Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem
original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem
original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.
the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.
dear ones, gathered with the sincerest intentions of Love and Light, taking
advantage of these energies that God sends to Earth to flood your hearts, Thus
allowing even more the blossom o the flower of eternal life, the flower that
gives you the certainty that everything is eternal and perfect, that everything
is the wonder of God in manifestation. The flower that perfumes your path. The
flower that has been cultivated in the garden of God and
delivered to each being of Creation.
dear ones, gathered with the sincerest intentions of Love and Light, taking
advantage of these energies that God sends to Earth to flood your hearts, Thus
allowing even more the blossom o the flower of eternal life, the flower that
gives you the certainty that everything is eternal and perfect, that everything
is the wonder of God in manifestation. The flower that perfumes your path. The
flower that has been cultivated in the garden of God and
delivered to each being of Creation.
beloved sons, it is also time to share … share the love of your heart, share
your understanding with all who in these days are afflicted due to the internal
call to light. Afflicted because the call of light requests that you leave
the old ways, that you must rely on new, fully delivering you to the new
energies that are lapping everyone indiscriminately. Oh, beloved sons, involve
those brothers who have not yet given the opportunity to embrace the new, this
new one that would free you from pain and inner turmoil that a sadder way,
tries to bring those sons of heaven for their Connection with Divine Light,
this would provide all inner peace and abundance.
beloved sons, it is also time to share … share the love of your heart, share
your understanding with all who in these days are afflicted due to the internal
call to light. Afflicted because the call of light requests that you leave
the old ways, that you must rely on new, fully delivering you to the new
energies that are lapping everyone indiscriminately. Oh, beloved sons, involve
those brothers who have not yet given the opportunity to embrace the new, this
new one that would free you from pain and inner turmoil that a sadder way,
tries to bring those sons of heaven for their Connection with Divine Light,
this would provide all inner peace and abundance.
dear ones, my young boys and girls, bless your parents, enlighten them with
your inner wisdom and light, giving them that bath of love. You who have
come with the key, that will open the gateway to New Age.
dear ones, my young boys and girls, bless your parents, enlighten them with
your inner wisdom and light, giving them that bath of love. You who have
come with the key, that will open the gateway to New Age.
you who have given your lives for the sake of your children, you who have
forgotten yourselves for your children, that you gave all your love for the
growth of your dear children, open your hearts to the new energies that are
bathed them constantly, Releasing each one of you of old energies which were involved
in that you could not receive these children with love. Oh, yes, dear ones,
they (the dark forces), knew of your potential as powerful beings and also knew
the potential of your children, as well articulated to separate you, children
from parents and parents from the children, for they had no success in the
Divine Plan.
you who have given your lives for the sake of your children, you who have
forgotten yourselves for your children, that you gave all your love for the
growth of your dear children, open your hearts to the new energies that are
bathed them constantly, Releasing each one of you of old energies which were involved
in that you could not receive these children with love. Oh, yes, dear ones,
they (the dark forces), knew of your potential as powerful beings and also knew
the potential of your children, as well articulated to separate you, children
from parents and parents from the children, for they had no success in the
Divine Plan.
my sons, I say unto you that you have overcome! You have raised yourselves
to the light and the White Flame of your heart shone more intensely, making you
see and understand your role on this Earth and where I have poured out my
mother’s love. This infinitely donated Love to my son, that I generated in my
womb, such love, for a brief moment … to have pierced my soul at the moment
of agony, it seemed not enough to remove him from that painful situation …
However, sons of My Heart, replicators of the of my love son and brother Jesus,
I trusted him to Lord, I trusted him to the Heavenly Father, I surrendered to
the Greater Love, greater than my love, greater than I could think and I
delivered and I trusted in the Love of the Father.
my sons, I say unto you that you have overcome! You have raised yourselves
to the light and the White Flame of your heart shone more intensely, making you
see and understand your role on this Earth and where I have poured out my
mother’s love. This infinitely donated Love to my son, that I generated in my
womb, such love, for a brief moment … to have pierced my soul at the moment
of agony, it seemed not enough to remove him from that painful situation …
However, sons of My Heart, replicators of the of my love son and brother Jesus,
I trusted him to Lord, I trusted him to the Heavenly Father, I surrendered to
the Greater Love, greater than my love, greater than I could think and I
delivered and I trusted in the Love of the Father.
