(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)

Image editing: Luís Fernando Rostworoski
Greetings, Family,
With this new phase in progress, dear family, as I
mentioned in my most recent posts (Here and Here), you are going through an extremely important
process. Which process is aligning you again with your ancestry and all
potential already inherent on you. You are reconnecting with your cosmic
family, and not so redundant, getting back your powers and relearning how to
use them more effectively.
mentioned in my most recent posts (Here and Here), you are going through an extremely important
process. Which process is aligning you again with your ancestry and all
potential already inherent on you. You are reconnecting with your cosmic
family, and not so redundant, getting back your powers and relearning how to
use them more effectively.
Of course, at this time, there are many questions
about everything that has happened on Earth, around it and, especially, within
each one of you. One of the most frequently asked questions is why so much
sadness and agony inside of some. Dear ones, it is known that this important
phase of the path is a phase of cleaning and realignment, as I said, and so
much of what is stored is coming out in order to be cleaned and crystallized.
We know that for many of you, the feelings of longing, pain, grief and anguish
tear your souls. Especially when your conscience do not know exactly why such
feelings, as seconds ago everything was fine, in your view. The human ego
struggle constantly to stay alive, since, in this new phase, full unity is
coming into being and the ego, knowing this, despairs, and throws many of your
energies into unbridled struggle for survival. As always, love and compassion
is the way to relief.
about everything that has happened on Earth, around it and, especially, within
each one of you. One of the most frequently asked questions is why so much
sadness and agony inside of some. Dear ones, it is known that this important
phase of the path is a phase of cleaning and realignment, as I said, and so
much of what is stored is coming out in order to be cleaned and crystallized.
We know that for many of you, the feelings of longing, pain, grief and anguish
tear your souls. Especially when your conscience do not know exactly why such
feelings, as seconds ago everything was fine, in your view. The human ego
struggle constantly to stay alive, since, in this new phase, full unity is
coming into being and the ego, knowing this, despairs, and throws many of your
energies into unbridled struggle for survival. As always, love and compassion
is the way to relief.
The whirl of energy that involves all of you now is
promoting cleanliness and realignment in you, it is undoubtedly a divine gift.
We ask that when youcome across sadness and down, consider breathing for a few
moments and look for a place where you can have contact with nature. This will
help you to release, smoothly and without suffering, certain energy stored
inside that you do not remember you carry. (Note: If youcannot, at
the time, go to the nature, consider closing your eyes, breathe, and mentally
bring nature to you.) Dear ones, remember that you had many and many
lifetimes on Earth, and many of them, there was a lot of pain and suffering;
yes this needs to be restored and cleaned. The beginning of thenegative
plasma rupture will bring great feeling of relief, as if you were emerging from
a closed and stuffy room and meeting the pure and refreshing air. This negative
plasma kept you in state of amnesia, preventing you to know who you are and of
having a more direct contact with your star family. The burst phase is in
progress and your meditations and positive intentions intensifies the process.
Do not give up.
promoting cleanliness and realignment in you, it is undoubtedly a divine gift.
We ask that when youcome across sadness and down, consider breathing for a few
moments and look for a place where you can have contact with nature. This will
help you to release, smoothly and without suffering, certain energy stored
inside that you do not remember you carry. (Note: If youcannot, at
the time, go to the nature, consider closing your eyes, breathe, and mentally
bring nature to you.) Dear ones, remember that you had many and many
lifetimes on Earth, and many of them, there was a lot of pain and suffering;
yes this needs to be restored and cleaned. The beginning of thenegative
plasma rupture will bring great feeling of relief, as if you were emerging from
a closed and stuffy room and meeting the pure and refreshing air. This negative
plasma kept you in state of amnesia, preventing you to know who you are and of
having a more direct contact with your star family. The burst phase is in
progress and your meditations and positive intentions intensifies the process.
Do not give up.
You should only allow the energy to do the cleaning
and reconnect you again to the good feelings. Do not resist, do not insult, do
not criticize, just accept, with open heart, and surrender to the process. This
process was your choice, who decided, as sovereign being, to win the density
through dedication and love. You are now examples to thousands of other
civilizations watching your progress and your victory over darkness, through
love, faith and benevolence. This is not the time to criticism, judgments and
disappointment due to some things that you are feeling, is the final moment of
liberation and need only to support a little more and will see that all the
work was very worth it.
and reconnect you again to the good feelings. Do not resist, do not insult, do
not criticize, just accept, with open heart, and surrender to the process. This
process was your choice, who decided, as sovereign being, to win the density
through dedication and love. You are now examples to thousands of other
civilizations watching your progress and your victory over darkness, through
love, faith and benevolence. This is not the time to criticism, judgments and
disappointment due to some things that you are feeling, is the final moment of
liberation and need only to support a little more and will see that all the
work was very worth it.
