Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o Inglês da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui

Art: Valéria Albuquerque
Gabriel: Hello, dear ones, I come to bring information
that was asked me, with much love, for a being from the group Pleiades 1 who
introduced herself to me this morning, under the name of IONI-BI-AVIL. I was
almost asleep when I distinctly heard a female voice saying … “Hello
that was asked me, with much love, for a being from the group Pleiades 1 who
introduced herself to me this morning, under the name of IONI-BI-AVIL. I was
almost asleep when I distinctly heard a female voice saying … “Hello
follows integrally:
follows integrally:
Hello, I’m IONI-BI-AVIL. It’s a pleasure talking to you.
Hello, I’m IONI-BI-AVIL. It’s a pleasure talking to you.
Gabriel: Hello! It’s my pleasure. Are
you the one I now see on the mental screen?
Gabriel: Hello! It’s my pleasure. Are
you the one I now see on the mental screen?
Yes it’s me! (She gave a smile …) I am an individualized Feminine
Consciousness of the Grouping Pleiades 1, and I wish to present myself in that
way as you see me on your mental screen.
Yes it’s me! (She gave a smile …) I am an individualized Feminine
Consciousness of the Grouping Pleiades 1, and I wish to present myself in that
way as you see me on your mental screen.
– Gabriel: You
are very beautiful … You have a very sweet energy! (Excited, this time). She
smiled and continued.
are very beautiful … You have a very sweet energy! (Excited, this time). She
smiled and continued.
My name may seem a bit strange to some Terran consciousnesses, but my name is a
code, and the best way to make this code vibrate is in this way that I’m
showing, and asking you to write (IONI-BI-AVIL). I am getting closer to the
Terran surface and intend to materialize a body on the surface. I am here to
assist in the anchoring of the Feminine Energy on the planet, the energy of the
Universal Goddess, SACRED MOTHER UNIVERSAL. I have been in contact with some
beings familiar to you, among them Kuan Yin, Mother Tereza of Calcutta,
Princess Diana and some other blessed beings. I have a name in your Catholic
Church, but I believe this is not the time to say which.
My name may seem a bit strange to some Terran consciousnesses, but my name is a
code, and the best way to make this code vibrate is in this way that I’m
showing, and asking you to write (IONI-BI-AVIL). I am getting closer to the
Terran surface and intend to materialize a body on the surface. I am here to
assist in the anchoring of the Feminine Energy on the planet, the energy of the
Universal Goddess, SACRED MOTHER UNIVERSAL. I have been in contact with some
beings familiar to you, among them Kuan Yin, Mother Tereza of Calcutta,
Princess Diana and some other blessed beings. I have a name in your Catholic
Church, but I believe this is not the time to say which.
bringing you more female love. I am very happy with the opportunity that is
being given to me to be able to manifest myself in a more individualized way as
a feminine expression of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDNES . I came to invite
everyone AGAIN to get into this line.
bringing you more female love. I am very happy with the opportunity that is
being given to me to be able to manifest myself in a more individualized way as
a feminine expression of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDNES . I came to invite
everyone AGAIN to get into this line.
Gabriel: Who are these two other beings who are by
your side?
your side?
are part of the Pleiades 1 group of consciences (which can also be called
Pleiades 2, when individualized), and are also taking on individuals to contact
Terran beings, just as I am now doing. The two have their special abilities.
One of them is a Nuclear Energy Specialist and is coming to contact some of his
leaders who still have a warlike heart in order to instruct them to leave the
idea of war aside and, of course, disarm nuclear warheads. The other is a great
artistic motivator, in every way, and has inspired many Terran artists and
other systems. Among them are Michelangelo di Lodovico. He is a profound lover
of art and is coming to contact and inspire on the Terran surface all those who
have their artistic gifts guarded and / or suppressed.
are part of the Pleiades 1 group of consciences (which can also be called
Pleiades 2, when individualized), and are also taking on individuals to contact
Terran beings, just as I am now doing. The two have their special abilities.