entreat you, my sons, you children, you parents, I request you, as it may seem
that your love is not enough to raise light to your beloved one, by more than
it may seem, that the pain of the soul, pierced through the agony of your loved
one is bigger than your love, trust the situation to the Father, deliver to him
any idea that the mind gives you any idea of pain and inferiority, surrender to
the Father and let Him wrap His love all the pain and anguish.
entreat you, my sons, you children, you parents, I request you, as it may seem
that your love is not enough to raise light to your beloved one, by more than
it may seem, that the pain of the soul, pierced through the agony of your loved
one is bigger than your love, trust the situation to the Father, deliver to him
any idea that the mind gives you any idea of pain and inferiority, surrender to
the Father and let Him wrap His love all the pain and anguish.
children of my heart, remember that you came to this Earth, both parents and
sons, sons and parents came to complete yourselves. Came to instruct each
other through the love and not through the pain. No family situation of
disharmony can make you forget it, because your love, because your trust in the
love of the Father is what will always raise you again to light, as happened to
me when I saw Him, when I saw my son on the wood … Only delivery and Faith
will remove you from all pain, only your faith will move away from any agony or
feelings of failure, My sons, only this will move the love of the Father,
to raise you back to serenity, peace and confidence.
children of my heart, remember that you came to this Earth, both parents and
sons, sons and parents came to complete yourselves. Came to instruct each
other through the love and not through the pain. No family situation of
disharmony can make you forget it, because your love, because your trust in the
love of the Father is what will always raise you again to light, as happened to
me when I saw Him, when I saw my son on the wood … Only delivery and Faith
will remove you from all pain, only your faith will move away from any agony or
feelings of failure, My sons, only this will move the love of the Father,
to raise you back to serenity, peace and confidence.
delivered my Son to the world at that moment, I delivered my Son to God’s work,
and I delivered and detached myself from any selfishness and I trusted in the
greater purpose, trust in the Love of our Heavenly Father. Do the same, oh,
children of my heart; entrust your lives to the Father; entrust everything,
confident of his love for you. By doing this, you will be bathed in heavenly
light and renewed by the power of faith, you will have the strength to go
forward in your way, spreading light and love, without attachment, without
pettiness and doubts. Work is yours, my beloved, and only a complete
surrender to the new energies will lead you to happiness. There is no
other way than by delivering with Faith.
delivered my Son to the world at that moment, I delivered my Son to God’s work,
and I delivered and detached myself from any selfishness and I trusted in the
greater purpose, trust in the Love of our Heavenly Father. Do the same, oh,
children of my heart; entrust your lives to the Father; entrust everything,
confident of his love for you. By doing this, you will be bathed in heavenly
light and renewed by the power of faith, you will have the strength to go
forward in your way, spreading light and love, without attachment, without
pettiness and doubts. Work is yours, my beloved, and only a complete
surrender to the new energies will lead you to happiness. There is no
other way than by delivering with Faith.
beloved ones, it’s so good to talk to you this way so more directly, as it’s
nice to feel the beat of the hearts of each one of you, confident, cheerful. As
it’s good to see also the tears fall, tears of love and gratitude. Oh, My sons,
how I love you! How I love you!
beloved ones, it’s so good to talk to you this way so more directly, as it’s
nice to feel the beat of the hearts of each one of you, confident, cheerful. As
it’s good to see also the tears fall, tears of love and gratitude. Oh, My sons,
how I love you! How I love you!
you for allowing me, for listening, and even more by the care with which always
treat me. I’m always very happy to receive all this love from my sons, my
brothers, the sons of the stars.
you for allowing me, for listening, and even more by the care with which always
treat me. I’m always very happy to receive all this love from my sons, my
brothers, the sons of the stars.
ones, I leave you now pouring upon you all my blessings and involving all in my
cloak of protection, because I am Mary, Your Mother.
ones, I leave you now pouring upon you all my blessings and involving all in my
cloak of protection, because I am Mary, Your Mother.
– Thank you, my sweet Mother.
– Thank you, my sweet Mother.
Sementes das Estrelas / Carlos Eduardo Ramalho
Sementes das Estrelas / Carlos Eduardo Ramalho