Galactic Confederation - "Spontaneity - the expression of your Divine Nature / Parallel Realities / Multidimensionality" (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Galactic Confederation – “Spontaneity – the expression of your Divine Nature / Parallel Realities / Multidimensionality” (English)

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)   

Art of “Marcelo Dalla”
Gabriel: Hello, family, today, I would like to
deliver this message of a different way. I want to leave here a little bit more
of how this process of channeling works with me. A little more behind the
scenes… I hope you enjoy. Thank you for all the support and affection ever.
Happy reading and reflection.
At 14:30 on 12/01/2014 day I felt your presence. I
sat in front of the computer, I did my protection and irradiation prayers and I
handed myself to the flow, putting myself available to write your words.
Greetings from Confederation.
The Canal open space, filling the heart with love,
allowing the Pineal Portal to receive our communication.
He must to remain in this state of love and
surrender, so that our message is received fully and without interference from
his mind. For this, we always recommend to visualize the Christ Sacred Flame
from the Central Sun of your Galaxy. Indulging or “putting yourself
aside”, as you say, he allows the energy flow freely run in his whole
being, which enables us to speak freely through him. Make a connection, you too
dear reader and listener, with the Flame Yellow-Gold, to receive all the
necessary codes.
The Channel thought we would talk about the Pineal.
He started the message with the title “Pineal” but lovingly we told
him that it was not what we would like to talk about today. He did it because
during the day, he was with the youe of the pineal in mind and asked us if we
were handing this title. Well, that’s more a “cue” to us to explain a little
more about this process of channeling.
Note, clearly, that in many cases there are
messages ours with some of the channel’s mind touch, as previously mentioned.
We never condemn anyone for that, but we reserve the right to ask for license
and to say “Hello, is not exactly what we are delivering to you right now,
please restart” (Smile). That’s what happened with this beloved channel
now. He was with the subject of pineal retained on his mind, due to another
message from us delivered about this same youe and because of a question from
another loved one who asked the channel to talk more about the pineal, which
we’ll talk in our next message. While sitting in the chair, to reveive our
message, he brought quickly from his subconscious the subject of the pineal,
thinking that this “get” information was ours, but in the case, was
not ours, but from his own mind.
Again, we say that we understand and rejoice in
being able to tell it. We stay happy that he permitted us to bring it to the
public, since it is a peculiarity of him as a channel. The unlocks happen with
the delivery of love and the filters are easily removed when the power of Faith
and acceptance to the flow happens. We always recommend, dear ones, that you
remain in a state of fullness and contemplation of life. This is a direct
channel to us. Believe me, we’re on your right side now. Believe? (Smile), not
being able to see does not mean that we are not there, right? Oh, the skeptics
… (Laughs …)
Let us finally bring our message of today. Today,
by the way, we would like to talk about spontaneity. How
do you consider yourselves, dear humans? Do you consider yourself spontaneous
or inhibited? Many of you sometimes allow yourselves to tie up the everyday
situations and refuse to act, naturally, of the way you would like more to
express yourself.
How often you have failed to give a smile or even
sing in a square of spontaneously and freely way? “Ah, but it must be in a
square?” (Smile). And why should not be? It could be anywhere that you
simply wish to do. You see how far you are led by the energies of the reality
in which you live? These energies that prune you, this is the best word we
found. You allow yourselves to be pruned. And we would like to be still more
direct: Until when you are going to deny yourselves? Until when you will deny
who you truly are? Oh, dear ones, if you see yourselves as we see… Oh, if you
saw… Believe that it is only a matter of time, of an own time of you, so you
can express yourselves as you really want.
There are some nodes on you and we would like to
help you untie you: First, put yourself in a position to recognize who you
really are. Look, look at you right now. Enjoy yourself… Watch each member of
your body… Keep looking, touching your arms, legs, chest, head… Feel your
body, feel that you are present. Second, embrace yourself, give yourself a nice
and warm hug. Close your eyes… Feel this hug, feel how good is to be loved,
feel it… Now, go inside of you… Ask yourself: what prevents you from being
who you really are? What prevents you from moving forward in your life happy
