SaLuSa - "Your vibration is your sentence / Contacting the Devic Kingdom / Elemental - Israeli-Palestinian situation / Receiving Telepathic Information" - 11.08.2014 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “Your vibration is your sentence / Contacting the Devic Kingdom / Elemental – Israeli-Palestinian situation / Receiving Telepathic Information” – 11.08.2014 (English)

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  (Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

With the
powerful energy in activity on Mother Earth and the influx of Light in your
heart activating all your chakras of a way that increases your rotation, you
tend having some sensations which you may consider strange. In many cases,
you will come across looking at objects and, as if by enchantment, they appear
smoky or them losing their solid form. This is a result of crescent energy that
is bathing the earth and putting you back in touch with your old and genuine
reality: The Multidimensionality.
yourself and accept your potential as Divine Beings, don’t be frightened with
the maneuvers that will be used to show you the multi reality. It is possible
that you encounter situations where beings of Devic and Elemental nature may
contact you to assist you in the process. It is known that the nature of
Mother Earth is pure Life and the guardian beings that dwell on it also wish to
live in a world where peace and joy reigns. They are cheerful and caring,
generous and peaceful beings and are willing to help you at this moment.
There is an
immense amount of these forms of life that are watching your awakening and
eager for contact and exchange energy with their human brethren from surface.
To walk in the nature and give you a chance to feel peace in the heart and refrain
from thoughts of doubt and insecurity is a way to easily feel the presence of
these beloved beings. Invite them to your house and open your hearts in a
genuine way; ask them to bless your space, they will do it with liking and
energies are affecting everyone, in all kingdoms and it´s not only in this
quadrant of the Universe that the change and the big transformation are
occurring, it is also occurring to us from the Galactic Confederation.  We
receive the same energy in our hearts, giving us even more encouragement and
joy to keep going in our Task that is track our human brothers in this big
adventure: The journey to the lower dimensions to acquire all the experience
you wish to have when you decided to depart from the Source.
We ship to
all of you now our most sincere thanks and love for such dedication of every
one on the earth today and we ask to do not look upon the world and feel bad
for something that you believe not be happening as you expected. Nothing can
deny the change that is underway. Your bodies, as well as the sensations
you are experiencing, make clear the content of the transformation.  The
change affects all levels of consciousness, and even in places where it seems
that the pain and chaos are endless, underneath the wreckage you can see the
born of the flowers. Do not give attention only to rubble, but enlarge
your vision and let yourself see the love in everything, allow yourself to feel
what is behind the wall. War will always generate wars, therefore, put your attention
on the flowers will change your reality.
I decided
also to see the flowers inside of your own private battles. Many of you don´t
see more than rubble of pain and sadness within yourselves, why do not take a
chance to see the beauty that you have inside of you? Why deny yourself? Why do
not praise yourself? Do not put yourself down, my dears. You were taught that
praise yourself and take care of yourself was selfishness. In the level of
what we say, means that the same energy you donate to others, in the desire
that they stay well, the same way that eulogy others for their deeds, should do
also for yourself. Dig inside of you at this moment, and seek the fragrant
garden that is there, your mind tries to deny it at all costs, but when you
feel the fragrant … nothing can stop you.
To places
that you consider stages of grief and pain, always send forth your light,
abandoning the idea of judgment and criticism. We ask again to keep an posture
of love and respect for everything that happens in your world, in order to keep
up anchoring the Divine Light.  The Divine Light brings the flow of
Perfection and thus sustains it into your being so then, you may soothe your
own energy field. Although you still may not to see, but already begin to
realize, when you come across conflicting situations, your energy field tends
to fuss. Sustaining the Divine Light, you will be a mild presence of peace
wherever you go.
Your ability
to make war, through your thoughts of fear and pain is not even close compared
to the ability to make peace and bring joy, as the potency of light is
infinite times bigger.  It´s for this reason that we always emphasize for
not give credit to your newscasts, because those responsible for this continue
to believe that this is the best way to keep you under control. Believe
that one of your love vibration is able to change a situation of conflict just
with a smile. Your vibrations has united leaders with peaceful intentions,