What happens on earth in general and positively
way, is the result of the bombing of its biggest star, the sun, this mighty
angel of light has sent to the Earth bursts of processing and purifying energy.
For many, these energies cause pain, extreme discomfort and agony. As mentioned,
it´s no use disharmony, revolt, rage and anger against this star that does
nothing less than the role requested by the Creator. The Solar Power bathing
the Earth and cause some discomfort for some, through the extreme heat, is
actually a blessing to you humans and the resistance and critical heat is
simply walk in hand against the blessing being sent to you. I do not say that
you should not to protect yourself from extreme heat, say only that you should
not complain and be angry with it, but accept it as a blessing, since solar
energy is sweeping the negativity from the planet.
way, is the result of the bombing of its biggest star, the sun, this mighty
angel of light has sent to the Earth bursts of processing and purifying energy.
For many, these energies cause pain, extreme discomfort and agony. As mentioned,
it´s no use disharmony, revolt, rage and anger against this star that does
nothing less than the role requested by the Creator. The Solar Power bathing
the Earth and cause some discomfort for some, through the extreme heat, is
actually a blessing to you humans and the resistance and critical heat is
simply walk in hand against the blessing being sent to you. I do not say that
you should not to protect yourself from extreme heat, say only that you should
not complain and be angry with it, but accept it as a blessing, since solar
energy is sweeping the negativity from the planet.
The sun’s energy has entered the densest places of
your planet, has entered the etheric planes and cleaned all the conflict and
work zones of dark agents. Many etheric areas have already has been cleared,
totally cleared of negative energy that surrounded them. Many beings said
things “dark ones” were caught and taken to our recovery chambers and
are in the healing and release phase. For many of you, our action to capture and
forgive our brothers who were engaged in the plans of darkness is difficult to
understand, since, in the view of some of you, you should be punished for your
crimes severely. Shan brothers, know that we are not
judges and not for us to declare judgment to none of them. Their own
consciousness is always the primary judge; it says to the being what he needs
to do further. Yes, as rangers of the universal order, we prevent the disruption
of certain limits and we capture and maintain in magnetic arrest those who
break the rules of universal order. Regardless, we do not judge or condemn as
being inferior beings to us and less worthy of love and light that we have to
offer. We love you all and capture and hold low vibrational beings does not
mean that we love and honor them less. Your concept of justice is still
different of ours. Many of the beings that have undermined the Earth in its
linear past, now work with us in the service of the Creator and decided to do
so to rescue what they left behind. Only love, compassion and charity is that
put you in a position of inner peace and harmony.
your planet, has entered the etheric planes and cleaned all the conflict and
work zones of dark agents. Many etheric areas have already has been cleared,
totally cleared of negative energy that surrounded them. Many beings said
things “dark ones” were caught and taken to our recovery chambers and
are in the healing and release phase. For many of you, our action to capture and
forgive our brothers who were engaged in the plans of darkness is difficult to
understand, since, in the view of some of you, you should be punished for your
crimes severely. Shan brothers, know that we are not
judges and not for us to declare judgment to none of them. Their own
consciousness is always the primary judge; it says to the being what he needs
to do further. Yes, as rangers of the universal order, we prevent the disruption
of certain limits and we capture and maintain in magnetic arrest those who
break the rules of universal order. Regardless, we do not judge or condemn as
being inferior beings to us and less worthy of love and light that we have to
offer. We love you all and capture and hold low vibrational beings does not
mean that we love and honor them less. Your concept of justice is still
different of ours. Many of the beings that have undermined the Earth in its
linear past, now work with us in the service of the Creator and decided to do
so to rescue what they left behind. Only love, compassion and charity is that
put you in a position of inner peace and harmony.
