Diana - "The Gratitude" - 03.09.2015 - Sementes das Estrelas

Diana – “The Gratitude” – 03.09.2015

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui 
Hello, Seeds

I received the visit of an illustrious presence for us humans incarnated at this time. It´s about Princess Diana, Lady Di, as she was known. She left us a beautiful message, which I wrote down, however not literally, because there was no simultaneous transcript or recording of the message. I hope you enjoy.


Read the message listening to this song, if you wish:


Hello, beautiful workers of the well. I come with joy, to talk with you.

In my earthly life, I had many opportunities. Had all the opportunities that God could give to any son, to do what I wanted. I had a lot and often I questioned whether it was necessary to have all that I had, especially when I was with people who didn’t had what I had.  I was very grateful, the whole time I thanked God for the beauties that I lived and for everything that was composing my material world. I was grateful for the people that I knew and loved. The gratitude has always been present in my life.

Despite this, I was not completely happy because I didn´t listen to me. Felt the need to be with myself, get into my interior, but I haven’t done that.  I was always full of compromises, concerned with following protocols and agendas, when in reality, I needed just to be with myself. I wanted just some alone time.

In the midst of all this, what really made me happy was to see the eyes of the people who believed in me, who saw on me a hope. Those moments were the happiest of my life.

When I left the beloved Earth back to my home, Venus, at the beginning I felt like there was something missing, something unfinished. My incarnation was stopped abruptly and, for me, something was missing. It was then that I received the immense affection and love from the people, all that energy of love sent to me gave me courage and strength to move forward.

My message is to be always grateful, always thank. This sacred energy of gratitude engulfed me my whole life, and today it is an inseparable part of me. Gratitude is the quality that allows the existence of all other qualities. Everything is learning, all the situations experienced on Earth serve as learning, that´s why you should thank to all, even the problems. I am grateful to all I lived, I am grateful for the good events and also for those which  brought me pain, I have gratitude even by those who planned my death and kept me away from my children. I am grateful to all I lived.

It was a great pleasure to talk with you all. That the happiness of the gratitude involves your hearts.


After she “let” me, I felt an immense emotion and well being. This beloved soul is a being of indescribable gratitude. I was deeply thrilled and at this time rereading what she said, again it thrills me. Undoubtedly this was one of the most exciting moments of my life.


Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Pablo Moraes 
Review: Jessica Braga 

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