SaLuSa - "DNA" – August 6, 2013 - (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “DNA” – August 6, 2013 – (English)

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Dear ones, as you know, your
glorious future is right in front
of you. You are
also aware
and to experience an
increasing energy inside you which it is to propel you increasingly make to peaceful decisions, so now you consider today a good conversation better than going to the ” finally ” of aggressiveness  (Note: get into a fight). We do not want you
to think that we are accusing you, dear ones, but we would like to say that
this was another of the tricks used by the dark ones to keep you always in aggressive tone and pessimistic. Your
DNA was changed so that you always acted this way and what has happened
now is that these plaque / virus infiltrated in your DNA are been removed by the
increasing Light that
come to Mother Earth, allowing you to live and
express what you really
are: beings of
pure nature and peaceful.
This is a process that has been very
painful for many of you, by the fact that, naturally, you are having flashes of
situations where you were aggressive, compared with your current state where the
serenity and the love have grown rapidly in you, ultimately generates a feeling
of confusion and even guilt. Understand, my dear ones, there is nothing to you
feel guilty. Stay rested in the Love and in the Light and trust that this whole
process was a great learning experience for you that may lead throughout this Universe
and beyond it.
Demonstrations around the world where
thousands of people vibrate for a fairer world are
nothing more
than a reflection of
your DNA helices being restored to its
original form
, bringing people
back to what they have naturally inside:
, justice, wisdom, humility,
equality, peace and many other natural feelings in you.
conclusion of this
regeneration process of your DNA will take a while
and ye shall understand
it depends exclusively on
you. Look for calmer
states, states which
are more connected with your Higher Self, this connection speeds up this process and
the collateral
effects” of these adjustments.
In the
following weeks
will again be bathed in an immense amount of Light that will further accelerate this process. We advise that from now take liquid, to the extent possible, with feed yourselves with
/ legumes, fruits and
much green, always before your rest at night try to meditate a moment, asking
your spiritual friends
to help
you to
sleep well, call us!
We’re here to help
and we can only do so if you allow us to. Reduce
as far as possible the state of your
activity and try
to be
more relaxed. We know
about your tasks, we know how much your daily life consume your time and mood. Consider that
at this moment a break for breath, even by 1 minute will bring a fantastic effect in the following hours.
There will be a certain agitation in some people that will be in internal conflicts increasingly accented, due to the fact of not comprising what is
, this is due to a
massive amount of contrary polarity
injections in your mental field by you leave yourselves be taken at stress, moodiness and other feelings that
the frequency of the Light
in your bodies and leave slow your spiritual
We know,
dear, ones, you are subject to all these psychic bombings, as we know about your ability to harmonize and visualize perfection around you. We
, however, that you
allow yourselves a peace and harmony moment.
Observe all movement around you, the whole system you are in and
breathe deeply, allowing  yourselves this moment of peace.
We are so glad to see the progress
day that passes, we are
satisfied with
your determination and hope to meet you soon
our hug.

I am SaLuSa from
and would like to speak on
of all from Galactic
of Light that this is a long awaited moment by all of us,
when we will make our views at low altitude and
to you the same joy
we feel when we are in contact with you, as now, but in this case, much more intense and directly.
Be in Peace,

Be in the

Gabriel: Thank you, dear SaLuSa.

Tranlation: Carolina Barisch

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