Friends, we are beginning a new “Seeds of Stars” (Sementes das
Estrelas) session with information about the practice of the meditation. We
think in those who desire to incorporate the meditation in their day-by-day, in
a simple and pleasuring way. Here are some advices given to make your life
lighter and abundant with all the good things, through the meditation. In this session we will talk about some types
of meditation, like the ones that utilize decrees, Rays of Light, Creative
power, to silence your mind, behaviors in the everyday with mantras and the
ones who contemplate virtues.
Estrelas) session with information about the practice of the meditation. We
think in those who desire to incorporate the meditation in their day-by-day, in
a simple and pleasuring way. Here are some advices given to make your life
lighter and abundant with all the good things, through the meditation. In this session we will talk about some types
of meditation, like the ones that utilize decrees, Rays of Light, Creative
power, to silence your mind, behaviors in the everyday with mantras and the
ones who contemplate virtues.
The intention is to give a general explanation in the
types we cited above and how they can be used combined to the expansion of
conscience of the bodies, making possible the contact with the Superior Spheres
and with your Internal Self.
types we cited above and how they can be used combined to the expansion of
conscience of the bodies, making possible the contact with the Superior Spheres
and with your Internal Self.
For today it will be given a very brief explanation
about the meditation.
about the meditation.
What is the meditation and why to meditate?
The meditation is not only a practice; it is a way of
life. In the truth, it wouldn’t be correct to say “I am meditating”, but “I am
living the Meditation”. Living in meditation it is to prevail in the Eternal
now, in Peace and eternal comfort, it is to prevail secure of yourself and your
own capacities of creating your world and your reality, the certainness that
everything is all right.
life. In the truth, it wouldn’t be correct to say “I am meditating”, but “I am
living the Meditation”. Living in meditation it is to prevail in the Eternal
now, in Peace and eternal comfort, it is to prevail secure of yourself and your
own capacities of creating your world and your reality, the certainness that
everything is all right.
Live in meditation is to live in the Kingdom of God
inside each of you, with Faith, Love and Knowledge. But till we know how to
live in meditation, we need to do some exercises that bring us closer to this
state of beauty and wonderfulness.
inside each of you, with Faith, Love and Knowledge. But till we know how to
live in meditation, we need to do some exercises that bring us closer to this
state of beauty and wonderfulness.
For those who want to have a plane life with health
and grace, beauty and abundance of all that it is good, we invite you to enter
vigorously in the power of meditation.
and grace, beauty and abundance of all that it is good, we invite you to enter
vigorously in the power of meditation.
Note: Who do practice meditation already and needs to
share your experiences, or wants to give a suggestion of what could be spoken
into the blog, please send an e-mail to: lfrostw@hotmial.com
share your experiences, or wants to give a suggestion of what could be spoken
into the blog, please send an e-mail to: lfrostw@hotmial.com
My name is Fernando and I will have much happiness in
putting in your perceptions and insights of others workers of light.
putting in your perceptions and insights of others workers of light.
At the superior right corner of the page you will be
able to see the tab of “meditation” where will we be actualizing always when
able to see the tab of “meditation” where will we be actualizing always when
Thank you very much!

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