Just Happens, the point is that when we scold that old women driving slowly at
the middle of the road or that man who caused a traffic when trying to park, we
don’t associate this unharmonious actions with a flat tire in the end of the
summer weekend, or with an unfortunate car problem. Why we do not associate a
stumble that happens in the street with the mockery that is done to fellow beings.
why we do not associate the slowness of what happens in our lives with our
complains done to others. This is not a judgment, this is a law, the Universal
law of the Cause and the Effect”
Just Happens, the point is that when we scold that old women driving slowly at
the middle of the road or that man who caused a traffic when trying to park, we
don’t associate this unharmonious actions with a flat tire in the end of the
summer weekend, or with an unfortunate car problem. Why we do not associate a
stumble that happens in the street with the mockery that is done to fellow beings.
why we do not associate the slowness of what happens in our lives with our
complains done to others. This is not a judgment, this is a law, the Universal
law of the Cause and the Effect”
Many people asks about
the veracity of the channeled messages that are shared by many Beings through
the net, they’ve been complaining “why many things they tell to us don’t
happens/ or why are this taking so long to happen”, and so on… Well, i
would like to tell that the messages passed by these stellar beings has as a
goal to elevate the human consciousness. All this messages passed by the light
aren’t just mere words telling that something will happen in a specific
day…The messages are Codes of Light, and when we pass the time reading each
word of it. Sentences, paragraph, while reading it, millions of photons of
light penetrates into our eyes, porous of our skin, etc…This energy work each
one of the chakra of your body, cleaning each negativity there placed – it acts
like a balsam for our intern pains, it acts like a cure four your physic pains
– how many of you didn’t notice the Peace and the pulsing Happiness after read
a message of light?
the veracity of the channeled messages that are shared by many Beings through
the net, they’ve been complaining “why many things they tell to us don’t
happens/ or why are this taking so long to happen”, and so on… Well, i
would like to tell that the messages passed by these stellar beings has as a
goal to elevate the human consciousness. All this messages passed by the light
aren’t just mere words telling that something will happen in a specific
day…The messages are Codes of Light, and when we pass the time reading each
word of it. Sentences, paragraph, while reading it, millions of photons of
light penetrates into our eyes, porous of our skin, etc…This energy work each
one of the chakra of your body, cleaning each negativity there placed – it acts
like a balsam for our intern pains, it acts like a cure four your physic pains
– how many of you didn’t notice the Peace and the pulsing Happiness after read
a message of light?
About the information
contained into the messages, about specific events: in the first place, as i
mentioned before in the past “Reflection”; WHAT HAVE WE DONE FOR THIS
THINGS TO TURN INTO REALITY FOR US??? When a being says something is going to
happen, he hope the message reach a determined number of readers/people, and
with the energy of the “mass”, With this thought vibrating in this
occurrence, it will happen for the people who seeks such a occurrence – Yes,
that’s it, we are the responsible by the events that are happening or not, the
events that are described in each message – we were told countless times that
we are the ones who create our reality. We are!
contained into the messages, about specific events: in the first place, as i
mentioned before in the past “Reflection”; WHAT HAVE WE DONE FOR THIS
THINGS TO TURN INTO REALITY FOR US??? When a being says something is going to
happen, he hope the message reach a determined number of readers/people, and
with the energy of the “mass”, With this thought vibrating in this
occurrence, it will happen for the people who seeks such a occurrence – Yes,
that’s it, we are the responsible by the events that are happening or not, the
events that are described in each message – we were told countless times that
we are the ones who create our reality. We are!
A lot of people has been
waiting for spectacular events in the end of this year- but i tell: will we
feel any visible results, if we keep waiting for this things to take place without
move ourselves to make them real for us? Do we want the extra terrestrial beings to appear and
solve all our terrestrial problems while we celebrate the Christmas with
champagne in a cruise passing by high sea? It’s not their duty to solve our
problems, it’s not their duty at all. The responsibility for everything that
has been taking place on Earth for millions of years is entirely ours. Why do i
say this events need to TURN INTO REAL FOR US? It’s because the Ascension is a
internal process, in the same way it has been happening with Gaia. She is ready
to ascend to the 4º e 5º dimension of consciousness. And are we going with her?
We read the messages, we relieve our pains in the moment we read them, while
the photons of light penetrate into our bodies to relieve both our pains and
anguish, but do we really put in practice what we were told to by our brothers
who want us to ascend to the superior dimensions?
waiting for spectacular events in the end of this year- but i tell: will we
feel any visible results, if we keep waiting for this things to take place without
move ourselves to make them real for us? Do we want the extra terrestrial beings to appear and
solve all our terrestrial problems while we celebrate the Christmas with
champagne in a cruise passing by high sea? It’s not their duty to solve our
problems, it’s not their duty at all. The responsibility for everything that
has been taking place on Earth for millions of years is entirely ours. Why do i
say this events need to TURN INTO REAL FOR US? It’s because the Ascension is a
internal process, in the same way it has been happening with Gaia. She is ready
to ascend to the 4º e 5º dimension of consciousness. And are we going with her?
We read the messages, we relieve our pains in the moment we read them, while
the photons of light penetrate into our bodies to relieve both our pains and
anguish, but do we really put in practice what we were told to by our brothers
who want us to ascend to the superior dimensions?
