Archangel Raphael – “Bridges of God” – September 25, 2013 – (English)

Archangel Raphael – “Bridges of God” – September 25, 2013 – (English)

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Gabriel: Dear ones, I’ll leave here
a song that dear Raphael asked to put to listen while reading the message.
God bless you.


noble and blessed angels, that is one step of the journey that many of you have
waited for so long: the point of regress. This trip has placed you
informed of everything that happens in the lower dimensions where only
experiencing is which you might know what was happening to many souls who went
down there and lingered far to climb back.

yes, my angels, you were brave to come down to learn and experience all that
the lower realms can provide in learning. You were and you did! You are a
wonderful example. There is nothing we can not do now, there is nothing that
can not manifest when in a state of profound love, as you are now. I know you
are surprised at the size of the love you are finding withinyourselves, or
rather rediscovering, because it was always there, it always wanted to express
itself in all that is.

matured, dear ones, a lot! You want a proof? Every day you see some people
complain of their pains and difficulties. Every day you see them sad and
hopeless, and at this point what do you do …? Yes, you  comfort them,
you show them what they do best, you show them that this or that is not the
end. You, as living examples of survival here are the mirror to them and so
they see that you achieved. And why could not they do that?

are many questions about you, dear ones, many … “Why did he / she is
like this, so strong, don’t stay shaken by anything,  is always
safe and always has something good to talk and cheer, why?”
see, dear ones, that you are awakening in these people the will to rise up, the
desire to turn themselves what they always were? “LORDS OF THEIR

my noble souls, my blessed angel, take care of the mirror every day
you are. Clean it daily with good examples and be always patient with those who
are around you.

my sweet angels, are the bridges between many people, never forget that! You,
my angels, are these many bridges that God, knowing that it wouldn’t be easy,
put you where you are and doing what you are doing. To be a bridge, dear ones,
implies endure the storms, the stomps, strong, the strong winds, those who are
ungrateful, the exaggerated weights  … but you will always be
there, always being a bridge, a beautiful bridge,  faithful to what you
are and you came to do: to UNITE.

situations where no words “takes effects”, hush and send your love, I
assure you that this powerful intention to “my brother: be happy, I want
to see you happy, get out of this inferiority state  and discommodity, get
out of this idea that the world is wrong and you are right, God loves you and
wants to see you well, because you have the power to transform all this. “

Only this intent, sent as a jet of love, is enough.

am asking  Gabriel to deliver you a song that I am showing him in this

in the sound that will penetrate your souls, I embrace myself with you all,
leaving my affection and sending my love to you …

children, my dear brothers, I bless you, I believe in each of you, I know the
difficulties that life in the lower dimensions implies, as well as I know
your potential.

my young angels, animus! Remain a little and the long trip is already
over. The return home is imminent, trust you, trust in what God’s love can
provide. He knows your pains, he knows that you can love them enough that they
simply return to higher vibrations. Because, my angels, oh yeah … because
your pains are consciences lacking in love and only you can give love to
them. Only you. Do that and also allow them to return home.

love you unconditionally, beyond any idea of love that you may have at this
time, I love you beyond that.

I am your brother, I am Raphael.

Gabriel: Thank you, my sweet brother … (tears. ..)

Translation: Carolina Barisch

The translation work is done by Brazilian volunteers. We apologize for any
mistakes or regional differences of language.

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