(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o
inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)
inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)

Amid the
imminence of a big event, our activities tend to increase around Mother Earth.
It´s expected that many of you are feeling a vibration on inside that indicates
the approaching that many can call of “something special” or
“something too good to be true”, as you say. It´s known to us that
this is not just a passing feeling, but as time passes, it becomes more solid
and clear.
imminence of a big event, our activities tend to increase around Mother Earth.
It´s expected that many of you are feeling a vibration on inside that indicates
the approaching that many can call of “something special” or
“something too good to be true”, as you say. It´s known to us that
this is not just a passing feeling, but as time passes, it becomes more solid
and clear.
This feeling
gives you the feeling that everything is on its place and has not and never had
reason to panic or discontent. This sentiment also is loaded of peace and
lightness, gives you an assurance that you are not alone and that closing your
eyes, you can feel yourself rising to the Higher Dimensions very easily so that
you´ll no longer doubt absolutely nothing.
gives you the feeling that everything is on its place and has not and never had
reason to panic or discontent. This sentiment also is loaded of peace and
lightness, gives you an assurance that you are not alone and that closing your
eyes, you can feel yourself rising to the Higher Dimensions very easily so that
you´ll no longer doubt absolutely nothing.
The Veil is
rising and you´ll observe it day after day. Allow yourself to feel the energies
of the New Age and let the new to establish inside of yourself, guiding you to
new stages of your path, which, surely, will be filled with many new and joyous
rising and you´ll observe it day after day. Allow yourself to feel the energies
of the New Age and let the new to establish inside of yourself, guiding you to
new stages of your path, which, surely, will be filled with many new and joyous
It is known
that, due to this massive approximation of our aircraft, those who keep an
open heart to this reality can feel our presence, clearly. May also feel the
magnetism of our aircraft that are now closer than ever.
that, due to this massive approximation of our aircraft, those who keep an
open heart to this reality can feel our presence, clearly. May also feel the
magnetism of our aircraft that are now closer than ever.
yourself to hear the voice of your Higher Self that is indicating what you
should do next. You can also be intuited to go to a specific place amid the
nature, or simply to a particular room in your home where will close the eyes
for a brief moment and will experience our presence, may, in some cases, see us
in our humanoid form right there in front of you.
yourself to hear the voice of your Higher Self that is indicating what you
should do next. You can also be intuited to go to a specific place amid the
nature, or simply to a particular room in your home where will close the eyes
for a brief moment and will experience our presence, may, in some cases, see us
in our humanoid form right there in front of you.
Can you be
called by us until a mountain, or a lake away from the urban area, or even the
backyard of your home, or simply to look at the sky. We want very much to have
you with us and embrace you in thanks for all that you have done during this
time. We know this idea may cause astonishment for some, or hysteria in others,
but what we want less is to scare you or take you from your state of inner harmony.
called by us until a mountain, or a lake away from the urban area, or even the
backyard of your home, or simply to look at the sky. We want very much to have
you with us and embrace you in thanks for all that you have done during this
time. We know this idea may cause astonishment for some, or hysteria in others,
but what we want less is to scare you or take you from your state of inner harmony.
We are,
little by little, approaching you, so you get used with our presence, so that
we may appear to you without causing much fanfare. In this case, we ask you to
begin making room for the voice of your heart and not to your mind, so we can
call you telepathically and give you possible instructions for more direct
little by little, approaching you, so you get used with our presence, so that
we may appear to you without causing much fanfare. In this case, we ask you to
begin making room for the voice of your heart and not to your mind, so we can
call you telepathically and give you possible instructions for more direct
Don´t be sad
if we don´t call some of you, but before, consider that everything is governed
by a bigger plan and this plan we respect above anything. There are no favorites
for us. We love you all without distinction, but there are laws that we respect
and there are many things which prevent us a more direct contact with some of
you from the surface at this time.
if we don´t call some of you, but before, consider that everything is governed
by a bigger plan and this plan we respect above anything. There are no favorites
for us. We love you all without distinction, but there are laws that we respect
and there are many things which prevent us a more direct contact with some of
you from the surface at this time.