One of them is a Nuclear Energy Specialist and is coming to contact some of his
leaders who still have a warlike heart in order to instruct them to leave the
idea of war aside and, of course, disarm nuclear warheads. The other is a great
artistic motivator, in every way, and has inspired many Terran artists and
other systems. Among them are Michelangelo di Lodovico. He is a profound lover
of art and is coming to contact and inspire on the Terran surface all those who
have their artistic gifts guarded and / or suppressed.
Gabriel: Wow … they look like … they
look like robots! (I saw them smiling when I said that).
Gabriel: Wow … they look like … they
look like robots! (I saw them smiling when I said that).
“Do not forget that this is just one of the ways we want to introduce
ourselves to you. We can introduce ourselves anyway. (At this moment I saw them both – the two who were
on her side and who looked like robots, – changed their shape and became like
“Do not forget that this is just one of the ways we want to introduce
ourselves to you. We can introduce ourselves anyway. (At this moment I saw them both – the two who were
on her side and who looked like robots, – changed their shape and became like
I am so grateful that you have received me into your conscience. I know you’re
tired. Go rest. Tomorrow we continue. …
I am so grateful that you have received me into your conscience. I know you’re
tired. Go rest. Tomorrow we continue. …
following day, 11.11.2016, at 2:00 p.m.:
following day, 11.11.2016, at 2:00 p.m.:
Gabriel: Hello! Are you there? We can
Gabriel: Hello! Are you there? We can
Yes I am!
Yes I am!
I hope at the end of our conversation your headache has passed … (Smile).
I hope at the end of our conversation your headache has passed … (Smile).
Gabriel: I hope so too. (Smile).
I am bringing you this message so that you take it to your readers and invite
all the Feminine Consciences to unite and mentalize the MOTHER GODDESS arriving
completely on your planet. Of course, the Masculine Energy can not be left out
of it. Here I ask that the Masculine connect with the Feminine Divinity within
itself and attach itself to the Feminine expressions of the surface in this
anchorage. It is the moment for the Masculine to recognize the Feminine in
itself, and for the Feminine to potentialize its energy. It is the moment of
the balance between the two forces within each Being on the surface. The time
of imbalance between the two energies comes to an end. They are all being
called by the forces of the Pleiades 1, (in their individualized expressions,
Pleiades 2). For this, the Feminine as the Masculine recognize their
androgynous expressions. The Sacred Masculine dignifying the Feminine in itself
and the Sacred Feminine dignifying the Sacred Masculine in itself.
I am bringing you this message so that you take it to your readers and invite
all the Feminine Consciences to unite and mentalize the MOTHER GODDESS arriving
completely on your planet. Of course, the Masculine Energy can not be left out
of it. Here I ask that the Masculine connect with the Feminine Divinity within
itself and attach itself to the Feminine expressions of the surface in this
anchorage. It is the moment for the Masculine to recognize the Feminine in
itself, and for the Feminine to potentialize its energy. It is the moment of
the balance between the two forces within each Being on the surface. The time
of imbalance between the two energies comes to an end. They are all being
called by the forces of the Pleiades 1, (in their individualized expressions,
Pleiades 2). For this, the Feminine as the Masculine recognize their
androgynous expressions. The Sacred Masculine dignifying the Feminine in itself
and the Sacred Feminine dignifying the Sacred Masculine in itself.
down comfortably. Close your eyes. Visualize a soft blue energy coming down
over your head, until you completely take your being. This energy is the energy
of the MOTHER GODDESS. Tell her that you are happy to collaborate with the
Greater Surface Unification and Anchoring Plan and how much you want to
balance. You will feel subtle waves running through your body. You will feel
your heart chakra inflate and appear to be pumping energy. Some of you may feel
your body starting to tingle, or even falling asleep. Do not be scared, stay
down comfortably. Close your eyes. Visualize a soft blue energy coming down
over your head, until you completely take your being. This energy is the energy
of the MOTHER GODDESS. Tell her that you are happy to collaborate with the
Greater Surface Unification and Anchoring Plan and how much you want to
balance. You will feel subtle waves running through your body. You will feel
your heart chakra inflate and appear to be pumping energy. Some of you may feel
your body starting to tingle, or even falling asleep. Do not be scared, stay
THE UNIVERSAL MOTHER’S GODDESS. (It does not matter if you are a Male or Female
looking being on the surface.They both can say the same.This is the intention,
so that the FEMALE potentiate and the MALE eliminate the blockages that prevent
them from accessing their Sacred Feminine side.)