There are many others who are, right now as I speak
with you, being captured by our teams on Earth and around the Earth. The catch
is always harmonious and at no time, we fail to honor the existing divine spark
in each being of creation. All are loved and respected above all. There is no
violence on our part and when this is used by them against us, our technology
can prevent such done immediately. Or simply our attitude of love and respect
for them is enough to neutralize the negative magnetism sent against us. So, my
dear humans, you can also neutralize the negativity sent to you with an
attitude of love and honor for the divine spark of your neighbor. None magnetic
field of protection is so powerful as the love in your heart. Love and will be
protected from all that is not love.
with you, being captured by our teams on Earth and around the Earth. The catch
is always harmonious and at no time, we fail to honor the existing divine spark
in each being of creation. All are loved and respected above all. There is no
violence on our part and when this is used by them against us, our technology
can prevent such done immediately. Or simply our attitude of love and respect
for them is enough to neutralize the negative magnetism sent against us. So, my
dear humans, you can also neutralize the negativity sent to you with an
attitude of love and honor for the divine spark of your neighbor. None magnetic
field of protection is so powerful as the love in your heart. Love and will be
protected from all that is not love.
Many ask us why we do not interfere and prevent the
atrocities committed against humanity. We have responded to this in previous
messages. In some cases, we can not interfere since you are the creators of
your reality. The actions of low vibrational beings are supported by you when
you deviate from love. As I said, also recently, each hazard against your life
and of your planet is dismantled in every gesture of love practicing. Each
planning of darkness is dismantled with a love action yours. Do your part. And
we will do our.
atrocities committed against humanity. We have responded to this in previous
messages. In some cases, we can not interfere since you are the creators of
your reality. The actions of low vibrational beings are supported by you when
you deviate from love. As I said, also recently, each hazard against your life
and of your planet is dismantled in every gesture of love practicing. Each
planning of darkness is dismantled with a love action yours. Do your part. And
we will do our.
Around the Earth, are billions of
our ships and they are here to ensure your decision as a whole: LIVE IN PEACE.
Believe that the siege is completely closed and the darkness cannot leave or
enter this quadrant without we know and act on interception. Are trapped on the
surface of your planet and you, as a collective, has a chance to bathe them
with all your love and blessings. Oh, yes, brothers! bathe them with your love
and light, vibrate for that the spark of light within them light increasingly
brighter, to get them out of the hypnotic state. Is happening a scan on your
entire planet and none being that want to continue in darkness may remain
there, because Mother Earth closed the phase of extreme duality. Her Help
Request was heard and we are here to ensure the end of the cycle.
our ships and they are here to ensure your decision as a whole: LIVE IN PEACE.
Believe that the siege is completely closed and the darkness cannot leave or
enter this quadrant without we know and act on interception. Are trapped on the
surface of your planet and you, as a collective, has a chance to bathe them
with all your love and blessings. Oh, yes, brothers! bathe them with your love
and light, vibrate for that the spark of light within them light increasingly
brighter, to get them out of the hypnotic state. Is happening a scan on your
entire planet and none being that want to continue in darkness may remain
there, because Mother Earth closed the phase of extreme duality. Her Help
Request was heard and we are here to ensure the end of the cycle.
If you believe on us, dear ones, join us in
positive vibrations, refraining yourselves from judgments. The action of those
working in the service of Light is always loving, but firm. Never confuse
firmness with rudeness. The firmness is sometimes necessary when dealing with difficult
people, but always remember, only love is and will be the biggest and most
powerful weapon.
positive vibrations, refraining yourselves from judgments. The action of those
working in the service of Light is always loving, but firm. Never confuse
firmness with rudeness. The firmness is sometimes necessary when dealing with difficult
people, but always remember, only love is and will be the biggest and most
powerful weapon.
To conclude my message of today, I ask you to
always look with love to your similar, understanding that they also goes
through the same as you. Always forgive certain actions against you, consider
giving love in return instead of hatred and revenge. Do not think that
forgiveness means the exemption from liability to bear the consequences of the
acts, but forgiveness is the powerful energy that will make possible to them to
can stand up and win their redemption in the light.
always look with love to your similar, understanding that they also goes
through the same as you. Always forgive certain actions against you, consider
giving love in return instead of hatred and revenge. Do not think that
forgiveness means the exemption from liability to bear the consequences of the
acts, but forgiveness is the powerful energy that will make possible to them to
can stand up and win their redemption in the light.
We love all of you unconditionally and never feel
you are abandoned. We are watching you closely and, as we said, our ships are
increasingly showing signs in your skies of our presence and our constant
support to you that are in earth, as integral members of our teams, doing your
part, as we do ours.
you are abandoned. We are watching you closely and, as we said, our ships are
increasingly showing signs in your skies of our presence and our constant
support to you that are in earth, as integral members of our teams, doing your
part, as we do ours.
And so it is.
Your brother,
Gabriel: Thank you, dear Ashtar!
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Jéssica Braga
See more messages from Ashtar / Ashtar Command Here
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