We warn that
none karma is more powerful than the Love in your hearts, then, let the Divine
Grace involves you, clearing all and any fault that you carry in your hearts,
freeing you from all pain. This will allow our approach and contact with you.
Many of you wish to have us in your midst to help you at this point of a more
directly way. We come back to say that it happens with upper permission
and as you often say, “we don´t give a step bigger than the legs.”
Continue your daily efforts to keep up in peace and vibrating Love.
none karma is more powerful than the Love in your hearts, then, let the Divine
Grace involves you, clearing all and any fault that you carry in your hearts,
freeing you from all pain. This will allow our approach and contact with you.
Many of you wish to have us in your midst to help you at this point of a more
directly way. We come back to say that it happens with upper permission
and as you often say, “we don´t give a step bigger than the legs.”
Continue your daily efforts to keep up in peace and vibrating Love.
Your Love and
Light have helped considerably the situation in the poles, where ice has been
sustained by the grace of the Divine Love. The Light has prevented the extreme
thaw and the excessive rise of the sea level in a way that would flood in some
Light have helped considerably the situation in the poles, where ice has been
sustained by the grace of the Divine Love. The Light has prevented the extreme
thaw and the excessive rise of the sea level in a way that would flood in some
We ask you to
keep your best intentions always, sending Love to Gaia. So she can use this
sublime magic to restore its physical body. There are many questions about the
holes that have appeared worldwide. This also occurs because of the internal
adjustment of Mother Earth, which is gracefully settling and releasing certain
energies attracted by the dark Ones, energies that are also sustained by the
collective human thoughts of pain and hatred.
keep your best intentions always, sending Love to Gaia. So she can use this
sublime magic to restore its physical body. There are many questions about the
holes that have appeared worldwide. This also occurs because of the internal
adjustment of Mother Earth, which is gracefully settling and releasing certain
energies attracted by the dark Ones, energies that are also sustained by the
collective human thoughts of pain and hatred.
earthquakes are also a clamor of Mother Earth to the need of turn off old ways
and not more sustain energies of sadness and pain.
earthquakes are also a clamor of Mother Earth to the need of turn off old ways
and not more sustain energies of sadness and pain.
adjustment in the physical body of Mother Earth will bring many situations that
your scientists will not be able to explain, simply because they refer to
something that is beyond the physical three – dimensional level that they
believe to dominate. Such events could be explained by Sacred Geometry
and/or quantum physics, subjects that many are unaware.
adjustment in the physical body of Mother Earth will bring many situations that
your scientists will not be able to explain, simply because they refer to
something that is beyond the physical three – dimensional level that they
believe to dominate. Such events could be explained by Sacred Geometry
and/or quantum physics, subjects that many are unaware.
Mother Earth
is forming symbols worldwide, activating the Divine Geometry and allowing
anchoring more Light on its body. And among so many changes and adjustments,
the desalination of sea is something that will be your reality in a not too
distant future.
is forming symbols worldwide, activating the Divine Geometry and allowing
anchoring more Light on its body. And among so many changes and adjustments,
the desalination of sea is something that will be your reality in a not too
distant future.
You can see
the reappearance of lands long time ago submerged, as well as the reappearance
of a big spiritual power plant in a region of the Pacific. There is still much
doubt in the heart of some people who refuse to accept the change on their
inside and keep denying the new energies. Such energies are already so
powerfully in moving that even some of those belonging to darkness already
accept that their time is up and there is nothing they can do to change that.
the reappearance of lands long time ago submerged, as well as the reappearance
of a big spiritual power plant in a region of the Pacific. There is still much
doubt in the heart of some people who refuse to accept the change on their
inside and keep denying the new energies. Such energies are already so
powerfully in moving that even some of those belonging to darkness already
accept that their time is up and there is nothing they can do to change that.
