Hello, dear hearts, let’s talk today
about your back home trip …
about your back home trip …
You are starting your home back trip to
the Sky-Rocketing home, to the Heart of Love. You are returning to the Supreme
Source, and this is a journey that many of you turns out to be ups and downs
… The high by expectation to recover with Genuine Love, with your Divine
nature. Low, by internal path that will have to go by to this Divine point, and
we will remind you the reason this path becomes so complicated for some of you.
A parenthesis: (Complicated, not impossible, right? Because by the way you came
you will have come back – Smile …)
the Sky-Rocketing home, to the Heart of Love. You are returning to the Supreme
Source, and this is a journey that many of you turns out to be ups and downs
… The high by expectation to recover with Genuine Love, with your Divine
nature. Low, by internal path that will have to go by to this Divine point, and
we will remind you the reason this path becomes so complicated for some of you.
A parenthesis: (Complicated, not impossible, right? Because by the way you came
you will have come back – Smile …)
Dear ones, in this back trip you are
being called increasingly into yourselves, to be face to face with your fears,
insecurities, anger, bitterness, discontent … All these feelings are for most
of you right now sensitive and this has caused further conflict, so ask
yourselves: “How I am in the process of ascension experiencing such
feelings!?”. Dear ones, the answer is very clear and we will try to
explain as best as possible.
being called increasingly into yourselves, to be face to face with your fears,
insecurities, anger, bitterness, discontent … All these feelings are for most
of you right now sensitive and this has caused further conflict, so ask
yourselves: “How I am in the process of ascension experiencing such
feelings!?”. Dear ones, the answer is very clear and we will try to
explain as best as possible.
When you came out from the Source by your
choice, and start to fall into the abyss of oblivion, you entered an immense
endless tunnel. This tunnel was very bright in the beginning because was still
under the strong influence of the Source, this glow was losing its intensity as
you were entering further into the abyss of oblivion, this long journey,
gradually became more stressful, more stressful, more painful … You were impregnating the walls of
this tunnel minor points, these points known such as pain, grief, sorrow,
insecurity, anger, disaffection … These
points, dear ones, they are all a creation of yours, my beloved ones, and now on returning home, you must
again go through the same tunnel which used to exit the Source. This tunnel
continues the same way you left, still impregnated with these points on their
walls …
choice, and start to fall into the abyss of oblivion, you entered an immense
endless tunnel. This tunnel was very bright in the beginning because was still
under the strong influence of the Source, this glow was losing its intensity as
you were entering further into the abyss of oblivion, this long journey,
gradually became more stressful, more stressful, more painful … You were impregnating the walls of
this tunnel minor points, these points known such as pain, grief, sorrow,
insecurity, anger, disaffection … These
points, dear ones, they are all a creation of yours, my beloved ones, and now on returning home, you must
again go through the same tunnel which used to exit the Source. This tunnel
continues the same way you left, still impregnated with these points on their
walls …
Do you understand the reason why the
intense fear that you, in most cases, you must look within yourselves? Dear
ones, the tunnel is within you, the back home journey begins within you, and
that’s where the tunnel begins, there is at this point that you are being
called, because it is your responsibility to clean the walls of this tunnel,
and also because there is no way to return home but going that route is the
only way, dear ones, and you will have to face it.
intense fear that you, in most cases, you must look within yourselves? Dear
ones, the tunnel is within you, the back home journey begins within you, and
that’s where the tunnel begins, there is at this point that you are being
called, because it is your responsibility to clean the walls of this tunnel,
and also because there is no way to return home but going that route is the
only way, dear ones, and you will have to face it.
Now, beloved ones, understand why you
are going through so much pain, so many internal conflicts? Now understand why
you are being bombarded by these feelings that have left you increasingly
confused and angry? Each of you is now face to face with the points you wished
to put on the wall of this tunnel, you have to look at it and as a cloth with
alcohol is passed in a dirty window, need cleaning every speck you did. We know
that for many of you is not an easy task, it really is not easy to deal with
certain things for you, because many of you exclaim “Why am I going
through it? “ Yes, we know that there is no remembrance in you of many things,
but we are here for this, to remind you of your responsibility, to remind you
of your potential and that you are also able to clear this tunnel, which is
personal, so you can finally return home.
are going through so much pain, so many internal conflicts? Now understand why
you are being bombarded by these feelings that have left you increasingly
confused and angry? Each of you is now face to face with the points you wished
to put on the wall of this tunnel, you have to look at it and as a cloth with
alcohol is passed in a dirty window, need cleaning every speck you did. We know
that for many of you is not an easy task, it really is not easy to deal with
certain things for you, because many of you exclaim “Why am I going
through it? “ Yes, we know that there is no remembrance in you of many things,
but we are here for this, to remind you of your responsibility, to remind you
of your potential and that you are also able to clear this tunnel, which is
personal, so you can finally return home.
