Asked Questions of the Light workers:
From where did I come from?
Where am I going?
Who am I?
What am I doing here?
Who is my mentor / guide / guardian angel?

Thank you for your commitment that always encourages
us. Thank you for your good will
in put into straight line your
messages and, particularly,
for your unshakable faith in Christ.
We welcome and give Glory to the Creator for
Dear ones, your journey is continuously monitored
by our staff and, not so different from other light workers, you come aboard of our ships every
night. You have participating in
our meetings in Aurora, and we would like to put
in your hands some tasks that can be perceived even
in this reality …
The convenience of your comfort may be only
a small obstacle, but we trust in your determined and courageous
hearts to perform with Love
what the Creator delivery in your hands.
directly. From where you came or where you are going. Follow with the flow,
follow the accelerated flow of love and trust that he will always take you to
the best path. You have heard the teaching: “A blind man doesn’t guides
another,” so when focus in your intimate, breaking the impressions duality
as if they were truth, you will reach the spheres of light and recognize your
loved ones that are by “impatient “for your arrival.
You all came from the spheres of light, this is your kingdom, this is your
kingdom. Particularly we usually call each of you by a specific name and even
by the name you are called when in 3D reality. But that’s the least important –
what matters is the work that you have make and placed ahead with great Love.
We ask that you keep your prayers with constant vibrations of Love, because
your prayers when made with lots of love, reach a vibration level that allows
us to reach a little further …
Our Love to your service and your constant hope of seeing us in your world.
are there, we are here, we are there … We are in you, we are you in tomorrow
I am SaLuSa from Syrians and I keep my Love and gratitude for all of you, loved
ones of my heart, you that enabled the rise of this beautiful planet, you have
elevated the vibration even of the souls that throughout their history were the
executioners of their freedom. This feeling of mutual Love makes this possible,
my beloved. Love, love, love …
Be in Peace
Be in the Light
Channel: Gabriel
In Love and Light
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