Queridos leitores da Língua
Portuguesa, essa é a versão da Mensagem da Yania, em inglês para os leitores
que não entendem o Português.
Portuguesa, essa é a versão da Mensagem da Yania, em inglês para os leitores
que não entendem o Português.
Gostaria de pedir também caso haja
algum leitor que fale e escreva bem em língua inglesa (ou qualquer outra) que
se desejar participar do nosso blog traduzindo as mensagens que melhor ressoar consigo,
ficaríamos gratos por esta ajuda. Já que este blog é muito acessado fora do
país onde a língua inglesa é mais fluente. Caso alguém se interesse, entrar em
contato por este e-mail: biel_jaguar@hotmail.com
Precisamos de traduções genuínas – o Google Tradutor acaba as vezes por destorcer o texto 🙂
algum leitor que fale e escreva bem em língua inglesa (ou qualquer outra) que
se desejar participar do nosso blog traduzindo as mensagens que melhor ressoar consigo,
ficaríamos gratos por esta ajuda. Já que este blog é muito acessado fora do
país onde a língua inglesa é mais fluente. Caso alguém se interesse, entrar em
contato por este e-mail: biel_jaguar@hotmail.com
Precisamos de traduções genuínas – o Google Tradutor acaba as vezes por destorcer o texto 🙂
Boa leitura.
Em Amor e Luz
Good night my beloved,
let us reflect on love and light:Time has passed and internally you have seen
many things happen, especially in your interior. You have seen an avalanche of
energies being anchored by your physical state of being at this time and for
your spiritual bodies and often this “anchor” Christed energy asks
that there be a behavior …
let us reflect on love and light:Time has passed and internally you have seen
many things happen, especially in your interior. You have seen an avalanche of
energies being anchored by your physical state of being at this time and for
your spiritual bodies and often this “anchor” Christed energy asks
that there be a behavior …
Certain internal States
that call us unconsciously reason are actions that make us think and look for
the conscience of the State itself-Here-Now.
that call us unconsciously reason are actions that make us think and look for
the conscience of the State itself-Here-Now.
Reflitais in love and
light that you may expunge these condensed energies whether you are in your
heart or your Chakra spiritual being.As you level up and going through certain
processes of internal cleanups can be brought to a State of consciousness that will
take them to a contact with all the energies around them. Hence the inner state
of a small discomfort before knowing the real reason it but for this second
stage may is fully aware of how to deal with these energies without them you
bring to a vibrational level.
light that you may expunge these condensed energies whether you are in your
heart or your Chakra spiritual being.As you level up and going through certain
processes of internal cleanups can be brought to a State of consciousness that will
take them to a contact with all the energies around them. Hence the inner state
of a small discomfort before knowing the real reason it but for this second
stage may is fully aware of how to deal with these energies without them you
bring to a vibrational level.
You all have gone
through moments of sadness apparently for no reason at all, but that the
refletirdes in the light you will see that this is an internal cleansing
“unconscious” and to experience the internal search State for what
ails you, you will find the real reasons and to become aware of what
“is” internally, use this “wonder” so that when you help
your similar within same StateYou may not engage directly with these energies,
since you’ll be fully “aware” of how they act and how to deal with
them lovingly.The fruits sweets are being placed in your hands my dear and
experience, never again will want to taste the bitterness that has always been
in abundance at banquets given by those who wished to see your State always in
constant irritability.
through moments of sadness apparently for no reason at all, but that the
refletirdes in the light you will see that this is an internal cleansing
“unconscious” and to experience the internal search State for what
ails you, you will find the real reasons and to become aware of what
“is” internally, use this “wonder” so that when you help
your similar within same StateYou may not engage directly with these energies,
since you’ll be fully “aware” of how they act and how to deal with
them lovingly.The fruits sweets are being placed in your hands my dear and
experience, never again will want to taste the bitterness that has always been
in abundance at banquets given by those who wished to see your State always in
constant irritability.
We of the Higher
Commands we wish all of you a constant balance, so that you may pass through
the final steps that will ensure your complete victory and the State full of
Commands we wish all of you a constant balance, so that you may pass through
the final steps that will ensure your complete victory and the State full of
Welcome to Nirvana!
I’m Yania and represent
the Plêiadianos in service on Earth, with love and honors the Lord Sananda.
the Plêiadianos in service on Earth, with love and honors the Lord Sananda.
Tradução: Eli Legend