(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)
Gabriel – I AM the
balance and harmony, I AM the peace, I’m the abundance, I’m the
serenity. Nothing, absolutely nothing may get me out of the centre,
of my centre, where I’M in control, where I command in the light of God, that
never, never, never fail. No thought of dishonesty, of disaffection,
of misfortune, of insecurity, of fear has power over me, because I AM WHAT I
AM. I AM the light of God on Earth, I AM the constant balance, I AM the
constant serenity, I AM the victory of what is good, I AM the peace,
I AM the simplicity. Magnetic currents of light from the
well beloved Archangel Michael arrive right here in
this moment. Radiate, radiate,
radiate to everyone those that are listening in this
moment. Give us strength, courage, determination, faith. Give us
the inspiration of faith. Open our minds, our hearts so than we
can receive constantly this divine flow that keeps us balanced,
which doesn´t allow that we fall in despair, in anguish,
because since the moment in that this divine stream
flows freely through us, we are inundated of the certainty that
everything is perfect, that everything is in order, that everything is in
constant balance.
balance and harmony, I AM the peace, I’m the abundance, I’m the
serenity. Nothing, absolutely nothing may get me out of the centre,
of my centre, where I’M in control, where I command in the light of God, that
never, never, never fail. No thought of dishonesty, of disaffection,
of misfortune, of insecurity, of fear has power over me, because I AM WHAT I
AM. I AM the light of God on Earth, I AM the constant balance, I AM the
constant serenity, I AM the victory of what is good, I AM the peace,
I AM the simplicity. Magnetic currents of light from the
well beloved Archangel Michael arrive right here in
this moment. Radiate, radiate,
radiate to everyone those that are listening in this
moment. Give us strength, courage, determination, faith. Give us
the inspiration of faith. Open our minds, our hearts so than we
can receive constantly this divine flow that keeps us balanced,
which doesn´t allow that we fall in despair, in anguish,
because since the moment in that this divine stream
flows freely through us, we are inundated of the certainty that
everything is perfect, that everything is in order, that everything is in
constant balance.
Archangel Michael – And you
now, my master, with closed eyes, breathing and feeling this flow…
this magnetic current that passes through your body, that allows you to feel
the greatness of who you are, that shows the insignificance of problems,
of mundane matters, insignificance compared with the greatness
of all things, the greatness of the power and divine action in this world.
now, my master, with closed eyes, breathing and feeling this flow…
this magnetic current that passes through your body, that allows you to feel
the greatness of who you are, that shows the insignificance of problems,
of mundane matters, insignificance compared with the greatness
of all things, the greatness of the power and divine action in this world.
Beloved, vibrate! Vibrate,
with intense love in favor of the Palestinians, of the Israelis. Send constantly
yours energies of balance, of peace, of Justice. Don’t waste your time trying
take part of some of the sides, but send only your love, your light. Be perfect
instruments of light of God on Earth opening up and allowing this sacred
energy to flow through you and that this energy bring the
balance… that this energy bring peace! It´s not through their
questionings of right and wrong, fair or unfair, that yourselves, humans,
stellar missionaries, will can to manifest the peace, but it is only
through the delivery, my noble, through the delivery to the
divine flow of love.
with intense love in favor of the Palestinians, of the Israelis. Send constantly
yours energies of balance, of peace, of Justice. Don’t waste your time trying
take part of some of the sides, but send only your love, your light. Be perfect
instruments of light of God on Earth opening up and allowing this sacred
energy to flow through you and that this energy bring the
balance… that this energy bring peace! It´s not through their
questionings of right and wrong, fair or unfair, that yourselves, humans,
stellar missionaries, will can to manifest the peace, but it is only
through the delivery, my noble, through the delivery to the
divine flow of love.
I know how much you are
tired… I know how much you grieve over the newscast when you see
it, that it brings pain and despair. My dear beings, how
many times we talk, how many times we ask you to do not keep
the focus in this questions in a way that feed even
more the pain. Vibrate… vibrate, beloved, with intensity and
love. Don’t blame the Palestinians, don’t blame the Israelis, don’t blame those
called “dark Cabal”. Send only your love and light. That’s what
we ask constantly, my nobles. We know! Yes, we know how much you are
tired! We know! But we also know that your determination, your commitment,
your harmony are fundamental at this epoch. You decided to come to Earth and we
support your decision with a lot of love. We promised that we would
support you at any moment.
tired… I know how much you grieve over the newscast when you see
it, that it brings pain and despair. My dear beings, how
many times we talk, how many times we ask you to do not keep
the focus in this questions in a way that feed even
more the pain. Vibrate… vibrate, beloved, with intensity and
love. Don’t blame the Palestinians, don’t blame the Israelis, don’t blame those
called “dark Cabal”. Send only your love and light. That’s what
we ask constantly, my nobles. We know! Yes, we know how much you are
tired! We know! But we also know that your determination, your commitment,
your harmony are fundamental at this epoch. You decided to come to Earth and we
support your decision with a lot of love. We promised that we would
support you at any moment.
