A Request from the Galactic Federation 15.02.2013 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

A Request from the Galactic Federation 15.02.2013 (English)

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Hello friends. I am not going to write the message I
received by the Galactic federation in its integrity, but I Will make a resume

They requested us not to go in the chain of “Revenge”
in relation to the news that are beginning to emerge. I am not even going to
post anything in the Seeds from Stars (Sementes das Estrelas) where the
accusation to someone is the topic. Let’s not enter in the chain of cholera and
feelings of revolt when certainly news begin to emerge, because these are not
the energies of the New age; love, comprehension, mercy and compassion is all
we need. The new world is full of Truth feelings of brotherhood, where no
thoughts of critic or even a small feeling of insatisfaction will live on the
planet. Everything is turning into love.

Our role as Workers of Light, now, is to send Light in
higher vibrations to everyone who are being put as “guilty”. We are all one and
this doesn’t mean only to be one with the light beings, we are one beyond all
the appearances/looks, in a deep level of the Creation of God.

I would like to
ask, if possible, to everyone who sees this message to share.

Much gratitude.


Traslation: Gabryel Leão Caldas
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