There is
nothing that can prevent such changes and energies of doubt and fear are being
trapped by the crescent Love. These new discoveries will open the mind of many
and again the snowball effect shall be set in motion by a decree of the Supreme
Creator. There is no more time to lose, my dear Ones, it is time for you to
meet your true Self.
nothing that can prevent such changes and energies of doubt and fear are being
trapped by the crescent Love. These new discoveries will open the mind of many
and again the snowball effect shall be set in motion by a decree of the Supreme
Creator. There is no more time to lose, my dear Ones, it is time for you to
meet your true Self.
It’s time to
return home, and be attentive to the constant calls. The Heaven is calling you
through the Sacred Geometry recorded on the surface of Mother Earth by itself
and by our teams (Crop Circles), or by the numeric codes, through our experts
in reactivation of the Sacred GNA, loaded with salutary energy that present
themselves to you in the form of specific combinations in your watches of
linear time and everywhere. This is nothing more than the call of your
Self to your Divine nature.
return home, and be attentive to the constant calls. The Heaven is calling you
through the Sacred Geometry recorded on the surface of Mother Earth by itself
and by our teams (Crop Circles), or by the numeric codes, through our experts
in reactivation of the Sacred GNA, loaded with salutary energy that present
themselves to you in the form of specific combinations in your watches of
linear time and everywhere. This is nothing more than the call of your
Self to your Divine nature.
The Call is
to abandon the old ways and to you to assume your peaceful and loving nature.
Don´t be scared with the frequency that you are called by these means, but
consider that you asked to be awake in this epoch of this way by your Higher
Selves, and is like that.
to abandon the old ways and to you to assume your peaceful and loving nature.
Don´t be scared with the frequency that you are called by these means, but
consider that you asked to be awake in this epoch of this way by your Higher
Selves, and is like that.
Seeing the
call, repeat gently in Love and Light: “I Am, I Am, I Am”
(breathe deeply …) “I connect myself to the Divine Light into my heart
and to all my cosmic family, in order to restore Mother Earth to its Original
Divine shape “.
call, repeat gently in Love and Light: “I Am, I Am, I Am”
(breathe deeply …) “I connect myself to the Divine Light into my heart
and to all my cosmic family, in order to restore Mother Earth to its Original
Divine shape “.
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and thank you again to everyone who collaborated with the Greater
Plan, to restore Mother Earth and allow our approach to the surface without
causing damage with the irradiation of our aircraft.
from Sirius, and thank you again to everyone who collaborated with the Greater
Plan, to restore Mother Earth and allow our approach to the surface without
causing damage with the irradiation of our aircraft.
Oh, yes, dear
Ones, our aircraft emit a radiation of light that can be damaging to some of
you that are not fully anchored in the Light, but this is a matter of time
until you rise until us through the Love and Peace that are being inspired by
your brothers from the whole Universe. They are present at this time, around
the Earth so that their presences are accelerating your hearts in hope of the
reunion with your cosmic family.
Ones, our aircraft emit a radiation of light that can be damaging to some of
you that are not fully anchored in the Light, but this is a matter of time
until you rise until us through the Love and Peace that are being inspired by
your brothers from the whole Universe. They are present at this time, around
the Earth so that their presences are accelerating your hearts in hope of the
reunion with your cosmic family.
Here I leave
my human feelings in the form of a tear of emotion and affection for all of
my human feelings in the form of a tear of emotion and affection for all of
Be in
Be in Light.
Gabriel –
Thank you, my dear SaLuSa. I thank this message on behalf of my entire team
Thank you, my dear SaLuSa. I thank this message on behalf of my entire team
Translation: Sementes das
Estrelas / Pablo Moraes
Estrelas / Pablo Moraes
Review: Jessica Braga
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