SaLuSa - " The terminus of the empires" – September 16, 2013 – (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – ” The terminus of the empires” – September 16, 2013 – (English)

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There is a certainty in your hearts that something new is coming, and it’s something that will leave you in complete ecstasy. Oh
dear ones, you are feeling every day more intensely
the results of  your efforts to raise
Mother Earth from the low vibrations. You
can feel and
see the power of your thought been manifested in a eye
. Because of your will of raise Mother Earth to higher levels, you have witnessed increasingly spiritual
events due to the range of energy that you are moving.

Your power has caused that a
be made on those who have long desired the domain  on Earth. They are trapped and
there is no
other way but to
in their intentions
to cause chaos and
. They no longer have the
power structure they had before simply because you have dismantled it with your directly collective power. They are now in internal chaos
and  a force has made
them turning increasingly within them so that they can be re-assessed themselves and choose which path they
wish to follow
from this time, as
Mother Earth does not bear more low vibration actions, being naturally led them to take a decision. Their
was based on gold that they
had in underground
, which had been seized by our allies. There
will be
a count and they will have to give explanations about where the planet wealth ended, which was
their domain.

They will have to
about resources  that were suppressed
from each of you and explanations about the bases built on the Moon and on Mars
for the purpose of spatial
domain. A wave
information will come out
in your newscasts as a way to prepare people for further news that we
even more important that will follow. The strong energy that has come from
the Central Sun
of the galaxy has
made that
more and more people turn
their inner self,  to a self
assessment, and the
dark ones
are not out of this
self-analysis. It is a powerful energy that has shaken each
one on your
emotional and physical level,
providing lightness or stress according to inner harmony or lack of it. Every day
that goes by
, you can also see
a considerable amount of fortunate
losing their financial
, it tends to occur
day after day.

The need for self-analysis will
bring an energy that
will lead people to give value to the inner self, and the probation, this
for many of them, will be the detachment of
material values
​​. In the moment you face the
you have inside,
nothing will make you suffer and live in scarcity.
You’ll see that there was never need for exaggeratedly accumulation
of material goods because you are
constantly supplied on the inside
for all you need. Those who don’t wish  yet to breaks off what
they consider
most important, the
will naturally be trapped”
in one place, the here and now, and will have to make a
about how and where they
wish to
continue their journeys.
Daily such beings,
(worthy of God’s love as any other), have
been meeting
to discuss the
that have made them
to give up their fortunes and the power for a certain moment, so they get time
for a

We would like
say that this won’t be allowed as
the Creator
decreed that Mother
and its humanity would be
freed from the regime of darkness and would no longer be allowed the destruction of a planet in the solar system like in the past. At the moment, those who have had great difficulty  to retreat upon the appeal of light are those who use the crown But they are
well informed that they will have to leave their posts and make
for the forces of light
who have advanced every day. Dear ones, I am very happy to once again bring these
information to
you, and as a
of the Galactic Federation at this time, I bless you in this your now sublime progress, trusting that each of you are on the higher period
of your journey on Earth.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius
and we are at 1… The trumpets sound can
be heard and we are very
happy to be part of your awakening.

Be in Peace,

Be in the Light.

Gabriel: Thank you, my friend SaLuSa.

Translation: Carolina Barisch

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