Archangel Michael - "The trunk will be opened" - 07.25.2013 - (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Archangel Michael – “The trunk will be opened” – 07.25.2013 – (English)

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My dear fellow, we’ll start to open
the trunk with the files … You will be delighted with so much that has long
guarded and was kept out of your reach. Do not worry, you have time to see the
entire collection, really it will take some time to you to digest all, but you
will get because the your nature is ready for it.
It’s the opportune moment for this
opening and you’ll know how to deal with all this. We are ready to help you, to
tell you what would be the best file to be first seen, to help you keep the
vibration high when some very serious 
files come to your hands … These files that tell who are the
responsible and why you were kept blind for so long.
It’s a whole story that  now will completely be opened for all of you.
We told you that things were warming
up, warmed up enough to melt the lock that ensured that these files stay saved
in this trunk. It’s your achievement, noble souls. Accept who you are, the
power that you have. All that has happened is thanks to your efforts. All that
has happened is a result of your actions and sincere wishes for a better world.
Stop abnegating yourselves at the
sense of love. You tend to love some times infinitely many people, you extend
your hands for many and often turn your backs on yourselves, denying iyour own
powerful nature. The lock broke up thanks to your love only. Only remains that
you be prepared to look inside the trunk, and for this, you need to love
yourselves, because only then you will love those, many of those responsible
for having kept the trunk closed.
Remember, the trunk was closed by
hands that were in a body full of pain, the contents stored in the trunk is
your right, and forgiveness is fundamental in this case.
We love you and we are delighted
with the opening of the trunk.
We’ll talk more soon,
Have a good afternoon.
Gabriel: Thank you, my Father.

Carolina Barisch

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