SaLuSa – “Advances without backspaces” – 04.06.2015 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “Advances without backspaces” – 04.06.2015 (English)

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui 

May be noted clearly, the increase of the energy
around you and how they have led you forward. Realize that you are taken two
steps forward, while due to some beliefs rooted in you, one is given back. In
this step back, you may come across things that need to be set aside, such as
old beliefs and prejudices that try to keep you trapped in the old energies.
However, soon come the Light impulse that makes you take two steps forward. And
thus it has been until now, one step back and two forward. It is always up to
you to definitely stop of taking that step back and always walk straight toward
the new that is already there, right in front of you.
It is known that many souls are still asleep and
you will come across with them starting their awakening; this will happen,
principally in the family environment. Many of you have seen that many of them
begin to worry about their spiritual welfare, which did not happen before. Now
these people who are awakening come to you to wonder about certain feelings
they are having. They see in you, friends they can trust and are attracted by
your magnetism of Light. Dear wayshower, it is the time to open your hearts and
with examples, show the way to the souls awakening now. Do not let the vanity
interfere trying to put you on a pedestal as saviors, but allow yourselves to
be the servants of Light, and with open heart, be willing to guide of the best
way, when you be requested. Remember at all the time that you must to help when
requested and never impose anything. Give freedom of choice and let your
similar at will to decide for himself which path to follow.
You do not need to do too much when called to help,
just be examples of love and Light and you will be copied wherever you go. In
your family environment, is normal to initiate discussions about right and
wrong; at such times, do not enter to give opinion spontaneously, but let your
Light be seen and felt, because of this way the attention will turn to you,
waiting for a loving and peaceful word. When you are anchored in the Light, you
don´t need to do too much for the attention turns to you, as the high vibration
brings a positive magnetism that attracts attention wherever you go and your
words will be like a Light blowing in the hearts of the listeners. For some
people, this may seem pretentious, but we would like you to consider that all
Masters who walked in the earth drew crowds with their magnetism of love and
Light, and it will be no different from any one of you that carry the same
mission: To be an example of love and Light.
Anchor Light in your hearts and let the universe
take care of bringing souls who need to hear your words. Maybe they will just
benefit themselves from your energy. As you already must have noticed, many
people come to you with some discomfort or problem, and when they leave you,
they leave full of gratitude saying they feel better. Many of them come in your
way through many ways. Some can approach you without any claim to hear a kind
word; can happen of a bump in the street lead to a conversation on a weekend
afternoon coffee and later to hours of conversation. The Universe is perfect
and is always orchestrating situations that you may help someone else fulfill
their soul plan and, as a result, your own as wayshowers.
Let yourselves be led by the Light and always you
will be in the better paths. There are always those who criticize the life for
the lack of opportunities that apparently are denied by it. Let’s fix this:
Life is always ready to assist you, but you need to get in a positive flow to
realize your desires. The souls who receive direct aid, receive it, because not
only believe on it, but also manifest the help through positive attitudes. If
the life does not go well in your view, what is left for it to improve? Just
that you let the universe work to your favor. Of course, some other souls may
exclaim: “It’s easy you say it as it is not with you that this
happens.” In this regard, we say: Stay in a state of denial and
criticism improved your situation at some point? If the answer is
“no”, at least, accept once to bless the life of all your heart and
surrender to the full love, after that, you will see what happens. Certainly,
you will say to us that your life has a positive jump (smile) –
 It is
not the life that wish you badly, it just want you changing your focus to what
is positive. And often, it finds no alternative but to shake you, in order that
you may realize that.
Abandon the old beliefs that you are unsuccessful
and unable to create a full and happy life. You do not need too much, only need
to be a flow channel. Repeat to yourselves that you are incapable and that life
is difficult, or even that you should suffer for your support will always keep
you in this state. In fact this is not true. You will be able to change your
lives with constant positive affirmations.
I leave an affirmation that you may repeat whenever
the step back is given, so that you may give not only two, but several steps
“I am the absolute magnificence. The life is
wonderful with me and everything flows so that I’m always full and happy. I
have absolutely everything I need for my life and I am always available to the
Creation, to be pure example to all who seek me. I let go all belief systems
rooted in me, I dissolve them in the Light of my heart. I appreciate everything
I learned by those systems, but now I let them go away, so I can give my steps
forward without further backspaces. Thanks to life, thanks to all that came to
me and will still come. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and together with the
Company of Heaven we bless all from our meeting station, the Mount Shasta. We
hope that you may be in harmony and that you may have all success and blessings
in your lives and that your steps forward be accelerated.
Be in Peace,
Be in the Light.
Gabriel: Thank you, beloved SaLuSa, thank you very

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga
See more messages from SaLuSa Here 

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