you for yourpresence.
Joshua: Hello,my brother. (Before anything I amyour brother, andI‘m happy togive permissionfor such
communicationto you.)
be here, thanks.
Joshua: I alwaysam, my brother, always at your
disposition.I seethe internal conflictsandif I maysay, wellyou knowtheir motives. Nothing,
absolutelynothing thatyoufeelmatchesyourtrue nature. Andyou
know it.Are youstillabsorbing the energiesintransforming theoldworld, my dear, the world is falling
apartandslowlyentering a newvibration, and younowis
likea sanitizer, so to speak, andyour taskisto helpbut
nothelping withinvolvement.Do not identifywith thesecurrents to betransmuted,
andonlyreceivetheraise, just
that,without identification.
know what else to do, if I go ahead or if I’m right here, or just go back to
the “old” …
Joshua: The intent of the ego is to create confusion, my dear, leave it in the
confusion of “what to do?” He feels that a new force is on the move and
fears his “death” because of the eminent level of consciousness that
has rocketed in the middle of the community.
Go ahead will first of all that the strip that has now, in all that you believe
to be real and palpable, and immerse fully in your inner state that has tried
constantly to bring you the sublime nature of consciousness unified in God, The
Loving Father. Leave everything you have now does not mean abandoning what is
still necessary for you – feeding, dressing, sleeping, bathing, but turn off
all that energy, that’s right, but these things do not identify with them
because if the mind tells you that you should bathe naturally identifies with
this idea and you’ll bathe, now if the mind says you should take a shower and
do not identify with the idea, anyway going to shower but with awareness that
this action is not a real action, you will be connected with your inner
divinity. Just let yourself go with the lightness of your state of being and
not get stuck in concepts / tasks created (of) the mind that gives you a
specific time to do so and consequently away from you All that is not linear.
Stay right there means, this time, not by moving the energies that are being
delivered to you by the loving Father who always relies on the good work of
their children, trusting that the dense energies are purified and elevated back
to the Source of the good work indicators of the path of love.
Back to the old simply means playing upward won everything with such effort so
far, and to bring back, sooner or later you have to start over again and again
to the current point. The decision to return, my dear, it’s just slow the
process … only slow, my friend. From the point where you’ll have to go
forward, back means even more tiring. It’s like climbing a mountain and back on
our way to pick up a gold coin that fell down there, thousands of feet below.
If you return, you may lose the beautiful view of the sun is by …
If you trust in God, trust that the money that you will be missed not lost,
even if the only income for their food, because the Lord Father of All We
provide a hearty feast that will meet your needs …
Everyone’s efforts are not in vain, know this. Whoever remains confident in the
way, even with all attacks that receives those who believe there is nothing
beyond this earth, is to follow what has been said previously: “Blessed
are those who do not see, but believe”
I invite you now to breathe deeply and feel the strength of your interior, do
it now …
breathingfeela lightnessinmy beinggreat…SometimesI try
toalwayskeepbreathing, butalways has somediscouragementtrying tobring medown
again…Sometimes I’masked todo it, butI also
feelsadbecause of theattacksandconsequentlyalways gethurtand powerlessto do so.
of allcall meJoshua. I know how mucheach of youstrivesto
staywelland howand whenthey are trying tobetargetedby waves ofpessimismlike:
“I think it will not
work” or “whatam I doing…?” is not it? Butwhen youseeyour breathinthe
statethatis? Breathing isfundamental.Normallyyou are
“caught” by discouragementbecause they are
alwaysputtingtheir bestin the futurenow,and his besttime is now, at this very moment. Seeright nowyou may
befeeling pretty good, does not it?Butin a momentcan be
takenby discouragementand that’s notup to me tostop, becauseonly
you canstop it, only you.
takeproblemstoanyone,or someonewho bringshopeto people andthentheyget frustrated…
my dear friend, calm down, hopeyou do not take, you take light as well asanyone
who tries tobringa kind word ora simpleloving smile. But there arethose who
ask:”is not light and hope?” Well, yes, hope islight, buta lightdirected
towardthe futuremost of the time. (I hopethat tomorrow will bebetter than today)
saya lightlong-termwell beingin the
long termbecause it alwayswill bewaitingin the “hope” of tomorrowbebetter than today.When I saybring lightmeans that thelightnow, thispresentmoment.Nowfeelthattheir
heartsand the ability togoforwardwith love.
tired, breathe, breathe and lookinside.This is the timefor it, and not waitfora
few minutes,do it now, feel the insidenow, this moment. The”in a
moment” isin tomorrow, and you have tobenow.
Gabriel: Should I continuewiththe taskthen?
go, my brother, go!
We areconnectedtoALoving Fatherwhoinspires usandkeeps usgrowing.
Gabriel: Thank you, Joshua.
Joshua: I whothank you
forparticipationso sublimeyou.I am honored. I wish you
all thewonderful.Andwhen you need tospeak to me, breathe…I
am with youonyourbreak tobreath, I’ll be theempty
spacebetween thinkingin breathing andbreathing…see you later.
Gabriel: Thank you
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