THE UNIVERSAL MOTHER’S GODDESS. (It does not matter if you are a Male or Female
looking being on the surface.They both can say the same.This is the intention,
so that the FEMALE potentiate and the MALE eliminate the blockages that prevent
them from accessing their Sacred Feminine side.)
for a few moments in deep silence, feeling all the currents of energy that will
descend over your head, will pass through your body and will land in the heart
of your Earth. Stay in this state, in anchoring, as long as you wish. At this
point, you can ask questions to Mother Goddess and she will respond to you if
necessary. But even with some question, keep your awareness in the flow that
runs through your body and landing. The energy that comes to you will come from
the heart of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDESS. You will also unite to the heart of
your Galaxy, to the Central Sun of your Galaxy.
for a few moments in deep silence, feeling all the currents of energy that will
descend over your head, will pass through your body and will land in the heart
of your Earth. Stay in this state, in anchoring, as long as you wish. At this
point, you can ask questions to Mother Goddess and she will respond to you if
necessary. But even with some question, keep your awareness in the flow that
runs through your body and landing. The energy that comes to you will come from
the heart of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDESS. You will also unite to the heart of
your Galaxy, to the Central Sun of your Galaxy.
daily making this anchor (if possible, starting at the same time, for example:
03h03, 16h16, 12h12 … not being at these times, there is no problem, as long
as they connect with all their heart and bring that force to the surface) they
will be Guaranteeing the balance of their beings and also enabling some
GODDESSES ARRIVED FASTER to the surface with their materialized bodies.
daily making this anchor (if possible, starting at the same time, for example:
03h03, 16h16, 12h12 … not being at these times, there is no problem, as long
as they connect with all their heart and bring that force to the surface) they
will be Guaranteeing the balance of their beings and also enabling some
GODDESSES ARRIVED FASTER to the surface with their materialized bodies.
of them have already arrived and are on the Inner Earth. I plan to get there as
soon as possible, too. I finish this message hoping with all my heart that it
can touch the hearts of its readers and that they, all in their Feminine
potential, can help us spread this Light on the Terran surface. There are many
FEMININE GODS assuming their human forms, materializing on the planetary
surface and when it is my turn, I hope to meet you, Gabriel, and all who desire
it personally. WILL KNOW WHO I AM.
of them have already arrived and are on the Inner Earth. I plan to get there as
soon as possible, too. I finish this message hoping with all my heart that it
can touch the hearts of its readers and that they, all in their Feminine
potential, can help us spread this Light on the Terran surface. There are many
FEMININE GODS assuming their human forms, materializing on the planetary
surface and when it is my turn, I hope to meet you, Gabriel, and all who desire
it personally. WILL KNOW WHO I AM.
IONI-BI-AVIL, Unified Energy to the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDESS, expressing myself
through Gabriel Radius Lunar and calling on all Terrans to surrender in balance
through the anchoring of the energy of the MOTHER UNIVERSAL GODDESS. Honoring
those at my side, AKUN-BI-AVIL (Nuclear Specialist) and ALUN-BI-AVIL (Artistic
Motivator), in their balanced expressions of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDNESS AND
UNIVERSAL FATHER GODDNESS bid me farewell waiting for a new opportunity for
IONI-BI-AVIL, Unified Energy to the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDESS, expressing myself
through Gabriel Radius Lunar and calling on all Terrans to surrender in balance
through the anchoring of the energy of the MOTHER UNIVERSAL GODDESS. Honoring
those at my side, AKUN-BI-AVIL (Nuclear Specialist) and ALUN-BI-AVIL (Artistic
Motivator), in their balanced expressions of the UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDNESS AND
UNIVERSAL FATHER GODDNESS bid me farewell waiting for a new opportunity for
end transmission.
end transmission.
GLOSSARY in Portuguese here:, or in English here:
Channel: Gabriel Raio Lunar
See more of my channelings Here
English translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Cintia Liborio
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