Mother Mary - "You are the Nature itself" - 11.20.2014 - Sementes das Estrelas

Mother Mary – “You are the Nature itself” – 11.20.2014

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)   

Beloved Children,

May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.

It is time of departure, dear children, departure to a new state of being, this one with a greater ability to understand life and how beautiful and important it is. To understand that you are part of it, that nature and all its wealth needs your collaboration.

Collaboration in the sense of a continuous respect, of a loving and gentle respect. Respect for living beings that transmit, infinitely, all their love for humans, children of Earth. Respect and honour for all creation, because you, beloved children, you are part of all Creation, and when you hurt something of your beloved nature, you are just perpetuating your pain. Everything is a connection, a large interconnected web, and when a point is affected, eventually reverberates elsewhere. Many of your aches and pains are because of how nature was dealt with over time. And you, children of my heart, now you have the opportunity to bless and take care of its regeneration. So will be taking care of your own regeneration as children of the Earth.

Realize, dear children, that the rescue of the beloved Earth is in your hands. The rescue, through which you will be able to return in gratitude all that Gaia gave you lovingly. You, dear children, that awoke to the New World, you, dear children of the earth, that joined the legions of children of the stars, you have a loving mission of restore the Earth. Do that, start up as soon as possible your work. Give an example to your fellows which still sleep in the sad idea that there is no continuation after this life on earth. Give the example so that their hearts open to the light and understand that it is your entire responsibility to restore the planet for future blessed generations that will get grounded.

Oh, beloved, for most of you, the journey ends here, while for others, it extends a little further on this planet. This can not be seen as a punishment, since the Earth has always been a paradise in the eyes of the Creator. He never condemned it and none of the sons of the Earth. Then, understand that those who remain, will be following their particular choices and affinities with this beautiful planet. Many will choose to return to their home in the stars, and others will make Earth their star.

Renew, renew, renew, children of Light! Renew the Earth! Take care of forests, care for the animals, take care of everything that is in the earth, leave a legacy of love and blessings for future generations of light that will fertilize even more this beautiful planet, abode of great souls, of winning souls who overcame darkness by the power of heart.

Oh, virtuous children, which went down bare and return to the Father´s Kingdom, with garments of Radiant Light. Let the sons of the stars help you in commitment of  sow the earth with good things, let them assist you in the planting of devastated forests by the greed of still hardened hearts because they having forgotten the power of love.. Let them assist you and help you in love and blessings.

I invite you again to join me in a Waterfall of Light, where I will gather the children of the waters and the forests and I’ll help in the purification of their beings. Come, dear children, close your eyes and travel to beautiful waterfalls, watching the leafy trees, feel the wind in your face, feel the water fall by your bodies purifying your beings.

I renew my promise to be with you always, until your complete redemption, Óh, earth children! I renew that perfection is in every heart, because God sowed the love in all of its creation. Bless, oh beloved, always bless everyone, without distinction. Join me, your mother which loves you and which believes in your divine potential. I see perfection in you, I see perfection in all of my children. I see perfection even in those called “dark ones”. I see light in all of you.

That the children of the stars bring you prosperity and calm. That they inspire you the good feelings, that they inspire you to be in communion with the All. That inspire you to be familiar with your Divine Self. Oh, dears, you turned away from the silence of your interior, many of you have turned away and forgotten the paradise that is there… Deep inside of your heart. Dive, dive deep into your being and connect again with your Monad.

The bell is heard already and the movement of the waters indicates the arrival time… The time of reunion with the chariot of fire sliding in the sky, crewed by childrens of the stars.

Beloved, I leave you now pouring over you all my blessings and involving everyone in my mantle of protection, because I Am Mary, Your Mother.

Gabriel – Gratitude beloved Mother.

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Pablo Moraes 
Review: Jessica Braga 

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