Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
Please, dear ones, read it listening to this song:
Please, dear ones, read it listening to this song:
Greetings, Family.
In these times of accelerated energy, you can see how they have caused a great movement in your lives to the point of leaving you upside down. We would like to invite you to let your guard down and get into the game. Enter peacefully in the synchronicity of things and let them flow and let you be the travelers of this big wave. It is natural that there is fear in some, since for a long time, you were not used to the idea that you are travelers. You have held firmly the reins of your lives, believing that you were the one who controlled the flow of it, when in fact you are flow travelers. Trying to control things as if you were the only ones responsible for them only left you tense and nervous, because you never got the control of the life as you would like. What do you think about now relax and drop the reins and to trust in the Divine Flow? This is our proposal today.
My dear, no one controls the flow of life, absolutely. You have control only over how you will behave before the flow. A river does not change its course for you to pass through it. If you need to cross it, life will give you the options for this, if it does not give, means that it is not necessary to cross it, and if you try to cross it, will be going against the natural flow of life. Follow the river flow is always the best choice, since the ego, in the most of time, try to get you out of the natural flow. If you open up to life, it will create a path of roses every step of your way.
The new energy is constantly showing it to you. It has shown of such way that is shaking everything around you. Dismantling the old vibrations, the unreal trails, unreal lives… The new energy is the energy of Truth and Synchronicity. It is the energy of the Divine Perfect Flow. Truths will come, secrets will be revealed and nothing more will be hidden. You are entering the New. The new without masks, the new blandly, the new without stress, the new without pain, where you will look at your brother and will know what he is thinking. There will be no reason to secrets, that you have already noticed. All that is in the most intimate, hidden, will come out. Be in the flow and will experience it. The new energy drives the positive synchronicities and you will walk sure that you are being guided by the Light. Light from your own heart. The Light from your I AM.
Allow the synchronicities happen, is to allow the Divine to guide your lives. We do not mean that you need to be irresponsible, on the contrary, we mean that if you relax, you will achieve your positive goals quickly and effectively. Life will bring multiple opportunities during the day for you to enjoy the positively. Going against this is to turn unlike the natural vortex, what will force you to work much harder, so that you will wear out more and you will reach a point of exhaustion that will make you fall exhausted.
Recently, a powerful Pleiadian portal was opened and thousands of ships of the Pleiadian fleet entered your solar system and are, at this point, radiating a powerful energy of love and flow. Many might feel this wave that is getting stronger every day and will intensify in the next few days. This energy will accelerate the time around you and will make events taking place faster. Just relax, dear children of the stars, just relax and allow yourselves to be in sync, going with it positively and without resistance.
If you need to go to a place and all conspire to prevent this from happening, just relax and breathe. If you need to do something important and all conspire to prevent this from happening again relax and breathe. Do not stress or despair. If you surrender to the flow, be assured that what is best for you will unfold. And this incoming energy in your space is a hand so that you can surrender to the flow of lovingly and happily. Believe me, dear ones, the Creator does not want anything other than your complete satisfaction and happiness, surrender to the love in a serene way, without putting barriers, so that your life be in fact a bed of roses. This is not utopia, this is real and deep down you know it. You know, because whenever you tried to go against the nature of things, you did not get along and always that you relaxed things seemed to unfold so well that you came to scare. This is how it happens. Drop yourselves and enjoy the ride. You can manifest wonders when you are in peace. Oh, yes, you can, dear ones!
How many times have you wanted something so much and were frustrated for not having that something? Lost patience and harmony and, of course, the situation has not evolued to the positive at the time of stress, however, when you relaxed and even gave up of the thing, it just happened? When something needs to come to your lives, it will come of one way or another. If it will come quickly or slowly, it is up to you, dear humans expanding.
One thing is to be determined, another is to be stubborn. The Determined is always ready to embrace the opportunities that life gives you positively and with Faith, is always with open heart and moving the energy of creation. The stubborn usually fight against the flow and does not accept anything but their point of view. Do not open room for flexibility, neither see the syncs positively, but sees life situations as obstacles to overcome and fight fiercely against them.
The stubborn walks on a road of sharp stones judging be determined by injuring and hurting himself. The determined relax in their Faith and peaceful nature, entering the synchronicities of the vortex; it turns into water and slides between the stones in order to arrive faster in their objectives and without injuries.
The Pleiadian energy is there for that, so you glide smoothly between the stones. Believe me, you are helped more than you know. The Pleiadians now wish to give you a word:
Greetings Beloved, we are the Pleiadians.
Friends of the Earth, beloved family, we as your traveling companions wish with all heart to be with you on this path. We know that many despair, and often lose hope. We wish that the blessings of heaven fall upon you and you are fully and that your faith never goes out. The work is constant, never ceases, and you were already too far to give up now that are so close to the aurora. There is not much before our ships can be seen in greater numbers on Earth, but before that we need the largest number of beings being aligned with it. Many may feel discouraged, since what they see on their TV news is the opposite of what we say, but you may already know that what your media portrays should not take credit at the time. Evaluate with your hearts and you will know what actually has happened in your World, and see that there is more Light than ever before.
There are many not awakened souls that need your help, that need your loving support. In your vibrations of love, move the Violet Flame of Transmutation of the beloved master and guardian Saint Germain. This loving being is between you and wish wholeheartedly that you are attached to him in this transmutation work. Radiate the Violet Energy to the whole world, so that all non-awakened souls receive the Flame and will awaken. Do not require anything from them, just send your love.
Understand those who are in a fury and disaffection position, remember of not to judge, because it is not with the energy of judgment that you will succeed. Stay centered in love and Light, confident that you are being assisted. We are very happy for thousands of our ships have recently entered into your system. You may have a closer connection with us, just wishing it clean and with open heart.
We have created now a vortex of Light of our love, and involved you now in this vortex.
Close your eyes, relax and truly feel our hug. If you can stay 15-30 minutes with your eyes closed and in tune with us now, or when you can, we would be happy with the connection. We remind you that during this connection, you may experience slight dizziness, feeling of levitation, a light pressure on the head followed by light whistles in your ears. Do not be scared, it will be natural. Some may feel your chakras spin quickly, some other may feel body tremors. We warn you to do not be alarmed. See you soon.
We love you without condition.
Your Family.
Dear, in the energy of the Pleiadian family, I bless you all, wishing that you have this moment in your hearts, allowing this energy to bring you all to the positive synchronicities and that you can embrace them with love. Do not resist the light, dear ones, do not resist. You are Light, nothing more natural than being in your vortex.
And so it is.
Your brother,
Gabriel: Gratitude, beloved Family, Gratitude!
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica
See more messages from Ashtar / Ashtar Command and
Pleiadians Here and Here
See more messages from Ashtar / Ashtar Command and
Pleiadians Here and Here
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