increasingly worldwide.  Inspired by the ideas we give them through our
thoughts, they are gathering more frequently in large and small groups to
discuss the best ways to take away the world of low vibrations. Many other
leaders are coming and are also indicated by us, to join the positive masses
and help leverage change already in big movement, even that many others still do
not believe and give credence to it.  Believe: there is much, much more
going on the backstage than you can imagine, and when the curtain rise, those
who wished to remain in inertia will take a true scare.
Many are
wondering the reason that still didn´t happen our intervention in the
Israeli-Palestinian situation. Know, my dears, there the Love will win and that
our intervention has already occurred, so that many souls, in a vibration
level, who did not wish to participate in that confrontation, were rescued for
us, with the endorsement of the Creator. Yes, my dears, everything is a
matter of choice, your heart tells you where you want to be and this decision
is always respected.
There is
something much bigger in movement that you are still unaware. The plans of
Light go beyond the comprehension of those who put themselves in a position of
criticism and judgment, where could vibrate, in fact, lots of light. Such light
would end the conflicts by allowing those involved to change their own
vibratory band, so that one bring the other for the light as a snowball effect.
that choices are made through energy, and words like “yes” and
“no” does not say to much if your vibration is not corresponding to
them.  The vibration is always the true choice and is very powerful. Is
through it that moves situations to the positive or negative, in
reality. Such movement occurs when, energetically, give in or not in
collusion with your twisted mind.
There is too
much energy being transmuted in this moment and the fields where they are in
bigger activity is where you should definitely send, undoubtedly, all the love
that exists in your heart. There is no other way to stop the conflict, but by
love.  If you want, in fact, assist in the lifting of such dark energies,
keep yourself in a posture of respect and seriousness inside, not allowing that
the thoughts of judgments and criticisms have your energetic support
(attention) and dictate your path.  The many suffering souls around the
world seeing conflicts across theirs borders, we invite to calm down the
conflicts in their interiors, with respect to their particularities, so that
the Light they send be faster and more effective.  Keeping themselves in a
posture where judgment prevails, worsens the particular conflict and you can
not anchor a quantity of Light that helps more effectively those who wish to
You, as I
already said several times, are beings of a wonderful capacity, and when you
perceive and accept, completely, that everything you vibrates manifests, you
will stay amazed and will make SPECTACULAR things.
I’ve also
told you that one of the pillars to be toppled is the barriers between nations.
The new governance is already underway and one of the major goal is this: unite
the people. I ask Gabriel to leave you the link of a message mine, so
that, if it be your will, read again too. (as SaLuSa asked: 
If you really
desire to assist us with the work, stop paying attention and lose yourself amid
thoughts of despair, criticism and judgment. When delivered, completely, to the
energies of love, you will receive all the answers for the reasons of many
conflicting situations in your world. Thus also receive guidance from your Higher
Self that thanks to your delivery to the Light and your thoughts silenced, can
be heard through their guidelines.
dears, the reason that many expect to hear some advice our telepathically and
cannot? Firstly, need to stop communing with low vibration thoughts, you are
not your thoughts, but when you place your attention and accept what they tell
you, becomes.
 You are not
negative, but when you give credit to a thought that says “judge”,
begins to be and to enter in the conflict zone.
 Look the thoughts with love, as
something or someone needy and send all your love to them when they try to put
you abreast of what they perceive to be the reality. Thus, you will be
able to leave the quiet mind and hence, we can contact you; not only us, but all
spiritual life that is around you.
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and before my final thanks of today, I apologize for the long
read, but was needed like that, so I could let you know what’s happening in
your world.  This world, I repeat, which you are the conductors. We
always act according to what you desire in the form of vibration. We understand
some of your criticisms, when you revolt asking our intervention.  As we
have said, are not words that make it happen, but one energetic behavior that
moves everything.  “Yes” and “No” are easily
interpreted as “No” and “Yes”, according to your real
vibration. It is always your final word.
Be in Peace,
Be in Light.
Gabriel – Gratitude beloved SaLuSa.

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Pablo Moraes 
Review: Jessica Braga 

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