(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)
Greetings, dear ones!
Humanity moves towards new levels of semi-corporeal physical existence. The teachings left by their ancestors become clearer to the heart, because you are acknowledging as they truly are. The Teaching of the Masters is only a reflection of what you have always been. Now you are recognizing as such and, consequently, everything becomes clearer. The Teaching was never complicated. It has always been simple. The difficulty was you do not recognize as part of the whole, as part of the Godhead you are. Because of this, the teaching has become complicated and difficult to understand.
Now, all teaching is clear. The Light stream flows bright, in order to direct the wayshowers always to the heart. Pointing their responsibilities as beings of Light, whose task is to be the example of this light, thus become also the guardians of the sacred entrances to the New World that already shows on the horizon. Your heart is opening. The Light is coming and you are accessing your eternal record.
Now that everything is clearer, that all teaching makes sense, that everything is being absorbed by your hearts, that all that you think complicated is clear and of perfect understanding, there are only two dilemmas: 1) The question which appears in this latter moment, as final proof before the leap forward. The leap that will make you live consistently with what your hearts are absorbing, or, remembering, desiring to manifest its greatness that is Life in Unity with the Whole; 2) And the fear that still stalks your hearts. Fear is an ego attribute, and to see that your heart is gaining ground, that the Light is bathing it, despairs and always raises the question: “Is it worth dropping everything you always believed, drop everything you have as right to venture into an utopia? What tangible evidence do you have? You just got that feeling that says it Is, but have you seen it, picked up, tried?” – This is the big question launched by the ego, through fear. One thing is certain: The feel is always more true than knowing (mind). You feel in the soul that is the time. It is a feeling, not a know. So do not need to know (based on mind) if it is right. Just feel with your heart and venture up.
Just allow this energy is increasingly anchored in your heart and without delay, you´ll no longer act for knowledge, but only by feel. No deadlocks, without fear, without doubts. You have been moved for too long by the knowledge and, this time, the feel is increasing its importance. The feel the energies, feel the quality of the energies that surrounds you now. In these times, there is a wide variety of energy surrounding the earth and its atmosphere, so that you are always being bombarded. That’s not a bad thing, it is necessary. This brings the need for discernment come step in. How many times have you come across situations or information from all sides that leave you confused and perplexed? Well, this is another powerful tool that is intensely activated in you: discernment between the energies and qualities they carry.
So you will encounter a lot of information over this period of 6 months. Divided into two steps of 3 each. In the first stage, this one that you are entering in around 3 days of your linear time, you will receive a lot of information, from all sides, of beings that are allowed to send you. This information may come in the form of reading, in the form of ads from your media, in the form of a simple chat on the Internet or in person and / or through a channeling. It is up to you, in all situations to exercise discernment, the feel. The judgment, based solely on feel. Set aside knowledge, put aside what the mind tells you; only feel. Put away your old beliefs, I assure you that they are not useful anymore. Feel with your heart, we are calling you to feel with the heart. If you open yourself up for just that, fear will cease to exist in you. Fear is linked to knowledge, and not to feel. So feel.
In the second stage, in the last three months of this process, you will begin to receive certain specific energies from space beings. Especially from the Galactic Confederation and the Masters who live among you without usually they are perceived. They will be sending many powerful energies that will ensure that the first step is well activated. They will send many other energies that will activate the field of perception in you. Discernment with the heart is purely connected to extrasensory perception, correct? You will begin to see and feel more clearly the energies of the people who are around you. You´ll feel more clearly the non-physical beings around you, you will notice more easily the energies in nature in One. You will be more active energetically. You will be more extrasensory. It will not be hard to know which being is close to you. We still say more, you will begin to see them in some cases. Just allow this process to happen. There are many beings friends who want to help you in this process, your family from space is on it with all of you, just believe and leave in the hands of your SELF.
During this period, you will be faced with a lot of “confusion”. You will see, you will feel, you will need to discern what is yours and what does not belong to you. You will have to relearn how to not take what is not yours. Here I speak to you of energy. Along your linear time, you have absorbed a lot of things that did not belong to you . We call it “theft by attraction”. Please do not get us wrong when we say this, we mean that you felt attracted to certain energies, although not belonging to you. You simply wanted to you and absorbed it. Understand why, in many cases, you felt bad, just by being in the presence of a person, or simply by seeing a newscast on TV? You have taken what did not belong to you. How? Focus and Attention. Focus and attention generates attraction. Focus and attention is different of see and abstain it.
This is another work you will be performing during these months. You will see, but will refrain. Learn not to take what is not your. We’re being specific in ABSTAIN of ill qualified energies that do not belong to you. If want to give focus and attention that is for Love and Peace. This is not being careless with the situations in contrast, this is love yourself. This is to sustain in yourself the energy of Love and Peace. That’s what the Masters showed you: If you want Love and Peace, live it in yourself. Be your own peace and your love. Be the sustainer of the Energy that will bring you always more and more of that. Those who live in chaos are only expressing the truth they believe. And this must be respected.
Your role as a wayshower, my dear human beings, is to exemplify the love. Live the love. Live the detachment. Live the Unit. Live the teaching given by your mouth. Line up with your center. If you want, really help someone on your way, exemplify. Stop talking only, and live what you teach. Or rather, teach living it, being the example is less tiring than teaching verbally. Simply live, living it you are, and just being, is enough to stoke the Flame in the heart of another. Stop wasting time trying to teach drawing attention, waving, and even screaming. It´s no use, the being is who makes the difference. Just Be it and change the world around you. Be and become bright lamps that will be seen as far as you can imagine. Very simple, right? Be it!
I love you. You are my family. I will bring new message when absorb some of this my explanation.
And so it is.
Your brother,
Gabriel: Gratitude beloved Ashtar. Very honored, very happy.
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga
See more messages from Ashtar / Ashtar Command Here
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