SaLuSa - "About the 3 days of darkness / Is you who sustain the prophecies / Tools to obtain the answers from your SELF" - 12.16.2014 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “About the 3 days of darkness / Is you who sustain the prophecies / Tools to obtain the answers from your SELF” – 12.16.2014 (English)

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui 

The Day dawns on the beloved earth on one side of
the line, and in the other the stars shows themselves as beautiful night
pearls. But, on both sides the Galactic Day brings its irradiation. My dear
ones, the way is increasingly open and full of positive possibilities. Day to
day, you are observing the changes happen without delay, above all inside your
own. Note, clearly, the elevation of your beings in recent times, and this is
perceived not only for you but also for those who are part of your daily living.
This is a clear sign that change is happening and you are undoubtedly raising
yourslef to the higher dimensions.

A painful chapter of history is coming to a close
and a new age is emerging. Those of the darkness, who has always believed that
they hold the power and control of Earth, are now in an endless stalemate. In
this impasse, many do not accept the idea of defeat, while others do mind the
possibility of surrender and cooperation with the Light plan. It truly is a
game of patience until the last be removed from power and our allies on Earth
can take control of the situation.

Cards and more cards are being distributed among
them in order to try something to prevent the advance of the Light that is in
an accelerated rate. This advance of Light is illuminating all souls and
raising them to states of consciousness that comes to support the Light plans.
Many of these souls provided services for the Dark Ones, and the first jet of
light, they woke up and turned against their plans; now they are willing to
serve the Light. Some of these noble souls are doing a great job, trying to
move to light those who, not long ago, were his co-workers. Light, Light, Light
loved ones, anchor light in your hearts. Remember that as way shower,
everything you do becomes an example for many and if you wish to teach love,
exemplify it in yourself.

Move, also quickly, our fleet closer to the Earth,
to ensure that none being who has dubious intentions to enter in the Earth and
confuse or hinder the plans drafted by us of the Galactic Confederation. So, we
also, monitor so that none of them have access to their bases around the Earth
to access their ships and leave Earth, before the closing cycle that implies
their detention and removals of this quadrant.

Many of the bases of the dark Ones are under our
control and they threaten an assault to regain control of the situation. What
we ask my dear ones, is that maintain your hearts open to light, more and more
abundant in the Earth Mother. Open your hearts, so that you may receive all
light and information of the higher realms that are constantly being sent to
you. There is a lot of energy and support for you, you need undoubtedly make
room for this to come to you without interference and so that you may
assimilate the information we send. Of course, all of you have the ability to
receive our messages, just let the Light and love fill you, the rest is on us.
You stay in a harmonious and loving state, not entering the energy of judgment
and criticism is something very important so that we can contact you. Many
people seek us in thought, and we listen to their questions, we send our words
but they do not go directly to the heart, by the fact of the need to make room
for it through Love and Peace.

A long time is talked about an event that would
lead to Earth to experience three days of darkness. Let’s say that your state
of vibration in the Light is your merkaba and leads you to the reality you
desire to experience. Keep your focus on the light and that’s where you will.
Keep your heart open to the Light and Light is what you will see and
consequently will experience the success and peace that the higher dimensions
provide you. Believe, dear ones, that the prophecies always manifest according
to your heart. Was moved many, many souls to different time lines, for simply
have changed a thought. This may sound complicated for many to believe and
accept, but the evidence is there for all to see.

How many prophecies were delivered to you in which
your extinction was the main event? Note that the creative power in your hearts
promotes change and takes you to experience that in which you focus? You are
who sustain the prophecies, dear ones, you that sustain and undo it. We say
that we avoid giving dates, because you are the masters of your destinations
and we’ll get to you when we be called. Not only in words, but through love and
light vibrations. As you know, you will come to us and not the other way. There
are teams ours, in fact, preparing themselves to materialize some of our ships
to approach you and keep a closer contact. But then again, you that will give
us the date of this event through your love and light. What we can do is give
you a margin, based on your own energy. It is through it that we calculate and
as still are not completely vibrating in a “continuous” energy,
hinders us to say clearly an exact moment. The truth is that it is at your
door, as you are advancing rapidly to higher levels and aligning you with the
uninterrupted energy flowing from the Source.

Believe that the darkness has its tools to confuse
you and incite fear. Let love be your guide and trust that nothing, absolutely
nothing, can undo the Creator’s plan for its beloved Earth. Do not let doubt
and fear dominate your hearts, but let to flow always love and its attributes.
We asked Gabriel to leave you two links that we would like you considering to
see and assimilate. This is also a message from us.

(Links suggested by SaLuSa: Here and Here)

The darkness is the rejection of light on you, is
in denial of your divine nature. Darkness is the absence of light, so bring the
Light and all darkness will vanish. Have focus in the Light and let it be your
guide. There is nothing to fear, because if you trust in your heart, you will
receive all the information and directions necessary for your progress and
everything that you may have to try will not bring you fear or insecurities,
because you´ll trust that all experiences are for your own improvement of
Being. Try to breathe and feel the energy being at this time, sent to you by us
of the Confederation … Try to open your heart and receive all the blessings
that we are constantly sending. That, my dear, coupled with your self esteem
will always lead you to the best paths and not to the shadow that makes you
fail to see.

It is time, dear, to express all the love of your
hearts. Time to open yourselves to the truth that come from your soul, always
clamoring for attention, always to indicate you the best way. Many sermons,
aiming to confuse you, are made by the dark Ones, and even a purely positive
and of light event, they will try to distort and confuse you as their last
card. Enter into your hearts to discern is your task. Many ask us through
channels or launch their questions to the skies, hoping the answers to certain
situations. Dear ones, we are always giving you the tools to you obtain the
answers from your SELF. We are not allowed to interfere in your decisions,
those who are, in most cases, based on fear or euphoria. Enter in your heart so
that your decisions will be always based on Superior Divine.

We give you, always, through our messages, the
tools to mine even the oracle of your heart and obtain there the answers. No
soul thinks like the other, but all of them can commune of the same vibrations.
Even we from the Confederation don´t think equally exactly, so there was the
creation of Councils to discuss certain situations. In this, you must
understand that you must to give credence to what your heart says, always
respecting what each one thinks, knowing that different thoughts do not mean
differences and enmities among yourselves, but a wonderful variety of states of
being. And when in the higher vibrations, this is just more one wonderful
opportunity of learning in love with those who always have something to share
and to learn, as each one is a particular universe and has their transcendental
luggage in special. Love is the key dear ones, love and understanding each
other is the key. We are all One and we´ll can live in communion ever!

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we mean that the
commitment with the Light and with the truth is the input that will take you to
the higher dimensions and drive away, completely, the possibility of be
deceived by the dark Ones. High vibrations through Christic behavior are your protection
always. And whenever you see any information, will soon detect which level of
energy is contained there, by the power of your heart in communion with the
Source. Similarly, you will recognize the true information and there will rest
in peace and trust. We love you, believe it. Analyse our message with the heart
and feel it. It is always given the right to decide if will embrace or not our
words. Anyway, our love remains for all of you.

Be at peace.

Be in the Light.

Gabriel: Gratitude beloved SaLuSa.

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas /
Jéssica Braga

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