Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

Those who still do not understand what’s going on are worried and seek answers in many different ways. But thanks to the Creator’s love, they find light workers committed to the truth and, from then on, begin their path to their inner realm to find what they so eagerly seek, the answers to their concerns, which are nothing else than the call from Higher Self to align with the new energy.
Dear ones, you are constantly feeling how much this is intense and how what you have been told is actually happening. The most sensitive perceive the change in such a way in themselves, and hence around themselves, that even if they wanted to they would not be able to return to the old energy. It is a wave of growing love being anchored in your heart and your Higher Self is calling you for the distribution of this wave, horizontally from your physical space. Here we ask Gabriel that, if possible, along with his partners to create an image that can illustrate what we mean.

While the energy peak point approaches, you will feel the Light expand more intensely in your hearts, and obviously, we ask you to let yourselves be carried away by the growing light. There will be no setbacks from here, beloveds, and as you were told earlier, the dark Ones know that their time is coming to an end and as more Light is anchored on Earth,more their supporting bases are being dismantled. The most important base that they keep, although still for a short time, is the fear generated by human hearts. But, as the Light is gaining expansion, fear is fading and giving place to strength and courage.
Soon ,you will see more whistleblowerscome to the public to bring more information that points towards those who desire the extinction of mankind . The bath of information will be so intense that it will be too much for some people, in this case, dear ones, you must come forward with your Light and appease the exalted moods. Justice will come, and with it, we ask you to keep love in your hearts.
They will be hectic times, indeed when the large movements are initiated, and you, lightworkers were prepared for those times. Do not doubt that you are being assisted and guided by your guides and mentors, because as you step into the new energy, easily you will realize their communications with you.
The light will only grow, and the ones most skepticalabout the changes that are actually taking place, when they start to dive inside themselves due to the Great calling, will join the already awake. Thereafter, in snowball effect, the pressure on the dark Ones will cause them to shrink and there will be no other way but to surrender to the growing Light and be aware that their time is over .
Those who hope that by the end of month they will witness mass ascension, or any global view of our ships, as well as an invasion of the draconian ships, or global destruction by a space object, we say that these events will not occur. Be aware that in fact our spaceships are hovering over your heads, but we, in respect to all human species do not intend to scare those who are still asleep. We have permission only to, in some cases,perform regional appearances, so that little by little, those more discredited begin to give some credit, slowly advancing.
Our mass arrival, as well as landings on beloved Earth, will become real, when our allies on the surface and the upper heavenly forces are in perfect alignment, and when there is no more risk of reprisals from the dark Ones .
However, expect very intense energies for that day that will drive advance as a collective, and those more receptive to this energy will find more answers to their questions, as they will easily perceive a rise in consciousness.We will give you times when energy pulses will be more intense between the 27th and 28th of this month (September): 3:03 a.m. – 6:06 a.m. to 9:09 a.m. – 12H12 – 15h15 – 18h18 – 21h21 – 00h00. It is indeed very important for you to refrain from any conversation where the focus is not the Light.
We will give a break to Gabriel so that he may be in his silence, as we recognize that the intensity of the incoming energies on the planet affects you and calls you to greater physical rest. This request is also to you, beloved family, to seek physical rest as much as possible, so as to anchor this energy into yourbodies in the best way possible.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as spokesman of the Galactic Federation, on behalf of all who are part of our fleet, I thank you for the opportunity to bring you some information that we consider important for those who are open-hearted to the new energies, as well as those who, because of information that ismoved around to cause more fear, are frightened by the idea of some worldwide catastrophe in the end of the current month. We assure you that this is not the will of the Creator, but rather that you quickly reach your higher consciousness and Gaia hasher physical body restored to its original divine form.
Be in peace,
Be in light.
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