Jesus said once to
Peter: “Peter, come here, i won’t give you the fish, i will teach you how
to catch it.” Are we fishing for our own or are we waiting for a banquet
while we continue our lives normally doing nothing to change them to a sublime
level of light and love? if we keep waiting the things to fall from the heavens
this is not going to happen and the end of this year will be a deception for
those who wait this events to take place without moving a straw for it. We have
the evidence of millions of extra terrestrial starships moving around the Earth
and that are just waiting for the first contact – We feel inside us the pulsing
growth of the magnificent Crístic energy inside us and in the planet, but what
have we done to anchor this energy in the perfect way?
Peter: “Peter, come here, i won’t give you the fish, i will teach you how
to catch it.” Are we fishing for our own or are we waiting for a banquet
while we continue our lives normally doing nothing to change them to a sublime
level of light and love? if we keep waiting the things to fall from the heavens
this is not going to happen and the end of this year will be a deception for
those who wait this events to take place without moving a straw for it. We have
the evidence of millions of extra terrestrial starships moving around the Earth
and that are just waiting for the first contact – We feel inside us the pulsing
growth of the magnificent Crístic energy inside us and in the planet, but what
have we done to anchor this energy in the perfect way?
We can’t wait all the
time for answers and solutions of our problems when reading this messages,
neither should we deliver our interior state, we should find it in our Higher Self
trusting in our own internal tools. I’ve heard from the
lovable MIGUEL Archangel himself: “Do not permit you to transform into the
Pillar of FAITH of anyone, all need to learn and sustain your own pillar of FAITH.
Each one needs to be the builder and maintainer of their own pillar of FAITH.
If for some reason someone rest in the pillar of someone else, what will happen
with this person if this Pillar ends up falling? How will he sustain his own
convictions without the pillar that he was resting? Be YOU your own pinnacle of
Faith and force and push the others to build their own Pillars of Faith in the
thing they believe”
time for answers and solutions of our problems when reading this messages,
neither should we deliver our interior state, we should find it in our Higher Self
trusting in our own internal tools. I’ve heard from the
lovable MIGUEL Archangel himself: “Do not permit you to transform into the
Pillar of FAITH of anyone, all need to learn and sustain your own pillar of FAITH.
Each one needs to be the builder and maintainer of their own pillar of FAITH.
If for some reason someone rest in the pillar of someone else, what will happen
with this person if this Pillar ends up falling? How will he sustain his own
convictions without the pillar that he was resting? Be YOU your own pinnacle of
Faith and force and push the others to build their own Pillars of Faith in the
thing they believe”
Today i went to the city
center. There i began to see the moves of each person, each gesture, each word,
each reaction and i came across with the following reactions: People stressed
because the traffic light was green and it was taking to long to change to the
red. People stressed because they wanted the ones in front of them to get out
of their way to move more fast, people getting stressed because the car ahead
wasn’t speeding up, etc… Then it came into my mind:
center. There i began to see the moves of each person, each gesture, each word,
each reaction and i came across with the following reactions: People stressed
because the traffic light was green and it was taking to long to change to the
red. People stressed because they wanted the ones in front of them to get out
of their way to move more fast, people getting stressed because the car ahead
wasn’t speeding up, etc… Then it came into my mind:
“Can you see why
the world is like it is for these people? See why a lot of people have not the
life they wanted to? see why they Don’t have the salary they wanted to? see why
they do not have the health they wanted to? see why they do not have the
relationship and the perfect job they wanted to? because simply they don’t
permit themselves to enter in harmony with the order of the things”
the world is like it is for these people? See why a lot of people have not the
life they wanted to? see why they Don’t have the salary they wanted to? see why
they do not have the health they wanted to? see why they do not have the
relationship and the perfect job they wanted to? because simply they don’t
permit themselves to enter in harmony with the order of the things”
I am not judging anyone
here, because for me and the beings of light there are no “right” or
“wrong” behaviors, because we know that Everything is what It is. Although,
we know that the vibrations that are being generated are the ones we will feel
into the future.
here, because for me and the beings of light there are no “right” or
“wrong” behaviors, because we know that Everything is what It is. Although,
we know that the vibrations that are being generated are the ones we will feel
into the future.
know we are the creators of everything that happens in our lives, my friends,
literally we have what we deserve. Jesus said once:”Find first the kingdom
of God and your justice, then all the other things will be added”. What
would be these “other things” if not the grace of God by the exemplary
behavior of the Light, simply by breathing and thanking God.
know we are the creators of everything that happens in our lives, my friends,
literally we have what we deserve. Jesus said once:”Find first the kingdom
of God and your justice, then all the other things will be added”. What
would be these “other things” if not the grace of God by the exemplary
behavior of the Light, simply by breathing and thanking God.
happens in a random manner, the point is that when we scold that old women
driving slowly at the middle of the road or that man who caused a traffic when
trying to park, we do not associate our unharmonious actions with the flat tire
in the end of the summer weekend or with an unfortunate car problem. Why we do not
associate a stumble that happens in the street with the mockery that is done to
the fellow beings. Why we do not associate the slowness of what happens in our
lives with our complains done to others. Remember, this is not a judge, this is
the law, the Universal law of Cause and effect.
happens in a random manner, the point is that when we scold that old women
driving slowly at the middle of the road or that man who caused a traffic when
trying to park, we do not associate our unharmonious actions with the flat tire
in the end of the summer weekend or with an unfortunate car problem. Why we do not
associate a stumble that happens in the street with the mockery that is done to
the fellow beings. Why we do not associate the slowness of what happens in our
lives with our complains done to others. Remember, this is not a judge, this is
the law, the Universal law of Cause and effect.
a good reflection and thank to you all,
a good reflection and thank to you all,
In love and light.
Translation: Gabryel
Lion Caldas
Lion Caldas
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