SaLuSa - "Your Creator Power" – September 6, 2013 – (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “Your Creator Power” – September 6, 2013 – (English)

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The campaign to raise Mother Earth from the low vibrations has had a great worldwide response. This is the result of your work together. We always knew of your potential and abilities to work together, the power that it would bring to the plans of the Creator. We were asked to put together”
key pieces in same vibrational place, and then, you‘d leave. You, all you together, that compose this large family of Light, are performing very well the plans as they were planned.

Each one was displaced to
strategic locations with the idea of
​​crossing the whole Mother Earth from north to south, from east to west. The intersections of
these forces
in what you
are seeing around the world, and the people who were arrested to the idea of fear and chaos are now waking up to the reality of Light, which brings a wonderful peace to their hearts. It is also due to this that light responses come by people previously considered dark” by the fact they are playing a game which allowed them to watch the real plans of
the dark ones, to then bring them to public.
This has never been an easy task, due to the fear that these people were exposed. These key people are very brave
souls who wished to be in the wolf’s lairfor the sake of your human species.
We remember
, dear ones, that
only love
needed at this time. Abstain yourselves from judgment and criticism, consider that all souls are from Light and the ones to choose to experience darkness, nonetheless, belong to Light because everything that exists is Light. We also know the fears that still surround the hearts of some people about everything that has happened on Mother Earth. Consider, dear ones, everything is going like it has to go and that interventions are happening in these cases, they behooves us intercede.
Do not give credits to anything that sadden your
; before, consider
as an
answer for your SELF and that you must be away.
Love and
for all
souls, as well as all the opinions that surround you, should be your motto. Keeping yourselves away from news or people
you feel bad doesn’t mean ban them from your living, but prevent certain
change your
mental state of peace and love. Only doing this you will succeed in your real Divine Purpose, which is to be the mirror to reflect the Light of the Creator. You weren’t brought to this moment for fear of what
is happening
, not to
think that certain people are in the wrong place. Each person is where they need to be and doing what they need
to do
within the
Divine Plan. Naturally, each one will follow their path according to their vibrations and you must not be sad if closer souls choose a different path than yours.
As sovereign beings,
you are seeing how powerful is your
to the point  to stop a war. Oh, yes, dear ones, Mother Earth is grateful for your intervention and at the present moment, you are about to see a wonderful turnaround.
Consider that the power of your creative thought is very active right now, and as the days pass and the arrival of the galactic plane approaches, the solar power will increase more and more your creative power and, given your ability to concentrate, this power will instantly manifest your divine will.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on board of one of our motherships, I would also say that we are pretty excited about the next step and this will be given by you when you realize that you are holders of such unimaginable power, able even to change
the orbit of a planet / asteroid
/ comet.
Be in Peace,

Be in the Light.

Gabriel: Friends, after the
closing of the text
, SaLuSa told me something more, very interesting:

SaLuSa: Dear ones, your
moon will begin to show signs of its true surface. You will be amazed when you see this great ship that was always by your side and with that immense camouflage, could outwit the dark ones so long. Oh yes,
my dear ones, it’s a large ship that has always been giving support to the energies of  Light
on Mother Earth. Its surface was used long by brothers who wished to experience the darkness without knowing that their activities in the lunar soil were being assisted by the lunar beings, who defend the flag of freedom and peace. These beings work with us for a long time and also have as a specialty bring truth and light to all.

Gabriel: Thank you, dear SaLuSa.
Carolina Barisch

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