Dear ones, you don’t need stop doing what you
always have done, the question now is to let be taken by God’s love that is
coming into your lifes. All your actions will now be added to the Love of the
Creator who is bathing you in this moment, giving you joy and willingness in
your tasks. You are now beginning to feel the Life power in you, the joy of
being alive and happy. The mechanical life form is being dismantled and now
love will bring more and more possibilities, life will stops being dull and repetitive.
With each new day, a new adventure will hit your door, indeed, will be an
exciting time for all who wish to see this new reality manifesting.
always have done, the question now is to let be taken by God’s love that is
coming into your lifes. All your actions will now be added to the Love of the
Creator who is bathing you in this moment, giving you joy and willingness in
your tasks. You are now beginning to feel the Life power in you, the joy of
being alive and happy. The mechanical life form is being dismantled and now
love will bring more and more possibilities, life will stops being dull and repetitive.
With each new day, a new adventure will hit your door, indeed, will be an
exciting time for all who wish to see this new reality manifesting.
It will be a new beginning for you, dear ones,
that will rediscover the pleasure of being alive. Interplanetary traveling will
take you away to adventures at the Universe apart, bringing opportunities to go
to worlds where races like yours are hoping you to be able to benefit
themselves by your experiences. In this moment now, the Earth is, in the Universe
that you know, a planet well assisted by all other civilizations. They all want
to see this wonderful moment of your awakening to your true nature. There were
many mishaps to come this far, there was little doubt by even those who are on
this path of self-knowledge for a long time, but now you are feeling inside the
certainty that all the way was indeed successful. You are now viewing the
abundant love beating in your hearts, where there is no other way to release
this love unless by loving and respecting increasingly your similar, which
encompasses not only the men and women of your species, but the whole compound
reigning life on Mother Earth.
that will rediscover the pleasure of being alive. Interplanetary traveling will
take you away to adventures at the Universe apart, bringing opportunities to go
to worlds where races like yours are hoping you to be able to benefit
themselves by your experiences. In this moment now, the Earth is, in the Universe
that you know, a planet well assisted by all other civilizations. They all want
to see this wonderful moment of your awakening to your true nature. There were
many mishaps to come this far, there was little doubt by even those who are on
this path of self-knowledge for a long time, but now you are feeling inside the
certainty that all the way was indeed successful. You are now viewing the
abundant love beating in your hearts, where there is no other way to release
this love unless by loving and respecting increasingly your similar, which
encompasses not only the men and women of your species, but the whole compound
reigning life on Mother Earth.
Patiently you have discovered you as different
beings than you thought months ago or even weeks ago. And a wonderful energy
has taken space within you, as you accept that and let you take by it. The
peaceful nature is your true nature and nothing more normal than you know
yourself as peaceful beings and we see no more reasons for wars like in a not
too far past as a way to bring peace. Dear ones, you have been programmed in
order to be tough and ruthless with each other, you were programmed to fight
back the attacks against each other, (which caused an almost endless snowball),
and see the dispute the way to keep your space protected. This always caused
you greater pain than would have occurred. Mother Earth is designed to be a
field of learning much smoother than it actually happened, but even before such
circumstances, you came out victorious over all that was improvised on your way
back home. This blessed moment has come and your interior says you that, what
makes you do not remaining in doubt that the time is come.
beings than you thought months ago or even weeks ago. And a wonderful energy
has taken space within you, as you accept that and let you take by it. The
peaceful nature is your true nature and nothing more normal than you know
yourself as peaceful beings and we see no more reasons for wars like in a not
too far past as a way to bring peace. Dear ones, you have been programmed in
order to be tough and ruthless with each other, you were programmed to fight
back the attacks against each other, (which caused an almost endless snowball),
and see the dispute the way to keep your space protected. This always caused
you greater pain than would have occurred. Mother Earth is designed to be a
field of learning much smoother than it actually happened, but even before such
circumstances, you came out victorious over all that was improvised on your way
back home. This blessed moment has come and your interior says you that, what
makes you do not remaining in doubt that the time is come.
There has always been a campaign to destroy your
beloved Earth, this campaign appeared to you until right now it would be
successful. The provocative of this campaign are now gradually being pressured
by the Light that’s falling on Earth to let her free so that She can, along
with her field of life, rise to higher dimensions. In a positive outlook, you
all learned a lot in the lower realms, and nothing fairer than share these
experiences with other races that cheerfully await you. This perspective which
you might help other civilizations in similar developmental stages to yours was
your fuel that unconsciously gave you increasingly emotional structure and
strength that you reach the point where you have come, with immense inner
strength light and a capacity for understanding really outstanding.
beloved Earth, this campaign appeared to you until right now it would be
successful. The provocative of this campaign are now gradually being pressured
by the Light that’s falling on Earth to let her free so that She can, along
with her field of life, rise to higher dimensions. In a positive outlook, you
all learned a lot in the lower realms, and nothing fairer than share these
experiences with other races that cheerfully await you. This perspective which
you might help other civilizations in similar developmental stages to yours was
your fuel that unconsciously gave you increasingly emotional structure and
strength that you reach the point where you have come, with immense inner
strength light and a capacity for understanding really outstanding.
