the channels of the spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, SaLuSa of Sirius. It has its flame incarnated at present on the physical plane.

Due to its nature, I would not like to expose this information, but relented at the request of its team on Earth and P1. As already mentioned, it is one of many Paths on the Earth surface. Its total grouping has about 100 (one hundred) million souls, in which about 55% of these souls are on the Earth surface and the others are in the astral zones, both lower and higher, and in the ships around the Planet. The souls closest to him, those who have quickly understood his call to awaken, are those that help him to awaken the others from the same grouping. He is a very simple being in the gaze, but he shudders anyone when empowered in the Light he brings from his Magnetic Universe.

It is always in constant updating, being able to be talking with some Human and, for some seconds, to take his gaze to the horizon … In these moments, it is working in one of the other two planes: Astral or Mother Ship.

It was also called by the Pleiades 1, thanks to the seriousness with which it conducts its work in the physical plane, and thanks to the simplicity in its heart that maintains the energy anchored, allowing the entrance of more Light – in this case, the P1.

ZEVLHON-UNIDI-CRYSIL (OR ZECRYL-UNID) = It’s a Conscious Energy generated by the interaction of the MJ (Magnetic Junction) on the surface and etheric and astral planes. It’s a Unity Consciousness and can also be considered a highly potent POSITIVE “Virus” that is being inserted into the Planetary Grid in order to dismantle the negative information that has been inserted into it. The own interaction of MJ already acts in a highly potent way in the dismantling and reprogramming of the grid, and this third awareness generated from the interaction of the MJ is as if it were the individualized consciousness of this interaction, the code of Powerful Unity, with the maximum “Love is the alchemical force behind everything in creation.” Where this awareness can act, it does so with great authority and Love, dismantling negative programming and transforming the most hardened beings into the sweetest and subtle ones. Not that they were not before, but this consciousness / code acts strongly in reprogramming, reconnecting the Being to Loving Unity, where nothing is impossible when the Alchemical force is at work. “Zevlhon-Unidi-CrysIL (Or ZecryL-Unid)” can also be used as a reprogramming and invoked code, since it’s a high awareness generated from the MJ, being able to act in deprogramming and dismantling of negatived algorithms.

ZONE T = Astral Space of Israel.

ZONE 9 ANAGRAMIC = It is a negative etheric space where devotees live to move energies of separation and discord. They create complicated situations, stirring intrigue, mistrust, insecurity, disharmony in every way. Their intention is to separate people away from each other, trying to prevent any disharmony between two people from having a happy closure, inspiring the parties not to adjust either by apology or simply to get well after a heated discussion. They incite the parties and usually the most injured party in the discussion, insisting, showing “how much that person who hurt her is not worthy of his presence and love”, deep down they do not care if they get well or not, just feed on this heavy energy of disagreement and disharmony. They are also experts at making people (of course, those who give energetic openness to it) not comply with their words, making them unreliable people. They are people who, when incarnated on Earth, were greatly wounded and hurt by their love, friends and family, and when they were disincarnated they kept all this hurt, joining in affinity in these black valleys of pain and suffering, feeding those forces there and acting again on the surface among the incarnates, acting according to their sorrows. When some of these beings “ascend in the hierarchy” among them, they become “advocates” and act by taking on the pains of people who have been very hurt, injured and disrespected. They leave in defense of them and obsess those who consider them tormentors, and of course, try to influence the wounded person to move away from the aggressor, showing him that “you deserve someone better near you”, denying any energy of reconciliation and amorousness. But there is some hope in the “lawyers,” if they perceive in the one who considers the sinister energy of sincere repentance and desire for improvement, they are deeply touched by the body of pain they carry, taking upon themselves that energy of repentance, and alas, there is an immense chance that this “lawyer” will be elevated because he has sensitized himself with this energy of sincere regret.

The P1 calls all the Avatars of the PVSE and related to assist in the illumination of this Zone, helping to free these souls trapped in their bitterness and resentments. Showing them the energy of forgiveness and unconditional love. May the love of Jesus illuminate these souls and free them from their pains.

It is as far as Jesus allows me to see and transmit.

Gabriel RL

4TD*U&L= Fourth Dimension, Upper and Lower

444-Local = Media Communication Sectors controlled by MiD and “air”.

The others used terms on Pleiades 1, are intuitively understood by linear mind, dismissing, therefore, major explanations here.


I hope, in some way, I could bring to you elucidations about the messages on serie “A QUICK NOTE ABOUT THE SITUATION”- from our friends of spheric energy Pleiades 1.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

IMPORTANT: Before ending this exhibition, it’s convenient explain that I’ve already had the information about the existence of “consciousness spheres”. During the course that I canalized, “Initiation/Course: The path of Multidimensionality – taking consciousness of parallel realities”, El Morya, the inspiring Master of this course, dispose the student in meditation and leads him to meeting these consciousness spheres, proving, that way, the accuracy of the information. It’s recorded on course CD, between 00:30:00 and 00:31:20 of the counter. Here the transcription of excerpt:

“… The Love pulses in your heart. Quickly, you’re taken to a place, a place unique limitless, with no walls, no ceiling, which emits only intense white radiation. And, in that place, you can notice others physical. Only energy. There’s thousands of them!… Thousands of consciences. Billions of consciences. Trillions of consciences!… Until the Infinity. And you, completely in peace, feeling all the Love that compounds yourself. You unify yourself to all of them. All of you now, are just ONE CONSCIENCE!…” (About the course, get more information here:


To Candido Pedro Jorge and Pablo Felini, members of my beloved team Sementes das Estrelas, by previous elaboration of TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS USED on Pleiades 1.

To Tânia Zanelatto de Campos e Solange Yabushita by textual revision.

To Davi Aguiar, by contribution on searches.

To Luís Fernando Rostworowski by the prodution of the sample video.

In love, blessing and Light,

Gabriel RL

(A little more about me, CLICK HERE:

English translation: by Sementes das Estrelas / Cintia Liborio / Candido Pedro Jorge / Daniela Carvalho / Filipe Novais / Flávia Grimaldi / Leony Nogueira / Pablo Felini

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