When you feel overwhelmed,
when you feel tired, when you think about quitting, from where
do you think that comes the powerful force that raises you
up again? From where my nobles? Yes, are we raising
you again, brave warriors, so than you continue your
journey, so than you continue your task to spread the light and love
in this dimension.
when you feel tired, when you think about quitting, from where
do you think that comes the powerful force that raises you
up again? From where my nobles? Yes, are we raising
you again, brave warriors, so than you continue your
journey, so than you continue your task to spread the light and love
in this dimension.
Many complain, Yes, we
know… Many question, many say many times that our messages through the
channels spread across this Planet become, sometimes, repetitive. My
noble siblings, my noble childrens, there are need to be often
like that, so that the information passing through of our collective
mind can stay recorded and glued in your being. That is
why we insist on some issues, that is why sound repetitive sometimes.
know… Many question, many say many times that our messages through the
channels spread across this Planet become, sometimes, repetitive. My
noble siblings, my noble childrens, there are need to be often
like that, so that the information passing through of our collective
mind can stay recorded and glued in your being. That is
why we insist on some issues, that is why sound repetitive sometimes.
Understand, brothers,
understand, my childrens, that there are many souls who are awakening now and
who need these words that for you sound repetitive, but that for them are
primary balm that gives the wake-up call, that incite desire by know more, by
understand more what’s going on in this plan. You that now understand many
things learn also to wait those who still have not yet arrived in the
same step that your. Vibrate by the souls, by the volunteer blessed
souls who desired to go through painful situations in this plan, so that
through their selfless actions, free and loving achieve awaken to the truth the
greatest number of other souls. No accidents that happen, no tragedy pass
unnoticed through the Creator´s eyes, by our eyes. Remember what
was said and always is said, “judge not lest ye be
judged”. Don’t take sides, just love, noble beings, just love, I
insist, just love, and that my love, that my blessings, that the sure that I
have that everything is perfect and balanced solidify also in your
being. That the certainty of victory that I have, be also your certainty.
There is no greater heritage, noble souls, than this inside.
understand, my childrens, that there are many souls who are awakening now and
who need these words that for you sound repetitive, but that for them are
primary balm that gives the wake-up call, that incite desire by know more, by
understand more what’s going on in this plan. You that now understand many
things learn also to wait those who still have not yet arrived in the
same step that your. Vibrate by the souls, by the volunteer blessed
souls who desired to go through painful situations in this plan, so that
through their selfless actions, free and loving achieve awaken to the truth the
greatest number of other souls. No accidents that happen, no tragedy pass
unnoticed through the Creator´s eyes, by our eyes. Remember what
was said and always is said, “judge not lest ye be
judged”. Don’t take sides, just love, noble beings, just love, I
insist, just love, and that my love, that my blessings, that the sure that I
have that everything is perfect and balanced solidify also in your
being. That the certainty of victory that I have, be also your certainty.
There is no greater heritage, noble souls, than this inside.
Please don’t tell that
you’re alone! Don’t dare to exclaim that you were forgotten! Don’t you dare to
blaspheme this way because you are not forgotten, because we’re supporting your
decision to be on Earth at this epoch. Remember that,
dear children, remember! On the other side of the veil there is an army to look
after you. Many of you say that can’t hear our words. Many of you say constantly: “I
ask, but I didn’t hear them; I’m not like him, as she that get
right contact with you.” Yes, you are. Yes, you are, open your
heart, free your mind of questions and allow the flow of light. Free yourself
the doubt and listen to us, we’re here. We are here. And the veil that
separates us it is being raised not by us, but by you who, little by
little accept us. Accept us in the sense of to let
yourself to go in this chains of love and to let yourself
to inundate by this Tsunami of Love that is bathing
you. You accept us of this way when allowing this wave of
love invade you. This wave that raises you, this wave that
allows you to feel who you really are.
you’re alone! Don’t dare to exclaim that you were forgotten! Don’t you dare to
blaspheme this way because you are not forgotten, because we’re supporting your
decision to be on Earth at this epoch. Remember that,
dear children, remember! On the other side of the veil there is an army to look
after you. Many of you say that can’t hear our words. Many of you say constantly: “I
ask, but I didn’t hear them; I’m not like him, as she that get
right contact with you.” Yes, you are. Yes, you are, open your
heart, free your mind of questions and allow the flow of light. Free yourself
the doubt and listen to us, we’re here. We are here. And the veil that
separates us it is being raised not by us, but by you who, little by
little accept us. Accept us in the sense of to let
yourself to go in this chains of love and to let yourself
to inundate by this Tsunami of Love that is bathing
you. You accept us of this way when allowing this wave of
love invade you. This wave that raises you, this wave that
allows you to feel who you really are.
I love you and I thank you
I’m Michael and I bless you.
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Pablo Moraes
Review: Jessica Braga
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