Archangel Michael - "It's a real leaven your focus / Decree of the Blue Light Tube of Protection" - 06.28.2015 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Archangel Michael – “It’s a real leaven your focus / Decree of the Blue Light Tube of Protection” – 06.28.2015 (English)

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Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o Inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

You have seen a lot going on, many extreme movements, and they have balanced you a lot. Those of you who have never been to an amusement park are having the opportunity now because it is really what you are experiencing. The Up and down of the roller coaster of forces that has shaken you in every way, purged old energies and prepared you to receive more light.
Dear, as you see, nothing will remain hidden for too long, since this current sweeps everything on its way, raises all the curtains, raises all carpets and puts them face to face with truths previously hidden and truths that before you had not conditions to digest. Now you are ready. Yes, we cannot say anything other than “ready” because the swings that came from all sides left you strengthened and safe for what comes next. And what’s next? Well… as you are ready we will say: comes the confirmation of all what you always expected. Comes the palpable evidence of what you always expected. Want more? Comes the ability to transmute old energies more easily. Even more? Comes your freedom as a whole, and you will not be fooled by low vibrations. You will know quickly discern “this of that”.
Oh, dear masters, in this whole process in which you are immersed, and always aided, recognize that certain things injured you is part of the process, but better than recognize this is to let it go. Yes, let it go. This does not negate the fact that you were injured in some way, but letting go is the balm that will close this wound. No longer sustain the past in your hearts. Do not give power to situations and people that in some way, and you cannot deny it, they passed on your way and were instruments and tools that helped you to mature and to look more inward. Today, you see yourselves important and value what your heart speaks, instead of giving importance to what others say; this is to value and to love your feeling, putting yourselves first.
So put yourselves first now and leave the past behind, not giving more credit, nor sustaining more the old energy. You do not realize yet that the power that others have over you is the attention you give to this? That a situation does not improve until you stop putting your focus on the “This is not going well, that’s not good”. It´s not necessary to say: “this is great”, in most cases, simply take the focus and the “thing” is resolved as if by magic. Yes, magic exists. Magic is spiritual science. Do not stir the formula and it will not explode unless you already have dominion over this science. It´s over there that you are going back. To the place where the magic happens naturally, and when we say “there” we do not mean a place but a state of consciousness.
You know, we’ve talked that on some occasions, but it bears repeating. Everything that you put attention strengthens, grows, multiplies. It is a true leaven your focus. You put your attention and this develops rapidly, especially now, where the ability of you to create is getting more powerful. So pay close attention to what you are putting attention. Pay close attention. If you look in the mirror and do not like what you see, it will reverberate very quickly. If you believe being sick… Well, you do not want to continue it, you know.
Dear, my noble, I gave you my sword so that you can use it and to cut the impregnated dry branches of old energies. Invoke my blue lightning and I, as promised, I will discharge this energy and cleanse where I be called:
Archangel Michael (3x) and the whole legion of Blue Fire angels,
May my Light to unify on your Light and I be protected and supported throughout my way. Nothing and no one has any power over me because I Am what I Am.
I’m surrounded by a tube of Blue Light of Archangel Michael Protection. I unify myself to Your Army of Celeste Blue Light Impenetrable and all the negative currents that surround me cannot penetrate this tube. All that this tube touch will be transmuted into Light.
I’m here, conscious of me, of my oneness with God and available only to the Light!
(Recite aloud and visualize what you recite).
Before ending, for now, I want my Presence to be felt. I wish that Faith is praised in your hearts. I wish the soft comforting breeze of my legion of angels is felt by all of you.
For today, we believe that’s it. It’s enough for reflection.
Oh, dear, we love you so much. Know that.
We’ll talk more soon, here or there…
Gabriel: Thank you, dear Michael!
See more of my channelings Here
See more messages from Archangel Michael Here
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga

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