Noble hearts, don’t be afraid to look
within yourselves, enjoin the opportunity that is being given at this point,
begin to face your fears, your anger, your sorrows … Face with much love in
your hearts, and remember, use the cleaning cloth with alcohol to clean these
dots that need to be cleaned. Each point of
this does the light from the Source appears farther, through the energy which
you place at these points. The work you will have at the cleaning at these
points will depend on each of you. Each of you when left the Source, left in a
specific tunnel, each of you has your own individual tunnel, which leads to the
same destination. Each of you
have the tools to clean these tunnels, each one of you know where the tunnel
begins and where it ends. Begins
and ends within you in Source, but no one, under any circumstances can make
each other’s work, it’s really impossible !
within yourselves, enjoin the opportunity that is being given at this point,
begin to face your fears, your anger, your sorrows … Face with much love in
your hearts, and remember, use the cleaning cloth with alcohol to clean these
dots that need to be cleaned. Each point of
this does the light from the Source appears farther, through the energy which
you place at these points. The work you will have at the cleaning at these
points will depend on each of you. Each of you when left the Source, left in a
specific tunnel, each of you has your own individual tunnel, which leads to the
same destination. Each of you
have the tools to clean these tunnels, each one of you know where the tunnel
begins and where it ends. Begins
and ends within you in Source, but no one, under any circumstances can make
each other’s work, it’s really impossible !
Let’s go, noble souls, to work! You
often use the phrase: “The work dignifies man” – Yes! That more than
ever applies now to this moment! Work to leave your return passage to home
clean, as you found at the beginning of this journey, facing what you have
created and which only you can solve. We are constantly giving tips, we also
can give you doilies … Allow some good laughs, so the work will not seem so
complicated (smile), and it really is not.
often use the phrase: “The work dignifies man” – Yes! That more than
ever applies now to this moment! Work to leave your return passage to home
clean, as you found at the beginning of this journey, facing what you have
created and which only you can solve. We are constantly giving tips, we also
can give you doilies … Allow some good laughs, so the work will not seem so
complicated (smile), and it really is not.
Noble souls, honorable sons of the
Sky-Rocketing, such an honor to be with each of you at this time have
rediscovered the path that leads you home, even if you are scared of the way
you will have to go, whatever the tunnel is dark in the beginning, you know
that in the its end a powerful light awaits for you. Although you are now being
placed face to face with your fears, you know, in the intimate of your being
that when finishing the cleaning in those points that you’ve created, you’ll
see the light shine brightly and understand that during all this time God has
never been away from you but you just refused to put “hands on” to
clear these points so that you could always see Him with open arms for you.
Sky-Rocketing, such an honor to be with each of you at this time have
rediscovered the path that leads you home, even if you are scared of the way
you will have to go, whatever the tunnel is dark in the beginning, you know
that in the its end a powerful light awaits for you. Although you are now being
placed face to face with your fears, you know, in the intimate of your being
that when finishing the cleaning in those points that you’ve created, you’ll
see the light shine brightly and understand that during all this time God has
never been away from you but you just refused to put “hands on” to
clear these points so that you could always see Him with open arms for you.
My dear brothers, noble souls, I wish a wonderful day for you,
thank you for this! Michael: Dear, the honor is entirely
mine! Are you already with your cleaning cloth? (Smiles. ..) Gabriel: Yes, at the service! (Smile) Michael: See you soon! Gabriel:
Thank you !
We’ll talk more soon,
Have a nice day!
Gabriel: Thank you my Father and Lord,thank you for this! Michael: Dear, the honor is entirely
mine! Are you already with your cleaning cloth? (Smiles. ..) Gabriel: Yes, at the service! (Smile) Michael: See you soon! Gabriel:
Thank you !
Translation: Carolina
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