Ashtar – “Physical and Energetic Adjustments / Earthquakes and eruptions / Recycling” – 05.13.2015 (English)

Ashtar – “Physical and Energetic Adjustments / Earthquakes and eruptions / Recycling” – 05.13.2015 (English)

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Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

Please, dear, read it in tune of this song:


Greetings, family.

The world is moving fast to visible changes, so that all of you, dear humans, are involved. Involved in many ways, physically and emotionally at all the time, especially now, because you put yourself open to Light, allowing it to flow through you and bathe all others who are around you. With this, help Mother Earth in its energetic adjustment process, relocation of tectonic plates and other systems of this beloved Planet, so dear to all of us. Mother Earth is moving and squirms in release of old energies and you, dear teachers, need to be aligned with your heart in order to be perfect anchor of help efficient in these adjustments. Helping also, through your meditations that create powerful energy vortex that aids in the removal of the dark forces.

Yes, beloved, you can meditate wherever you are: in your sacred space, while walking, while bathing, while you shop. You can be in this meditative state at any time. Naturally, you also will begin to realize the need to be silent; it is the internal call, the call to internalize. Obey it. Be silent does not necessarily mean stop talking, but no longer be in tune with your egoic mind. When you leave this tune, silence and fullness comes, even if your mind keep talking, you observe it and do not get involved, what leave you in peace, in the silent state of peace, in meditative state.

Recently, much of this silence was lost, as you could see when Mother Earth freed itself of the old energies. Physical lives are transformed during many of these necessary adjustments. Many wonder and even beg for our intervention with regard to these earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and others Mother Earth adjustments. Dear, as you can see, we are more active now than ever before and our ships are registered many times during these processes. Our help is given to the point where we can. In some cases, we cannot move forward, because it is private affairs of souls involved directly. You will see our activities worldwide of most frequent form, especially where tectonic plates are more fragile and subject to displacement. That is why we are constantly asking for your vibrations of Light through good deeds, which do not only help Mother Earth in its transformation required as enables us to approach when your auric field is illuminated by the Light of your heart. Meditate and in its state of expansion of consciousness, take Light to the fire ring, and to where you feel you should take your Light. We will be advising and guiding you to the points where negativity is impregnated and needs to be cleaned, so that, when clean, is smoothly and without much inconvenience.

In addition to the necessary changes on Mother Earth, a lot happens in government and interplanetary background and if they are not seen directly by you, are felt of   inner form. Your internal “compass” and “thermometer” are always guiding you which way to go and how goes the process of the planetary liberation, as well as you feel every day an increase in your level of consciousness in order to see yourselves having attitudes that in a time ago you could not have it. For example: let go an offense or aggression against you, so as not to maintain a sense of victimization, because you are increasingly aware that anything other than Love should not be kept in your field. You are at every moment being blessed by your space family that comes in numerous fleets and settles around the Earth, ensuring that those who refuse diplomatically to deliver the planet (dark forces) do not escape beyond this solar system. As you can see, nothing will be able to change the destiny of the Earth and its inhabitants. The Creator desires freedom and empowerment of all.

Dear, you cannot deny how different you are and so many sensations that you had in these recent months, as a result from the shower of Light you are having and, consequently, your increase of awareness. I told you months ago that would experience changes in inner level and I invite you now to do an analysis of how great were these changes. I invite you to read my message given months ago. I ask here to Gabriel deliver you the link for that message. Reread and reflect*.

Beloved, I wish to speak to you and ask you to keep your hearts open and are always in process of internalization. Just like that you will be able to be at peace and will be safe about the veracity of certain information delivered to you by various means. The brothers vibrating in the darkness, struggle to remain in your midst and to control all of you and the resources of the beloved Earth. They struggle with final card, launching misinformation to confuse you and stun you. When you keep up centered in your inside, will never be confused because you will be always guided by the internal “compass” and “thermometer”. Many people wonder and ask us how to listen to the heart and this is simple, when they allow so. Dear ones, for that we need to be with a quiet mind and at peace. You need to be vibrating Light. It is necessary to avoid judgments, criticisms, situations that bring you stress and everything that brings you imbalance and sadness. The voice of the heart is soft, light, a sweet whisper, but precise, it is need to be stripped and with lightness.

We say that no message from us will give you the idea that we are your saviors, but your brothers that will not to do your work or wish to be deified. As you know, we want to be considered only brothers to walk together because the Source, the Source energy flows in all of Creation and each one is master of himself.

In these times where truly the battle for your souls occurs, you should be aware that the only winners of your souls must be yourself. You are the masters waiting for your own souls. You are the masters who claim all your sovereign right. Another thing you should be aware is the fact that none of us see you as inferior beings and deprived of mercy, because you are the manifestation of the Divine on earth. You are your teachers and saviors, as so often we have said. We, your brothers that watch and guide you, we are always by your side in order to help you to meet with yourself along the way, with your Divine part. Help you to recognize yourselves as divine beings. Everyone of the Star Family wish that you recognize this fact. Recognize that there are no superior or inferior and that all are immersed in the great divine cauldron. Even those who are currently serving the dark forces.

The campaign of misinformation occurs and we invite you to trust in the heart. We have said again that many messages coming to your eyes, said coming from us, are not and can know this by using your heart. I invite you again to read the message which I talk about it and I leave you free to feel your inner **.

Walk making sure you are always well supported, that we are present watching every step of your path, as well as honoring your Light. Thus, dear, it is natural that you start to see the extent of your work, when in every gesture yours, you realize reverberate more forward, affecting positively those around you. Be aware also that your actions as affect many in a positive way, can certainly have an adverse effect. You have a great stellar magnetism activated in you that makes everything around you take gigantic proportions, according to your mindset. You are a vortex in great potential and where you go, your vibrational field embraces. You can turn a chaos environment in peace, of stress on harmony, of hate into love. You can.

It’s a huge responsibility towards everything around you. Each step you take reverberates powerfully. Of this way, you are a great help to the souls around you who, in some cases, are out of balance and stress. Involve them with your magnetism of love and we will also involve everyone with our affection.

That you can feel the family’s energy in this message so as not to have doubts. That you can feel the vibration in your hearts and the warmth, because that’s what we want to convey you. Something that makes you vibrate positively, something that gives you the assurance that comes from your family. Something that your inner certifies to be genuine. The “thermometer” never fails. Realize it.

I, on behalf of all who now watch my communication with you on Earth, wish you constant peace, love and fullness. May the Force of Christ, the Beloved Jesus Christ be with all of you.

And so it is.


Your brother,



Gabriel: The Ashtar asked me to let available here links to the most recent messages he gave me during these months, so that we can calmly re-read them all again and pass on to those who feel that we should. If he asked to reread it must to be something we missed. So here I leave the links:

* “The next six months for you / Be by the feel”

** “Who is Ashtar? / Mission and Purposes / 5 criteria to be analyzed in the messages”

“The beginning of the breakdown of negative plasma / Solar Heat / Turbulent Feelings / The forgiveness”

“Cleaning the corruption / manufacturing Peace”

“Flow like water among the rocks / Pleiadian Vortex”

The Star Family thanks the opportunity to bring some information, leaving everyone free to follow the path they wish.

Gratitude, beloved Family, Gratitude!

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica

See more messages from Ashtar / Ashtar Command Here

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