SaLuSa – “The Fusion of Time lines” -28.03.2013 – (English)

SaLuSa – “The Fusion of Time lines” -28.03.2013 – (English)

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Salutations dear ones!

There is a large
movement, and each moment we need to review our plans. It’s a work we do
constantly and we are always aligning everything to ends up as it was planned.

This is done for the
fact that your time lines are still out of alignment completely. This makes the
insertion hard of a different plan, where we can act inside the same aligned
space time; what would bring the complete fusion of the kingdoms and the grid
that separates all of you from the vision of All There Is. 
These time lines are in
this moment being reallocated in the space continuum.
  And practically in the same frequency; this
fusion of realities will cause a huge explosion of light that will bring the
definitive awakening. This is our job in this moment, keep adjusting this
alignment that will cause a chock.

Beloved ones, many of
you have already being feeling the effects of all this work we are performing.
This is a rich job that will bring the consciousness to everyone that everyone
is One, that everything is always at the now, the everything is happening in
the present eternal moment.

You can see the proof
that this job is being well succeeded by all the Ufo catch around all the
world, be it of Spiritual entities or of fleets of space ships. Energies being manifested in your skies
are also the proof that the fusion is already in its way and when it concludes
completely, the truth will arrive definitely and will never more be denied.

Recognize yourselves as Divine
beings, find a space where you can experiment this fusion yourselves; do not
fight against this big event that inevitable is taking place.

In the Measure that you
deliver yourself and this energy, all of you anchor big quantities of photons
of light that speed up the process of fusion between the kingdoms, the veils of
maya raise faster. Dear ones, you are the ones who have the keys for these
portals! You are the ones who have made possible the fusion of this time lines
that will turn in a single timeline! The timeline of the eternal now.

Another important point
is, you will all begin to see things from the past that will become one with
the present and the “future”, as if the past became one with the “future”, and
as if the future feels like the past. 
Yes, dear ones, it can
looks complex to you now, but, this chock of realities will become each time
more common in the extent
  the time lines

Many will feel confuse,
and others may receive a certificate of madness because of what they tell, it’s
all about this interlacement of realities. Their bodies will be in the same
process of alignment, so keep in harmony and confident in the Creator. Do not
let the confusion that may or may not install within drag you. Imagine a noisy
big football stadium… Now imagine it after the end of a football match, where
the noises become less noticeable in the extent that the twisters begin to
leave the stadium.  The silence begins to
install time to time till the absolute silence installs itself. This process is
familiar to what you are going to pass as this alignment occurs. You just need
to surrender to the flux of change and be patience till the alignment is

I am SaLuSa from Sirius
and I know sometimes the information we bring can look complex, but if you
decide to comprehend what we mean, you will just breathe and connect with your
Superior Self. There is nothing that is not captured by your state of
meditation or by a simple deep breathing that connects you with your field of
Oneness faster, field that have all the knowledge about the Cosmos, what would
make our words just a “Memory refresh”.

Be in Peace,

Be in the Light.

Gabryel: Thank you,

Translation: Gabryel Leão Caldas

Quick note: Friends,
soon after I finished the post, I’ve seen some links in the internet that I
think it has something to do with what SaLuSa says just below (Marked in
boldface) I am not sure if this notices are new, but from what he told it is
happening in all the word.

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