SaLuSa - "The Human of Cristalline Magnetism - Family Relationships - Holographic Games" - 10.18.2015 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “The Human of Cristalline Magnetism – Family Relationships – Holographic Games” – 10.18.2015 (English)

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Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o Inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui


Gabriel: Please, dear ones, read in tune with the song below. I particularly recommend to put the music in a pleasantvolume and then read the message aloud. You may feel wonderful vibrations of light in your bodies.

Good evening to you this physical side.

Indeed, there is a lot going on in your world. Truly, the intention of which belong to darkness to create chaos through holographic games, is real. However, as Gabriel usually speaks: “One thing is one thing, another thing is another thing.” (Smile). They wish that’s one thing, however, put into practice is another. There is a lot at stake and they know that we are steps ahead. Any attempt to trigger general chaos will be paralyzed by our forces. These are already in domain and many points in strategic places to take what we still have no control. Any movement that is not in the original plan will be allowed. Constantly monitor your sky and we have a few times in recent weeks, avoided meteor fall on soil causing local destruction. Similarly, we ensured that warheads are not detonated, thanks to our technology that each warhead located on Earth. Our scientists through our computers, monitors all the time Mother Earth movements. Our guardians of order monitor the steps of which belong to darkness. Believe me, dear friends, we know where each of them. There is no reason to panic and, as was said, the Creator decreed that the beloved Earth would not be destroyed again and we were instructed to ensure this.

The Light is gaining ground and even those most skeptical gradually can feel something different in the air. They know that, somehow, something is happening and it has called for internalization. The dark Ones are realizing the increased light, seeing that many who were previously on their side now began to rise into the light, they despair up and articulate how they could return to power and bring back their puppets, which held his plans through low vibrations. We say that it is no longer possible.

Beloved, do not give credit to any situation that brings them discomfort. Believe that with the increase in your vibrations, as well as with the rise of Mother Earth, the high frequencies become very exposed the darkness. What we mean is that not focus on the idea that may be fooled by holographic games or not Confederate ships that could invade the planet and cause widespread panic. When you are in the Light, nothing is hidden. The higher your vibration, the more easily will notice someone trying to trick them. Light is light, beloved! And all that is not in the Light will be exposed in order to be no doubt about who is who and what is what. So there is no reason to fear, in any way, dear.

The crystalline energy is rapidly turning its magnetic field and many of you are becoming moving light vortex. The dark Ones know this and fear their self empowerment. Many of you are already being taken to crystalline chambers. When they return to Earth, they come with extremely high radiation and that has magnetized positively those around them.

We know that in many of their soul plans, you were placed in families where the vibrations are contrasting and undermine their power. However, if there are, that’s where they should act. Act with love, radiating all love their hearts and illuminating those souls around you. I know that many of you believe that getting these families means is “your karma” will be invited to go to other areas, when sufficient light anchor there. Do not worry when you feel the call, it will be clear so that no doubt will remain that your service to the Light, there, over. Not a soul was born to be locked in to the pain and suffering. You’ve been to Earth to be the anchors of Light and are doing it wonderfully. Be alert to the signs that their souls will give them and we can say many, who “puts its bags”.

Many who have long been dormant too, to the point of not realizing what was happening around him now rise quickly with the constant movement of energy and with the help of crystalline magnetists. A crystalline Magnetizer can involve beings in your loving aura, and quickly transform the energy field of another being. Many of these magnetic beings are very active at this time. These magnetic forces of Light can also be seen in direct action through positive actions of whistleblowers to come to the public, as we talked about earlier. These whistleblowers bring their dossiers with genuine information of everything that was taken from humanity, and crimes against the people. Such courageous beings attract the attention of many other beings and, through that magnetism of light and truth, create a positive snowball effect that has increased considerably. We can tell them to expect more and more magnetic beings appearing in the media with important information. And no doubt, little by little will convince everyone the truth and show those behind the crimes against humanity. Those responsible will be exposed and ask the love of all for them, love for these souls stand up and return to the Light.

We know that for many of you, forgive those who have a dark line of your way may not be so easy. However, we guarantee that forgiveness, love and peace are what will lift them quickly. As has also been said by our beloved (*) Ashtar: “Do not think that forgiveness means the exemption from liability to bear the consequences of the acts, but forgiveness is a powerful energy that will enable them able to stand up and win their redemption in the Light.” Therefore, always keep your focus on the Light, forgiveness and love for everything and everyone. So quickly activate your crystalline magnetic field and can help other souls to achieve the same vibration pattern.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our messages, as you can see, tend to align more and more due to the expansion of consciousness, as the channel transmitters are aligned in frequency and can convey our form of information that a complete another. (**) The Crystalline Grid is brewing between all human beings and that interconnection is undoubtedly its power as a collective. There is no dark force that can stop them when they are aligned as a collective. And they do not need to do much, beloved, do not need to be aggressive to defend themselves from hostile beings. Only your positive magnetism will be your shield of protection. Always remember, beloved, everything is energy. The denser matter is energy. 

It is a great joy to talk to you tonight.

A break our embrace … Feel it.

Be at peace.

Are in the Light.

Gabriel: Grateful my beloved, SaLuSa!

(*) Ashtar – “The beginning of the disruption of the negative plasma / Solar Heat / Turbulent Feelings / Forgiveness”

(**) Note: The beings that inhabit the Ascended Spheres act as a group, as a single body. An angel of Michael Legion’s is own Michael, wherever you go, for there is no separation between Michael and the angel, they are connected by an intense radiation of light. On Earth, this network has been broken due to separateness, when men they saw disconnected from each other, which caused the weakening of humanity as a people and left her vulnerable to negative interference. Now, this network is returning to its former glory andthis is something that those who belong to darkness most fear

See more of my channelings Here

English translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Melk Sales / Valéria Albuquerque

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