Well, as my spiritual
friends say I need to be in alignment with my higert-self and translating it, I
need to be happy, because the frequency at which the happiness vibrates, is
equivalent to them, then I’ll contact Easily . I Can feel them clearly as if
they were within my own Self (And actually they are, lol)
friends say I need to be in alignment with my higert-self and translating it, I
need to be happy, because the frequency at which the happiness vibrates, is
equivalent to them, then I’ll contact Easily . I Can feel them clearly as if
they were within my own Self (And actually they are, lol)
When I feel emotionally and vibrationally ready, i invite
them, close my eyes, I focus, take a deep breath … And suddenly I’m invaded
by Love in its purest, most divine and it’s like I could experience the best
sensations, it fills me, makes me feel the happiest person in the world
(no exaggeration) And they kindly pass the message.
them, close my eyes, I focus, take a deep breath … And suddenly I’m invaded
by Love in its purest, most divine and it’s like I could experience the best
sensations, it fills me, makes me feel the happiest person in the world
(no exaggeration) And they kindly pass the message.
In many cases I also do
not get to focus , simply because I’m very happy, I am taken from
“nothing” by this force, this wonderful force called Love taking
shape, shapes … that identify themselves as SaLuSa, Ashtar, SaLuSa ,
Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Joshua, Nada, Galactic Federation, Ashtar
Command … simply i’m taken and start writing, at the end, see what was
written. It is a simply wonderful feeling. Some friends have witnessed this
sudden event, and Divinely wonderful.
not get to focus , simply because I’m very happy, I am taken from
“nothing” by this force, this wonderful force called Love taking
shape, shapes … that identify themselves as SaLuSa, Ashtar, SaLuSa ,
Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Joshua, Nada, Galactic Federation, Ashtar
Command … simply i’m taken and start writing, at the end, see what was
written. It is a simply wonderful feeling. Some friends have witnessed this
sudden event, and Divinely wonderful.
They, (the Friends of
the High) say I’m sort of antenna that is able to capture their signal and
convert into “tangible information” to my physical context. Iit’s
something like this.
the High) say I’m sort of antenna that is able to capture their signal and
convert into “tangible information” to my physical context. Iit’s
something like this.
Of course there is
another type of contact that is when I call them to talk through me, but this
occurs only in meetings or in some special cases, when they decide, what is the
best time for such . Actually I always like to say that not only depend on me.
In this second case, the expansion is larger, sharper, a little bit stronger
and there may be up to a certain “plastic” in my body to take the
real way, that being is using at that moment.
another type of contact that is when I call them to talk through me, but this
occurs only in meetings or in some special cases, when they decide, what is the
best time for such . Actually I always like to say that not only depend on me.
In this second case, the expansion is larger, sharper, a little bit stronger
and there may be up to a certain “plastic” in my body to take the
real way, that being is using at that moment.
And speaking of
channeling, I remember a day that I called SaLuSa in thought, to talk to me to
which I replied in my mind:
channeling, I remember a day that I called SaLuSa in thought, to talk to me to
which I replied in my mind:
This is, what happens
with me, folks .
with me, folks .
Below I leave some links
with very interesting information about this process of communication /
channeling with our spiritual brothers.
with very interesting information about this process of communication /
channeling with our spiritual brothers.
Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Carlos Eduardo Ramalho
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