Ashtar Sheran "Opportunity for Karmic Cleaning" 29/11/2012 (English) - Sementes das Estrelas

Ashtar Sheran “Opportunity for Karmic Cleaning” 29/11/2012 (English)

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Greetings to the crew of this ship called

Blessed are you children who devote your lives to the service of good, the GOOD
as taught and practiced by the Nazarene. Blessed
you children, who when lying
to rest receive the memories of a busy
and tired from work and lots of ideas that
this dimension
brings to you,
that you may raise, for superior levels of
Fraternity and Love.

Hope for better days, My Beloved, you may
Hope. You believe that what you ardently desire
with love, will manifest in your reality then so
BE It! Manifest Abundance and Peace, Love and Joy in order that all of this will manifest in
your lives.

You are on the verge of a
historic event for your beloved planet Shan (Earth) will be able to unite again,
to the Galactic Fleets, which by aeons left you behind in the power of your
blessed and selfless brave spirits, confident that the experiences lived here
in this reality would give you a “significant push” in your
evolution. They did this not only for your evolution, but because of your love
for the Beloved Creator – you have come for your love to Him through Him to be examples,
YES, you can show your Light in the dense darkness of the lower realities – you
prove this well my beloved Ones! You prove that your Light shine and can
already be seen from where we are …

Be in harmony with the great day 12:12 that will bring you a wave of Light that
will step into each particle of your bodies. This light will bring and give you
the opportunity to rise to higher levels of consciousness and with it, will be
able to see how important you are in this Universal Whole. You are the
Starseeds and now you will have fully activated in you, this GNA DNA

So that you may be well receptive to this
great energy, it is advisable not to
absorb meats and heavy
in your body at least 24 hours before the big Christ Energy.
At precisely 12:12 pm the day 12/12 you
will be able
to feel an indescribable
lightness in your being and if you are fully receptive
to that energy say,
with an open heart for this anchor, the process of
complete cleaning of your karmic remains
will be very
. This is a blessing of the Almighty for you my Beloved, this
is a
blessing. The Law of Grace manifests for
because like it was taught, the Good Lord makes it rain and shine the sun over “the just and unjust over good and bad
So be it!

This is my message
like your brother
to all my
companions who lovingly gather to express the Light in Shan.

Pax my Beloved,


I am Ashtar, in
service of the Beloved Nazarene.

Channel: Gabriel
In Love and Light
Translation: Ana Brandão           

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