and spontaneously? What prevents you from expressing yourself in the world of a
cheerful way and without fears? Oh, dear ones, you are so loved. We ask you
permission to take you to our Light Chambers. We ask you to allow these nodes
to be untied. We ask you to believe in the potential, strength and Light you
Many of you are not spontaneous by mental
programming. Ah! We knew that someone would question “But I am spontaneous!”
Oh really?! (Smile). Being spontaneous is to be free, happy and confident
always. Being spontaneous is something that put you in a higher state of
existence. Higher not in the sense of being better than others, but more in the
sense of being in the higher vibrations and let yourself be bathed by you. The
mental programming imposed on you is being disabled. A light virus entered
the system and is destroying bit by bit the information implanted in your mind
by third parties.
Let us say: you know that remaining yourselves in
high state of vibration burn these manipulatives information of your mind? You
knew that only by decreeing that you are free and want to serve the light,
opening up to the New Energy you anchor, releases a magnetic current that could
destroy all information implanted in your brain? Just wish and it will be done.
My dear ones, always act with love and respect to all, even to those who
imposed you same things to prevent your progress.
Act with spontaneity put you in direct flow now. Act with spontaneity prevents the
entrance in your energy field of low quality energy, as well as the approach of
vampiric beings. Act with love and respect always, love is your greatest
weapon. The way you give the example of simplicity and love puts you in
complete safety.
Be spontaneous, is simply to be free, light and
loose in the flow. Different than what happened in the beginning of our
message, our channel was not being spontaneous, was not allowing the flow
freely and we warned him: “It´s not of Pineal we will talk about today.
Let us enter and relax. Now is with us (smile), just be in the flow” –
 Spontaneity is to let the divine current to flow in you, in order to
relieve you of all negative charge that surrounds you, and so act of a natural way.
Realize that when you are afraid of something, are unsure about something,
apprehensive, worried, anxious… All this is a non-spontaneous state of being.
This prevents you from acting spontaneously.
You, in an environment where there are several people
you do not know, may times you stay retracted, thinking if must to say
something, if you should to pronounce yourself, or even tell a joke, is not it?
You usually think… “Hm, what do I do to break the ice?”, right?
(Smile) – To this, we say, would be insecurity, right? Yes, insecurity, fear of
the reaction of others? Afraid of what they will think of you if you speak
something or do something that puts their focus on you? Yes, that’s it. You can
deny it now, but you know what we mean. So, in this situation, we just invite
you to breathe smoothly, learn to surrender yourselves to the divine energy, to
your own divine energy that flows from your heart as a light waterfall, it
allows to flow more and more energy to your whole being, passing by all your chakras.
We tell you: if you make this brief viewing in a moment that you are unable to
be spontaneous, see the result immediately.
Be spontaneous, we´ll leave more clear, it is not
to be inconvenient. Being spontaneous is simply Being and act of the way that
leaves you well and happy without fears of being labeled of anything that your
ego will tell you. Just be, my dear ones, just be who you are without
self-prisons. Every prison is a self-prision. Is not the other who arrest you,
but you allowed to be arrested. When someone looks ugly to you because you
acted freely and spontaneously to give a smile, how do you react? Allow
yourself to hold the look on you or remain in joy and lightness preventing
anything to get you from your full state? Let the spontaneity energy to flow
through you and smoothly. No fears. Simply breathe and let it flow.
The energy of the non-spontaneity closes doors for
you. It always puts you in embarrassing situations because that is what you are
attracting when you do not let youselves be as you are for fear of what others
will think of you, or to follow the idea that “This is not my place”.
And what would be your place? Your place is where you are, my dear human being.
Your place is exactly where you are now doing what you are doing and acting the
way you’re acting.
We say this because there may be some questions
like… “And someone who is hurting someone else, this person is doing
well, acting right? This is her place?” – Well, let’s try again clarify
things for you: First: Being spontaneous is to be free, light and loose, as you
say (Smile); Second: “Do not judge” is another great attribute of
spontaneous people because they do not like to judge people and situations that
are created. They don´t question whether what they feel like doing is right or
