SaLuSa - "The Power of Feminine" 01/01/2013 - Sementes das Estrelas

SaLuSa – “The Power of Feminine” 01/01/2013

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Greetings dear
, once again I am happy to communicate with you through this channel and tell you that we are happy but also concerned, not to say sad, with so
many uncertainties
in some hearts about the truth of our words and intentions for all of you.

Beloved of
my heart
, you are immersed and more and more immersed, in these great Crystalline
, that the Creator lies on your heads, you are now having the
opportunity to
go forward with your ideals, and this time, without being able to be hampered by “stumps of wood “in the path of the road. It is a wonderful opportunity that humankind in Ascension is having and we
delighted to participate in this process helping

Now is your time to go forward, dear ones, as you know,
are happening slowly and we are
about what we have
and hopeful about your receptivity when the Creator will give us
the order to go ahead.

We dropped barriers
have helped each of you to see what lay beyond those barriers. We know it is not easy for many of you, forsake of the old paradigm, and dive into a new reality, imagining being a
leap in the dark but in this case dear ones, is a jump in the Light, in the immensity of transmuting light of truth, which is there to satisfy and be your base of ascension. 

Stop it dear ones, and breathe! See! You no longer have this huge barrier in
front of you
, you are free to go
and can now write
your future without the oppression of the dark
. Consider this and go forward without fear
and being sure that
you are
always supported by the higher realms. Go
and bring the light of your heart to souls
who are still in conflict
upon the propulsive force that has “demanded” that, a new behavior and the need to rethink what really matters. Go and bring peace
to your Ascended hearts
and show that love is the only way my dear ones. You show that the
Christ Light
is shining in your
hearts and
know that it is
that this new energy is pulsing in
. Many, dear ones, are confused because they do not yet know how to deal with
these energies
, therefore, give a hand to these souls and
with such loving gesture, bring one more, two or three beside the legions of light that
have increased
on Earth exponentially.

Our allies in Earth
are showing at every moment that is the time for us to came, but as many of you know, we
orders and do not depend only on our
desire to go to
, but of the will of God that keep us on
starting point for this big moment where we
welcome all our family
on land in a completely peaceful way and without fear.

Many have asked, how and what will we do
from now on, and we
clearly: go with your
, and do not worry about
this or that, clearly follow the signs that
will be given to you by the Creator to
indicate the way to
followed through the huge beacon of light that
is now
shining and guiding light workers who
the call. Look dear ones, the lighthouse is lit and indicates
the way as well as
the star of Bethlehem led the way for our Brother
when he was in your land with the intention of bringing you back to the light. Take
the rudders of your boats and followed the light
the lighthouse that surely
will bring you into the land promised by God to you for

Soon you will have news
of many things that have been hidden from you, and many may not understand and will still get carried away by
rooted beliefs. But
much will be said about the true history of humanity and the importance that female power has to create a new world. You shall know that certain women of light,
were oppressed by
dark and prevented from going ahead with
light tasks, you will see
the feminine energy will
have a
spectacular place in the
New Age
and many will see how
humanity was delayed
and why the occultation
this reality about what
female power is capable. The magic and feminine love, are pure energy of
unification and
change, and now you,
dear sisters
, will have the opportunity to go forward and join
with your companions to take the Earth to
his humanity more and more upward.

One of the great feminine energies
was active in your
past history – at 2 thousand of your years and soon you will see
and know
the truth that has been
from you by those who knew
of feminine power and the ability to
take the Earth to the higher spheres.
They kept this secret
from you and always
did everything to keep only the masculine energy in activity,
knowing that the union of these forces
would mean the definitive end of their regime over
Their time is over and you will see
of your history facts denied and what you can
accomplish if you are in harmony with the feminine energy. One of these feminine’s energies, was always at your side in spiritual form, she is leading
you to the truth and
her power
will elevate the souls that vibrate in
such truth. The sense
of unity
is with her, and the
of love will reign
forever. The “lost” link in your history finally
will come to light when the feminine power in communion
with the
masculine will take
place and together they will transform the physical earth into a paradise.

My beloved light
, we are grateful that you
remained in faith and sustained the light around you. Friends, seek
the contact with your Higher Self
and stay in constant communion with Him, pray and see changes happen more
in a more perceptible way,
we are with each one of you to guide you to the path that leads inside yourselves. We are not your superiors, but we are your brothers wishing ardently the
contact with
each one of you. And
this contact is already happening

I Am SaLuSa from
Syrios and know that
when you think in a future with peace and love, you feel an
indescribable peace and love inside you, and
the signal that you are
creating this new reality for you, since when thinking, and putting your emotions in what you
, you allow the
to work for manifesting
what you desire more quickly So be it, my Beloveds.

Be at peace,

Be in the light

Translation: Ana Brandão

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