Archangel Michael - "Family" - 03.07.2013 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Archangel Michael – “Family” – 03.07.2013 (English)

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My dear hearts, today we will talk about
“Family,” about everything that has happened this way.
Dear ones, beloved hearts, you have gone
through a real family chaos. Of all the situations you have experienced in this
way which has shaken more deeply with you is the separation from loved ones.
You are in a step, experiencing a process where one must go and others need to
come, this has left you aching and confused.
Friends, we advise that you’d pass by
many things through these times, and this is one of them, one of the most
important. You need to let go of those that need to go, let them go, do not arrest
them any more in your over attachment feelings, it just makes things difficult
for both sides. Right now everyone is being called inside to where they need to
be, to experience what they need experience and if you don’t cooperate with it,
will make this required “separation” even more painful.
This is also an opportunity for you to
demonstrate how much you are ready to Unity. Can you understand that in Unity
does not exist “here or there”? Let go your fears of losing the
company of those who you love and truly show that you love them allowing to do
their choices, don’t you  want to choose
by them. You also, noble souls, need to go somewhere, and you also need to
collaborate when you are called, showing that you are detached from all that
for a time you believed that you were owners.
You have heard from Emanuel when he was
in the midst of you: To where I go, ye cannot go ye now,” it could now be
considered. Where many are going, you may not need to be, or where you are
going they may not be now.
Remember that everything are moments, in
the Universe there is no linear time and you will have eternity to enjoy the
company of those you wish. You only need to collaborate now, all right ? This
is another part of the game. Cooperate.
Have a nice day,
The friend from Sirius will talk to you
We’ll talk more soon,
Gabriel: Thanks for that, my dear

Translation: Carolina Barisch

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