Mother Mary - "Your bodies have the answer" - 06.02.2015 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Mother Mary – “Your bodies have the answer” – 06.02.2015 (English)

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Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o Inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui


Please, dearones, read in the tune of this song:



Beloved Children,

That the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.

Beloved, I am always present in your lives, present in every moment yours in a way that I can see, feel and embrace every moment you experience. This moment of pain or joy, I am present. Today I got to my son Gabriel by surprise, and I dictate this message in his ear for him to relay it, my beloved. I want you knowing that I am present in every moment of your paths. I am present in the life of each one of you and at any situation you can feel and call for me, who am your mother always with an open heart to hear you. Do not think that I present myself just a few moments, beloved, I am constantly present. Just as I got to him, of the same way that it was a surprise to him, I’ll get to every one of you. When you least expect.

I invite you, beloved, to be open-hearted, because this is the time of your heart. It is the time, dear children, to listen to the heart… And both the heart and the mind, speaks to you through your bodies. Pay attention to what your bodies say… They always give you advices about whether you are or not in the divine flow. Your bodies are extensions of the Source, dear ones, and through them, always will obtain the answers to many questions which you wish to solve. Watch, beloved, when you are in a situation where you have need to make a decision and at the moment you do not know what the best decision. Observe the sensations in your body when you think in option 1… And after observe the sensations in option 2… This will give you clarity and ye shall know what decision need to take. This is your very common question: “Should I do it or not?”, your heart will always talk to you what you shall do, what is the best way, while the mind will also try to put their response, it generates conflict for some. Be aware of the sensations of your body, in this case, it is the best way.

Hearken to what you feel. Attend to the physical sensations. I know, dear ones, that I often could make it easier for you by giving a direct answer to your specific questions, giving answers to some of your feelings, some mixed feelings, however, in some cases, I might be taking from you the opportunity to feel, so that you may enjoy the moment and so expand your consciousness, your perception field. Beloved, you will always have everything you need on your way, and be attentive to the signs of your bodies is a big advantage on the road. Therefore, so often, we see you and wecheer to you can capture the messages that your bodies through the sensations deliver you.

Allowbeloved, thatthings happen around you without stress and discontent. Often, the self charging prevents you to see beyond, beyond this your reality, beyond what your egos dictates you. Let yourselves feel everything around you, being open to the signs that you always will be delivered as much by your bodies as by the nature that surrounds you. The law of synchronicity is there, beloved, hoping you entering into tune with it so that it can act in your lives. Realize that the more you are aligned with the Source in your heart, the more things happen in your favor, because what the Creator wants is that you may have success in your ways of Light. And the signs that to you are given are by divine goodness in the hope that you realize through your bodies which are the vehicle by which most signals enter and are expressed.

Something new comes to you, dear, something that has manifested in you desires increasingly vibrant of joy and love, and at this time what I ask you is that you may be surrendered of heart to be always one step ahead of what is said by your mind / ego.

Beloved, I leave you now pouring over all of you my blessings and involving everyone in my mantle of protection, because I Am Mary, Your Mother.

Gabriel: Beloved Mother, Much Gratitude! (Tears …)

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga
See more messages from Mother Mary Here 

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