SaLuSa – “Point of Balance” – July 21, 2014 – (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “Point of Balance” – July 21, 2014 – (English)

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(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

A point of balance
must be found within you, my dear ones. And that point is what will put you in
a position of self-control which will promote a protective field around you and
prevent the dark forces to touch you. What happened with the Malaysia MH-17
flight is a proof to many that the dark ones will try by all means to prevent
the advance of the forces of Light that are already in very early stage. What
is up to you, dear ones, is that you keep your minds free from negative thoughts
and judgments, those ones that empower darkness to carryout their final plans
to prevent your Ascension. Incidents like these are proof of what they can do
when they receive the authority by means of pessimistic thoughts and judgments.

In such cases, we
can not intervene, dear ones, because your world is your responsibility, as
well as everything that happens on it. Our approach to Mother Earth happened
thanks to the vibrant hearts in Light that anchor constantly the empowering and
transformative energies. Such are responsible for our access to underground
bases, which allowed us to disarm the darkness with intentions against you,
because the collective intention was Peace and Light, and in respect for your
free will, we intervene. What happens in many cases when there is a soul
contract involved, or where there is an energy that sustains such an event,
such as the flight, it’s impossible to avoid certain situations, unless
everyone involved change their vibration bands to Light As I said, everything happens
according to the vibration of those involved and our intervention is also
according to your request.

The inner balance
point is the key so that you may keep you in peace  and vibrant in
Light, sustaining this energy into your heart and preventing the plans from the
dark ones go ahead. The revolt and dissatisfaction with certain events is what
should not happen, because it generates more energy to give more opportunities
to actions from the dark ones. Try to keep you in a constant state of equilibrium
with the free mind of pessimistic and discouraging thoughts. You are endowed
with immense power and this is in the point of balance, well within you. The
rain of news that occur constantly in your media communication tends,
naturally, to bring you down, but as we speak so often, do not believe what you
are told, when the goal is to leave you discouraged and unbelievers. There
is no other way to win darkness, but by love and understanding. The desire for
revenge and anger in the heart only take you increasingly down and make our
approach more difficult. We need a gentle and loving heart, so that we get more
direct communication, such as sending our ideas and even an intervention in the
case of some dark agent trying to harm you.

All come from you,
dear ones; you are those who make the rules, in reality. Always comes from you
the command of how and if we must act to help you in crossing the bridge that
takes you to full consciousness. Remember that only the words “come and
help us” are not enough. It’s necessary more than that, it’ necessary a
constant line of love and harmony, it’s necessary a self-control in relation to
your more destabilizing emotions. It is necessary that you may have confidence
in your own Light and to invite us to join you, that isn’t with the idea of
yourselves”, but to unite us up to you as just one people, one family and
together carry on with everything you have said.

Time is very short
now, where you can already see up close the bridge. We can not take in your
hand so that you cross, but we are on the other side of it, waving and waiting
for you to crossed it with faith, confidence and assurance that what you are
leaving behind, the old beliefs, the old ways, it’s necessary. The bridge can
not be crossed with luggage, my dear ones, can not be crossed with the old Age
concepts. Yes, old Age because you are in the New Age.

It takes you to
leave behind the luggage and cross the bridge with only the Light that you have
in heart. It’s only that. For many, this may seem difficult, but we do not
discourage. We say that the time for Ascension is eternal and everyone will
have the opportunity now or later. The important thing is that you may have in
mind that nothing, absolutely nothing, you will lose this opportunity. Although
decidais retreat at the last moment, you will have the opportunity to see the
bridge. If the traverse or not, once again, is none of your business.

I am SaLuSa from
Sirius and I see here the rays from the sun reaching the Mother Earth in full,
promoting a great cleaning in all energy fields of the planet. The Earth is
beautiful viewed from where I am and I hope to step on it in my humanoid form
very soon, when inviting me in freely and desingaged way from old baggage.

Be in Peace,

Be in the Light.

Gabriel: Thank you, dear SaLuSa! 

Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Carolina Barisch  

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