Dear ones, recognize you as Divine Beings, because
that’s what you are. During your incarnations on Earth, you have been taught
that you were always inferior and you ought to always walk with your head
bowed, in respect to higher beings that you were presented as your saviors.
Beloved, these same adorable beings have never wished you submissive to their
will, it was never the will of those Masters who came down to you to make it
clear about the fact that you were and what you really represent in Creation.
These teachings were distorted and reconstructed by those who consider
themselves above you. The draconian have no longer permission to act and change
your history course, nor misrepresent teachings that will come.
that’s what you are. During your incarnations on Earth, you have been taught
that you were always inferior and you ought to always walk with your head
bowed, in respect to higher beings that you were presented as your saviors.
Beloved, these same adorable beings have never wished you submissive to their
will, it was never the will of those Masters who came down to you to make it
clear about the fact that you were and what you really represent in Creation.
These teachings were distorted and reconstructed by those who consider
themselves above you. The draconian have no longer permission to act and change
your history course, nor misrepresent teachings that will come.
Dear ones, beloved on the ascension, it’s time to
take ownership of the power that is actually yours. The designed structure to
let you into submission from more than 12,000 years is collapsing and all true
acquis writing and various other forms will come to your hands. Your DNA will
be restructured and the truth that had always been hidden from you will be
pulsing within you because you have no more the mist that was imposed on you
blur you the truth. The foundations of religious institutions can no longer be
sustained due to the fact that no more denying the true story in which
irrefutable evidence are being brought to the public. In these times, your
inner harmony will guide you and you will be the headlights of those who will
be immersed in the information bombardment that will be running throughout the
Earth in an amazing speed.
take ownership of the power that is actually yours. The designed structure to
let you into submission from more than 12,000 years is collapsing and all true
acquis writing and various other forms will come to your hands. Your DNA will
be restructured and the truth that had always been hidden from you will be
pulsing within you because you have no more the mist that was imposed on you
blur you the truth. The foundations of religious institutions can no longer be
sustained due to the fact that no more denying the true story in which
irrefutable evidence are being brought to the public. In these times, your
inner harmony will guide you and you will be the headlights of those who will
be immersed in the information bombardment that will be running throughout the
Earth in an amazing speed.
The last pillar to be knocked down are the
barriers between nations. Bridges of Love will be built when beings realize
that for a long time were pitted against each other just to ensure the down
pattern and make the Earth couldn’t reach her destination: the Higher Kingdoms,
this schedule determined by extraterrestrial groups that entitle the kingship
of the universe, this group moves into your solar system and is already under
the observation of our teams, especially the Ashtar Command. There will be a
fellowship between all nations of the world and the new leaders of the light
that will replace the old system truly work for the people and the nations will
give up their hands like never before.
barriers between nations. Bridges of Love will be built when beings realize
that for a long time were pitted against each other just to ensure the down
pattern and make the Earth couldn’t reach her destination: the Higher Kingdoms,
this schedule determined by extraterrestrial groups that entitle the kingship
of the universe, this group moves into your solar system and is already under
the observation of our teams, especially the Ashtar Command. There will be a
fellowship between all nations of the world and the new leaders of the light
that will replace the old system truly work for the people and the nations will
give up their hands like never before.
An achievement for all peoples on Earth will be
international and intercontinental traveling that won’t be as bureaucratic as
now. You are free to come and to leave, because fear will be extinguished, and
there will be no need for inspect and certain bureaucracies. Gradually,
“peoples” will cease to exist and will exist THE PEOPLE, the human race, as
indeed you are recognized by us, you will recognize as just one people and the
world will move towards increasingly in Unit.
international and intercontinental traveling that won’t be as bureaucratic as
now. You are free to come and to leave, because fear will be extinguished, and
there will be no need for inspect and certain bureaucracies. Gradually,
“peoples” will cease to exist and will exist THE PEOPLE, the human race, as
indeed you are recognized by us, you will recognize as just one people and the
world will move towards increasingly in Unit.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the countdown in 8
brings you INFINITE possibilities, all of them to your advantage. Have no
doubts that you will be victorious, and that the time is to be activated. The
Creator is happy to see you returning home after a long journey. And so Father
/ Mother God bless you.
brings you INFINITE possibilities, all of them to your advantage. Have no
doubts that you will be victorious, and that the time is to be activated. The
Creator is happy to see you returning home after a long journey. And so Father
/ Mother God bless you.
Be in Peace,
Be in the Light !
Gabriel: Thank you, SaLuSa.
Translation: Carolina Barisch /Carolina Alves
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