wrong; if they feel like singing and dancing in public, they do it, regardless
whether they will be ridiculed for it. They just feel like doing it and do it.
This is to be spontaneous, this is one of the attributes of being spontaneous.
So if someone harms another, the spontaneous and free being does not judge that
action, it just keeps acting with spontaneity and lightness, without allowing
the flow of judgment contaminate their being. In other words: each one is
acting as must to act through their own creation mechanisms. This means that
when someone hurt another, there is an energy over him that says so it must be
done and it is up to him to deal with, in the same way that it is not for
anyone to judge right or wrong as such action.
Gabriel, take a break, we will continue soon… (Gabriel: Pause in writing at
14h57 in the day 12.01.2014. I will continue when they return to appear)
Retaking the message on 12/03/2014 at 21h27
Gabriel: Hello my dears, can we continue?
Greeting from the Confederation
Yes, we could, but the barking of your dog took the
concentration is not it? (Smile)
Gabriel: Hmm, yes, actually. I freaked out and
lost my balance. I thought: “Damn, just when I will sit down to
channel” (Laughter)
Confederation: Yes, we understand. The flow must
always remain. Breathe, soon we´ll be back. Harmonize up. When you enter in the
flow we will deliver the message. Better that way forever.
Gabriel: Pause so I can align myself and find my
center. Day 12/03/2014 at 21h38.
Taking up the message on 12/07/2014 at 22:00
Gabriel: On this day, I began to feel their
presence. I sat in the computer and imagined that they were going to dictate me
a message for me to write it. But this time was a channeling of another way,
that I am also familiar. They connected directly to my voice and spoke through
me, the message was recorded and transcribed. Here is the transcription of what
was said:
Our channel open space, open the heart, put himself
at the service in this moment, allowing our approach and connection on this
occasion with his pineal and heart chakra. We would like to continue our
message, my dear ones, so all of you can receive all the codes that we are
sending with this message.
Connect now with your hearts, and thus allow the
energy to flow, the energy of the spontaneity, the energy of your true state of
being unified with the Fountain. At this time, in which the continuation of our
message is heard and will later be read in three realities, we can say
different. We know this can be very, very strange to some. (See: 
Living in simultaneous realities)
In this case, again, we ask you to keep the flame
of the heart alight, so than the codes can be accessed. In each message ours,
in which different light codes are sent, these codes that help you in various
situations you experience. Especially with this message we are merging two
specific codes: Blue codes and green codes. Later on we will try to explain
more about the features and capabilities of these codes.
These codes are always offered in our messages,
these codes when captured with its full power, connect some buttons on you,
they activate some dormant capabilities on you. They allow you to look beyond
the words spoken and reach the dimension where we are. 

My dear ones, one way that allows the complete absorption of these codes is your spontaneity, as we said, you need to open space to be who you really are. We know that you have heard that a lot from us, but we insist, because each time you read our messages, a lock is transmuted and more codes are absorbed.
Each one of you lives in your own universe, we may
say so, live in your particular dimension, however you live together in the
same space, however you see each other. This is possible because many of you
who read our messages, that are reading especially this now, are faced
constantly with beings truly experiencing another reality, in another state of
The multidimensionality comes from the conscience
first of all, and to the extent that this consciousness expands, the physical
body becomes just a simple vehicle of movement in one of the realities. May
also arise another question: “So why I still do not see myself moving
between realities?” The answer is simple, my dear ones, because in one of
the cases you still tie up yourselves to the idea of having and being in a
physical body, that, in this line of three-dimensional thinking, would prevent
the interdimensions trip. So we did it, we delivered similar packages to two
consciousnesses. These two consciousnesses brought the information to the continuous
timeline, in which both still support the idea of being in a physical body, and
by the vibrational union, they expressed in the same point our message. (
See more information, Here and Here)
We are the Galactic Confederation and we love all
of you. Is like this, always.
Gabriel: Gratitude always!

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jessica Braga 
more messages from 
Galactic Confederation 

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